Netzwerk_Neu_B1_Ch6_mode-german-example-to-english-example Flashcards
Sie verzichtet auf Zucker in ihrer Ernährung, um gesünder zu leben.
to do without, to renounce
(She renounces sugar in her diet in order to live healthier.)
Tips: The verb verzichten is used to express the action of renouncing or doing without something. It can be used in the context of giving up a habit, desire, or possession. It carries the connotation of a deliberate decision to go without something.
Similar: aufgeben (to give up, to surrender), entsagen (to renounce, to give up)
Er hat verzichtet, mit dem Rauchen aufzuhören, und bereut es jetzt.
to do without, to renounce
Sie verzichtet auf Zucker in ihrer Ernährung, um gesünder zu leben.
(He decided not to quit smoking and now regrets it.)
Tips: The verb verzichten is used to express the action of renouncing or doing without something. It can be used in the context of giving up a habit, desire, or possession. It carries the connotation of a deliberate decision to go without something.
Similar: aufgeben (to give up, to surrender), entsagen (to renounce, to give up)
Trotz des Regens verzichtete sie auf einen Regenschirm und ließ sich nass regnen.
to do without, to renounce
Sie verzichtet auf Zucker in ihrer Ernährung, um gesünder zu leben.
(Despite the rain, she did without an umbrella and let herself get wet.)
Tips: The verb verzichten is used to express the action of renouncing or doing without something. It can be used in the context of giving up a habit, desire, or possession. It carries the connotation of a deliberate decision to go without something.
Similar: aufgeben (to give up, to surrender), entsagen (to renounce, to give up)
Ich verzichte oft auf Süßigkeiten, um meine Zähne zu schützen.
to do without, to renounce
Sie verzichtet auf Zucker in ihrer Ernährung, um gesünder zu leben.
(I often do without sweets to protect my teeth.)
Tips: The verb verzichten is used to express the action of renouncing or doing without something. It can be used in the context of giving up a habit, desire, or possession. It carries the connotation of a deliberate decision to go without something.
Similar: aufgeben (to give up, to surrender), entsagen (to renounce, to give up)
Kannst du bitte den Aufzug aufhalten, ich komme gleich!
to stop, to hold up, to detain
(Can you please hold the elevator, I’m coming!)
Tips: The verb aufhalten is used to express the action of stopping, holding up, or detaining someone or something. It can be used in various contexts, from physically holding something to delaying an event or process. It is a useful verb for daily conversations and written texts.
Similar: stoppen (to stop), halten (to hold)
Die starken Regenfälle haben den Verkehr gestern aufgehalten.
to stop, to hold up, to detain
Kannst du bitte den Aufzug aufhalten, ich komme gleich!
(The heavy rains held up the traffic yesterday.)
Tips: The verb aufhalten is used to express the action of stopping, holding up, or detaining someone or something. It can be used in various contexts, from physically holding something to delaying an event or process. It is a useful verb for daily conversations and written texts.
Similar: stoppen (to stop), halten (to hold)
Sie hielt den Vortrag, obwohl sie nervös war.
to stop, to hold up, to detain
Kannst du bitte den Aufzug aufhalten, ich komme gleich!
(She gave the presentation even though she was nervous.)
Tips: The verb aufhalten is used to express the action of stopping, holding up, or detaining someone or something. It can be used in various contexts, from physically holding something to delaying an event or process. It is a useful verb for daily conversations and written texts.
Similar: stoppen (to stop), halten (to hold)
Ich habe mich in der Bibliothek aufgehalten, um zu lernen.
to stop, to hold up, to detain
Kannst du bitte den Aufzug aufhalten, ich komme gleich!
(I stayed in the library to study.)
Tips: The verb aufhalten is used to express the action of stopping, holding up, or detaining someone or something. It can be used in various contexts, from physically holding something to delaying an event or process. It is a useful verb for daily conversations and written texts.
Similar: stoppen (to stop), halten (to hold)
Trotz des Staus haben wir uns nicht aufhalten lassen und sind rechtzeitig angekommen.
to stop, to hold up, to detain
Kannst du bitte den Aufzug aufhalten, ich komme gleich!
(Despite the traffic jam, we didn’t let it hold us up and arrived on time.)
Tips: The verb aufhalten is used to express the action of stopping, holding up, or detaining someone or something. It can be used in various contexts, from physically holding something to delaying an event or process. It is a useful verb for daily conversations and written texts.
Similar: stoppen (to stop), halten (to hold)
Das voraussichtliche Datum für die Fertigstellung des Projekts ist der 15. Juni.
expected, presumably
(The expected date for the completion of the project is June 15th.)
Tips: The adverb ‘voraussichtlich’ is used to indicate something that is expected or presumed to happen in the future. It is often used in official or formal contexts, such as in project timelines, event schedules, or weather forecasts.
Similar: wahrscheinlich (likely), mutmaßlich (presumably)
Voraussichtlich wird das Konzert wegen des Wetters verschoben.
expected, presumably
Das voraussichtliche Datum für die Fertigstellung des Projekts ist der 15. Juni.
(Presumably, the concert will be postponed due to the weather.)
Tips: The adverb ‘voraussichtlich’ is used to indicate something that is expected or presumed to happen in the future. It is often used in official or formal contexts, such as in project timelines, event schedules, or weather forecasts.
Similar: wahrscheinlich (likely), mutmaßlich (presumably)
Ein lebenswertes Ziel ist es, die Welt zu bereisen und verschiedene Kulturen kennenzulernen.
worth living
(A worthwhile goal is to travel the world and experience different cultures.)
Tips: The adjective ‘lebenswert’ is used to describe something that is worth living or that enhances life. It’s commonly used to express the value and significance of experiences, goals, and aspects of life.
Für mich macht die Liebe das Leben lebenswert.
worth living
Ein lebenswertes Ziel ist es, die Welt zu bereisen und verschiedene Kulturen kennenzulernen.
(For me, love makes life worth living.)
Tips: The adjective ‘lebenswert’ is used to describe something that is worth living or that enhances life. It’s commonly used to express the value and significance of experiences, goals, and aspects of life.
Eine lebenswerte Stadt sollte gute Arbeitsmöglichkeiten und eine hohe Lebensqualität bieten.
worth living
Ein lebenswertes Ziel ist es, die Welt zu bereisen und verschiedene Kulturen kennenzulernen.
(A livable city should offer good job opportunities and a high quality of life.)
Tips: The adjective ‘lebenswert’ is used to describe something that is worth living or that enhances life. It’s commonly used to express the value and significance of experiences, goals, and aspects of life.
Die Prognose für das Wetter morgen ist Regen.
forecast, prognosis
(The forecast for the weather tomorrow is rain.)
Tips: The noun Prognose is used to refer to a forecast or prognosis, whether it’s related to weather, economics, health, or any other predictive context. It’s commonly used in formal and informal settings.
Die Prognosen der Experten deuten auf eine wirtschaftliche Verbesserung hin.
forecast, prognosis
Die Prognose für das Wetter morgen ist Regen.
(The experts’ prognoses indicate an economic improvement.)
Tips: The noun Prognose is used to refer to a forecast or prognosis, whether it’s related to weather, economics, health, or any other predictive context. It’s commonly used in formal and informal settings.
Die Prognose des Arztes für die Genesung des Patienten ist positiv.
forecast, prognosis
Die Prognose für das Wetter morgen ist Regen.
(The doctor’s prognosis for the patient’s recovery is positive.)
Tips: The noun Prognose is used to refer to a forecast or prognosis, whether it’s related to weather, economics, health, or any other predictive context. It’s commonly used in formal and informal settings.
Trotz der schlechten Prognose blieb er optimistisch.
forecast, prognosis
Die Prognose für das Wetter morgen ist Regen.
(Despite the poor forecast, he remained optimistic.)
Tips: The noun Prognose is used to refer to a forecast or prognosis, whether it’s related to weather, economics, health, or any other predictive context. It’s commonly used in formal and informal settings.
Die Prognosen erwiesen sich als zutreffend.
forecast, prognosis
Die Prognose für das Wetter morgen ist Regen.
(The forecasts proved to be accurate.)
Tips: The noun Prognose is used to refer to a forecast or prognosis, whether it’s related to weather, economics, health, or any other predictive context. It’s commonly used in formal and informal settings.
Die Regel hat normalerweise keine Ausnahmen.
Tips: The noun “Ausnahme” simply means “exception”. It is used to refer to something that deviates from the norm or a rule. It’s a common word in both formal and informal contexts.
Similar: Abweichung (deviation), Sonderfall (special case)
Er ist eine Ausnahme, die die Regel bestätigt.
Die Regel hat normalerweise keine Ausnahmen.
Tips: The noun “Ausnahme” simply means “exception”. It is used to refer to something that deviates from the norm or a rule. It’s a common word in both formal and informal contexts.
Similar: Abweichung (deviation), Sonderfall (special case)
Sie sorgt sich um ihre kranke Mutter.
to take care of, to worry
(She takes care of her sick mother.)
Tips: The verb sorgen can be used to express the action of taking care of something or someone, as well as to convey the feeling of worrying. It’s important to distinguish from the context whether the meaning is related to caring for or worrying about something. This verb is commonly used in everyday conversations and written texts.
Similar: kümmern (to care for, to look after), befürchten (to fear, to be afraid of)
Er sorgte für genug Essen für die Party.
to take care of, to worry
Sie sorgt sich um ihre kranke Mutter.
(He made sure there was enough food for the party.)
Tips: The verb sorgen can be used to express the action of taking care of something or someone, as well as to convey the feeling of worrying. It’s important to distinguish from the context whether the meaning is related to caring for or worrying about something. This verb is commonly used in everyday conversations and written texts.
Similar: kümmern (to care for, to look after), befürchten (to fear, to be afraid of)
Er hat gesorgt, dass alles rechtzeitig fertig wurde.
to take care of, to worry
Sie sorgt sich um ihre kranke Mutter.
(He made sure that everything was finished on time.)
Tips: The verb sorgen can be used to express the action of taking care of something or someone, as well as to convey the feeling of worrying. It’s important to distinguish from the context whether the meaning is related to caring for or worrying about something. This verb is commonly used in everyday conversations and written texts.
Similar: kümmern (to care for, to look after), befürchten (to fear, to be afraid of)
Sie sorgt sich immer um die Zukunft.
to take care of, to worry
Sie sorgt sich um ihre kranke Mutter.
(She always worries about the future.)
Tips: The verb sorgen can be used to express the action of taking care of something or someone, as well as to convey the feeling of worrying. It’s important to distinguish from the context whether the meaning is related to caring for or worrying about something. This verb is commonly used in everyday conversations and written texts.
Similar: kümmern (to care for, to look after), befürchten (to fear, to be afraid of)
Trotzdem sorgt sie dafür, dass ihre Freunde sich wohl fühlen.
to take care of, to worry
Sie sorgt sich um ihre kranke Mutter.
(Nevertheless, she makes sure that her friends feel comfortable.)
Tips: The verb sorgen can be used to express the action of taking care of something or someone, as well as to convey the feeling of worrying. It’s important to distinguish from the context whether the meaning is related to caring for or worrying about something. This verb is commonly used in everyday conversations and written texts.
Similar: kümmern (to care for, to look after), befürchten (to fear, to be afraid of)
Ein neuer Plan entsteht aus der Zusammenarbeit der beiden Teams.
to arise, to emerge, to develop
(A new plan arises from the collaboration of the two teams.)
Tips: The verb “entstehen” is used to describe the emergence or development of something, such as ideas, problems, technology, or discrepancies. It implies the process of something coming into existence or occurrence.
Das Problem entstand aufgrund mangelnder Kommunikation.
to arise, to emerge, to develop
Ein neuer Plan entsteht aus der Zusammenarbeit der beiden Teams.
(The problem arose due to lack of communication.)
Tips: The verb “entstehen” is used to describe the emergence or development of something, such as ideas, problems, technology, or discrepancies. It implies the process of something coming into existence or occurrence.
Eine neue Technologie ist entstanden und verändert die Art und Weise, wie wir arbeiten.
to arise, to emerge, to develop
Ein neuer Plan entsteht aus der Zusammenarbeit der beiden Teams.
(A new technology has emerged and is changing the way we work.)
Tips: The verb “entstehen” is used to describe the emergence or development of something, such as ideas, problems, technology, or discrepancies. It implies the process of something coming into existence or occurrence.
Aus der Diskussion entstehen oft kreative Ideen.
to arise, to emerge, to develop
Ein neuer Plan entsteht aus der Zusammenarbeit der beiden Teams.
(Creative ideas often develop from the discussion.)
Tips: The verb “entstehen” is used to describe the emergence or development of something, such as ideas, problems, technology, or discrepancies. It implies the process of something coming into existence or occurrence.
Die Unstimmigkeiten entstanden trotz sorgfältiger Planung.
to arise, to emerge, to develop
Ein neuer Plan entsteht aus der Zusammenarbeit der beiden Teams.
(The discrepancies arose despite careful planning.)
Tips: The verb “entstehen” is used to describe the emergence or development of something, such as ideas, problems, technology, or discrepancies. It implies the process of something coming into existence or occurrence.
Nach einer langen Arbeitswoche brauche ich etwas Erholung.
recovery, relaxation
(After a long week of work, I need some relaxation.)
Tips: The noun Erholung refers to the process of recovering or relaxing, especially after a period of stress or exertion. It is commonly used in the context of taking breaks, vacations, or engaging in activities that promote well-being and rejuvenation.
Similar: Entspannung, Regeneration
Die Erholung in der Natur tut mir immer gut.
recovery, relaxation
Nach einer langen Arbeitswoche brauche ich etwas Erholung.
(The recovery in nature always does me good.)
Tips: The noun Erholung refers to the process of recovering or relaxing, especially after a period of stress or exertion. It is commonly used in the context of taking breaks, vacations, or engaging in activities that promote well-being and rejuvenation.
Similar: Entspannung, Regeneration
Er konnte nach seiner Verletzung endlich wieder Erholung finden.
recovery, relaxation
Nach einer langen Arbeitswoche brauche ich etwas Erholung.
(After his injury, he could finally find recovery again.)
Tips: The noun Erholung refers to the process of recovering or relaxing, especially after a period of stress or exertion. It is commonly used in the context of taking breaks, vacations, or engaging in activities that promote well-being and rejuvenation.
Similar: Entspannung, Regeneration
Trotz des stressigen Alltags ist es wichtig, Zeit für Erholung zu finden.
recovery, relaxation
Nach einer langen Arbeitswoche brauche ich etwas Erholung.
(Despite the stressful everyday life, it is important to find time for relaxation.)
Tips: The noun Erholung refers to the process of recovering or relaxing, especially after a period of stress or exertion. It is commonly used in the context of taking breaks, vacations, or engaging in activities that promote well-being and rejuvenation.
Similar: Entspannung, Regeneration
Die Erholungen während des Urlaubs haben mir neue Energie gegeben.
recovery, relaxation
Nach einer langen Arbeitswoche brauche ich etwas Erholung.
(The relaxations during the vacation gave me new energy.)
Tips: The noun Erholung refers to the process of recovering or relaxing, especially after a period of stress or exertion. It is commonly used in the context of taking breaks, vacations, or engaging in activities that promote well-being and rejuvenation.
Similar: Entspannung, Regeneration
Ich habe gestern Deutsch gelernt, und du ebenfalls.
likewise, also, the same
(I learned German yesterday, and you did the same.)
Tips: The adverb ebenfalls is used to express a similar action or quality as the one mentioned before. It is commonly used to indicate agreement or similarity in a conversation.
Similar: auch (also), genauso (equally)
Sie ist ebenfalls sehr intelligent.
likewise, also, the same
Ich habe gestern Deutsch gelernt, und du ebenfalls.
(She is also very intelligent.)
Tips: The adverb ebenfalls is used to express a similar action or quality as the one mentioned before. It is commonly used to indicate agreement or similarity in a conversation.
Similar: auch (also), genauso (equally)
Er hat mir geholfen, und ich habe ebenfalls ihm geholfen.
likewise, also, the same
Ich habe gestern Deutsch gelernt, und du ebenfalls.
(He helped me, and I also helped him.)
Tips: The adverb ebenfalls is used to express a similar action or quality as the one mentioned before. It is commonly used to indicate agreement or similarity in a conversation.
Similar: auch (also), genauso (equally)
Die Fläche des Tisches ist aus Glas.
areas, surfaces
(The surface of the table is made of glass.)
Tips: The noun Fläche is used to refer to a specific area or surface. It is commonly used in contexts related to measurements, architecture, design, and geography.
Die Flächen der Wände sind sauber gestrichen.
areas, surfaces
Die Fläche des Tisches ist aus Glas.
(The areas of the walls are cleanly painted.)
Tips: The noun Fläche is used to refer to a specific area or surface. It is commonly used in contexts related to measurements, architecture, design, and geography.
Die Fläche des Sees beträgt 3 Quadratkilometer.
areas, surfaces
Die Fläche des Tisches ist aus Glas.
(The area of the lake is 3 square kilometers.)
Tips: The noun Fläche is used to refer to a specific area or surface. It is commonly used in contexts related to measurements, architecture, design, and geography.
Die Architekten planen die Flächen des Gebäudes.
areas, surfaces
Die Fläche des Tisches ist aus Glas.
(The architects are planning the surfaces of the building.)
Tips: The noun Fläche is used to refer to a specific area or surface. It is commonly used in contexts related to measurements, architecture, design, and geography.
Die Flächen der Gemälde im Museum sind beeindruckend.
areas, surfaces
Die Fläche des Tisches ist aus Glas.
(The areas of the paintings in the museum are impressive.)
Tips: The noun Fläche is used to refer to a specific area or surface. It is commonly used in contexts related to measurements, architecture, design, and geography.
Die Sonne scheint über dem Dach.
(The sun is shining over the roof.)
Tips: The noun “Dach” refers to the structure that covers the top of a building. It’s a neutral noun, and its plural form is “die Dächer”. When speaking about the roof of a particular building, the genitive form can be used, for example, “das Dach des Hauses” (the roof of the house).
Die Dächer der Häuser waren mit Schnee bedeckt.
Die Sonne scheint über dem Dach.
(The roofs of the houses were covered with snow.)
Tips: The noun “Dach” refers to the structure that covers the top of a building. It’s a neutral noun, and its plural form is “die Dächer”. When speaking about the roof of a particular building, the genitive form can be used, for example, “das Dach des Hauses” (the roof of the house).
Von hier aus haben wir einen schönen Blick über die Dächer der Stadt.
Die Sonne scheint über dem Dach.
(From here, we have a beautiful view over the roofs of the city.)
Tips: The noun “Dach” refers to the structure that covers the top of a building. It’s a neutral noun, and its plural form is “die Dächer”. When speaking about the roof of a particular building, the genitive form can be used, for example, “das Dach des Hauses” (the roof of the house).
Insgeamt haben wir eine gute Leistung gezeigt.
in total, overall
(Overall, we have shown a good performance.)
Tips: The adverb ‘insgesamt’ is used to express an overview or summary of a situation. It is often used to give an overall assessment or to sum up a series of events.
Similar: generell (in general), grundsätzlich (basically)
Insgeamt gesehen war es ein erfolgreicher Tag.
in total, overall
Insgeamt haben wir eine gute Leistung gezeigt.
(In total, it was a successful day.)
Tips: The adverb ‘insgesamt’ is used to express an overview or summary of a situation. It is often used to give an overall assessment or to sum up a series of events.
Similar: generell (in general), grundsätzlich (basically)
Die Verstädterung hat in den letzten Jahrzehnten stark zugenommen.
(Urbanization has increased significantly in the last decades.)
Tips: The term Verstädterung refers to the process of urbanization, the growth and expansion of cities. It is commonly used in discussions about population movement, infrastructure development, and the impact of urban living.
Trotz der Verstädterung gibt es immer noch viele ländliche Gebiete.
Die Verstädterung hat in den letzten Jahrzehnten stark zugenommen.
(Despite urbanization, there are still many rural areas.)
Tips: The term Verstädterung refers to the process of urbanization, the growth and expansion of cities. It is commonly used in discussions about population movement, infrastructure development, and the impact of urban living.
Die Landflucht hat zur Überbevölkerung in den Städten geführt.
rural exodus
(The rural exodus has led to overpopulation in the cities.)
Tips: The term Landflucht refers to the migration of people from rural areas to urban areas. It is a significant social and demographic phenomenon, often associated with industrialization and modernization. This concept is particularly relevant when discussing the challenges and changes in rural and urban communities.
Similar: städtische Migration, ländliche Abwanderung
Trotz der Landflucht gibt es immer noch idyllische Dörfer auf dem Land.
rural exodus
Die Landflucht hat zur Überbevölkerung in den Städten geführt.
(Despite the rural exodus, there are still idyllic villages in the countryside.)
Tips: The term Landflucht refers to the migration of people from rural areas to urban areas. It is a significant social and demographic phenomenon, often associated with industrialization and modernization. This concept is particularly relevant when discussing the challenges and changes in rural and urban communities.
Similar: städtische Migration, ländliche Abwanderung
Sie verbessert ihr Deutsch, indem sie täglich übt.
to improve
(She improves her German by practicing every day.)
Tips: The verb verbessern is used to indicate the action of improving or enhancing something. It can refer to the improvement of skills, products, situations, or conditions. It is a versatile verb commonly used in both formal and informal contexts.
Similar: optimieren (to optimize), aufbessern (to touch up, to improve)
Er hat die Fehler in seinem Aufsatz verbessert.
to improve
Sie verbessert ihr Deutsch, indem sie täglich übt.
(He corrected the mistakes in his essay.)
Tips: The verb verbessern is used to indicate the action of improving or enhancing something. It can refer to the improvement of skills, products, situations, or conditions. It is a versatile verb commonly used in both formal and informal contexts.
Similar: optimieren (to optimize), aufbessern (to touch up, to improve)
Die Firma hat ihre Produkte ständig verbessert, um die Kundenzufriedenheit zu steigern.
to improve
Sie verbessert ihr Deutsch, indem sie täglich übt.
(The company has continually improved its products to increase customer satisfaction.)
Tips: The verb verbessern is used to indicate the action of improving or enhancing something. It can refer to the improvement of skills, products, situations, or conditions. It is a versatile verb commonly used in both formal and informal contexts.
Similar: optimieren (to optimize), aufbessern (to touch up, to improve)
Ich verbesserte meine Noten, indem ich mehr Zeit in das Lernen investierte.
to improve
Sie verbessert ihr Deutsch, indem sie täglich übt.
(I improved my grades by investing more time in studying.)
Tips: The verb verbessern is used to indicate the action of improving or enhancing something. It can refer to the improvement of skills, products, situations, or conditions. It is a versatile verb commonly used in both formal and informal contexts.
Similar: optimieren (to optimize), aufbessern (to touch up, to improve)
Obwohl das Wetter schlecht war, hat sich die Stimmung im Raum verbessert.
to improve
Sie verbessert ihr Deutsch, indem sie täglich übt.
(Although the weather was bad, the mood in the room improved.)
Tips: The verb verbessern is used to indicate the action of improving or enhancing something. It can refer to the improvement of skills, products, situations, or conditions. It is a versatile verb commonly used in both formal and informal contexts.
Similar: optimieren (to optimize), aufbessern (to touch up, to improve)
Sie sprachen gleichzeitig, während sie die Präsentation vorbereiteten.
simultaneously, at the same time
(They were speaking simultaneously while preparing the presentation.)
Tips: The adverb gleichzeitig is used to indicate that two or more actions or events are happening at the same time. It’s a useful word to highlight simultaneous activities or occurrences.
Similar: zeitgleich (simultaneous), parallel (parallel)
Er konnte nicht gleichzeitig essen und telefonieren.
simultaneously, at the same time
Sie sprachen gleichzeitig, während sie die Präsentation vorbereiteten.
(He couldn’t eat and talk on the phone at the same time.)
Tips: The adverb gleichzeitig is used to indicate that two or more actions or events are happening at the same time. It’s a useful word to highlight simultaneous activities or occurrences.
Similar: zeitgleich (simultaneous), parallel (parallel)
Die beiden Veranstaltungen fanden gleichzeitig statt, was zu Verwirrung führte.
simultaneously, at the same time
Sie sprachen gleichzeitig, während sie die Präsentation vorbereiteten.
(The two events took place simultaneously, leading to confusion.)
Tips: The adverb gleichzeitig is used to indicate that two or more actions or events are happening at the same time. It’s a useful word to highlight simultaneous activities or occurrences.
Similar: zeitgleich (simultaneous), parallel (parallel)
Obwohl sie gleichzeitig arbeiteten, hatten sie unterschiedliche Aufgaben.
simultaneously, at the same time
Sie sprachen gleichzeitig, während sie die Präsentation vorbereiteten.
(Even though they worked at the same time, they had different tasks.)
Tips: The adverb gleichzeitig is used to indicate that two or more actions or events are happening at the same time. It’s a useful word to highlight simultaneous activities or occurrences.
Similar: zeitgleich (simultaneous), parallel (parallel)
Wir gehen heute Abend aus, um zu feiern.
to go out
(We are going out tonight to celebrate.)
Tips: The verb ausgehen is used to indicate the action of going out, whether for leisure, social activities, or any other purpose. It can also imply leaving a place. This verb is separable, and the prefix “aus” is separated in the perfect form, for example, “Sie ist gestern Abend ausgegangen.”
Similar: hinausgehen (to go outside), weggehen (to leave)
Sie ging gestern Abend aus und kam erst spät nach Hause.
to go out
Wir gehen heute Abend aus, um zu feiern.
(She went out last night and didn’t come home until late.)
Tips: The verb ausgehen is used to indicate the action of going out, whether for leisure, social activities, or any other purpose. It can also imply leaving a place. This verb is separable, and the prefix “aus” is separated in the perfect form, for example, “Sie ist gestern Abend ausgegangen.”
Similar: hinausgehen (to go outside), weggehen (to leave)
Ich bin am Wochenende nicht ausgegangen, weil ich krank war.
to go out
Wir gehen heute Abend aus, um zu feiern.
(I didn’t go out on the weekend because I was sick.)
Tips: The verb ausgehen is used to indicate the action of going out, whether for leisure, social activities, or any other purpose. It can also imply leaving a place. This verb is separable, and the prefix “aus” is separated in the perfect form, for example, “Sie ist gestern Abend ausgegangen.”
Similar: hinausgehen (to go outside), weggehen (to leave)
Trotz des Regens geht er aus.
to go out
Wir gehen heute Abend aus, um zu feiern.
(Despite the rain, he is going out.)
Tips: The verb ausgehen is used to indicate the action of going out, whether for leisure, social activities, or any other purpose. It can also imply leaving a place. This verb is separable, and the prefix “aus” is separated in the perfect form, for example, “Sie ist gestern Abend ausgegangen.”
Similar: hinausgehen (to go outside), weggehen (to leave)
Wenn das Wetter schön ist, gehen wir aus spazieren.
to go out
Wir gehen heute Abend aus, um zu feiern.
(When the weather is nice, we go out for a walk.)
Tips: The verb ausgehen is used to indicate the action of going out, whether for leisure, social activities, or any other purpose. It can also imply leaving a place. This verb is separable, and the prefix “aus” is separated in the perfect form, for example, “Sie ist gestern Abend ausgegangen.”
Similar: hinausgehen (to go outside), weggehen (to leave)
Die Antwort lautet Ja.
to sound
(The answer is yes.)
Tips: The verb lauten is commonly used to express the content of a statement or the wording of a message. It is often used in formal contexts, such as official statements, rules, or announcements.
Similar: klingen (to sound, to ring), schallen (to resound, to echo)
Sein Name lautet Peter Müller.
to sound
Die Antwort lautet Ja.
(His name is Peter Müller.)
Tips: The verb lauten is commonly used to express the content of a statement or the wording of a message. It is often used in formal contexts, such as official statements, rules, or announcements.
Similar: klingen (to sound, to ring), schallen (to resound, to echo)
Die Glocke hat gelautet, um das Ende der Unterrichtsstunde anzuzeigen.
to sound
Die Antwort lautet Ja.
(The bell rang to indicate the end of the class.)
Tips: The verb lauten is commonly used to express the content of a statement or the wording of a message. It is often used in formal contexts, such as official statements, rules, or announcements.
Similar: klingen (to sound, to ring), schallen (to resound, to echo)
Die Regel lautete, dass alle Schüler ihre Hausaufgaben pünktlich abgeben mussten.
to sound
Die Antwort lautet Ja.
(The rule was that all students had to submit their homework on time.)
Tips: The verb lauten is commonly used to express the content of a statement or the wording of a message. It is often used in formal contexts, such as official statements, rules, or announcements.
Similar: klingen (to sound, to ring), schallen (to resound, to echo)
Die Durchsage hat gelautet, dass der Zug Verspätung hat.
to sound
Die Antwort lautet Ja.
(The announcement was that the train is delayed.)
Tips: The verb lauten is commonly used to express the content of a statement or the wording of a message. It is often used in formal contexts, such as official statements, rules, or announcements.
Similar: klingen (to sound, to ring), schallen (to resound, to echo)
Vielleicht können wir uns irgendwann treffen, wenn es dir passt.
sometime, someday
(Maybe we can meet sometime if it suits you.)
Tips: The adverb irgendwann is used to refer to an unspecified point in time in the future. It is often used to express the idea of an indefinite or undetermined time, conveying the sense of ‘sometime’ or ‘someday’. It’s a versatile adverb commonly used in everyday speech.
Similar: manchmal (sometimes), gelegentlich (occasionally)
Er will irgendwann nach Deutschland reisen, um seine Verwandten zu besuchen.
sometime, someday
Vielleicht können wir uns irgendwann treffen, wenn es dir passt.
(He wants to travel to Germany someday to visit his relatives.)
Tips: The adverb irgendwann is used to refer to an unspecified point in time in the future. It is often used to express the idea of an indefinite or undetermined time, conveying the sense of ‘sometime’ or ‘someday’. It’s a versatile adverb commonly used in everyday speech.
Similar: manchmal (sometimes), gelegentlich (occasionally)
Es könnte eventuell morgen regnen.
possibly, perhaps, maybe
Tips: The adverb eventuell is used to express a possibility or uncertainty. It is commonly used in everyday speech to indicate that something may or may not happen.
Similar: vielleicht (perhaps, maybe)
Wir werden eventuell etwas später ankommen.
possibly, perhaps, maybe
Es könnte eventuell morgen regnen.
Tips: The adverb eventuell is used to express a possibility or uncertainty. It is commonly used in everyday speech to indicate that something may or may not happen.
Similar: vielleicht (perhaps, maybe)
Es wird möglicherweise morgen regnen.
possibly, perhaps
Tips: The adverb ‘möglicherweise’ is used to express uncertainty or possibility. It is often used to indicate that something may happen or be true, without being completely certain. Similar to the English ‘possibly’ or ‘perhaps’.
Similar: vielleicht (perhaps, maybe)
Möglicherweise hat sie den Termin vergessen.
possibly, perhaps
Es wird möglicherweise morgen regnen.
Tips: The adverb ‘möglicherweise’ is used to express uncertainty or possibility. It is often used to indicate that something may happen or be true, without being completely certain. Similar to the English ‘possibly’ or ‘perhaps’.
Similar: vielleicht (perhaps, maybe)
Möglicherweise können wir das Problem gemeinsam lösen.
possibly, perhaps
Es wird möglicherweise morgen regnen.
Tips: The adverb ‘möglicherweise’ is used to express uncertainty or possibility. It is often used to indicate that something may happen or be true, without being completely certain. Similar to the English ‘possibly’ or ‘perhaps’.
Similar: vielleicht (perhaps, maybe)
Er hat längst verstanden, dass es wichtig ist, regelmäßig zu üben.
long ago, by far
(He understood a long time ago that it is important to practice regularly.)
Tips: The adverb ‘längst’ is used to express that something has happened or been understood a long time ago. It can also be used to emphasize that something is by far not as expected.
Das ist längst passiert, also lass uns nicht mehr darüber sprechen.
long ago, by far
Er hat längst verstanden, dass es wichtig ist, regelmäßig zu üben.
(That happened a long time ago, so let’s not talk about it anymore.)
Tips: The adverb ‘längst’ is used to express that something has happened or been understood a long time ago. It can also be used to emphasize that something is by far not as expected.
Sie ist längst nicht so müde wie gestern.
long ago, by far
Er hat längst verstanden, dass es wichtig ist, regelmäßig zu üben.
(She is by far not as tired as yesterday.)
Tips: The adverb ‘längst’ is used to express that something has happened or been understood a long time ago. It can also be used to emphasize that something is by far not as expected.
Er sabotiert die Bemühungen des Teams, indem er wichtige Informationen zurückhält.
to sabotage
(He sabotages the team’s efforts by withholding crucial information.)
Tips: The verb sabotieren is used to describe the deliberate actions of undermining or obstructing something, often for personal or political reasons. It is commonly used in formal and informal contexts to express the act of sabotage.
Similar: behindern (to hinder, obstruct), stören (to disturb, disrupt)
Sie haben die Maschinen sabotiert, um zu verhindern, dass die Produktion weiterläuft.
to sabotage
Er sabotiert die Bemühungen des Teams, indem er wichtige Informationen zurückhält.
(They sabotaged the machines to prevent the production from continuing.)
Tips: The verb sabotieren is used to describe the deliberate actions of undermining or obstructing something, often for personal or political reasons. It is commonly used in formal and informal contexts to express the act of sabotage.
Similar: behindern (to hinder, obstruct), stören (to disturb, disrupt)
Die Gegner haben den Friedensprozess sabotiert, indem sie neue Bedingungen gestellt haben.
to sabotage
Er sabotiert die Bemühungen des Teams, indem er wichtige Informationen zurückhält.
(The opponents sabotaged the peace process by imposing new conditions.)
Tips: The verb sabotieren is used to describe the deliberate actions of undermining or obstructing something, often for personal or political reasons. It is commonly used in formal and informal contexts to express the act of sabotage.
Similar: behindern (to hinder, obstruct), stören (to disturb, disrupt)
Trotzdem sabotiert er die Pläne seines Chefs aus persönlichen Gründen.
to sabotage
Er sabotiert die Bemühungen des Teams, indem er wichtige Informationen zurückhält.
(Nevertheless, he sabotages his boss’s plans for personal reasons.)
Tips: The verb sabotieren is used to describe the deliberate actions of undermining or obstructing something, often for personal or political reasons. It is commonly used in formal and informal contexts to express the act of sabotage.
Similar: behindern (to hinder, obstruct), stören (to disturb, disrupt)
Meine Großeltern leben in einem modernen Altenheim in der Nähe.
nursing home
(My grandparents live in a modern nursing home nearby.)
Tips: The term Altenheim refers to a facility where elderly people who require assistance with daily activities and medical care can reside. It is a common term in German society and is used to describe institutions that cater to the needs of the elderly. When discussing the care of elderly individuals, Altenheim is often used in a respectful and formal manner.
Das Altenheim bietet verschiedene Aktivitäten und Betreuung für die Bewohner an.
nursing home
Meine Großeltern leben in einem modernen Altenheim in der Nähe.
(The nursing home offers various activities and care for the residents.)
Tips: The term Altenheim refers to a facility where elderly people who require assistance with daily activities and medical care can reside. It is a common term in German society and is used to describe institutions that cater to the needs of the elderly. When discussing the care of elderly individuals, Altenheim is often used in a respectful and formal manner.
In der Fußgängerzone gibt es viele Geschäfte und Cafés.
pedestrian zone
(There are many shops and cafes in the pedestrian zone.)
Tips: The term Fußgängerzone refers to an area in a city or town where vehicles are not allowed and pedestrians can walk freely. These zones are often lined with shops, cafes, and other attractions, making them popular places for leisurely strolls and shopping. In many cities, the creation of pedestrian zones aims to reduce traffic and pollution while promoting a more pedestrian-friendly environment.
Die Fußgängerzonen sind in vielen Städten sehr beliebt.
pedestrian zone
In der Fußgängerzone gibt es viele Geschäfte und Cafés.
(Pedestrian zones are very popular in many cities.)
Tips: The term Fußgängerzone refers to an area in a city or town where vehicles are not allowed and pedestrians can walk freely. These zones are often lined with shops, cafes, and other attractions, making them popular places for leisurely strolls and shopping. In many cities, the creation of pedestrian zones aims to reduce traffic and pollution while promoting a more pedestrian-friendly environment.
Man kann die Schönheit der Stadt am besten zu Fuß in der Fußgängerzone genießen.
pedestrian zone
In der Fußgängerzone gibt es viele Geschäfte und Cafés.
(The beauty of the city can be best enjoyed on foot in the pedestrian zone.)
Tips: The term Fußgängerzone refers to an area in a city or town where vehicles are not allowed and pedestrians can walk freely. These zones are often lined with shops, cafes, and other attractions, making them popular places for leisurely strolls and shopping. In many cities, the creation of pedestrian zones aims to reduce traffic and pollution while promoting a more pedestrian-friendly environment.
Im Winter bevorzuge ich das Hallenbad dem Freibad.
indoor swimming pool
(In winter, I prefer the indoor swimming pool to the outdoor one.)
Tips: The word Hallenbad refers to an indoor swimming pool, often found in sports facilities or leisure centers. It’s used in both formal and informal contexts and is a common term in German-speaking countries.
Das Hallenbad ist wegen Renovierungsarbeiten vorübergehend geschlossen.
indoor swimming pool
Im Winter bevorzuge ich das Hallenbad dem Freibad.
(The indoor swimming pool is temporarily closed due to renovation work.)
Tips: The word Hallenbad refers to an indoor swimming pool, often found in sports facilities or leisure centers. It’s used in both formal and informal contexts and is a common term in German-speaking countries.
Meine Schwester geht dreimal pro Woche ins Hallenbad, um zu schwimmen.
indoor swimming pool
Im Winter bevorzuge ich das Hallenbad dem Freibad.
(My sister goes to the indoor swimming pool three times a week to swim.)
Tips: The word Hallenbad refers to an indoor swimming pool, often found in sports facilities or leisure centers. It’s used in both formal and informal contexts and is a common term in German-speaking countries.
Im Hallenbad sind Schwimmkurse für Kinder und Erwachsene im Angebot.
indoor swimming pool
Im Winter bevorzuge ich das Hallenbad dem Freibad.
(Swimming classes for children and adults are offered at the indoor swimming pool.)
Tips: The word Hallenbad refers to an indoor swimming pool, often found in sports facilities or leisure centers. It’s used in both formal and informal contexts and is a common term in German-speaking countries.
Ich habe einen Deutschkurs an der Volkshochschule besucht.
adult education center
Tips: The term Volkshochschule refers to an adult education center that offers a wide range of courses, from languages to arts and crafts. It is commonly abbreviated as VHS. These institutions are open to everyone and aim to provide lifelong learning opportunities for personal and professional development.
Die Volkshochschulen bieten eine Vielzahl von Kursen an, von Sprachkursen bis zu kreativen Workshops.
adult education center
Ich habe einen Deutschkurs an der Volkshochschule besucht.
Tips: The term Volkshochschule refers to an adult education center that offers a wide range of courses, from languages to arts and crafts. It is commonly abbreviated as VHS. These institutions are open to everyone and aim to provide lifelong learning opportunities for personal and professional development.
An manchen Volkshochschulen kann man auch Kurse für Kochen oder Fotografie besuchen.
adult education center
Ich habe einen Deutschkurs an der Volkshochschule besucht.
Tips: The term Volkshochschule refers to an adult education center that offers a wide range of courses, from languages to arts and crafts. It is commonly abbreviated as VHS. These institutions are open to everyone and aim to provide lifelong learning opportunities for personal and professional development.
Unser Stadtviertel ist sehr lebendig und multikulturell.
neighborhood, district
(Our neighborhood is very lively and multicultural.)
Tips: The noun “Stadtviertel” refers to a specific district or neighborhood within a city. It is commonly used to describe different areas of a city, each with its own characteristics and atmosphere. When talking about a specific neighborhood, you can use the definite article to refer to it, for example: “Das Stadtviertel, in dem ich wohne, hat viele kleine Geschäfte.” (The neighborhood where I live has many small shops.)
Ich wohne in einem ruhigen Stadtviertel.
neighborhood, district
Unser Stadtviertel ist sehr lebendig und multikulturell.
(I live in a quiet district.)
Tips: The noun “Stadtviertel” refers to a specific district or neighborhood within a city. It is commonly used to describe different areas of a city, each with its own characteristics and atmosphere. When talking about a specific neighborhood, you can use the definite article to refer to it, for example: “Das Stadtviertel, in dem ich wohne, hat viele kleine Geschäfte.” (The neighborhood where I live has many small shops.)
Das historische Stadtviertel ist für seine schönen alten Gebäude bekannt.
neighborhood, district
Unser Stadtviertel ist sehr lebendig und multikulturell.
(The historic neighborhood is known for its beautiful old buildings.)
Tips: The noun “Stadtviertel” refers to a specific district or neighborhood within a city. It is commonly used to describe different areas of a city, each with its own characteristics and atmosphere. When talking about a specific neighborhood, you can use the definite article to refer to it, for example: “Das Stadtviertel, in dem ich wohne, hat viele kleine Geschäfte.” (The neighborhood where I live has many small shops.)
Die Wohnanlage bietet viele Annehmlichkeiten wie einen Gemeinschaftspool und einen Fitnessraum.
residential complex
Tips: Wohnanlage refers to a residential complex or housing estate, typically consisting of multiple buildings and shared facilities. It’s a common term when referring to modern apartment complexes or housing developments.
Similar: Wohnsiedlung (residential settlement), Wohnkomplex (housing complex)
In unserer Wohnanlage gibt es einen schönen Gemeinschaftsgarten.
residential complex
Die Wohnanlage bietet viele Annehmlichkeiten wie einen Gemeinschaftspool und einen Fitnessraum.
Tips: Wohnanlage refers to a residential complex or housing estate, typically consisting of multiple buildings and shared facilities. It’s a common term when referring to modern apartment complexes or housing developments.
Similar: Wohnsiedlung (residential settlement), Wohnkomplex (housing complex)
Die Wohnanlagen in der Stadt sind oft modern und gut ausgestattet.
residential complex
Die Wohnanlage bietet viele Annehmlichkeiten wie einen Gemeinschaftspool und einen Fitnessraum.
Tips: Wohnanlage refers to a residential complex or housing estate, typically consisting of multiple buildings and shared facilities. It’s a common term when referring to modern apartment complexes or housing developments.
Similar: Wohnsiedlung (residential settlement), Wohnkomplex (housing complex)
In der Großstadt ist der Wohnraum oft knapp und teuer.
living space
Tips: The term Wohnraum refers to the space used for living, such as living rooms, bedrooms, and any other areas within a residence where people live and spend time. It is often used in the context of real estate, urban planning, and discussions about housing availability and quality.
Similar: Wohnung (apartment), Haus (house)
Der Wohnraum sollte schön und gemütlich gestaltet sein.
living space
In der Großstadt ist der Wohnraum oft knapp und teuer.
Tips: The term Wohnraum refers to the space used for living, such as living rooms, bedrooms, and any other areas within a residence where people live and spend time. It is often used in the context of real estate, urban planning, and discussions about housing availability and quality.
Similar: Wohnung (apartment), Haus (house)
Es ist wichtig, genügend Wohnraum für eine Familie zu haben.
living space
In der Großstadt ist der Wohnraum oft knapp und teuer.
Tips: The term Wohnraum refers to the space used for living, such as living rooms, bedrooms, and any other areas within a residence where people live and spend time. It is often used in the context of real estate, urban planning, and discussions about housing availability and quality.
Similar: Wohnung (apartment), Haus (house)
Die Firma bietet eine breite Palette von Dienstleistungen an.
service, services
Tips: The noun Dienstleistung refers to a service or services provided, typically in a professional or commercial context. It is commonly used in the business world and when discussing customer service.
Similar: Service, Leistung
Bei dieser Bank sind die Dienstleistungen kundenorientiert.
service, services
Die Firma bietet eine breite Palette von Dienstleistungen an.
Tips: The noun Dienstleistung refers to a service or services provided, typically in a professional or commercial context. It is commonly used in the business world and when discussing customer service.
Similar: Service, Leistung
Die Qualität der angebotenen Dienstleistungen ist entscheidend.
service, services
Die Firma bietet eine breite Palette von Dienstleistungen an.
Tips: The noun Dienstleistung refers to a service or services provided, typically in a professional or commercial context. It is commonly used in the business world and when discussing customer service.
Similar: Service, Leistung
Die Lebensqualität in dieser Stadt ist sehr hoch, wegen der vielen Grünflächen und kulturellen Angebote.
quality of life
(The quality of life in this city is very high, due to the many green areas and cultural offerings.)
Tips: The noun Lebensqualität refers to the overall well-being and satisfaction that individuals experience in their lives. It encompasses factors such as health, happiness, housing, education, and environment. It is a key concept in discussions about societal development and individual happiness.
Trotzdem hat sie eine gute Lebensqualität, obwohl sie in einer kleinen Stadt lebt.
quality of life
Die Lebensqualität in dieser Stadt ist sehr hoch, wegen der vielen Grünflächen und kulturellen Angebote.
(Nevertheless, she has a good quality of life, even though she lives in a small town.)
Tips: The noun Lebensqualität refers to the overall well-being and satisfaction that individuals experience in their lives. It encompasses factors such as health, happiness, housing, education, and environment. It is a key concept in discussions about societal development and individual happiness.
Die Lebensqualitäten der verschiedenen Länder können sehr unterschiedlich sein.
quality of life
Die Lebensqualität in dieser Stadt ist sehr hoch, wegen der vielen Grünflächen und kulturellen Angebote.
(The qualities of life in different countries can be very different.)
Tips: The noun Lebensqualität refers to the overall well-being and satisfaction that individuals experience in their lives. It encompasses factors such as health, happiness, housing, education, and environment. It is a key concept in discussions about societal development and individual happiness.
Die Solarzelle wandelt Sonnenenergie in elektrische Energie um.
solar cell
(The solar cell converts solar energy into electrical energy.)
Tips: The term Solarzelle refers to the fundamental component of a solar panel that converts sunlight into electricity. It’s a key word when discussing renewable energy and sustainable technology.
Viele Menschen installieren Solarzellen auf ihren Dächern, um umweltfreundlichen Strom zu erzeugen.
solar cell
Die Solarzelle wandelt Sonnenenergie in elektrische Energie um.
(Many people install solar cells on their roofs to generate environmentally friendly electricity.)
Tips: The term Solarzelle refers to the fundamental component of a solar panel that converts sunlight into electricity. It’s a key word when discussing renewable energy and sustainable technology.
Mein Arbeitsort ist in der Innenstadt.
(My workplace is in the city center.)
Tips: The noun Arbeitsort refers to the physical location where a person works, such as an office, a factory, a store, etc. It is a common term used in professional and everyday contexts.
Sie sucht einen neuen Arbeitsort in der Nähe ihres Wohnorts.
Mein Arbeitsort ist in der Innenstadt.
(She is looking for a new workplace near her place of residence.)
Tips: The noun Arbeitsort refers to the physical location where a person works, such as an office, a factory, a store, etc. It is a common term used in professional and everyday contexts.
Der Arbeitsort beeinflusst oft die Lebensqualität.
Mein Arbeitsort ist in der Innenstadt.
(The workplace often influences the quality of life.)
Tips: The noun Arbeitsort refers to the physical location where a person works, such as an office, a factory, a store, etc. It is a common term used in professional and everyday contexts.
Sie kaufte jedes Teil einzeln, um sicherzustellen, dass es perfekt war.
single, individual
(She bought each item individually to make sure it was perfect.)
Tips: The adjective ‘einzeln’ is used to describe something as single or individual. It can be used for objects, people, or actions. It’s commonly used in everyday language and is essential for describing separate or distinct entities.
Similar: einzelne (individual, particular), einzig (single, sole)
Der Professor hat jedem Schüler einzeln Feedback gegeben.
single, individual
Sie kaufte jedes Teil einzeln, um sicherzustellen, dass es perfekt war.
(The professor gave individual feedback to each student.)
Tips: The adjective ‘einzeln’ is used to describe something as single or individual. It can be used for objects, people, or actions. It’s commonly used in everyday language and is essential for describing separate or distinct entities.
Similar: einzelne (individual, particular), einzig (single, sole)
Hamburg ist eine bedeutende Handelsstadt in Deutschland.
trading city
Tips: The term Handelsstadt refers to a city that is known for its commercial activities and has historically played a significant role in trade. These cities often have well-developed infrastructure and historically important marketplaces. The term is used to highlight the economic and commercial importance of a city.
Viele historische Handelsstädte haben gut erhaltene Altstädte.
trading city
Hamburg ist eine bedeutende Handelsstadt in Deutschland.
Tips: The term Handelsstadt refers to a city that is known for its commercial activities and has historically played a significant role in trade. These cities often have well-developed infrastructure and historically important marketplaces. The term is used to highlight the economic and commercial importance of a city.
Die Vorfreude auf den Urlaub ist oft genauso schön wie der Urlaub selbst.
anticipation, joyful anticipation
Tips: The noun Vorfreude refers to the joyful anticipation of something positive that is about to happen. It conveys the excitement and positive emotions associated with looking forward to a future event. The word is often used in the context of upcoming holidays, celebrations, or special occasions.
Similar: Erwartung (expectation), Freude (joy)
Trotz des Regens konnte sie ihre Vorfreude auf das Konzert nicht verbergen.
anticipation, joyful anticipation
Die Vorfreude auf den Urlaub ist oft genauso schön wie der Urlaub selbst.
Tips: The noun Vorfreude refers to the joyful anticipation of something positive that is about to happen. It conveys the excitement and positive emotions associated with looking forward to a future event. The word is often used in the context of upcoming holidays, celebrations, or special occasions.
Similar: Erwartung (expectation), Freude (joy)
Die Vorfreuden auf das bevorstehende Fest waren bei allen Gästen spürbar.
anticipation, joyful anticipation
Die Vorfreude auf den Urlaub ist oft genauso schön wie der Urlaub selbst.
Tips: The noun Vorfreude refers to the joyful anticipation of something positive that is about to happen. It conveys the excitement and positive emotions associated with looking forward to a future event. The word is often used in the context of upcoming holidays, celebrations, or special occasions.
Similar: Erwartung (expectation), Freude (joy)
Seine Vorfreude auf das Wiedersehen mit seinen Eltern war riesig.
anticipation, joyful anticipation
Die Vorfreude auf den Urlaub ist oft genauso schön wie der Urlaub selbst.
Tips: The noun Vorfreude refers to the joyful anticipation of something positive that is about to happen. It conveys the excitement and positive emotions associated with looking forward to a future event. The word is often used in the context of upcoming holidays, celebrations, or special occasions.
Similar: Erwartung (expectation), Freude (joy)
Die Vorfreude auf das Weihnachtsfest ist bei vielen Menschen besonders groß.
anticipation, joyful anticipation
Die Vorfreude auf den Urlaub ist oft genauso schön wie der Urlaub selbst.
Tips: The noun Vorfreude refers to the joyful anticipation of something positive that is about to happen. It conveys the excitement and positive emotions associated with looking forward to a future event. The word is often used in the context of upcoming holidays, celebrations, or special occasions.
Similar: Erwartung (expectation), Freude (joy)
Die Erklärung war sehr verständlich, deshalb konnten alle Schüler das Problem lösen.
understandable, comprehensible
(The explanation was very understandable, therefore all students were able to solve the problem.)
Tips: The adjective verständlich is used to describe something that is easy to understand or comprehend. It is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts. When explaining something, it’s important to make sure the information provided is verständlich for the audience.
Similar: nachvollziehbar (comprehensible, understandable), klar (clear), eindeutig (clear, unambiguous)
Es ist verständlich, dass du enttäuscht bist.
understandable, comprehensible
Die Erklärung war sehr verständlich, deshalb konnten alle Schüler das Problem lösen.
(It is understandable that you are disappointed.)
Tips: The adjective verständlich is used to describe something that is easy to understand or comprehend. It is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts. When explaining something, it’s important to make sure the information provided is verständlich for the audience.
Similar: nachvollziehbar (comprehensible, understandable), klar (clear), eindeutig (clear, unambiguous)
Die Anweisungen sollten verständlich und klar sein, damit keine Fehler gemacht werden.
understandable, comprehensible
Die Erklärung war sehr verständlich, deshalb konnten alle Schüler das Problem lösen.
(The instructions should be understandable and clear so that no mistakes are made.)
Tips: The adjective verständlich is used to describe something that is easy to understand or comprehend. It is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts. When explaining something, it’s important to make sure the information provided is verständlich for the audience.
Similar: nachvollziehbar (comprehensible, understandable), klar (clear), eindeutig (clear, unambiguous)
Er hat verständliche Gründe für sein Verhalten.
understandable, comprehensible
Die Erklärung war sehr verständlich, deshalb konnten alle Schüler das Problem lösen.
(He has understandable reasons for his behavior.)
Tips: The adjective verständlich is used to describe something that is easy to understand or comprehend. It is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts. When explaining something, it’s important to make sure the information provided is verständlich for the audience.
Similar: nachvollziehbar (comprehensible, understandable), klar (clear), eindeutig (clear, unambiguous)
Sie hat das Problem verständlich erklärt, daher haben wir es schnell gelöst.
understandable, comprehensible
Die Erklärung war sehr verständlich, deshalb konnten alle Schüler das Problem lösen.
(She explained the problem understandably, that’s why we solved it quickly.)
Tips: The adjective verständlich is used to describe something that is easy to understand or comprehend. It is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts. When explaining something, it’s important to make sure the information provided is verständlich for the audience.
Similar: nachvollziehbar (comprehensible, understandable), klar (clear), eindeutig (clear, unambiguous)
Wir müssen das Bild vergrößern, um die Details besser zu sehen.
to enlarge
(We need to enlarge the picture to see the details better.)
Tips: The verb vergrößern is used when referring to the action of making something larger or increasing its size. It is commonly used in the context of images, documents, collections, and crowds. This verb can be very useful in everyday conversations, especially when discussing visual or spatial matters.
Sie hat ihre Sammlung von Briefmarken vergrößert, indem sie seltene Stücke gekauft hat.
to enlarge
Wir müssen das Bild vergrößern, um die Details besser zu sehen.
(She enlarged her stamp collection by purchasing rare pieces.)
Tips: The verb vergrößern is used when referring to the action of making something larger or increasing its size. It is commonly used in the context of images, documents, collections, and crowds. This verb can be very useful in everyday conversations, especially when discussing visual or spatial matters.
Er hat vergrößert, was sie gesagt hat, um sicherzustellen, dass er es richtig verstanden hat.
to enlarge
Wir müssen das Bild vergrößern, um die Details besser zu sehen.
(He enlarged on what she said to make sure he understood it correctly.)
Tips: The verb vergrößern is used when referring to the action of making something larger or increasing its size. It is commonly used in the context of images, documents, collections, and crowds. This verb can be very useful in everyday conversations, especially when discussing visual or spatial matters.
Trotz des Regens vergrößerte sich die Menge, die das Konzert besuchte.
to enlarge
Wir müssen das Bild vergrößern, um die Details besser zu sehen.
(Despite the rain, the crowd attending the concert enlarged.)
Tips: The verb vergrößern is used when referring to the action of making something larger or increasing its size. It is commonly used in the context of images, documents, collections, and crowds. This verb can be very useful in everyday conversations, especially when discussing visual or spatial matters.
Wenn wir die Schrift auf dem Bildschirm vergrößern, wird es einfacher zu lesen sein.
to enlarge
Wir müssen das Bild vergrößern, um die Details besser zu sehen.
(If we enlarge the font on the screen, it will be easier to read.)
Tips: The verb vergrößern is used when referring to the action of making something larger or increasing its size. It is commonly used in the context of images, documents, collections, and crowds. This verb can be very useful in everyday conversations, especially when discussing visual or spatial matters.
Ich kann die Verantwortung für das Projekt übernehmen.
to take over, to assume, to accept
(I can take over the responsibility for the project.)
Tips: The verb übernehmen is used when someone takes over a responsibility, a task, a position, or a challenge. It can also be used in the context of assuming something, such as assuming a role or accepting an offer. It is a versatile verb that is commonly used in professional, personal, and everyday situations.
Similar: annehmen (to accept, to assume), einstellen (to hire, to employ)
Er übernahm die Leitung der Abteilung nach dem Rücktritt des Managers.
to take over, to assume, to accept
Ich kann die Verantwortung für das Projekt übernehmen.
(He took over the management of the department after the manager’s resignation.)
Tips: The verb übernehmen is used when someone takes over a responsibility, a task, a position, or a challenge. It can also be used in the context of assuming something, such as assuming a role or accepting an offer. It is a versatile verb that is commonly used in professional, personal, and everyday situations.
Similar: annehmen (to accept, to assume), einstellen (to hire, to employ)
Sie hat das Angebot übernommen und wird die neue Position annehmen.
to take over, to assume, to accept
Ich kann die Verantwortung für das Projekt übernehmen.
(She accepted the offer and will take on the new position.)
Tips: The verb übernehmen is used when someone takes over a responsibility, a task, a position, or a challenge. It can also be used in the context of assuming something, such as assuming a role or accepting an offer. It is a versatile verb that is commonly used in professional, personal, and everyday situations.
Similar: annehmen (to accept, to assume), einstellen (to hire, to employ)
Trotz der Schwierigkeiten übernahm er die Herausforderung.
to take over, to assume, to accept
Ich kann die Verantwortung für das Projekt übernehmen.
(Despite the difficulties, he took on the challenge.)
Tips: The verb übernehmen is used when someone takes over a responsibility, a task, a position, or a challenge. It can also be used in the context of assuming something, such as assuming a role or accepting an offer. It is a versatile verb that is commonly used in professional, personal, and everyday situations.
Similar: annehmen (to accept, to assume), einstellen (to hire, to employ)
Nachdem er in Rente gegangen ist, hat er viele neue Aufgaben übernommen.
to take over, to assume, to accept
Ich kann die Verantwortung für das Projekt übernehmen.
(After he retired, he took on many new tasks.)
Tips: The verb übernehmen is used when someone takes over a responsibility, a task, a position, or a challenge. It can also be used in the context of assuming something, such as assuming a role or accepting an offer. It is a versatile verb that is commonly used in professional, personal, and everyday situations.
Similar: annehmen (to accept, to assume), einstellen (to hire, to employ)
Sie hat süße Schokolade gekauft.
Tips: The adjective süß is used to describe something as sweet, such as food, drinks, or even a person’s demeanor. It can also be used to describe something as cute or charming.
Similar: lecker (delicious), charmante (charming)
Das ist ein süßes Baby.
Sie hat süße Schokolade gekauft.
Tips: The adjective süß is used to describe something as sweet, such as food, drinks, or even a person’s demeanor. It can also be used to describe something as cute or charming.
Similar: lecker (delicious), charmante (charming)
Der klare Himmel war voller Sterne in der Nacht.
(The clear sky was full of stars at night.)
Tips: The word Stern primarily refers to a celestial body that emits light and is visible in the night sky. It can also be used in a metaphorical sense, such as receiving a ‘star’ for achievements or using it as a symbol of hope and luck.
Der Polarstern ist ein wichtiger Fixstern am Himmel.
Der klare Himmel war voller Sterne in der Nacht.
(The North Star is an important fixed star in the sky.)
Tips: The word Stern primarily refers to a celestial body that emits light and is visible in the night sky. It can also be used in a metaphorical sense, such as receiving a ‘star’ for achievements or using it as a symbol of hope and luck.
Sie hat sich einen Stern als Tattoo stechen lassen.
Der klare Himmel war voller Sterne in der Nacht.
(She got a star tattooed.)
Tips: The word Stern primarily refers to a celestial body that emits light and is visible in the night sky. It can also be used in a metaphorical sense, such as receiving a ‘star’ for achievements or using it as a symbol of hope and luck.
In vielen Kulturen symbolisiert der Stern Hoffnung und Glück.
Der klare Himmel war voller Sterne in der Nacht.
(In many cultures, the star symbolizes hope and luck.)
Tips: The word Stern primarily refers to a celestial body that emits light and is visible in the night sky. It can also be used in a metaphorical sense, such as receiving a ‘star’ for achievements or using it as a symbol of hope and luck.
Die berühmte Schauspielerin erhielt einen Stern auf dem Walk of Fame.
Der klare Himmel war voller Sterne in der Nacht.
(The famous actress received a star on the Walk of Fame.)
Tips: The word Stern primarily refers to a celestial body that emits light and is visible in the night sky. It can also be used in a metaphorical sense, such as receiving a ‘star’ for achievements or using it as a symbol of hope and luck.
Ich muss noch staubsaugen, bevor die Gäste kommen.
to vacuum (to clean with a vacuum cleaner)
(I still need to vacuum before the guests arrive.)
Tips: The verb staubsaugen is used to describe the action of cleaning with a vacuum cleaner. It is a regular verb, and its past form follows the standard conjugation pattern. It’s commonly used in everyday situations and household chores.
Gestern hat sie das ganze Haus gesaugt.
to vacuum (to clean with a vacuum cleaner)
Ich muss noch staubsaugen, bevor die Gäste kommen.
(Yesterday she vacuumed the whole house.)
Tips: The verb staubsaugen is used to describe the action of cleaning with a vacuum cleaner. It is a regular verb, and its past form follows the standard conjugation pattern. It’s commonly used in everyday situations and household chores.
Er hat Staub gesaugt, weil er keine Zeit hatte, um zu wischen.
to vacuum (to clean with a vacuum cleaner)
Ich muss noch staubsaugen, bevor die Gäste kommen.
(He vacuumed because he didn’t have time to dust.)
Tips: The verb staubsaugen is used to describe the action of cleaning with a vacuum cleaner. It is a regular verb, and its past form follows the standard conjugation pattern. It’s commonly used in everyday situations and household chores.
Es ist wichtig, regelmäßig zu staubsaugen, um die Wohnung sauber zu halten.
to vacuum (to clean with a vacuum cleaner)
Ich muss noch staubsaugen, bevor die Gäste kommen.
(It’s important to vacuum regularly to keep the apartment clean.)
Tips: The verb staubsaugen is used to describe the action of cleaning with a vacuum cleaner. It is a regular verb, and its past form follows the standard conjugation pattern. It’s commonly used in everyday situations and household chores.
Bevor du den Teppich saugst, musst du die kleinen Gegenstände entfernen.
to vacuum (to clean with a vacuum cleaner)
Ich muss noch staubsaugen, bevor die Gäste kommen.
(Before you vacuum the carpet, you have to remove the small objects.)
Tips: The verb staubsaugen is used to describe the action of cleaning with a vacuum cleaner. It is a regular verb, and its past form follows the standard conjugation pattern. It’s commonly used in everyday situations and household chores.
Der Kuchen schmeckt sehr lecker.
(The cake tastes very delicious.)
Tips: The word Kuchen refers to a sweet baked dessert, typically made with flour, sugar, and eggs. This word is used to describe a wide variety of cakes, from simple sponge cakes to elaborately decorated ones. It’s a common word in German and often used in social and celebratory contexts.
Zum Geburtstag habe ich einen Schokoladen-Kuchen gebacken.
Der Kuchen schmeckt sehr lecker.
(I baked a chocolate cake for the birthday.)
Tips: The word Kuchen refers to a sweet baked dessert, typically made with flour, sugar, and eggs. This word is used to describe a wide variety of cakes, from simple sponge cakes to elaborately decorated ones. It’s a common word in German and often used in social and celebratory contexts.
Der Kuchen wurde mit frischen Früchten dekoriert.
Der Kuchen schmeckt sehr lecker.
(The cake was decorated with fresh fruits.)
Tips: The word Kuchen refers to a sweet baked dessert, typically made with flour, sugar, and eggs. This word is used to describe a wide variety of cakes, from simple sponge cakes to elaborately decorated ones. It’s a common word in German and often used in social and celebratory contexts.
Meine Oma backt den besten Kuchen.
Der Kuchen schmeckt sehr lecker.
(My grandma bakes the best cake.)
Tips: The word Kuchen refers to a sweet baked dessert, typically made with flour, sugar, and eggs. This word is used to describe a wide variety of cakes, from simple sponge cakes to elaborately decorated ones. It’s a common word in German and often used in social and celebratory contexts.
Können Sie die Kartons bitte stapeln?
to stack
(Can you please stack the boxes?)
Tips: The verb stapeln is used to describe the action of stacking objects on top of each other. It is commonly used in the context of organizing items or maximizing space. Whether it’s stacking boxes, books, or dishes, stapeln is the right verb to use.
Er stapelte das Holz im Garten, damit es trocknet.
to stack
Können Sie die Kartons bitte stapeln?
(He stacked the wood in the garden so that it dries.)
Tips: The verb stapeln is used to describe the action of stacking objects on top of each other. It is commonly used in the context of organizing items or maximizing space. Whether it’s stacking boxes, books, or dishes, stapeln is the right verb to use.
Sie hat die Bücher ordentlich gestapelt.
to stack
Können Sie die Kartons bitte stapeln?
(She neatly stacked the books.)
Tips: The verb stapeln is used to describe the action of stacking objects on top of each other. It is commonly used in the context of organizing items or maximizing space. Whether it’s stacking boxes, books, or dishes, stapeln is the right verb to use.
Nach dem Umzug müssen wir die Kisten stapeln, um Platz zu sparen.
to stack
Können Sie die Kartons bitte stapeln?
(After the move, we need to stack the boxes to save space.)
Tips: The verb stapeln is used to describe the action of stacking objects on top of each other. It is commonly used in the context of organizing items or maximizing space. Whether it’s stacking boxes, books, or dishes, stapeln is the right verb to use.
Die Teller sind stapelbar, das spart Platz im Schrank.
to stack
Können Sie die Kartons bitte stapeln?
(The plates are stackable, which saves space in the cupboard.)
Tips: The verb stapeln is used to describe the action of stacking objects on top of each other. It is commonly used in the context of organizing items or maximizing space. Whether it’s stacking boxes, books, or dishes, stapeln is the right verb to use.
Ich kann das selber machen.
self, oneself, myself
(I can do that myself.)
Tips: The adverb selber is used to emphasize the reflexive nature of an action, indicating that the subject is performing the action by themselves. It is often used to express independence or to stress personal involvement.
Similar: selbst (also means self, even), eigen (own)
Sie hat das selber gesehen.
self, oneself, myself
Ich kann das selber machen.
(She saw that herself.)
Tips: The adverb selber is used to emphasize the reflexive nature of an action, indicating that the subject is performing the action by themselves. It is often used to express independence or to stress personal involvement.
Similar: selbst (also means self, even), eigen (own)
Kannst du selber fahren?
self, oneself, myself
Ich kann das selber machen.
(Can you drive yourself?)
Tips: The adverb selber is used to emphasize the reflexive nature of an action, indicating that the subject is performing the action by themselves. It is often used to express independence or to stress personal involvement.
Similar: selbst (also means self, even), eigen (own)
Die Wolken schweben am Himmel.
to float / to hover
(The clouds are floating in the sky.)
Tips: The verb schweben is used to describe the action of floating or hovering, often in the context of things being in the air or on water. It is commonly used to depict a gentle and effortless movement. The past participle is formed with the helping verb ‘sein’ (to be).
Similar: fliegen (to fly), schwimmen (to swim)
Das Flugzeug schwebte sanft zur Landung.
to float / to hover
Die Wolken schweben am Himmel.
(The airplane hovered gently for landing.)
Tips: The verb schweben is used to describe the action of floating or hovering, often in the context of things being in the air or on water. It is commonly used to depict a gentle and effortless movement. The past participle is formed with the helping verb ‘sein’ (to be).
Similar: fliegen (to fly), schwimmen (to swim)
Der Duft von frischen Blumen schwebt in der Luft.
to float / to hover
Die Wolken schweben am Himmel.
(The scent of fresh flowers hovers in the air.)
Tips: The verb schweben is used to describe the action of floating or hovering, often in the context of things being in the air or on water. It is commonly used to depict a gentle and effortless movement. The past participle is formed with the helping verb ‘sein’ (to be).
Similar: fliegen (to fly), schwimmen (to swim)
Die Schmetterlinge haben scheinbar mühelos geschwebt, als ob sie tanzten.
to float / to hover
Die Wolken schweben am Himmel.
(The butterflies seemed to float effortlessly as if they were dancing.)
Tips: The verb schweben is used to describe the action of floating or hovering, often in the context of things being in the air or on water. It is commonly used to depict a gentle and effortless movement. The past participle is formed with the helping verb ‘sein’ (to be).
Similar: fliegen (to fly), schwimmen (to swim)
Trotz des starken Windes schwebt der Drachen hoch am Himmel.
to float / to hover
Die Wolken schweben am Himmel.
(Despite the strong wind, the kite is floating high in the sky.)
Tips: The verb schweben is used to describe the action of floating or hovering, often in the context of things being in the air or on water. It is commonly used to depict a gentle and effortless movement. The past participle is formed with the helping verb ‘sein’ (to be).
Similar: fliegen (to fly), schwimmen (to swim)
In seinem Leben spielt die Familie eine wichtige Rolle.
to play a role
(In his life, the family plays an important role.)
Tips: The phrase eine Rolle spielen is used to indicate the importance or influence of something in a given situation. It is commonly used to express the significance of various factors in different contexts.
Die richtige Ernährung spielt eine entscheidende Rolle für die Gesundheit.
to play a role
In seinem Leben spielt die Familie eine wichtige Rolle.
(Proper nutrition plays a crucial role in health.)
Tips: The phrase eine Rolle spielen is used to indicate the importance or influence of something in a given situation. It is commonly used to express the significance of various factors in different contexts.
Deine Meinung spielt bei der Entscheidung eine Rolle.
to play a role
In seinem Leben spielt die Familie eine wichtige Rolle.
(Your opinion plays a role in the decision.)
Tips: The phrase eine Rolle spielen is used to indicate the importance or influence of something in a given situation. It is commonly used to express the significance of various factors in different contexts.
Obwohl das Wetter schlecht war, spielte es für die Hochzeit keine Rolle.
to play a role
In seinem Leben spielt die Familie eine wichtige Rolle.
(Although the weather was bad, it didn’t matter for the wedding.)
Tips: The phrase eine Rolle spielen is used to indicate the importance or influence of something in a given situation. It is commonly used to express the significance of various factors in different contexts.
Ihre Anwesenheit spielte eine wichtige Rolle bei der Lösung des Problems.
to play a role
In seinem Leben spielt die Familie eine wichtige Rolle.
(Her presence played an important role in solving the problem.)
Tips: The phrase eine Rolle spielen is used to indicate the importance or influence of something in a given situation. It is commonly used to express the significance of various factors in different contexts.
Das ist ein wichtiger Grundsatz.
(This is an important principle.)
Tips: The word Prinzip refers to a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior. It is often used in discussions about ethics, morals, or guidelines. Keep in mind that Prinzip can be related to general principles as well as specific rules or guidelines in various contexts.
Similar: das Gesetz (law), die Regel (rule)
Er handelt nach festen Prinzipien.
Das ist ein wichtiger Grundsatz.
(He acts according to fixed principles.)
Tips: The word Prinzip refers to a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior. It is often used in discussions about ethics, morals, or guidelines. Keep in mind that Prinzip can be related to general principles as well as specific rules or guidelines in various contexts.
Similar: das Gesetz (law), die Regel (rule)
Trotzdem wollte er nach diesem Prinzip handeln.
Das ist ein wichtiger Grundsatz.
(Nevertheless, he wanted to act according to this principle.)
Tips: The word Prinzip refers to a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior. It is often used in discussions about ethics, morals, or guidelines. Keep in mind that Prinzip can be related to general principles as well as specific rules or guidelines in various contexts.
Similar: das Gesetz (law), die Regel (rule)
Das ist nicht das Hauptproblem, sondern nur ein Nebenproblem.
main problem
Tips: The noun “Hauptproblem” refers to the primary or main issue that needs to be addressed. It is used to indicate the most significant problem within a context or situation. It’s often used in problem-solving discussions and analyses.
Trotzdem müssen wir uns auch um die Hauptprobleme kümmern.
main problem
Das ist nicht das Hauptproblem, sondern nur ein Nebenproblem.
Tips: The noun “Hauptproblem” refers to the primary or main issue that needs to be addressed. It is used to indicate the most significant problem within a context or situation. It’s often used in problem-solving discussions and analyses.
Ich muss nachdenken, bevor ich eine Entscheidung treffe.
to reflect, to contemplate
(I have to reflect before making a decision.)
Tips: The verb nachdenken specifically conveys the act of reflecting or contemplating deeply about a certain topic or decision. It implies a more profound level of thought than the general verb ‘denken’. It is commonly used in discussions about decisions, future plans, and personal reflections.
Similar: denken (to think), überlegen (to consider, to ponder)
Sie dachte nach, ob sie den Job annehmen sollte oder nicht.
to reflect, to contemplate
Ich muss nachdenken, bevor ich eine Entscheidung treffe.
(She contemplated whether she should accept the job or not.)
Tips: The verb nachdenken specifically conveys the act of reflecting or contemplating deeply about a certain topic or decision. It implies a more profound level of thought than the general verb ‘denken’. It is commonly used in discussions about decisions, future plans, and personal reflections.
Similar: denken (to think), überlegen (to consider, to ponder)
Er hat nachgedacht, bevor er geantwortet hat.
to reflect, to contemplate
Ich muss nachdenken, bevor ich eine Entscheidung treffe.
(He reflected before he answered.)
Tips: The verb nachdenken specifically conveys the act of reflecting or contemplating deeply about a certain topic or decision. It implies a more profound level of thought than the general verb ‘denken’. It is commonly used in discussions about decisions, future plans, and personal reflections.
Similar: denken (to think), überlegen (to consider, to ponder)
Trotzdem, nachdenken wir über die Möglichkeiten, die uns zur Verfügung stehen.
to reflect, to contemplate
Ich muss nachdenken, bevor ich eine Entscheidung treffe.
(Nevertheless, we are contemplating the possibilities available to us.)
Tips: The verb nachdenken specifically conveys the act of reflecting or contemplating deeply about a certain topic or decision. It implies a more profound level of thought than the general verb ‘denken’. It is commonly used in discussions about decisions, future plans, and personal reflections.
Similar: denken (to think), überlegen (to consider, to ponder)
Ich denke, dass es wichtig ist, über die Zukunft nachzudenken.
to reflect, to contemplate
Ich muss nachdenken, bevor ich eine Entscheidung treffe.
(I think it is important to contemplate the future.)
Tips: The verb nachdenken specifically conveys the act of reflecting or contemplating deeply about a certain topic or decision. It implies a more profound level of thought than the general verb ‘denken’. It is commonly used in discussions about decisions, future plans, and personal reflections.
Similar: denken (to think), überlegen (to consider, to ponder)
Der Leser dieser Zeitung war begeistert von dem Artikel.
(The reader of this newspaper was thrilled with the article.)
Tips: The noun Leser refers to a reader in general, whether of books, newspapers, magazines, or any written material. It is used to address the audience or individuals who engage in reading.
Similar: der Betrachter (observer, viewer), der Zuschauer (spectator, audience)
Die Leserin hat die Buchreihe in nur einer Woche durchgelesen.
Der Leser dieser Zeitung war begeistert von dem Artikel.
(The female reader read the book series in just one week.)
Tips: The noun Leser refers to a reader in general, whether of books, newspapers, magazines, or any written material. It is used to address the audience or individuals who engage in reading.
Similar: der Betrachter (observer, viewer), der Zuschauer (spectator, audience)
Die Leser sind wichtige Bestandteile der Schreib- und Verlagswelt.
Der Leser dieser Zeitung war begeistert von dem Artikel.
(Readers are important components of the writing and publishing world.)
Tips: The noun Leser refers to a reader in general, whether of books, newspapers, magazines, or any written material. It is used to address the audience or individuals who engage in reading.
Similar: der Betrachter (observer, viewer), der Zuschauer (spectator, audience)
Ich bin in der Lage, dir zu helfen.
to be able to, to be in a position to
(I am able to help you.)
Tips: The phrase in der Lage sein expresses the ability or capability to do something. It’s used to convey that someone is in a position to accomplish a certain task or action.
Sie ist in der Lage, die schwierige Aufgabe zu bewältigen.
to be able to, to be in a position to
Ich bin in der Lage, dir zu helfen.
(She is capable of handling the difficult task.)
Tips: The phrase in der Lage sein expresses the ability or capability to do something. It’s used to convey that someone is in a position to accomplish a certain task or action.
Die Athleten sprangen über die Hürden bei dem Leichtathletikwettbewerb.
(The athletes jumped over the hurdles at the track and field competition.)
Tips: The word Hürde refers to a physical barrier used in sports such as track and field competitions. It can also be used metaphorically to represent obstacles or challenges in various contexts.
Trotz vieler Hürden haben sie ihr Ziel erreicht.
Die Athleten sprangen über die Hürden bei dem Leichtathletikwettbewerb.
(Despite many hurdles, they have reached their goal.)
Tips: The word Hürde refers to a physical barrier used in sports such as track and field competitions. It can also be used metaphorically to represent obstacles or challenges in various contexts.
Er sah diese Herausforderung als eine Hürde zum Überwinden, nicht als Hindernis.
Die Athleten sprangen über die Hürden bei dem Leichtathletikwettbewerb.
(He saw this challenge as a hurdle to overcome, not as an obstacle.)
Tips: The word Hürde refers to a physical barrier used in sports such as track and field competitions. It can also be used metaphorically to represent obstacles or challenges in various contexts.
Sie ist dauernd am Telefon.
(She is constantly on the phone.)
Tips: The adverb dauernd is used to describe a continuous or frequent action. It indicates that something is happening repeatedly or without interruption.
Similar: ständig (constantly), fortwährend (continuously)
Er beschwert sich dauernd über die Arbeit.
Sie ist dauernd am Telefon.
(He is constantly complaining about work.)
Tips: The adverb dauernd is used to describe a continuous or frequent action. It indicates that something is happening repeatedly or without interruption.
Similar: ständig (constantly), fortwährend (continuously)
Sie hat dauernd Durst in diesem heißen Wetter.
Sie ist dauernd am Telefon.
(She is constantly thirsty in this hot weather.)
Tips: The adverb dauernd is used to describe a continuous or frequent action. It indicates that something is happening repeatedly or without interruption.
Similar: ständig (constantly), fortwährend (continuously)
Trotz des Regens geht er dauernd spazieren.
Sie ist dauernd am Telefon.
(Despite the rain, he is constantly going for walks.)
Tips: The adverb dauernd is used to describe a continuous or frequent action. It indicates that something is happening repeatedly or without interruption.
Similar: ständig (constantly), fortwährend (continuously)
Ich möchte ins Kino gehen, dagegen hat er keine Lust.
on the other hand, in contrast, however
(I want to go to the cinema, however, he doesn’t feel like it.)
Tips: The adverb ‘dagegen’ is used to express a contrast or opposition to a previous statement. It is commonly used to introduce a contrary idea or to show a different perspective.
Similar: jedoch (however), hingegen (on the other hand)
Sie ist nicht sehr sportlich, dagegen läuft ihr Bruder jeden Tag.
on the other hand, in contrast, however
Ich möchte ins Kino gehen, dagegen hat er keine Lust.
(She is not very athletic, in contrast, her brother runs every day.)
Tips: The adverb ‘dagegen’ is used to express a contrast or opposition to a previous statement. It is commonly used to introduce a contrary idea or to show a different perspective.
Similar: jedoch (however), hingegen (on the other hand)
In dieser Fabrik wird Schokolade hergestellt.
to produce, to manufacture
(In this factory, chocolate is produced.)
Tips: The verb “herstellen” is used to express the action of producing or manufacturing something. It is commonly used in the context of factories, businesses, and the creation of products. It is a regular verb and follows the typical conjugation pattern for regular verbs.
Er stellte seinen eigenen Wein her und verkaufte ihn in seinem Geschäft.
to produce, to manufacture
In dieser Fabrik wird Schokolade hergestellt.
(He produced his own wine and sold it in his shop.)
Tips: The verb “herstellen” is used to express the action of producing or manufacturing something. It is commonly used in the context of factories, businesses, and the creation of products. It is a regular verb and follows the typical conjugation pattern for regular verbs.
Sie hat eine neue Linie von Kleidung hergestellt und wird sie nächste Woche präsentieren.
to produce, to manufacture
In dieser Fabrik wird Schokolade hergestellt.
(She has produced a new line of clothing and will present it next week.)
Tips: The verb “herstellen” is used to express the action of producing or manufacturing something. It is commonly used in the context of factories, businesses, and the creation of products. It is a regular verb and follows the typical conjugation pattern for regular verbs.
Um Energie zu sparen, sollten wir versuchen, Produkte lokal herzustellen.
to produce, to manufacture
In dieser Fabrik wird Schokolade hergestellt.
(To save energy, we should try to produce products locally.)
Tips: The verb “herstellen” is used to express the action of producing or manufacturing something. It is commonly used in the context of factories, businesses, and the creation of products. It is a regular verb and follows the typical conjugation pattern for regular verbs.
Die Firma hat viele Arbeitsplätze hergestellt, was der lokalen Wirtschaft geholfen hat.
to produce, to manufacture
In dieser Fabrik wird Schokolade hergestellt.
(The company has created many jobs, which has helped the local economy.)
Tips: The verb “herstellen” is used to express the action of producing or manufacturing something. It is commonly used in the context of factories, businesses, and the creation of products. It is a regular verb and follows the typical conjugation pattern for regular verbs.
Der Unfall hat ihn für einige Zeit gelähmt gemacht.
to be paralyzed
(The accident left him paralyzed for some time.)
Tips: The verb phrase gelähmt sein is used to express the state of being paralyzed. It is commonly used in medical and everyday language to describe the condition of paralysis.
Sie ist gelähmt gewesen, aber mit viel Therapie hat sie wieder laufen gelernt.
to be paralyzed
Der Unfall hat ihn für einige Zeit gelähmt gemacht.
(She was paralyzed, but with a lot of therapy, she learned to walk again.)
Tips: The verb phrase gelähmt sein is used to express the state of being paralyzed. It is commonly used in medical and everyday language to describe the condition of paralysis.
Er ist gelähmt, deshalb benutzt er einen Rollstuhl.
to be paralyzed
Der Unfall hat ihn für einige Zeit gelähmt gemacht.
(He is paralyzed, that’s why he uses a wheelchair.)
Tips: The verb phrase gelähmt sein is used to express the state of being paralyzed. It is commonly used in medical and everyday language to describe the condition of paralysis.
Meine Erwartungen an diesen Film waren sehr hoch, aber ich wurde enttäuscht.
(My expectations for this movie were very high, but I was disappointed.)
Tips: The word Erwartung refers to the anticipation or expectation of something, whether it’s an outcome, a result, or a performance. It is commonly used in various contexts, including personal, professional, and social situations.
Similar: die Hoffnung (hope), die Vorstellung (idea, concept)
Trotz ihrer Erwartungen war sie überrascht von dem Ergebnis.
Meine Erwartungen an diesen Film waren sehr hoch, aber ich wurde enttäuscht.
(Despite her expectations, she was surprised by the outcome.)
Tips: The word Erwartung refers to the anticipation or expectation of something, whether it’s an outcome, a result, or a performance. It is commonly used in various contexts, including personal, professional, and social situations.
Similar: die Hoffnung (hope), die Vorstellung (idea, concept)
Die Erwartung eines positiven Feedbacks macht sie nervös.
Meine Erwartungen an diesen Film waren sehr hoch, aber ich wurde enttäuscht.
(The expectation of positive feedback makes her nervous.)
Tips: The word Erwartung refers to the anticipation or expectation of something, whether it’s an outcome, a result, or a performance. It is commonly used in various contexts, including personal, professional, and social situations.
Similar: die Hoffnung (hope), die Vorstellung (idea, concept)
Die Erwartungen an die Leistung des Teams sind hoch.
Meine Erwartungen an diesen Film waren sehr hoch, aber ich wurde enttäuscht.
(The expectations for the team’s performance are high.)
Tips: The word Erwartung refers to the anticipation or expectation of something, whether it’s an outcome, a result, or a performance. It is commonly used in various contexts, including personal, professional, and social situations.
Similar: die Hoffnung (hope), die Vorstellung (idea, concept)
Seine Erwartungen wurden übertroffen, als er das Geschenk öffnete.
Meine Erwartungen an diesen Film waren sehr hoch, aber ich wurde enttäuscht.
(His expectations were exceeded when he opened the present.)
Tips: The word Erwartung refers to the anticipation or expectation of something, whether it’s an outcome, a result, or a performance. It is commonly used in various contexts, including personal, professional, and social situations.
Similar: die Hoffnung (hope), die Vorstellung (idea, concept)
Er droht damit, die Polizei zu rufen.
to threaten
(He is threatening to call the police.)
Tips: The verb drohen is used to express the action of threatening someone with negative consequences. It is important to note that this verb is a strong expression of intent and should be used with caution in appropriate contexts. It is commonly used in serious conversations and situations where consequences are being communicated.
Similar: bedrohen (to menace, to intimidate), warnen (to warn)
Sie drohte ihm mit Konsequenzen, wenn er nicht aufhört.
to threaten
Er droht damit, die Polizei zu rufen.
(She threatened him with consequences if he didn’t stop.)
Tips: The verb drohen is used to express the action of threatening someone with negative consequences. It is important to note that this verb is a strong expression of intent and should be used with caution in appropriate contexts. It is commonly used in serious conversations and situations where consequences are being communicated.
Similar: bedrohen (to menace, to intimidate), warnen (to warn)
Er hat gedroht, dass er sich rächen wird.
to threaten
Er droht damit, die Polizei zu rufen.
(He has threatened to take revenge.)
Tips: The verb drohen is used to express the action of threatening someone with negative consequences. It is important to note that this verb is a strong expression of intent and should be used with caution in appropriate contexts. It is commonly used in serious conversations and situations where consequences are being communicated.
Similar: bedrohen (to menace, to intimidate), warnen (to warn)
Trotzdem droht er immer noch, die Wahrheit zu enthüllen.
to threaten
Er droht damit, die Polizei zu rufen.
(Nevertheless, he still threatens to reveal the truth.)
Tips: The verb drohen is used to express the action of threatening someone with negative consequences. It is important to note that this verb is a strong expression of intent and should be used with caution in appropriate contexts. It is commonly used in serious conversations and situations where consequences are being communicated.
Similar: bedrohen (to menace, to intimidate), warnen (to warn)
Wenn du nicht aufhörst, drohe ich dir mit einer Klage.
to threaten
Er droht damit, die Polizei zu rufen.
(If you don’t stop, I will threaten you with a lawsuit.)
Tips: The verb drohen is used to express the action of threatening someone with negative consequences. It is important to note that this verb is a strong expression of intent and should be used with caution in appropriate contexts. It is commonly used in serious conversations and situations where consequences are being communicated.
Similar: bedrohen (to menace, to intimidate), warnen (to warn)
Die Lehrerin bewertet die Prüfungen fair und objektiv.
to evaluate, to assess, to rate
(The teacher evaluates the exams fairly and objectively.)
Tips: The verb bewerten is used when expressing the action of evaluating, assessing, or rating something. It is commonly used in academic, professional, and everyday contexts. When discussing the quality, performance, or value of something, this verb comes in handy.
Similar: beurteilen (to judge, to assess), abschätzen (to estimate, to assess), einschätzen (to evaluate, to assess)
Er bewertete den Wert der Antiquität auf mehrere tausend Euro.
to evaluate, to assess, to rate
Die Lehrerin bewertet die Prüfungen fair und objektiv.
(He assessed the value of the antique at several thousand euros.)
Tips: The verb bewerten is used when expressing the action of evaluating, assessing, or rating something. It is commonly used in academic, professional, and everyday contexts. When discussing the quality, performance, or value of something, this verb comes in handy.
Similar: beurteilen (to judge, to assess), abschätzen (to estimate, to assess), einschätzen (to evaluate, to assess)
Die Kunden haben das Produkt positiv bewertet.
to evaluate, to assess, to rate
Die Lehrerin bewertet die Prüfungen fair und objektiv.
(The customers have rated the product positively.)
Tips: The verb bewerten is used when expressing the action of evaluating, assessing, or rating something. It is commonly used in academic, professional, and everyday contexts. When discussing the quality, performance, or value of something, this verb comes in handy.
Similar: beurteilen (to judge, to assess), abschätzen (to estimate, to assess), einschätzen (to evaluate, to assess)
Es ist wichtig, die Leistung der Mitarbeiter regelmäßig zu bewerten.
to evaluate, to assess, to rate
Die Lehrerin bewertet die Prüfungen fair und objektiv.
(It is important to evaluate the performance of the employees regularly.)
Tips: The verb bewerten is used when expressing the action of evaluating, assessing, or rating something. It is commonly used in academic, professional, and everyday contexts. When discussing the quality, performance, or value of something, this verb comes in handy.
Similar: beurteilen (to judge, to assess), abschätzen (to estimate, to assess), einschätzen (to evaluate, to assess)
Die Jury muss die Teilnehmer nach verschiedenen Kriterien bewerten.
to evaluate, to assess, to rate
Die Lehrerin bewertet die Prüfungen fair und objektiv.
(The jury has to assess the participants according to various criteria.)
Tips: The verb bewerten is used when expressing the action of evaluating, assessing, or rating something. It is commonly used in academic, professional, and everyday contexts. When discussing the quality, performance, or value of something, this verb comes in handy.
Similar: beurteilen (to judge, to assess), abschätzen (to estimate, to assess), einschätzen (to evaluate, to assess)
Die anwesenden Studenten haben sich aktiv an der Diskussion beteiligt.
present, in attendance
(The students present actively participated in the discussion.)
Tips: The adjective ‘anwesend’ is used to describe someone or something that is present or in attendance at a particular place or event. It is commonly used in formal and informal contexts.
Similar: vorhanden (available, on hand), anwesend sein (to be present)
Ist der Professor heute anwesend?
present, in attendance
Die anwesenden Studenten haben sich aktiv an der Diskussion beteiligt.
(Is the professor present today?)
Tips: The adjective ‘anwesend’ is used to describe someone or something that is present or in attendance at a particular place or event. It is commonly used in formal and informal contexts.
Similar: vorhanden (available, on hand), anwesend sein (to be present)
Die anwesende Person hat die Informationen weitergegeben.
present, in attendance
Die anwesenden Studenten haben sich aktiv an der Diskussion beteiligt.
(The person present passed on the information.)
Tips: The adjective ‘anwesend’ is used to describe someone or something that is present or in attendance at a particular place or event. It is commonly used in formal and informal contexts.
Similar: vorhanden (available, on hand), anwesend sein (to be present)
Sein starker Wille hat ihm geholfen, seine Ziele zu erreichen.
will, determination
(His strong will has helped him to achieve his goals.)
Tips: The noun ‘Wille’ refers to the will or determination of a person. It is commonly used in the context of personal goals, decisions, and desires.
Similar: Entschlossenheit (determination), Absicht (intention)
Sie handelt immer nach ihrem eigenen Willen.
will, determination
Sein starker Wille hat ihm geholfen, seine Ziele zu erreichen.
(She always acts according to her own will.)
Tips: The noun ‘Wille’ refers to the will or determination of a person. It is commonly used in the context of personal goals, decisions, and desires.
Similar: Entschlossenheit (determination), Absicht (intention)
Trotz ihres festen Willens konnte sie die Situation nicht ändern.
will, determination
Sein starker Wille hat ihm geholfen, seine Ziele zu erreichen.
(Despite her strong determination, she could not change the situation.)
Tips: The noun ‘Wille’ refers to the will or determination of a person. It is commonly used in the context of personal goals, decisions, and desires.
Similar: Entschlossenheit (determination), Absicht (intention)
Er scheitert oft an seinen eigenen Erwartungen.
to fail
(He often fails to meet his own expectations.)
Tips: The verb scheitern is used to indicate the act of failing, not succeeding, or being unsuccessful. It often describes the failure of a plan, project, or personal endeavor. It is important to note that scheitern is a strong verb and forms its perfect tense with ist instead of hat.
Das Projekt scheiterte, weil es an finanzieller Unterstützung fehlte.
to fail
Er scheitert oft an seinen eigenen Erwartungen.
(The project failed because it lacked financial support.)
Tips: The verb scheitern is used to indicate the act of failing, not succeeding, or being unsuccessful. It often describes the failure of a plan, project, or personal endeavor. It is important to note that scheitern is a strong verb and forms its perfect tense with ist instead of hat.
Sie ist gescheitert, aber sie hat aus ihren Fehlern gelernt.
to fail
Er scheitert oft an seinen eigenen Erwartungen.
(She has failed, but she has learned from her mistakes.)
Tips: The verb scheitern is used to indicate the act of failing, not succeeding, or being unsuccessful. It often describes the failure of a plan, project, or personal endeavor. It is important to note that scheitern is a strong verb and forms its perfect tense with ist instead of hat.
Trotzdem scheitern viele an der Umsetzung einer gesunden Lebensweise.
to fail
Er scheitert oft an seinen eigenen Erwartungen.
(Nevertheless, many fail to implement a healthy lifestyle.)
Tips: The verb scheitern is used to indicate the act of failing, not succeeding, or being unsuccessful. It often describes the failure of a plan, project, or personal endeavor. It is important to note that scheitern is a strong verb and forms its perfect tense with ist instead of hat.
Wenn du nicht genug übst, scheiterst du an der Prüfung.
to fail
Er scheitert oft an seinen eigenen Erwartungen.
(If you don’t practice enough, you will fail the exam.)
Tips: The verb scheitern is used to indicate the act of failing, not succeeding, or being unsuccessful. It often describes the failure of a plan, project, or personal endeavor. It is important to note that scheitern is a strong verb and forms its perfect tense with ist instead of hat.
Seine Faulheit verhindert, dass er seine Ziele erreicht.
(His laziness prevents him from achieving his goals.)
Tips: The noun Faulheit refers to the quality of being lazy or the state of avoiding work or activity. It is a strong and straightforward term. When using this word, it’s essential to consider the context and the tone, as it can be quite direct.
Trotz seiner Faulheit hat er das Projekt erfolgreich abgeschlossen.
Seine Faulheit verhindert, dass er seine Ziele erreicht.
(Despite his laziness, he successfully completed the project.)
Tips: The noun Faulheit refers to the quality of being lazy or the state of avoiding work or activity. It is a strong and straightforward term. When using this word, it’s essential to consider the context and the tone, as it can be quite direct.
Ihre Faulheit führt dazu, dass sie oft in Schwierigkeiten gerät.
Seine Faulheit verhindert, dass er seine Ziele erreicht.
(Her laziness leads to her often getting into trouble.)
Tips: The noun Faulheit refers to the quality of being lazy or the state of avoiding work or activity. It is a strong and straightforward term. When using this word, it’s essential to consider the context and the tone, as it can be quite direct.
Die Faulheit vieler Studenten ist ein verbreitetes Problem.
Seine Faulheit verhindert, dass er seine Ziele erreicht.
(The laziness of many students is a common problem.)
Tips: The noun Faulheit refers to the quality of being lazy or the state of avoiding work or activity. It is a strong and straightforward term. When using this word, it’s essential to consider the context and the tone, as it can be quite direct.
Er hat wegen seiner Faulheit den Job verloren.
Seine Faulheit verhindert, dass er seine Ziele erreicht.
(He lost his job because of his laziness.)
Tips: The noun Faulheit refers to the quality of being lazy or the state of avoiding work or activity. It is a strong and straightforward term. When using this word, it’s essential to consider the context and the tone, as it can be quite direct.
Wir gehen dahin, wo die Sonne untergeht.
to that place, there
(We are going to where the sun sets.)
Tips: The adverb ‘dahin’ is used to indicate movement towards a specific place or to refer to a location. It is similar to ‘there’ or ‘to there’ in English. This adverb is often used in combination with verbs of motion to express the direction of movement.
Similar: dorthin (to there), hierhin (here, to here)
Die Zeit vergeht, und ich möchte nicht wieder dahin, wo ich vorher war.
to that place, there
Wir gehen dahin, wo die Sonne untergeht.
(Time goes by, and I don’t want to go back to where I was before.)
Tips: The adverb ‘dahin’ is used to indicate movement towards a specific place or to refer to a location. It is similar to ‘there’ or ‘to there’ in English. This adverb is often used in combination with verbs of motion to express the direction of movement.
Similar: dorthin (to there), hierhin (here, to here)
Sie schickte das Paket dahin, wo es hinmusste.
to that place, there
Wir gehen dahin, wo die Sonne untergeht.
(She sent the package to where it needed to go.)
Tips: The adverb ‘dahin’ is used to indicate movement towards a specific place or to refer to a location. It is similar to ‘there’ or ‘to there’ in English. This adverb is often used in combination with verbs of motion to express the direction of movement.
Similar: dorthin (to there), hierhin (here, to here)
Sie hält sich auf dem Marktplatz auf, um auf ihre Freundin zu warten.
to stay, to linger, to reside
(She is staying in the marketplace to wait for her friend.)
Tips: The reflexive verb sich aufhalten is used to express the action of staying or lingering in a place. It can be used in various contexts, from waiting for someone to residing in a specific location. It is important to note that the reflexive pronoun ‘sich’ is a crucial part of this verb and indicates that the action is being done to oneself.
Gestern hielt er sich im Büro auf, um an seinem Projekt zu arbeiten.
to stay, to linger, to reside
Sie hält sich auf dem Marktplatz auf, um auf ihre Freundin zu warten.
(Yesterday, he lingered in the office to work on his project.)
Tips: The reflexive verb sich aufhalten is used to express the action of staying or lingering in a place. It can be used in various contexts, from waiting for someone to residing in a specific location. It is important to note that the reflexive pronoun ‘sich’ is a crucial part of this verb and indicates that the action is being done to oneself.
Sie hat sich am Strand aufgehalten, um die Sonne zu genießen.
to stay, to linger, to reside
Sie hält sich auf dem Marktplatz auf, um auf ihre Freundin zu warten.
(She stayed at the beach to enjoy the sun.)
Tips: The reflexive verb sich aufhalten is used to express the action of staying or lingering in a place. It can be used in various contexts, from waiting for someone to residing in a specific location. It is important to note that the reflexive pronoun ‘sich’ is a crucial part of this verb and indicates that the action is being done to oneself.
Obwohl er müde war, hielt er sich trotzdem auf der Party auf.
to stay, to linger, to reside
Sie hält sich auf dem Marktplatz auf, um auf ihre Freundin zu warten.
(Although he was tired, he still stayed at the party.)
Tips: The reflexive verb sich aufhalten is used to express the action of staying or lingering in a place. It can be used in various contexts, from waiting for someone to residing in a specific location. It is important to note that the reflexive pronoun ‘sich’ is a crucial part of this verb and indicates that the action is being done to oneself.
Ich halte mich gerne in der Natur auf, um zu entspannen.
to stay, to linger, to reside
Sie hält sich auf dem Marktplatz auf, um auf ihre Freundin zu warten.
(I like to stay in nature to relax.)
Tips: The reflexive verb sich aufhalten is used to express the action of staying or lingering in a place. It can be used in various contexts, from waiting for someone to residing in a specific location. It is important to note that the reflexive pronoun ‘sich’ is a crucial part of this verb and indicates that the action is being done to oneself.
Der Löwe ist der König der Tiere.
Tips: The word Löwe is a masculine noun. It is used to refer to the majestic animal, the lion. It’s essential to remember the plural form ‘die Löwen’ when talking about more than one lion.
Die Löwen leben meist in großen Gruppen, den sogenannten Rudeln.
Der Löwe ist der König der Tiere.
Tips: The word Löwe is a masculine noun. It is used to refer to the majestic animal, the lion. It’s essential to remember the plural form ‘die Löwen’ when talking about more than one lion.
Der Elefant ist das größte Landsäugetier der Welt.
(The elephant is the largest land mammal in the world.)
Tips: The word Elefant refers to the majestic creature known for its large ears, long trunk, and tusks. It’s a masculine noun, and its plural form is die Elefanten. When using adjectives or verbs related to elephants, it’s important to match the gender and number of the noun.
Die Elefanten im Zoo sind sehr imposant.
Der Elefant ist das größte Landsäugetier der Welt.
(The elephants in the zoo are very impressive.)
Tips: The word Elefant refers to the majestic creature known for its large ears, long trunk, and tusks. It’s a masculine noun, and its plural form is die Elefanten. When using adjectives or verbs related to elephants, it’s important to match the gender and number of the noun.
Der Jäger beobachtete die Bewegungen des Elefanten.
Der Elefant ist das größte Landsäugetier der Welt.
(The hunter observed the movements of the elephant.)
Tips: The word Elefant refers to the majestic creature known for its large ears, long trunk, and tusks. It’s a masculine noun, and its plural form is die Elefanten. When using adjectives or verbs related to elephants, it’s important to match the gender and number of the noun.
Der Affe schwingt von Ast zu Ast im Dschungel.
(The monkey swings from branch to branch in the jungle.)
Tips: The word Affe refers to the animal ‘monkey’. It’s used to describe both the singular and plural forms in different contexts. When speaking about the female monkey, the word used is ‘Affin’. In German, monkeys are not only fascinating creatures but also symbolic in various cultural and literary contexts.
Similar: der Schimpanse (chimpanzee), der Gorilla (gorilla)
Die Affen im Zoo sind immer sehr unterhaltsam anzusehen.
Der Affe schwingt von Ast zu Ast im Dschungel.
(The monkeys in the zoo are always very entertaining to watch.)
Tips: The word Affe refers to the animal ‘monkey’. It’s used to describe both the singular and plural forms in different contexts. When speaking about the female monkey, the word used is ‘Affin’. In German, monkeys are not only fascinating creatures but also symbolic in various cultural and literary contexts.
Similar: der Schimpanse (chimpanzee), der Gorilla (gorilla)
Wegen des Affenschnellschusses ist er berühmt geworden.
Der Affe schwingt von Ast zu Ast im Dschungel.
(He became famous because of the monkey’s quick shot.)
Tips: The word Affe refers to the animal ‘monkey’. It’s used to describe both the singular and plural forms in different contexts. When speaking about the female monkey, the word used is ‘Affin’. In German, monkeys are not only fascinating creatures but also symbolic in various cultural and literary contexts.
Similar: der Schimpanse (chimpanzee), der Gorilla (gorilla)
Die Charts zeigen die aktuellen Verkaufszahlen der Musikalben.
(The charts show the current sales figures of the music albums.)
Tips: The word ‘Charts’ is used in German to refer to music charts, such as the top-selling songs or albums. It is commonly used in the context of music and entertainment.
Sein Lied ist an die Spitze der Charts gestiegen.
Die Charts zeigen die aktuellen Verkaufszahlen der Musikalben.
(His song has risen to the top of the charts.)
Tips: The word ‘Charts’ is used in German to refer to music charts, such as the top-selling songs or albums. It is commonly used in the context of music and entertainment.
Die Jury hat die Gewinner des Wettbewerbs ausgewählt.
(The jury has selected the winners of the competition.)
Tips: The word Jury refers to a group of people selected to judge a competition or give a verdict in a legal context. It is a feminine noun and its plural form is die Juries.
Die Jury war sich einig, dass die Leistung des Künstlers herausragend war.
Die Jury hat die Gewinner des Wettbewerbs ausgewählt.
(The jury agreed that the artist’s performance was outstanding.)
Tips: The word Jury refers to a group of people selected to judge a competition or give a verdict in a legal context. It is a feminine noun and its plural form is die Juries.
Eine Jury besteht oft aus Experten auf einem bestimmten Gebiet.
Die Jury hat die Gewinner des Wettbewerbs ausgewählt.
(A jury often consists of experts in a particular field.)
Tips: The word Jury refers to a group of people selected to judge a competition or give a verdict in a legal context. It is a feminine noun and its plural form is die Juries.
Der Preis für das Konzertticket war recht hoch.
(The price for the concert ticket was quite high.)
Tips: The word Preis is used to refer to the cost of something, whether it’s a product, service, or even an intangible concept like freedom. It is a very common word used in everyday conversations and is essential for expressing the value of items or experiences.
Similar: Kosten (costs), Gebühr (fee)
Die Preise in diesem Laden sind sehr günstig.
Der Preis für das Konzertticket war recht hoch.
(The prices in this store are very affordable.)
Tips: The word Preis is used to refer to the cost of something, whether it’s a product, service, or even an intangible concept like freedom. It is a very common word used in everyday conversations and is essential for expressing the value of items or experiences.
Similar: Kosten (costs), Gebühr (fee)
Trotz des hohen Preises habe ich das Gemälde gekauft, denn es hat mir sehr gut gefallen.
Der Preis für das Konzertticket war recht hoch.
(Despite the high price, I bought the painting because I liked it very much.)
Tips: The word Preis is used to refer to the cost of something, whether it’s a product, service, or even an intangible concept like freedom. It is a very common word used in everyday conversations and is essential for expressing the value of items or experiences.
Similar: Kosten (costs), Gebühr (fee)
Der Preis der Freiheit ist oft sehr hoch.
Der Preis für das Konzertticket war recht hoch.
(The price of freedom is often very high.)
Tips: The word Preis is used to refer to the cost of something, whether it’s a product, service, or even an intangible concept like freedom. It is a very common word used in everyday conversations and is essential for expressing the value of items or experiences.
Similar: Kosten (costs), Gebühr (fee)
Am Ende hat sie den Preis für ihre Entscheidung bezahlt.
Der Preis für das Konzertticket war recht hoch.
(In the end, she paid the price for her decision.)
Tips: The word Preis is used to refer to the cost of something, whether it’s a product, service, or even an intangible concept like freedom. It is a very common word used in everyday conversations and is essential for expressing the value of items or experiences.
Similar: Kosten (costs), Gebühr (fee)
Sie erhielt eine Auszeichnung für ihre hervorragenden Leistungen in der Wissenschaft.
award, distinction
(She received an award for her outstanding performance in the field of science.)
Tips: The noun Auszeichnung refers to an award or a distinction given for outstanding achievement or performance. It is commonly used in the context of academic, artistic, or professional achievements. It denotes a formal recognition of excellence.
Similar: Ehrenpreis (honor award), Anerkennung (recognition)
Diese Auszeichnungen sind ein Zeichen der Anerkennung für die besten Schüler.
award, distinction
Sie erhielt eine Auszeichnung für ihre hervorragenden Leistungen in der Wissenschaft.
(These distinctions are a sign of recognition for the top students.)
Tips: The noun Auszeichnung refers to an award or a distinction given for outstanding achievement or performance. It is commonly used in the context of academic, artistic, or professional achievements. It denotes a formal recognition of excellence.
Similar: Ehrenpreis (honor award), Anerkennung (recognition)
Die Auszeichnung des besten Films ging an ein unabhängiges Werk.
award, distinction
Sie erhielt eine Auszeichnung für ihre hervorragenden Leistungen in der Wissenschaft.
(The award for the best film went to an independent piece.)
Tips: The noun Auszeichnung refers to an award or a distinction given for outstanding achievement or performance. It is commonly used in the context of academic, artistic, or professional achievements. It denotes a formal recognition of excellence.
Similar: Ehrenpreis (honor award), Anerkennung (recognition)
Trotz der harten Konkurrenz erhielt er die Auszeichnung für seine einfallsreiche Arbeit.
award, distinction
Sie erhielt eine Auszeichnung für ihre hervorragenden Leistungen in der Wissenschaft.
(Despite the tough competition, he received the distinction for his innovative work.)
Tips: The noun Auszeichnung refers to an award or a distinction given for outstanding achievement or performance. It is commonly used in the context of academic, artistic, or professional achievements. It denotes a formal recognition of excellence.
Similar: Ehrenpreis (honor award), Anerkennung (recognition)
Die Auszeichnungen werden jedes Jahr während einer besonderen Gala verliehen.
award, distinction
Sie erhielt eine Auszeichnung für ihre hervorragenden Leistungen in der Wissenschaft.
(The awards are presented every year during a special gala.)
Tips: The noun Auszeichnung refers to an award or a distinction given for outstanding achievement or performance. It is commonly used in the context of academic, artistic, or professional achievements. It denotes a formal recognition of excellence.
Similar: Ehrenpreis (honor award), Anerkennung (recognition)
Sie spielt die Violine in einem Orchester.
(She plays the violin in an orchestra.)
Tips: The word Violine refers to the musical instrument ‘violin’. It is a feminine noun and its plural form is ‘die Violinen’. It is an essential instrument in classical music and is widely used in various musical genres.
Die Violine ist ein wunderschönes Musikinstrument.
Sie spielt die Violine in einem Orchester.
(The violin is a beautiful musical instrument.)
Tips: The word Violine refers to the musical instrument ‘violin’. It is a feminine noun and its plural form is ‘die Violinen’. It is an essential instrument in classical music and is widely used in various musical genres.
Er spielt seit Jahren das Schlagzeug in einer Band.
drum set
(He has been playing the drum set in a band for years.)
Tips: The word Schlagzeug refers to the drum set, which is a crucial component of various music styles. It’s a compound noun combining ‘Schlag’ (hit) and ‘Zeug’ (stuff), expressing the idea of an instrument that is played by hitting various components. Whether in a rock band or an orchestra, the Schlagzeug adds rhythm and depth to the music.
Das Schlagzeug besteht aus verschiedenen Trommeln und Becken.
drum set
Er spielt seit Jahren das Schlagzeug in einer Band.
(The drum set consists of various drums and cymbals.)
Tips: The word Schlagzeug refers to the drum set, which is a crucial component of various music styles. It’s a compound noun combining ‘Schlag’ (hit) and ‘Zeug’ (stuff), expressing the idea of an instrument that is played by hitting various components. Whether in a rock band or an orchestra, the Schlagzeug adds rhythm and depth to the music.
Sie lernt, Schlagzeug zu spielen, weil sie in der Schulband sein möchte.
drum set
Er spielt seit Jahren das Schlagzeug in einer Band.
(She is learning to play the drum set because she wants to be in the school band.)
Tips: The word Schlagzeug refers to the drum set, which is a crucial component of various music styles. It’s a compound noun combining ‘Schlag’ (hit) and ‘Zeug’ (stuff), expressing the idea of an instrument that is played by hitting various components. Whether in a rock band or an orchestra, the Schlagzeug adds rhythm and depth to the music.
Das Schlagzeug ist ein wichtiges Instrument in vielen Musikgenres.
drum set
Er spielt seit Jahren das Schlagzeug in einer Band.
(The drum set is an important instrument in many music genres.)
Tips: The word Schlagzeug refers to the drum set, which is a crucial component of various music styles. It’s a compound noun combining ‘Schlag’ (hit) and ‘Zeug’ (stuff), expressing the idea of an instrument that is played by hitting various components. Whether in a rock band or an orchestra, the Schlagzeug adds rhythm and depth to the music.
Sie spielt seit ihrer Kindheit das Klavier und ist eine talentierte Musikerin.
piano (musical instrument)
(She has been playing the piano since her childhood and is a talented musician.)
Tips: The word Klavier refers specifically to the musical instrument ‘piano’. It’s important to note that Klavier is a neuter noun, so accompanying articles and adjectives should match accordingly.
Das Klavier steht im Wohnzimmer und wird oft von der Familie genutzt.
piano (musical instrument)
Sie spielt seit ihrer Kindheit das Klavier und ist eine talentierte Musikerin.
(The piano is in the living room and is often used by the family.)
Tips: The word Klavier refers specifically to the musical instrument ‘piano’. It’s important to note that Klavier is a neuter noun, so accompanying articles and adjectives should match accordingly.
Sie spielt die Flöte wunderschön.
(She plays the flute beautifully.)
Tips: The word Flöte refers to the musical instrument ‘flute.’ It’s a feminine noun and its plural form is ‘die Flöten.’ Whether in classical music or folk music, the flute is a versatile instrument that adds a delightful melody to any composition.
Die Flöten klingen melodisch im Orchester.
Sie spielt die Flöte wunderschön.
(The flutes sound melodious in the orchestra.)
Tips: The word Flöte refers to the musical instrument ‘flute.’ It’s a feminine noun and its plural form is ‘die Flöten.’ Whether in classical music or folk music, the flute is a versatile instrument that adds a delightful melody to any composition.
Der tiefe Klang des Basses füllte den Raum.
(The deep sound of the bass filled the room.)
Tips: The noun Bass refers to the musical instrument or the low-frequency sound. It is commonly used in the context of music and sound equipment.
In dieser Band spielt er den Bass.
Der tiefe Klang des Basses füllte den Raum.
(He plays the bass in this band.)
Tips: The noun Bass refers to the musical instrument or the low-frequency sound. It is commonly used in the context of music and sound equipment.
Er lernt, ein neues Musikinstrument zu spielen.
musical instrument
Tips: The word Musikinstrument refers to any instrument used to produce music, such as piano, guitar, flute, or drums. It’s a compound word, combining ‘Musik’ (music) and ‘Instrument’ (instrument). In German, the plural form is ‘die Musikinstrumente’. When talking about playing a musical instrument, use the verb ‘spielen’ like in the example ‘ein Musikinstrument zu spielen’.
Sie hat viele Musikinstrumente in ihrem Musikzimmer.
musical instrument
Er lernt, ein neues Musikinstrument zu spielen.
Tips: The word Musikinstrument refers to any instrument used to produce music, such as piano, guitar, flute, or drums. It’s a compound word, combining ‘Musik’ (music) and ‘Instrument’ (instrument). In German, the plural form is ‘die Musikinstrumente’. When talking about playing a musical instrument, use the verb ‘spielen’ like in the example ‘ein Musikinstrument zu spielen’.
Der Rhythmus der Musik hat mich zum Tanzen gebracht.
(The rhythm of the music made me dance.)
Tips: The word Rhythmus refers to the pattern of beats or sounds in music, poetry, or art. It’s a masculine noun and it’s used in singular and plural forms. When talking about music, dance, or any form of artistic expression, this word is frequently used.
Sie hat den Rhythmus des Gedichts perfekt betont.
Der Rhythmus der Musik hat mich zum Tanzen gebracht.
(She perfectly emphasized the rhythm of the poem.)
Tips: The word Rhythmus refers to the pattern of beats or sounds in music, poetry, or art. It’s a masculine noun and it’s used in singular and plural forms. When talking about music, dance, or any form of artistic expression, this word is frequently used.
In der Kunst spielt der Rhythmus eine wichtige Rolle.
Der Rhythmus der Musik hat mich zum Tanzen gebracht.
(Rhythm plays an important role in art.)
Tips: The word Rhythmus refers to the pattern of beats or sounds in music, poetry, or art. It’s a masculine noun and it’s used in singular and plural forms. When talking about music, dance, or any form of artistic expression, this word is frequently used.
Die Melodie dieses Liedes ist sehr eingängig.
(The melody of this song is very catchy.)
Tips: The word Melodie refers to a sequence of musical tones or notes that are perceived as a single entity. It is used to describe the pleasant arrangements of sounds in music.
Er hat eine wunderschöne Melodie komponiert.
Die Melodie dieses Liedes ist sehr eingängig.
(He composed a beautiful melody.)
Tips: The word Melodie refers to a sequence of musical tones or notes that are perceived as a single entity. It is used to describe the pleasant arrangements of sounds in music.
Die Melodien von Mozart sind weltbekannt.
Die Melodie dieses Liedes ist sehr eingängig.
(Mozart’s melodies are world-famous.)
Tips: The word Melodie refers to a sequence of musical tones or notes that are perceived as a single entity. It is used to describe the pleasant arrangements of sounds in music.
Sie kann die Melodie des Liedes nicht vergessen.
Die Melodie dieses Liedes ist sehr eingängig.
(She can’t forget the melody of the song.)
Tips: The word Melodie refers to a sequence of musical tones or notes that are perceived as a single entity. It is used to describe the pleasant arrangements of sounds in music.
Dieser Song hat großartige Texte und eine eingängige Melodie.
(This song has great lyrics and a catchy melody.)
Tips: The word Song is used in German to refer to a musical composition with vocals. It’s commonly used in the context of discussing music genres, albums, or individual tracks. It’s an everyday term in German and is often used in both formal and informal conversations.
Er hat einen traurigen Song über seine verlorene Liebe geschrieben.
Dieser Song hat großartige Texte und eine eingängige Melodie.
(He wrote a sad song about his lost love.)
Tips: The word Song is used in German to refer to a musical composition with vocals. It’s commonly used in the context of discussing music genres, albums, or individual tracks. It’s an everyday term in German and is often used in both formal and informal conversations.
Die Wahrheit über die Situation wird bald ans Licht kommen.
(The truth about the situation will soon come to light.)
Tips: The noun Wahrheit refers to the concept of truth. It is frequently used in various contexts, from everyday conversations to philosophical discussions. It’s essential to understand and use this word appropriately in both spoken and written German.
Es ist wichtig, immer die Wahrheit zu sagen.
Die Wahrheit über die Situation wird bald ans Licht kommen.
(It is important to always tell the truth.)
Tips: The noun Wahrheit refers to the concept of truth. It is frequently used in various contexts, from everyday conversations to philosophical discussions. It’s essential to understand and use this word appropriately in both spoken and written German.
Trotzdem hat er die Wahrheit verschwiegen.
Die Wahrheit über die Situation wird bald ans Licht kommen.
(Nevertheless, he kept the truth to himself.)
Tips: The noun Wahrheit refers to the concept of truth. It is frequently used in various contexts, from everyday conversations to philosophical discussions. It’s essential to understand and use this word appropriately in both spoken and written German.
Die Wahrheiten des Lebens sind oft komplex.
Die Wahrheit über die Situation wird bald ans Licht kommen.
(The truths of life are often complex.)
Tips: The noun Wahrheit refers to the concept of truth. It is frequently used in various contexts, from everyday conversations to philosophical discussions. It’s essential to understand and use this word appropriately in both spoken and written German.
Manche Menschen können die Wahrheit nicht ertragen.
Die Wahrheit über die Situation wird bald ans Licht kommen.
(Some people cannot bear the truth.)
Tips: The noun Wahrheit refers to the concept of truth. It is frequently used in various contexts, from everyday conversations to philosophical discussions. It’s essential to understand and use this word appropriately in both spoken and written German.
Es ist schwer, eine ungesunde Gewohnheit zu ändern.
(It’s difficult to change an unhealthy habit.)
Tips: The noun Gewohnheit refers to a habit or a customary way of behaving. It can be used to describe both positive and negative habits. When talking about breaking a habit, you can use expressions like ‘eine Gewohnheit ändern’ (change a habit) or ‘eine Gewohnheit aufgeben’ (give up a habit).
Similar: Ritual, Sitte
Die tägliche Morgenroutine wurde zu einer festen Gewohnheit.
Es ist schwer, eine ungesunde Gewohnheit zu ändern.
(The daily morning routine became a fixed habit.)
Tips: The noun Gewohnheit refers to a habit or a customary way of behaving. It can be used to describe both positive and negative habits. When talking about breaking a habit, you can use expressions like ‘eine Gewohnheit ändern’ (change a habit) or ‘eine Gewohnheit aufgeben’ (give up a habit).
Similar: Ritual, Sitte
Trotzdem gelang es ihm, die Gewohnheit des Rauchens aufzugeben.
Es ist schwer, eine ungesunde Gewohnheit zu ändern.
(Nevertheless, he managed to give up the habit of smoking.)
Tips: The noun Gewohnheit refers to a habit or a customary way of behaving. It can be used to describe both positive and negative habits. When talking about breaking a habit, you can use expressions like ‘eine Gewohnheit ändern’ (change a habit) or ‘eine Gewohnheit aufgeben’ (give up a habit).
Similar: Ritual, Sitte
Nachdem sie anfing, regelmäßig Sport zu treiben, wurde es zur Gewohnheit.
Es ist schwer, eine ungesunde Gewohnheit zu ändern.
(After she started exercising regularly, it became a habit.)
Tips: The noun Gewohnheit refers to a habit or a customary way of behaving. It can be used to describe both positive and negative habits. When talking about breaking a habit, you can use expressions like ‘eine Gewohnheit ändern’ (change a habit) or ‘eine Gewohnheit aufgeben’ (give up a habit).
Similar: Ritual, Sitte
Die Gewohnheiten eines Menschen spiegeln oft seine Persönlichkeit wider.
Es ist schwer, eine ungesunde Gewohnheit zu ändern.
(A person’s habits often reflect their personality.)
Tips: The noun Gewohnheit refers to a habit or a customary way of behaving. It can be used to describe both positive and negative habits. When talking about breaking a habit, you can use expressions like ‘eine Gewohnheit ändern’ (change a habit) or ‘eine Gewohnheit aufgeben’ (give up a habit).
Similar: Ritual, Sitte
Seine Ausrede war, dass er den Verkehr unterschätzt hatte.
(His excuse was that he had underestimated the traffic.)
Tips: The noun ‘Ausrede’ refers to an excuse or justification for a certain action or behavior. It can be used in various contexts, from informal conversations to formal settings. It is important to note that ‘Ausrede’ carries a sense of explanation rather than a legitimate reason.
Similar: Entschuldigung (apology), Rechtfertigung (justification)
Sie hatte immer eine Ausrede parat, wenn sie zu spät kam.
Seine Ausrede war, dass er den Verkehr unterschätzt hatte.
(She always had an excuse ready when she was late.)
Tips: The noun ‘Ausrede’ refers to an excuse or justification for a certain action or behavior. It can be used in various contexts, from informal conversations to formal settings. It is important to note that ‘Ausrede’ carries a sense of explanation rather than a legitimate reason.
Similar: Entschuldigung (apology), Rechtfertigung (justification)
Trotz seiner Ausreden glaubte ihm niemand mehr.
Seine Ausrede war, dass er den Verkehr unterschätzt hatte.
(Despite his excuses, nobody believed him anymore.)
Tips: The noun ‘Ausrede’ refers to an excuse or justification for a certain action or behavior. It can be used in various contexts, from informal conversations to formal settings. It is important to note that ‘Ausrede’ carries a sense of explanation rather than a legitimate reason.
Similar: Entschuldigung (apology), Rechtfertigung (justification)
Ich habe keine Lust mehr, ständig nach Ausreden zu suchen.
Seine Ausrede war, dass er den Verkehr unterschätzt hatte.
(I’m tired of constantly looking for excuses.)
Tips: The noun ‘Ausrede’ refers to an excuse or justification for a certain action or behavior. It can be used in various contexts, from informal conversations to formal settings. It is important to note that ‘Ausrede’ carries a sense of explanation rather than a legitimate reason.
Similar: Entschuldigung (apology), Rechtfertigung (justification)
Wir feiern Silvester mit Freunden und Familie.
New Year’s Eve
(We celebrate New Year’s Eve with friends and family.)
Tips: The term Silvester is used exclusively to refer to New Year’s Eve. It is a widely celebrated and festive occasion in Germany and other German-speaking countries. It is common to wish others ‘einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr’ (a good slide into the new year) on this day.
In Deutschland gibt es viele Traditionen an Silvester, wie das Feuerwerk um Mitternacht.
New Year’s Eve
Wir feiern Silvester mit Freunden und Familie.
(In Germany, there are many traditions on New Year’s Eve, such as the fireworks at midnight.)
Tips: The term Silvester is used exclusively to refer to New Year’s Eve. It is a widely celebrated and festive occasion in Germany and other German-speaking countries. It is common to wish others ‘einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr’ (a good slide into the new year) on this day.
Der Anlass für die Feier war sein Geburtstag.
occasion, reason
(The occasion for the celebration was his birthday.)
Tips: The noun Anlass is used to refer to a specific occasion or reason for an event or action. It can be related to celebrations, events, or any circumstance that prompts a particular action or feeling. It’s a versatile word that can be used in formal and informal contexts.
Similar: Grund (reason), Ereignis (event)
Aus Anlass des Jubiläums gibt es spezielle Veranstaltungen.
occasion, reason
Der Anlass für die Feier war sein Geburtstag.
(There are special events on the occasion of the anniversary.)
Tips: The noun Anlass is used to refer to a specific occasion or reason for an event or action. It can be related to celebrations, events, or any circumstance that prompts a particular action or feeling. It’s a versatile word that can be used in formal and informal contexts.
Similar: Grund (reason), Ereignis (event)
Trotz des traurigen Anlasses war die Trauerfeier sehr bewegend.
occasion, reason
Der Anlass für die Feier war sein Geburtstag.
(Despite the sad reason, the funeral service was very moving.)
Tips: The noun Anlass is used to refer to a specific occasion or reason for an event or action. It can be related to celebrations, events, or any circumstance that prompts a particular action or feeling. It’s a versatile word that can be used in formal and informal contexts.
Similar: Grund (reason), Ereignis (event)
Wir haben keinen Anlass zur Sorge.
occasion, reason
Der Anlass für die Feier war sein Geburtstag.
(We have no reason to worry.)
Tips: The noun Anlass is used to refer to a specific occasion or reason for an event or action. It can be related to celebrations, events, or any circumstance that prompts a particular action or feeling. It’s a versatile word that can be used in formal and informal contexts.
Similar: Grund (reason), Ereignis (event)
Es gelingt mir, Deutsch zu lernen.
to succeed, to be successful
(I succeed in learning German.)
Tips: The verb gelingen is used to express the idea of succeeding or being successful in something. It is often used to talk about achieving goals, completing tasks, or accomplishing difficult feats. It conveys a sense of accomplishment and can be used in various contexts, from personal achievements to professional successes.
Similar: erreichen (to achieve), schaffen (to manage, to accomplish)
Ihnen gelang es, das schwierige Projekt abzuschließen.
to succeed, to be successful
Es gelingt mir, Deutsch zu lernen.
(They succeeded in completing the difficult project.)
Tips: The verb gelingen is used to express the idea of succeeding or being successful in something. It is often used to talk about achieving goals, completing tasks, or accomplishing difficult feats. It conveys a sense of accomplishment and can be used in various contexts, from personal achievements to professional successes.
Similar: erreichen (to achieve), schaffen (to manage, to accomplish)
Es ist ihm gelungen, die Prüfung zu bestehen.
to succeed, to be successful
Es gelingt mir, Deutsch zu lernen.
(He succeeded in passing the exam.)
Tips: The verb gelingen is used to express the idea of succeeding or being successful in something. It is often used to talk about achieving goals, completing tasks, or accomplishing difficult feats. It conveys a sense of accomplishment and can be used in various contexts, from personal achievements to professional successes.
Similar: erreichen (to achieve), schaffen (to manage, to accomplish)
Obwohl das Rezept kompliziert aussah, ist es mir gelungen, einen leckeren Kuchen zu backen.
to succeed, to be successful
Es gelingt mir, Deutsch zu lernen.
(Although the recipe looked complicated, I managed to bake a delicious cake.)
Tips: The verb gelingen is used to express the idea of succeeding or being successful in something. It is often used to talk about achieving goals, completing tasks, or accomplishing difficult feats. It conveys a sense of accomplishment and can be used in various contexts, from personal achievements to professional successes.
Similar: erreichen (to achieve), schaffen (to manage, to accomplish)
Es gelingt ihm trotz vieler Hindernisse, sein Ziel zu erreichen.
to succeed, to be successful
Es gelingt mir, Deutsch zu lernen.
(He manages to achieve his goal despite many obstacles.)
Tips: The verb gelingen is used to express the idea of succeeding or being successful in something. It is often used to talk about achieving goals, completing tasks, or accomplishing difficult feats. It conveys a sense of accomplishment and can be used in various contexts, from personal achievements to professional successes.
Similar: erreichen (to achieve), schaffen (to manage, to accomplish)
Ich nehme mir vor, morgen früh Joggen zu gehen.
to plan, to intend
(I plan to go jogging tomorrow morning.)
Tips: The reflexive verb sich vornehmen is used to express the intention or plan to do something. It is often used when setting personal goals or making resolutions. It is important to note that the reflexive pronoun ‘sich’ is used in the verb construction.
Similar: planen (to plan), beabsichtigen (to intend)
Sie hat sich vorgenommen, Deutsch zu lernen, um im Ausland zu arbeiten.
to plan, to intend
Ich nehme mir vor, morgen früh Joggen zu gehen.
(She intends to learn German in order to work abroad.)
Tips: The reflexive verb sich vornehmen is used to express the intention or plan to do something. It is often used when setting personal goals or making resolutions. It is important to note that the reflexive pronoun ‘sich’ is used in the verb construction.
Similar: planen (to plan), beabsichtigen (to intend)
Er nahm sich vor, mehr Zeit mit seiner Familie zu verbringen.
to plan, to intend
Ich nehme mir vor, morgen früh Joggen zu gehen.
(He planned to spend more time with his family.)
Tips: The reflexive verb sich vornehmen is used to express the intention or plan to do something. It is often used when setting personal goals or making resolutions. It is important to note that the reflexive pronoun ‘sich’ is used in the verb construction.
Similar: planen (to plan), beabsichtigen (to intend)
Ich habe mir vorgenommen, gesünder zu essen und mehr Sport zu treiben.
to plan, to intend
Ich nehme mir vor, morgen früh Joggen zu gehen.
(I have resolved to eat healthier and do more exercise.)
Tips: The reflexive verb sich vornehmen is used to express the intention or plan to do something. It is often used when setting personal goals or making resolutions. It is important to note that the reflexive pronoun ‘sich’ is used in the verb construction.
Similar: planen (to plan), beabsichtigen (to intend)
Trotzdem nimmt sie sich vor, positiv zu bleiben und hart zu arbeiten.
to plan, to intend
Ich nehme mir vor, morgen früh Joggen zu gehen.
(Nevertheless, she resolves to stay positive and work hard.)
Tips: The reflexive verb sich vornehmen is used to express the intention or plan to do something. It is often used when setting personal goals or making resolutions. It is important to note that the reflexive pronoun ‘sich’ is used in the verb construction.
Similar: planen (to plan), beabsichtigen (to intend)
Sie fasst meine Hand, um mir zu zeigen, dass sie da ist.
to grasp/to comprehend
(She grasps my hand to show me that she is there.)
Tips: The verb fassen primarily means ‘to grasp’ or ‘to comprehend.’ It can refer to physically holding or understanding something intellectually. It is used in various contexts, such as holding hands, understanding a concept, or summarizing information.
Similar: begreifen (to understand/grasp), verstehen (to understand)
Ich fasste nicht, was sie meinte, bis sie es erklärte.
to grasp/to comprehend
Sie fasst meine Hand, um mir zu zeigen, dass sie da ist.
(I didn’t comprehend what she meant until she explained it.)
Tips: The verb fassen primarily means ‘to grasp’ or ‘to comprehend.’ It can refer to physically holding or understanding something intellectually. It is used in various contexts, such as holding hands, understanding a concept, or summarizing information.
Similar: begreifen (to understand/grasp), verstehen (to understand)
Er hat die Situation schnell gefasst und angemessen reagiert.
to grasp/to comprehend
Sie fasst meine Hand, um mir zu zeigen, dass sie da ist.
(He quickly grasped the situation and reacted appropriately.)
Tips: The verb fassen primarily means ‘to grasp’ or ‘to comprehend.’ It can refer to physically holding or understanding something intellectually. It is used in various contexts, such as holding hands, understanding a concept, or summarizing information.
Similar: begreifen (to understand/grasp), verstehen (to understand)
Trotz der Komplexität des Themas fasste er es gut zusammen.
to grasp/to comprehend
Sie fasst meine Hand, um mir zu zeigen, dass sie da ist.
(Despite the complexity of the topic, he summarized it well.)
Tips: The verb fassen primarily means ‘to grasp’ or ‘to comprehend.’ It can refer to physically holding or understanding something intellectually. It is used in various contexts, such as holding hands, understanding a concept, or summarizing information.
Similar: begreifen (to understand/grasp), verstehen (to understand)
Wenn du den Text liest, versuche, den Kerngedanken zu fassen.
to grasp/to comprehend
Sie fasst meine Hand, um mir zu zeigen, dass sie da ist.
(When you read the text, try to grasp the main idea.)
Tips: The verb fassen primarily means ‘to grasp’ or ‘to comprehend.’ It can refer to physically holding or understanding something intellectually. It is used in various contexts, such as holding hands, understanding a concept, or summarizing information.
Similar: begreifen (to understand/grasp), verstehen (to understand)
Mein Vorsatz für das neue Jahr ist, mehr Sport zu treiben.
intention, resolution, plan
(My resolution for the new year is to do more sports.)
Tips: The noun ‘Vorsatz’ refers to an intention, resolution, or plan that someone has for the future. It is often used in the context of setting goals or making decisions for personal improvement.
Er hatte den Vorsatz, pünktlicher zu sein, aber es hat nicht geklappt.
intention, resolution, plan
Mein Vorsatz für das neue Jahr ist, mehr Sport zu treiben.
(He had the intention to be more punctual, but it didn’t work out.)
Tips: The noun ‘Vorsatz’ refers to an intention, resolution, or plan that someone has for the future. It is often used in the context of setting goals or making decisions for personal improvement.
Trotz seinem guten Vorsatz hat er wieder mit dem Rauchen angefangen.
intention, resolution, plan
Mein Vorsatz für das neue Jahr ist, mehr Sport zu treiben.
(Despite his good resolution, he started smoking again.)
Tips: The noun ‘Vorsatz’ refers to an intention, resolution, or plan that someone has for the future. It is often used in the context of setting goals or making decisions for personal improvement.
Ich verzichte auf Süßigkeiten, um gesünder zu leben.
to do without, to renounce
(I do without sweets to live healthier.)
Tips: The verb verzichten auf is used to express the act of renouncing or doing without something. It often implies a conscious decision to go without something for a specific reason, such as health, responsibility, or personal choice.
Er verzichtete auf seinen Urlaub, um seiner Familie zu helfen.
to do without, to renounce
Ich verzichte auf Süßigkeiten, um gesünder zu leben.
(He renounced his vacation to help his family.)
Tips: The verb verzichten auf is used to express the act of renouncing or doing without something. It often implies a conscious decision to go without something for a specific reason, such as health, responsibility, or personal choice.
Sie hat auf Alkohol verzichtet, seitdem sie schwanger ist.
to do without, to renounce
Ich verzichte auf Süßigkeiten, um gesünder zu leben.
(She has abstained from alcohol since she is pregnant.)
Tips: The verb verzichten auf is used to express the act of renouncing or doing without something. It often implies a conscious decision to go without something for a specific reason, such as health, responsibility, or personal choice.
Trotz des Verlockungen verzichtete er auf den Kauf des teuren Autos.
to do without, to renounce
Ich verzichte auf Süßigkeiten, um gesünder zu leben.
(Despite the temptations, he renounced the purchase of the expensive car.)
Tips: The verb verzichten auf is used to express the act of renouncing or doing without something. It often implies a conscious decision to go without something for a specific reason, such as health, responsibility, or personal choice.
Wir können uns nachher treffen.
(We can meet up later.)
Tips: The adverb nachher is used to refer to a point in time that is after the current moment. It is commonly used in everyday conversations to indicate plans or actions that will take place later.
Ich rufe dich nachher an.
Wir können uns nachher treffen.
(I’ll call you later.)
Tips: The adverb nachher is used to refer to a point in time that is after the current moment. It is commonly used in everyday conversations to indicate plans or actions that will take place later.
Du kannst nachher essen, wenn du hungrig bist.
Wir können uns nachher treffen.
(You can eat later if you’re hungry.)
Tips: The adverb nachher is used to refer to a point in time that is after the current moment. It is commonly used in everyday conversations to indicate plans or actions that will take place later.
Sie haben nachher eingekauft.
Wir können uns nachher treffen.
(They went shopping later.)
Tips: The adverb nachher is used to refer to a point in time that is after the current moment. It is commonly used in everyday conversations to indicate plans or actions that will take place later.
Ich gehe nachher zum Sport.
Wir können uns nachher treffen.
(I’m going to the gym later.)
Tips: The adverb nachher is used to refer to a point in time that is after the current moment. It is commonly used in everyday conversations to indicate plans or actions that will take place later.
Bitte füllen Sie das Formular vollständig aus und unterschreiben Sie am Ende.
form, document
(Please fill out the form completely and sign at the end.)
Tips: The word Formular refers to a form or document that requires filling in, typically for administrative or official purposes. It’s commonly used in various contexts such as visa applications, job applications, or any kind of official paperwork.
Similar: Antrag (application, request), Dokument (document)
Das Formulars ist für die Beantragung eines Visums erforderlich.
form, document
Bitte füllen Sie das Formular vollständig aus und unterschreiben Sie am Ende.
(The form is required for the visa application.)
Tips: The word Formular refers to a form or document that requires filling in, typically for administrative or official purposes. It’s commonly used in various contexts such as visa applications, job applications, or any kind of official paperwork.
Similar: Antrag (application, request), Dokument (document)
In dem Formular müssen Sie Ihre persönlichen Daten angeben.
form, document
Bitte füllen Sie das Formular vollständig aus und unterschreiben Sie am Ende.
(You need to provide your personal information in the form.)
Tips: The word Formular refers to a form or document that requires filling in, typically for administrative or official purposes. It’s commonly used in various contexts such as visa applications, job applications, or any kind of official paperwork.
Similar: Antrag (application, request), Dokument (document)
Das Formular liegt am Empfangstresen aus.
form, document
Bitte füllen Sie das Formular vollständig aus und unterschreiben Sie am Ende.
(The form is available at the reception desk.)
Tips: The word Formular refers to a form or document that requires filling in, typically for administrative or official purposes. It’s commonly used in various contexts such as visa applications, job applications, or any kind of official paperwork.
Similar: Antrag (application, request), Dokument (document)
Bitte senden Sie das Formular per E-Mail an uns zurück.
form, document
Bitte füllen Sie das Formular vollständig aus und unterschreiben Sie am Ende.
(Please send the form back to us via email.)
Tips: The word Formular refers to a form or document that requires filling in, typically for administrative or official purposes. It’s commonly used in various contexts such as visa applications, job applications, or any kind of official paperwork.
Similar: Antrag (application, request), Dokument (document)
Bitte tragen Sie Ihren Namen und Ihre Adresse in dieses Formular ein.
to register, to enter
(Please enter your name and address in this form.)
Tips: The verb eintragen is used when entering or registering something into a form, a system, or a list. It is commonly used in administrative, academic, or official contexts. The separable prefix ‘ein-‘ is placed at the end of the sentence in the imperative, infinitive, and present tense.
Similar: registrieren (to register), einschreiben (to enroll, to register)
Er trug die neuen Informationen in die Datenbank ein.
to register, to enter
Bitte tragen Sie Ihren Namen und Ihre Adresse in dieses Formular ein.
(He entered the new information into the database.)
Tips: The verb eintragen is used when entering or registering something into a form, a system, or a list. It is commonly used in administrative, academic, or official contexts. The separable prefix ‘ein-‘ is placed at the end of the sentence in the imperative, infinitive, and present tense.
Similar: registrieren (to register), einschreiben (to enroll, to register)
Sie hat sich für den Kurs eingetragen, weil sie das Thema interessant findet.
to register, to enter
Bitte tragen Sie Ihren Namen und Ihre Adresse in dieses Formular ein.
(She registered for the course because she finds the topic interesting.)
Tips: The verb eintragen is used when entering or registering something into a form, a system, or a list. It is commonly used in administrative, academic, or official contexts. The separable prefix ‘ein-‘ is placed at the end of the sentence in the imperative, infinitive, and present tense.
Similar: registrieren (to register), einschreiben (to enroll, to register)
Der Lehrer trägt die Abwesenheiten der Schüler in das Klassenbuch ein.
to register, to enter
Bitte tragen Sie Ihren Namen und Ihre Adresse in dieses Formular ein.
(The teacher enters the absences of the students into the class register.)
Tips: The verb eintragen is used when entering or registering something into a form, a system, or a list. It is commonly used in administrative, academic, or official contexts. The separable prefix ‘ein-‘ is placed at the end of the sentence in the imperative, infinitive, and present tense.
Similar: registrieren (to register), einschreiben (to enroll, to register)