Netzwerk_Neu_B1_Ch7_mode-german-example-to-english-example Flashcards
Sie verabredete sich mit ihrer Clique zum Kaffeetrinken.
(She arranged to meet her clique for coffee.)
Tips: The word ‘Clique’ in German refers to a close-knit group of friends or acquaintances. It is commonly used to describe a group of people who have a strong bond and often spend time together. The term has a friendly connotation and is not usually associated with negative exclusivity.
In ihrer Clique gibt es viele verschiedene Persönlichkeiten.
Sie verabredete sich mit ihrer Clique zum Kaffeetrinken.
(In her clique, there are many different personalities.)
Tips: The word ‘Clique’ in German refers to a close-knit group of friends or acquaintances. It is commonly used to describe a group of people who have a strong bond and often spend time together. The term has a friendly connotation and is not usually associated with negative exclusivity.
Sie hat ein gutes Verständnis für Mathematik.
understanding, comprehension
(She has a good understanding of mathematics.)
Tips: The noun Verständnis refers to the ability to comprehend or understand something. It can be used in various contexts, from understanding a concept to having empathy and consideration for others. It’s an important word in both personal and professional interactions.
Er zeigte viel Verständnis für die Situation seines Freundes.
understanding, comprehension
Sie hat ein gutes Verständnis für Mathematik.
(He showed a lot of understanding for his friend’s situation.)
Tips: The noun Verständnis refers to the ability to comprehend or understand something. It can be used in various contexts, from understanding a concept to having empathy and consideration for others. It’s an important word in both personal and professional interactions.
Das Verständnis zwischen den beiden Parteien führte zu einer friedlichen Lösung.
understanding, comprehension
Sie hat ein gutes Verständnis für Mathematik.
(The understanding between the two parties led to a peaceful solution.)
Tips: The noun Verständnis refers to the ability to comprehend or understand something. It can be used in various contexts, from understanding a concept to having empathy and consideration for others. It’s an important word in both personal and professional interactions.
Trotzdem mangelte es an Verständnis für die kulturellen Unterschiede.
understanding, comprehension
Sie hat ein gutes Verständnis für Mathematik.
(Nevertheless, there was a lack of understanding for the cultural differences.)
Tips: The noun Verständnis refers to the ability to comprehend or understand something. It can be used in various contexts, from understanding a concept to having empathy and consideration for others. It’s an important word in both personal and professional interactions.
Gegenseitiges Verständnis ist wichtig für eine harmonische Zusammenarbeit.
understanding, comprehension
Sie hat ein gutes Verständnis für Mathematik.
(Mutual understanding is important for a harmonious cooperation.)
Tips: The noun Verständnis refers to the ability to comprehend or understand something. It can be used in various contexts, from understanding a concept to having empathy and consideration for others. It’s an important word in both personal and professional interactions.
Ich verstehe dich vollkommen. Du musst dir keine Sorgen machen.
to understand (reflexive verb)
(I understand you completely. You don’t have to worry.)
Tips: The reflexive verb sich verstehen is used to express the action of understanding, either in terms of comprehension or in the sense of getting along with someone. It is commonly used in everyday conversations and is an important verb to know.
Similar: begreifen (to comprehend, to grasp), nachvollziehen (to comprehend, to empathize)
Er verstand sich gut mit seinen Kollegen.
to understand (reflexive verb)
Ich verstehe dich vollkommen. Du musst dir keine Sorgen machen.
(He got along well with his colleagues.)
Tips: The reflexive verb sich verstehen is used to express the action of understanding, either in terms of comprehension or in the sense of getting along with someone. It is commonly used in everyday conversations and is an important verb to know.
Similar: begreifen (to comprehend, to grasp), nachvollziehen (to comprehend, to empathize)
Sie hat die Anweisungen nicht verstanden, deshalb hat sie die Aufgabe falsch gemacht.
to understand (reflexive verb)
Ich verstehe dich vollkommen. Du musst dir keine Sorgen machen.
(She didn’t understand the instructions, that’s why she did the task wrong.)
Tips: The reflexive verb sich verstehen is used to express the action of understanding, either in terms of comprehension or in the sense of getting along with someone. It is commonly used in everyday conversations and is an important verb to know.
Similar: begreifen (to comprehend, to grasp), nachvollziehen (to comprehend, to empathize)
Wir verstehen uns immer besser. Es ist schön, dich kennengelernt zu haben.
to understand (reflexive verb)
Ich verstehe dich vollkommen. Du musst dir keine Sorgen machen.
(We understand each other better and better. It’s nice to have met you.)
Tips: The reflexive verb sich verstehen is used to express the action of understanding, either in terms of comprehension or in the sense of getting along with someone. It is commonly used in everyday conversations and is an important verb to know.
Similar: begreifen (to comprehend, to grasp), nachvollziehen (to comprehend, to empathize)
Er hat sich gut verstanden gefühlt, als er das Lob seines Chefs erhielt.
to understand (reflexive verb)
Ich verstehe dich vollkommen. Du musst dir keine Sorgen machen.
(He felt well understood when he received praise from his boss.)
Tips: The reflexive verb sich verstehen is used to express the action of understanding, either in terms of comprehension or in the sense of getting along with someone. It is commonly used in everyday conversations and is an important verb to know.
Similar: begreifen (to comprehend, to grasp), nachvollziehen (to comprehend, to empathize)
Wir amüsieren uns heute Abend bei der Geburtstagsfeier.
to enjoy oneself, to have fun
(We are having fun at the birthday party tonight.)
Tips: The reflexive verb sich amüsieren is used to express the idea of enjoying oneself or having fun. It is commonly used in social contexts and leisure activities. The reflexive pronoun ‘sich’ is used to indicate that the action of amusement is directed back to the subject. It can be used in various tenses and is a versatile verb for describing enjoyment.
Similar: sich vergnügen (to have fun, to enjoy oneself), sich unterhalten (to entertain oneself, to have a good time)
Ich habe mich auf der Hochzeit sehr amüsiert.
to enjoy oneself, to have fun
Wir amüsieren uns heute Abend bei der Geburtstagsfeier.
(I had a great time at the wedding.)
Tips: The reflexive verb sich amüsieren is used to express the idea of enjoying oneself or having fun. It is commonly used in social contexts and leisure activities. The reflexive pronoun ‘sich’ is used to indicate that the action of amusement is directed back to the subject. It can be used in various tenses and is a versatile verb for describing enjoyment.
Similar: sich vergnügen (to have fun, to enjoy oneself), sich unterhalten (to entertain oneself, to have a good time)
Obwohl er müde war, hat er sich bei der Veranstaltung gut amüsiert.
to enjoy oneself, to have fun
Wir amüsieren uns heute Abend bei der Geburtstagsfeier.
(Even though he was tired, he had a good time at the event.)
Tips: The reflexive verb sich amüsieren is used to express the idea of enjoying oneself or having fun. It is commonly used in social contexts and leisure activities. The reflexive pronoun ‘sich’ is used to indicate that the action of amusement is directed back to the subject. It can be used in various tenses and is a versatile verb for describing enjoyment.
Similar: sich vergnügen (to have fun, to enjoy oneself), sich unterhalten (to entertain oneself, to have a good time)
Sie amüsiert sich immer, wenn sie mit ihren Freunden ist.
to enjoy oneself, to have fun
Wir amüsieren uns heute Abend bei der Geburtstagsfeier.
(She always enjoys herself when she is with her friends.)
Tips: The reflexive verb sich amüsieren is used to express the idea of enjoying oneself or having fun. It is commonly used in social contexts and leisure activities. The reflexive pronoun ‘sich’ is used to indicate that the action of amusement is directed back to the subject. It can be used in various tenses and is a versatile verb for describing enjoyment.
Similar: sich vergnügen (to have fun, to enjoy oneself), sich unterhalten (to entertain oneself, to have a good time)
Trotz des Regens amüsierten wir uns im Freizeitpark.
to enjoy oneself, to have fun
Wir amüsieren uns heute Abend bei der Geburtstagsfeier.
(Despite the rain, we had fun at the amusement park.)
Tips: The reflexive verb sich amüsieren is used to express the idea of enjoying oneself or having fun. It is commonly used in social contexts and leisure activities. The reflexive pronoun ‘sich’ is used to indicate that the action of amusement is directed back to the subject. It can be used in various tenses and is a versatile verb for describing enjoyment.
Similar: sich vergnügen (to have fun, to enjoy oneself), sich unterhalten (to entertain oneself, to have a good time)
Ich schätze deine Ehrlichkeit sehr.
to estimate, to appreciate
(I really appreciate your honesty.)
Tips: The verb schätzen can mean both ‘to estimate’ and ‘to appreciate’, depending on the context. It is used in various situations, from estimating values to expressing appreciation or gratitude. It’s important to pay attention to the context to understand which meaning is intended.
Similar: bewerten (to evaluate), abschätzen (to assess)
Er schätzt den Wert des Gemäldes auf 10.000 Euro.
to estimate, to appreciate
Ich schätze deine Ehrlichkeit sehr.
(He estimates the value of the painting at 10,000 euros.)
Tips: The verb schätzen can mean both ‘to estimate’ and ‘to appreciate’, depending on the context. It is used in various situations, from estimating values to expressing appreciation or gratitude. It’s important to pay attention to the context to understand which meaning is intended.
Similar: bewerten (to evaluate), abschätzen (to assess)
Sie hat geschätzt, wie lange die Fahrt dauern würde, aber sie lag falsch.
to estimate, to appreciate
Ich schätze deine Ehrlichkeit sehr.
(She estimated how long the trip would take, but she was wrong.)
Tips: The verb schätzen can mean both ‘to estimate’ and ‘to appreciate’, depending on the context. It is used in various situations, from estimating values to expressing appreciation or gratitude. It’s important to pay attention to the context to understand which meaning is intended.
Similar: bewerten (to evaluate), abschätzen (to assess)
Trotz des Regens schätze ich die Schönheit der Natur.
to estimate, to appreciate
Ich schätze deine Ehrlichkeit sehr.
(Despite the rain, I appreciate the beauty of nature.)
Tips: The verb schätzen can mean both ‘to estimate’ and ‘to appreciate’, depending on the context. It is used in various situations, from estimating values to expressing appreciation or gratitude. It’s important to pay attention to the context to understand which meaning is intended.
Similar: bewerten (to evaluate), abschätzen (to assess)
Er hat den Künstler geschätzt, nachdem er seine Werke genauer betrachtet hatte.
to estimate, to appreciate
Ich schätze deine Ehrlichkeit sehr.
(He appreciated the artist after having looked more closely at his works.)
Tips: The verb schätzen can mean both ‘to estimate’ and ‘to appreciate’, depending on the context. It is used in various situations, from estimating values to expressing appreciation or gratitude. It’s important to pay attention to the context to understand which meaning is intended.
Similar: bewerten (to evaluate), abschätzen (to assess)
Ich schätze deine Meinung an.
to estimate, to value, to appreciate
(I value your opinion.)
Tips: The verb schätzen can be used to express estimation, valuation, or appreciation. When used with the preposition an followed by a dative object, it conveys the sense of valuing or appreciating something or someone.
Er schätzt die Arbeit an seinem Team.
to estimate, to value, to appreciate
Ich schätze deine Meinung an.
(He appreciates the work of his team.)
Tips: The verb schätzen can be used to express estimation, valuation, or appreciation. When used with the preposition an followed by a dative object, it conveys the sense of valuing or appreciating something or someone.
Sie hat den Wert des antiken Schmucks geschätzt.
to estimate, to value, to appreciate
Ich schätze deine Meinung an.
(She estimated the value of the antique jewelry.)
Tips: The verb schätzen can be used to express estimation, valuation, or appreciation. When used with the preposition an followed by a dative object, it conveys the sense of valuing or appreciating something or someone.
Wir schätzten die Entfernung auf ungefähr 10 Kilometer.
to estimate, to value, to appreciate
Ich schätze deine Meinung an.
(We estimated the distance to be about 10 kilometers.)
Tips: The verb schätzen can be used to express estimation, valuation, or appreciation. When used with the preposition an followed by a dative object, it conveys the sense of valuing or appreciating something or someone.
Bitte halt die Tür offen, ich komme gleich!
to hold, to stop, to maintain
(Please hold the door open, I’m coming!)
Tips: The verb halten has multiple meanings and uses. It can refer to physically holding something, stopping or pausing, or maintaining something. It is a versatile verb and is commonly used in everyday speech.
Similar: festhalten (to grasp, to cling), behalten (to keep, to retain)
Der Bus hält an der nächsten Haltestelle.
to hold, to stop, to maintain
Bitte halt die Tür offen, ich komme gleich!
(The bus stops at the next bus stop.)
Tips: The verb halten has multiple meanings and uses. It can refer to physically holding something, stopping or pausing, or maintaining something. It is a versatile verb and is commonly used in everyday speech.
Similar: festhalten (to grasp, to cling), behalten (to keep, to retain)
Er hielt die Rede vor einer großen Menschenmenge.
to hold, to stop, to maintain
Bitte halt die Tür offen, ich komme gleich!
(He delivered the speech in front of a large crowd.)
Tips: The verb halten has multiple meanings and uses. It can refer to physically holding something, stopping or pausing, or maintaining something. It is a versatile verb and is commonly used in everyday speech.
Similar: festhalten (to grasp, to cling), behalten (to keep, to retain)
Sie hat ihr Versprechen gehalten und ist pünktlich gekommen.
to hold, to stop, to maintain
Bitte halt die Tür offen, ich komme gleich!
(She kept her promise and arrived on time.)
Tips: The verb halten has multiple meanings and uses. It can refer to physically holding something, stopping or pausing, or maintaining something. It is a versatile verb and is commonly used in everyday speech.
Similar: festhalten (to grasp, to cling), behalten (to keep, to retain)
Du musst die Konzentration halten, um erfolgreich zu sein.
to hold, to stop, to maintain
Bitte halt die Tür offen, ich komme gleich!
(You have to maintain concentration to be successful.)
Tips: The verb halten has multiple meanings and uses. It can refer to physically holding something, stopping or pausing, or maintaining something. It is a versatile verb and is commonly used in everyday speech.
Similar: festhalten (to grasp, to cling), behalten (to keep, to retain)
Ich hoffe, wir werden uns nicht aus den Augen verlieren, wenn du ins Ausland gehst.
to lose sight of
(I hope we won’t lose sight of each other when you go abroad.)
Tips: The separable verb aus den Augen verlieren is used to express the idea of losing sight of something or someone, both physically and metaphorically. It is often used in the context of maintaining relationships or goals. When using separable verbs, remember to place the prefix at the end of the sentence in imperative and infinitive constructions, as well as at the end of subordinate clauses.
Sie hat sich so in ihre Arbeit vertieft, dass sie fast ihre Ziele aus den Augen verloren hat.
to lose sight of
Ich hoffe, wir werden uns nicht aus den Augen verlieren, wenn du ins Ausland gehst.
(She got so absorbed in her work that she almost lost sight of her goals.)
Tips: The separable verb aus den Augen verlieren is used to express the idea of losing sight of something or someone, both physically and metaphorically. It is often used in the context of maintaining relationships or goals. When using separable verbs, remember to place the prefix at the end of the sentence in imperative and infinitive constructions, as well as at the end of subordinate clauses.
Alles bleibt beim Alten, es ändert sich nichts.
to stay, remain
(Everything remains the same, nothing changes.)
Tips: The verb bleiben is used to express the action of staying or remaining in a particular state. It is often used in the context of things, situations, or people remaining unchanged.
Similar: verbleiben (to remain, to stay)
Sie wirkte sehr eingespannt, als sie von der Arbeit nach Hause kam.
strained, tense, stressed
Tips: The adjective ‘eingespannt sein’ is used to describe someone who is feeling tense or stressed. It indicates a state of being under pressure or strain.
Similar: gespannt sein (to be excited, tense)
Diese Bücher gehören zu meiner Sammlung.
to belong to
(These books belong to my collection.)
Tips: The verb gehören zu is used to express the idea of belonging to something or someone. It is often used to indicate possession or association. It is a regular verb and follows the typical conjugation pattern for regular verbs in German.
Die rote Schleife gehört zu dem Geschenk.
to belong to
Diese Bücher gehören zu meiner Sammlung.
(The red ribbon belongs to the gift.)
Tips: The verb gehören zu is used to express the idea of belonging to something or someone. It is often used to indicate possession or association. It is a regular verb and follows the typical conjugation pattern for regular verbs in German.
Der Erfolg gehört zu harter Arbeit.
to belong to
Diese Bücher gehören zu meiner Sammlung.
(Success belongs to hard work.)
Tips: The verb gehören zu is used to express the idea of belonging to something or someone. It is often used to indicate possession or association. It is a regular verb and follows the typical conjugation pattern for regular verbs in German.
Diese Entscheidung hat zu einer längeren Diskussion gehört.
to belong to
Diese Bücher gehören zu meiner Sammlung.
(This decision has belonged to a longer discussion.)
Tips: The verb gehören zu is used to express the idea of belonging to something or someone. It is often used to indicate possession or association. It is a regular verb and follows the typical conjugation pattern for regular verbs in German.
Die Verantwortung hat zu diesem Job gehört.
to belong to
Diese Bücher gehören zu meiner Sammlung.
(The responsibility belonged to this job.)
Tips: The verb gehören zu is used to express the idea of belonging to something or someone. It is often used to indicate possession or association. It is a regular verb and follows the typical conjugation pattern for regular verbs in German.
Nach ein paar höflichen Worten kamen sie ins Gespräch und tauschten ihre Erfahrungen aus.
to get into a conversation
(After a few polite words, they got into a conversation and exchanged their experiences.)
Tips: The phrase ins Gespräch kommen is used to describe the action of initiating or entering into a conversation with someone. It implies the beginning of a verbal exchange or dialogue. This expression is commonly used in social and professional contexts.
Es ist wichtig, bei einer Networking-Veranstaltung ins Gespräch zu kommen, um neue Kontakte zu knüpfen.
to get into a conversation
Nach ein paar höflichen Worten kamen sie ins Gespräch und tauschten ihre Erfahrungen aus.
(It is important to get into a conversation at a networking event to make new contacts.)
Tips: The phrase ins Gespräch kommen is used to describe the action of initiating or entering into a conversation with someone. It implies the beginning of a verbal exchange or dialogue. This expression is commonly used in social and professional contexts.
Sobald sie ins Gespräch kam, erzählte sie von ihrem letzten Urlaub in Italien.
to get into a conversation
Nach ein paar höflichen Worten kamen sie ins Gespräch und tauschten ihre Erfahrungen aus.
(As soon as she got into a conversation, she talked about her last vacation in Italy.)
Tips: The phrase ins Gespräch kommen is used to describe the action of initiating or entering into a conversation with someone. It implies the beginning of a verbal exchange or dialogue. This expression is commonly used in social and professional contexts.
Ich habe gestern zufällig meinen alten Schulfreund getroffen. Er ist mir über den Weg gelaufen.
to walk across someone’s path
Tips: The expression ‘über den Weg laufen’ is used to describe the situation when someone encounters or comes across someone else unexpectedly. It can be used in both literal and figurative senses, indicating a chance encounter or an unexpected meeting.
Sie kann manchmal etwas unhöflich sein, wenn ihr jemand über den Weg läuft.
to walk across someone’s path
Ich habe gestern zufällig meinen alten Schulfreund getroffen. Er ist mir über den Weg gelaufen.
Tips: The expression ‘über den Weg laufen’ is used to describe the situation when someone encounters or comes across someone else unexpectedly. It can be used in both literal and figurative senses, indicating a chance encounter or an unexpected meeting.
Der Konflikt zwischen den beiden Ländern dauerte mehrere Jahre.
(The conflict between the two countries lasted for several years.)
Tips: The noun Konflikt refers to a clash or disagreement between individuals, groups, or nations. It can be used in various contexts, from interpersonal conflicts to international disputes. The word Konflikt is commonly used in both formal and informal language.
Similar: Streit (argument, dispute), Auseinandersetzung (dispute, confrontation)
Trotz des Konflikts versuchen sie, eine friedliche Lösung zu finden.
Der Konflikt zwischen den beiden Ländern dauerte mehrere Jahre.
(Despite the conflict, they are trying to find a peaceful solution.)
Tips: The noun Konflikt refers to a clash or disagreement between individuals, groups, or nations. It can be used in various contexts, from interpersonal conflicts to international disputes. The word Konflikt is commonly used in both formal and informal language.
Similar: Streit (argument, dispute), Auseinandersetzung (dispute, confrontation)
Es gibt oft Konflikte zwischen verschiedenen Generationen.
Der Konflikt zwischen den beiden Ländern dauerte mehrere Jahre.
(There are often conflicts between different generations.)
Tips: The noun Konflikt refers to a clash or disagreement between individuals, groups, or nations. It can be used in various contexts, from interpersonal conflicts to international disputes. The word Konflikt is commonly used in both formal and informal language.
Similar: Streit (argument, dispute), Auseinandersetzung (dispute, confrontation)
Der Konflikt kann auf verschiedene Weisen gelöst werden.
Der Konflikt zwischen den beiden Ländern dauerte mehrere Jahre.
(The conflict can be resolved in various ways.)
Tips: The noun Konflikt refers to a clash or disagreement between individuals, groups, or nations. It can be used in various contexts, from interpersonal conflicts to international disputes. The word Konflikt is commonly used in both formal and informal language.
Similar: Streit (argument, dispute), Auseinandersetzung (dispute, confrontation)
Trotzdem Konflikt ist es wichtig, respektvoll miteinander umzugehen.
Der Konflikt zwischen den beiden Ländern dauerte mehrere Jahre.
(Despite the conflict, it is important to treat each other with respect.)
Tips: The noun Konflikt refers to a clash or disagreement between individuals, groups, or nations. It can be used in various contexts, from interpersonal conflicts to international disputes. The word Konflikt is commonly used in both formal and informal language.
Similar: Streit (argument, dispute), Auseinandersetzung (dispute, confrontation)
Der Streit zwischen den beiden Nachbarn dauerte den ganzen Abend.
argument, dispute
Tips: The noun Streit refers to an argument or dispute between individuals or groups. It can range from a simple disagreement to a more serious conflict. It’s important to handle Streit peacefully and find solutions to avoid misunderstandings and maintain relationships.
Similar: Konflikt (conflict), Auseinandersetzung (dispute)
Es ist wichtig, einen Streit friedlich zu lösen, um Missverständnisse zu vermeiden.
argument, dispute
Der Streit zwischen den beiden Nachbarn dauerte den ganzen Abend.
Tips: The noun Streit refers to an argument or dispute between individuals or groups. It can range from a simple disagreement to a more serious conflict. It’s important to handle Streit peacefully and find solutions to avoid misunderstandings and maintain relationships.
Similar: Konflikt (conflict), Auseinandersetzung (dispute)
Trotz des Streites fanden sie einen Kompromiss, um weiterhin zusammenzuarbeiten.
argument, dispute
Der Streit zwischen den beiden Nachbarn dauerte den ganzen Abend.
Tips: The noun Streit refers to an argument or dispute between individuals or groups. It can range from a simple disagreement to a more serious conflict. It’s important to handle Streit peacefully and find solutions to avoid misunderstandings and maintain relationships.
Similar: Konflikt (conflict), Auseinandersetzung (dispute)
Der Streit um das Erbe zog sich über mehrere Jahre hin.
argument, dispute
Der Streit zwischen den beiden Nachbarn dauerte den ganzen Abend.
Tips: The noun Streit refers to an argument or dispute between individuals or groups. It can range from a simple disagreement to a more serious conflict. It’s important to handle Streit peacefully and find solutions to avoid misunderstandings and maintain relationships.
Similar: Konflikt (conflict), Auseinandersetzung (dispute)
Nach dem heftigen Streit entschuldigte er sich bei ihr.
argument, dispute
Der Streit zwischen den beiden Nachbarn dauerte den ganzen Abend.
Tips: The noun Streit refers to an argument or dispute between individuals or groups. It can range from a simple disagreement to a more serious conflict. It’s important to handle Streit peacefully and find solutions to avoid misunderstandings and maintain relationships.
Similar: Konflikt (conflict), Auseinandersetzung (dispute)
Die Kritik am Film war sehr positiv.
(The criticism of the movie was very positive.)
Tips: The noun Kritik refers to the act of analyzing and evaluating something, often in a critical manner. It can be both positive and negative and is a common term used in discussions, reviews, and everyday conversations.
Similar: Bewertung (evaluation), Anmerkung (comment), Rezension (review)
Sie übt oft harte Kritik an sich selbst.
Die Kritik am Film war sehr positiv.
(She often exercises harsh criticism on herself.)
Tips: The noun Kritik refers to the act of analyzing and evaluating something, often in a critical manner. It can be both positive and negative and is a common term used in discussions, reviews, and everyday conversations.
Similar: Bewertung (evaluation), Anmerkung (comment), Rezension (review)
Trotz der Kritiken hat sich der Künstler nicht verändert.
Die Kritik am Film war sehr positiv.
(Despite the criticisms, the artist has not changed.)
Tips: The noun Kritik refers to the act of analyzing and evaluating something, often in a critical manner. It can be both positive and negative and is a common term used in discussions, reviews, and everyday conversations.
Similar: Bewertung (evaluation), Anmerkung (comment), Rezension (review)
Die Kritikerin hat einen interessanten Artikel über das Buch geschrieben.
Die Kritik am Film war sehr positiv.
(The female critic has written an interesting article about the book.)
Tips: The noun Kritik refers to the act of analyzing and evaluating something, often in a critical manner. It can be both positive and negative and is a common term used in discussions, reviews, and everyday conversations.
Similar: Bewertung (evaluation), Anmerkung (comment), Rezension (review)
Er nimmt Kritik gut an und nutzt sie zur Verbesserung seiner Arbeit.
Die Kritik am Film war sehr positiv.
(He takes criticism well and uses it to improve his work.)
Tips: The noun Kritik refers to the act of analyzing and evaluating something, often in a critical manner. It can be both positive and negative and is a common term used in discussions, reviews, and everyday conversations.
Similar: Bewertung (evaluation), Anmerkung (comment), Rezension (review)
In diesem Chor singen alle in perfekter Harmonie.
Tips: The noun Harmonie refers to the state of being in agreement and peaceful coexistence. It is often used in the context of music, art, and interpersonal relationships. It can also refer to the pleasing arrangement of parts in a whole, such as colors in a painting or musical notes in a composition.
Die Harmonie zwischen den verschiedenen Instrumenten erzeugt eine wundervolle Musik.
In diesem Chor singen alle in perfekter Harmonie.
Tips: The noun Harmonie refers to the state of being in agreement and peaceful coexistence. It is often used in the context of music, art, and interpersonal relationships. It can also refer to the pleasing arrangement of parts in a whole, such as colors in a painting or musical notes in a composition.
Die Harmonien der Farben in diesem Gemälde sind beeindruckend.
In diesem Chor singen alle in perfekter Harmonie.
Tips: The noun Harmonie refers to the state of being in agreement and peaceful coexistence. It is often used in the context of music, art, and interpersonal relationships. It can also refer to the pleasing arrangement of parts in a whole, such as colors in a painting or musical notes in a composition.
Er hat eine Mahnung erhalten, weil er seine Rechnung nicht rechtzeitig bezahlt hat.
reminder, admonition, dunning
(He received a reminder because he did not pay his bill on time.)
Tips: The noun Mahnung refers to a reminder or admonition, especially in the context of overdue payments or obligations. It can also be used in a broader sense to indicate a general admonition or warning.
Similar: Erinnerung, Warnung
Die Firma schickte ihm mehrere Mahnungen, bis er endlich seine Schulden beglichen hat.
reminder, admonition, dunning
Er hat eine Mahnung erhalten, weil er seine Rechnung nicht rechtzeitig bezahlt hat.
(The company sent him several reminders until he finally paid off his debts.)
Tips: The noun Mahnung refers to a reminder or admonition, especially in the context of overdue payments or obligations. It can also be used in a broader sense to indicate a general admonition or warning.
Similar: Erinnerung, Warnung
Die Scheidung kann für beide Partner eine schwierige Zeit sein.
(Divorce can be a difficult time for both partners.)
Tips: The noun Scheidung refers to the legal dissolution of a marriage. It is a formal term used in legal and everyday language. When talking about this sensitive topic, it’s important to be considerate and empathetic.
Nach der Scheidung haben sie das Sorgerecht für ihre Kinder geteilt.
Die Scheidung kann für beide Partner eine schwierige Zeit sein.
(After the divorce, they shared custody of their children.)
Tips: The noun Scheidung refers to the legal dissolution of a marriage. It is a formal term used in legal and everyday language. When talking about this sensitive topic, it’s important to be considerate and empathetic.
Trotz der Scheidung haben sie ein freundschaftliches Verhältnis aufrechterhalten.
Die Scheidung kann für beide Partner eine schwierige Zeit sein.
(Despite the divorce, they maintained a friendly relationship.)
Tips: The noun Scheidung refers to the legal dissolution of a marriage. It is a formal term used in legal and everyday language. When talking about this sensitive topic, it’s important to be considerate and empathetic.
Viele Paare denken vor der Scheidung an eine Paartherapie.
Die Scheidung kann für beide Partner eine schwierige Zeit sein.
(Many couples consider couples therapy before divorce.)
Tips: The noun Scheidung refers to the legal dissolution of a marriage. It is a formal term used in legal and everyday language. When talking about this sensitive topic, it’s important to be considerate and empathetic.
Der Hund beißt in den Knochen.
to bite
(The dog is biting into the bone.)
Tips: The verb beißen is used specifically for the action of biting, either physically or metaphorically. It’s important to note its irregular conjugation in the past tense (Präteritum) as ‘biss’, and the perfect form as ‘hat gebissen’.
Similar: kauen (to chew), fressen (to eat (animal))
Sie biss in die saftige Wassermelone.
to bite
Der Hund beißt in den Knochen.
(She bit into the juicy watermelon.)
Tips: The verb beißen is used specifically for the action of biting, either physically or metaphorically. It’s important to note its irregular conjugation in the past tense (Präteritum) as ‘biss’, and the perfect form as ‘hat gebissen’.
Similar: kauen (to chew), fressen (to eat (animal))
Der kleine Junge hat seine Schwester gebissen.
to bite
Der Hund beißt in den Knochen.
(The little boy has bitten his sister.)
Tips: The verb beißen is used specifically for the action of biting, either physically or metaphorically. It’s important to note its irregular conjugation in the past tense (Präteritum) as ‘biss’, and the perfect form as ‘hat gebissen’.
Similar: kauen (to chew), fressen (to eat (animal))
Obwohl der Welpe noch klein ist, beißt er schon kräftig zu.
to bite
Der Hund beißt in den Knochen.
(Although the puppy is still small, he bites firmly already.)
Tips: The verb beißen is used specifically for the action of biting, either physically or metaphorically. It’s important to note its irregular conjugation in the past tense (Präteritum) as ‘biss’, and the perfect form as ‘hat gebissen’.
Similar: kauen (to chew), fressen (to eat (animal))
Die Mücke hat mich gebissen!
to bite
Der Hund beißt in den Knochen.
(The mosquito bit me!)
Tips: The verb beißen is used specifically for the action of biting, either physically or metaphorically. It’s important to note its irregular conjugation in the past tense (Präteritum) as ‘biss’, and the perfect form as ‘hat gebissen’.
Similar: kauen (to chew), fressen (to eat (animal))
Die Kühe fressen frisches Gras auf der Weide.
to eat (animals)
(The cows are eating fresh grass in the pasture.)
Tips: The verb fressen is specifically used for the act of eating by animals. It is important to distinguish between fressen and essen, as fressen is used for animals while essen is used for humans. Also, fressen is irregular in the present tense, as it changes to frisst. Be mindful of using the appropriate verb when describing eating actions.
Similar: essen (to eat), füttern (to feed)
Unser Hund frisst gerne Knochen.
to eat (animals)
Die Kühe fressen frisches Gras auf der Weide.
(Our dog likes to eat bones.)
Tips: The verb fressen is specifically used for the act of eating by animals. It is important to distinguish between fressen and essen, as fressen is used for animals while essen is used for humans. Also, fressen is irregular in the present tense, as it changes to frisst. Be mindful of using the appropriate verb when describing eating actions.
Similar: essen (to eat), füttern (to feed)
Der Bär hat alle Beeren gefressen.
to eat (animals)
Die Kühe fressen frisches Gras auf der Weide.
(The bear has eaten all the berries.)
Tips: The verb fressen is specifically used for the act of eating by animals. It is important to distinguish between fressen and essen, as fressen is used for animals while essen is used for humans. Also, fressen is irregular in the present tense, as it changes to frisst. Be mindful of using the appropriate verb when describing eating actions.
Similar: essen (to eat), füttern (to feed)
Die Ziege frisst die Blätter vom Baum.
to eat (animals)
Die Kühe fressen frisches Gras auf der Weide.
(The goat is eating the leaves from the tree.)
Tips: The verb fressen is specifically used for the act of eating by animals. It is important to distinguish between fressen and essen, as fressen is used for animals while essen is used for humans. Also, fressen is irregular in the present tense, as it changes to frisst. Be mindful of using the appropriate verb when describing eating actions.
Similar: essen (to eat), füttern (to feed)
Die Wildschweine haben den ganzen Mais gefressen.
to eat (animals)
Die Kühe fressen frisches Gras auf der Weide.
(The wild boars have eaten all the corn.)
Tips: The verb fressen is specifically used for the act of eating by animals. It is important to distinguish between fressen and essen, as fressen is used for animals while essen is used for humans. Also, fressen is irregular in the present tense, as it changes to frisst. Be mindful of using the appropriate verb when describing eating actions.
Similar: essen (to eat), füttern (to feed)
Das Messer ist sehr scharf und schneidet gut.
sharp, spicy
(The knife is very sharp and cuts well.)
Tips: The adjective scharf has two main meanings: ‘sharp’ in the sense of a sharp object or keen perception, and ‘spicy’ in the context of food. Ensure the context is clear to avoid misunderstandings.
Similar: spitz (sharp, pointed), würzig (spicy, flavorful)
Sie mag gerne scharfes Essen, das mit Chili gewürzt ist.
sharp, spicy
Das Messer ist sehr scharf und schneidet gut.
(She likes spicy food seasoned with chili.)
Tips: The adjective scharf has two main meanings: ‘sharp’ in the sense of a sharp object or keen perception, and ‘spicy’ in the context of food. Ensure the context is clear to avoid misunderstandings.
Similar: spitz (sharp, pointed), würzig (spicy, flavorful)
Er hat ein scharfes Auge und bemerkt jedes Detail.
sharp, spicy
Das Messer ist sehr scharf und schneidet gut.
(He has a sharp eye and notices every detail.)
Tips: The adjective scharf has two main meanings: ‘sharp’ in the sense of a sharp object or keen perception, and ‘spicy’ in the context of food. Ensure the context is clear to avoid misunderstandings.
Similar: spitz (sharp, pointed), würzig (spicy, flavorful)
Die Kurve auf der Straße ist scharf, also fahre vorsichtig.
sharp, spicy
Das Messer ist sehr scharf und schneidet gut.
(The curve on the road is sharp, so drive carefully.)
Tips: The adjective scharf has two main meanings: ‘sharp’ in the sense of a sharp object or keen perception, and ‘spicy’ in the context of food. Ensure the context is clear to avoid misunderstandings.
Similar: spitz (sharp, pointed), würzig (spicy, flavorful)
Er ist ein kräftiger Mann und kann schwere Dinge heben.
strong, powerful, robust
(He is a strong man and can lift heavy things.)
Tips: The adjective kräftig is used to describe things or people that are physically strong, powerful, or robust. It can be used in various contexts, such as describing a person’s strength, a powerful voice, sturdy support, or a robust flavor. It’s a versatile adjective that adds emphasis to the strength of the subject.
Similar: stark (strong), mächtig (mighty, powerful)
Sie hat eine kräftige Stimme, die bis zum Ende des Saals zu hören ist.
strong, powerful, robust
Er ist ein kräftiger Mann und kann schwere Dinge heben.
(She has a powerful voice that can be heard at the end of the hall.)
Tips: The adjective kräftig is used to describe things or people that are physically strong, powerful, or robust. It can be used in various contexts, such as describing a person’s strength, a powerful voice, sturdy support, or a robust flavor. It’s a versatile adjective that adds emphasis to the strength of the subject.
Similar: stark (strong), mächtig (mighty, powerful)
Die Pflanze benötigt eine kräftige Unterstützung, um gerade zu wachsen.
strong, powerful, robust
Er ist ein kräftiger Mann und kann schwere Dinge heben.
(The plant needs strong support to grow upright.)
Tips: The adjective kräftig is used to describe things or people that are physically strong, powerful, or robust. It can be used in various contexts, such as describing a person’s strength, a powerful voice, sturdy support, or a robust flavor. It’s a versatile adjective that adds emphasis to the strength of the subject.
Similar: stark (strong), mächtig (mighty, powerful)
Die Suppe hat einen kräftigen Geschmack, dank der würzigen Zutaten.
strong, powerful, robust
Er ist ein kräftiger Mann und kann schwere Dinge heben.
(The soup has a robust flavor, thanks to the spicy ingredients.)
Tips: The adjective kräftig is used to describe things or people that are physically strong, powerful, or robust. It can be used in various contexts, such as describing a person’s strength, a powerful voice, sturdy support, or a robust flavor. It’s a versatile adjective that adds emphasis to the strength of the subject.
Similar: stark (strong), mächtig (mighty, powerful)
Der Löwe jagt seine Beute.
prey, loot
(The lion hunts its prey.)
Tips: The noun ‘Beute’ refers to prey or loot, depending on the context. It is used to describe animals that are hunted or the belongings stolen during a theft. It’s a common word in the context of hunting, thievery, or in zoology.
Die Diebe entkamen mit ihrer Beute.
prey, loot
Der Löwe jagt seine Beute.
(The thieves escaped with their loot.)
Tips: The noun ‘Beute’ refers to prey or loot, depending on the context. It is used to describe animals that are hunted or the belongings stolen during a theft. It’s a common word in the context of hunting, thievery, or in zoology.
Der Jäger war stolz auf seine erlegte Beute.
prey, loot
Der Löwe jagt seine Beute.
(The hunter was proud of his captured prey.)
Tips: The noun ‘Beute’ refers to prey or loot, depending on the context. It is used to describe animals that are hunted or the belongings stolen during a theft. It’s a common word in the context of hunting, thievery, or in zoology.
Die Katze brachte eine Maus als Beute nach Hause.
prey, loot
Der Löwe jagt seine Beute.
(The cat brought a mouse home as prey.)
Tips: The noun ‘Beute’ refers to prey or loot, depending on the context. It is used to describe animals that are hunted or the belongings stolen during a theft. It’s a common word in the context of hunting, thievery, or in zoology.
Die Ente schwimmt im Teich.
Tips: The word Ente refers to the animal ‘duck’. It can be used in various contexts, from describing the physical appearance of ducks to talking about their behavior. It’s a common word and is often used in children’s books and nature-related discussions.
Similar: die Gans (goose), die Taube (pigeon)
Die Enten fliegen in V-Formation.
Die Ente schwimmt im Teich.
Tips: The word Ente refers to the animal ‘duck’. It can be used in various contexts, from describing the physical appearance of ducks to talking about their behavior. It’s a common word and is often used in children’s books and nature-related discussions.
Similar: die Gans (goose), die Taube (pigeon)
Ich habe die Federn der Ente gefunden.
Die Ente schwimmt im Teich.
Tips: The word Ente refers to the animal ‘duck’. It can be used in various contexts, from describing the physical appearance of ducks to talking about their behavior. It’s a common word and is often used in children’s books and nature-related discussions.
Similar: die Gans (goose), die Taube (pigeon)
Die Ente ist ein Wasservogel.
Die Ente schwimmt im Teich.
Tips: The word Ente refers to the animal ‘duck’. It can be used in various contexts, from describing the physical appearance of ducks to talking about their behavior. It’s a common word and is often used in children’s books and nature-related discussions.
Similar: die Gans (goose), die Taube (pigeon)
Eine kleine Fliege landete auf dem Fensterbrett.
fly (insect)
(A small fly landed on the windowsill.)
Tips: The noun ‘Fliege’ refers to the small flying insect known as a ‘fly’. It is used in both singular and plural forms. Be cautious not to confuse it with the homonym ‘die Fliege’, which means ‘the bow tie’.
Im Sommer gibt es immer viele Fliegen in der Nähe des Mülls.
fly (insect)
Eine kleine Fliege landete auf dem Fensterbrett.
(In summer, there are always many flies near the garbage.)
Tips: The noun ‘Fliege’ refers to the small flying insect known as a ‘fly’. It is used in both singular and plural forms. Be cautious not to confuse it with the homonym ‘die Fliege’, which means ‘the bow tie’.
Vorsicht, eine Fliege ist ins Zimmer geflogen!
fly (insect)
Eine kleine Fliege landete auf dem Fensterbrett.
(Careful, a fly has flown into the room!)
Tips: The noun ‘Fliege’ refers to the small flying insect known as a ‘fly’. It is used in both singular and plural forms. Be cautious not to confuse it with the homonym ‘die Fliege’, which means ‘the bow tie’.
Die Fliegen störten die Gäste während des Picknicks.
fly (insect)
Eine kleine Fliege landete auf dem Fensterbrett.
(The flies bothered the guests during the picnic.)
Tips: The noun ‘Fliege’ refers to the small flying insect known as a ‘fly’. It is used in both singular and plural forms. Be cautious not to confuse it with the homonym ‘die Fliege’, which means ‘the bow tie’.
Der Fuchs schleicht durch den Wald auf der Suche nach Nahrung.
(The fox sneaks through the forest in search of food.)
Tips: The word Fuchs refers to the animal ‘fox’. It’s a masculine noun and its plural form is ‘die Füchse’. The female form is ‘die Füchsin’. It’s commonly used in literature, fairy tales, and general conversation.
Similar: der Wolf (the wolf), das Reh (the deer)
Die Füchsin hat ihre Jungen im Bau versteckt.
Der Fuchs schleicht durch den Wald auf der Suche nach Nahrung.
(The vixen has hidden her young in the burrow.)
Tips: The word Fuchs refers to the animal ‘fox’. It’s a masculine noun and its plural form is ‘die Füchse’. The female form is ‘die Füchsin’. It’s commonly used in literature, fairy tales, and general conversation.
Similar: der Wolf (the wolf), das Reh (the deer)
Die Giraffe ist das höchste landlebende Tier der Welt.
(The giraffe is the tallest land animal in the world.)
Tips: The word Giraffe is used to refer to the majestic and unique animal known for its long neck and distinct spotted pattern. It’s a feminine noun and its plural form is also feminine.
Wir haben gestern im Zoo die Giraffen bewundert.
Die Giraffe ist das höchste landlebende Tier der Welt.
(Yesterday, we admired the giraffes at the zoo.)
Tips: The word Giraffe is used to refer to the majestic and unique animal known for its long neck and distinct spotted pattern. It’s a feminine noun and its plural form is also feminine.
Der majestätische Hirsch stand ruhig im Wald.
stag, deer
(The majestic stag stood calmly in the forest.)
Tips: The word Hirsch is used to describe the male deer, particularly the species with antlers. It’s commonly used in literature and for discussing wildlife. Remember that the plural form is ‘die Hirsche’ and the genitive form is ‘des Hirsches’.
Wir hatten das Glück, eine Gruppe Hirsche beim Spaziergang zu beobachten.
stag, deer
Der majestätische Hirsch stand ruhig im Wald.
(We were lucky to observe a group of deer during our walk.)
Tips: The word Hirsch is used to describe the male deer, particularly the species with antlers. It’s commonly used in literature and for discussing wildlife. Remember that the plural form is ‘die Hirsche’ and the genitive form is ‘des Hirsches’.
Der Jäger erlegte einen prächtigen Hirsch.
stag, deer
Der majestätische Hirsch stand ruhig im Wald.
(The hunter shot a magnificent stag.)
Tips: The word Hirsch is used to describe the male deer, particularly the species with antlers. It’s commonly used in literature and for discussing wildlife. Remember that the plural form is ‘die Hirsche’ and the genitive form is ‘des Hirsches’.
Das Krokodil liegt regungslos am Ufer des Flusses.
(The crocodile lies motionless on the riverbank.)
Tips: The word Krokodil refers to the large reptile with a long, narrow snout, and is used in a straightforward manner to describe the animal in various contexts.
Die Krokodile sonnen sich gerne, um sich aufzuwärmen.
Das Krokodil liegt regungslos am Ufer des Flusses.
(The crocodiles like to sunbathe to warm up.)
Tips: The word Krokodil refers to the large reptile with a long, narrow snout, and is used in a straightforward manner to describe the animal in various contexts.
Das Maul des Krokodils ist beeindruckend und gefährlich zugleich.
Das Krokodil liegt regungslos am Ufer des Flusses.
(The crocodile’s mouth is impressive and dangerous at the same time.)
Tips: The word Krokodil refers to the large reptile with a long, narrow snout, and is used in a straightforward manner to describe the animal in various contexts.
Die Mücke summt um mein Ohr herum und sticht dann zu.
Tips: The word Mücke refers to a mosquito, which is a common insect in many regions. It is a feminine noun, so when using articles or adjectives, they should be in the feminine form.
In den Tropen gibt es viele gefährliche Krankheiten, die durch Mücken übertragen werden.
Die Mücke summt um mein Ohr herum und sticht dann zu.
Tips: The word Mücke refers to a mosquito, which is a common insect in many regions. It is a feminine noun, so when using articles or adjectives, they should be in the feminine form.
Der Pinguin ist ein faszinierender Vogel, der hervorragend schwimmen kann.
(The penguin is a fascinating bird that can swim excellently.)
Tips: The word Pinguin is used to refer to the aquatic, flightless birds found in the southern hemisphere, particularly in Antarctica. It is a fascinating animal and a popular subject in children’s books and movies.
Die Pinguine leben in den kalten Regionen der Antarktis.
Der Pinguin ist ein faszinierender Vogel, der hervorragend schwimmen kann.
(The penguins live in the cold regions of the Antarctic.)
Tips: The word Pinguin is used to refer to the aquatic, flightless birds found in the southern hemisphere, particularly in Antarctica. It is a fascinating animal and a popular subject in children’s books and movies.
Der Pinguin ist für sein schwarz-weißes Gefieder bekannt.
Der Pinguin ist ein faszinierender Vogel, der hervorragend schwimmen kann.
(The penguin is known for its black and white plumage.)
Tips: The word Pinguin is used to refer to the aquatic, flightless birds found in the southern hemisphere, particularly in Antarctica. It is a fascinating animal and a popular subject in children’s books and movies.
Die Pinguindame brütet geduldig auf dem Ei, bis es schlüpft.
Der Pinguin ist ein faszinierender Vogel, der hervorragend schwimmen kann.
(The female penguin patiently broods on the egg until it hatches.)
Tips: The word Pinguin is used to refer to the aquatic, flightless birds found in the southern hemisphere, particularly in Antarctica. It is a fascinating animal and a popular subject in children’s books and movies.
Der Rabe ist ein kluger und faszinierender Vogel.
(The raven is a clever and fascinating bird.)
Tips: The word Rabe refers to the bird species ‘raven’ and is used both in singular and plural forms. In German folklore and literature, the raven is often associated with mystery and wisdom, making it a symbol with cultural significance.
Die Raben fliegen über das Feld.
Der Rabe ist ein kluger und faszinierender Vogel.
(The ravens are flying over the field.)
Tips: The word Rabe refers to the bird species ‘raven’ and is used both in singular and plural forms. In German folklore and literature, the raven is often associated with mystery and wisdom, making it a symbol with cultural significance.
Die Schildkröte hat ihren Panzer als Schutz vor Feinden.
(The turtle has its shell as protection from enemies.)
Tips: The word Schildkröte refers to the reptile ‘turtle’. It is used in both formal and informal contexts. When talking about turtles, this word is the most common and appropriate choice. It’s important to note that the plural form of ‘Schildkröte’ is the same as the singular form.
Schildkröten leben oft in der Nähe von Gewässern.
Die Schildkröte hat ihren Panzer als Schutz vor Feinden.
(Turtles often live near bodies of water.)
Tips: The word Schildkröte refers to the reptile ‘turtle’. It is used in both formal and informal contexts. When talking about turtles, this word is the most common and appropriate choice. It’s important to note that the plural form of ‘Schildkröte’ is the same as the singular form.
Es ist faszinierend, wie langsam sich die Schildkröte fortbewegt.
Die Schildkröte hat ihren Panzer als Schutz vor Feinden.
(It’s fascinating how slowly the turtle moves.)
Tips: The word Schildkröte refers to the reptile ‘turtle’. It is used in both formal and informal contexts. When talking about turtles, this word is the most common and appropriate choice. It’s important to note that the plural form of ‘Schildkröte’ is the same as the singular form.
Die Schildkröte ist ein Symbol für Geduld und Weisheit.
Die Schildkröte hat ihren Panzer als Schutz vor Feinden.
(The turtle is a symbol of patience and wisdom.)
Tips: The word Schildkröte refers to the reptile ‘turtle’. It is used in both formal and informal contexts. When talking about turtles, this word is the most common and appropriate choice. It’s important to note that the plural form of ‘Schildkröte’ is the same as the singular form.
Die Schildkröte zog ihre Fühler ein, als sie sich bedroht fühlte.
Die Schildkröte hat ihren Panzer als Schutz vor Feinden.
(The turtle retracted its feelers when it felt threatened.)
Tips: The word Schildkröte refers to the reptile ‘turtle’. It is used in both formal and informal contexts. When talking about turtles, this word is the most common and appropriate choice. It’s important to note that the plural form of ‘Schildkröte’ is the same as the singular form.
Die Versammlung der Aktionäre fand im Konferenzsaal statt.
meeting, assembly, gathering
(The assembly of the shareholders took place in the conference room.)
Tips: The word Versammlung refers to a formal or informal gathering of people for a specific purpose, such as a meeting, assembly, or gathering. It is commonly used in organizational, political, and social contexts. When using this word, pay attention to the appropriate article and the plural form, which is die Versammlungen.
Similar: Treffen (meeting), Sitzung (session)
Die Versammlungen werden regelmäßig abgehalten, um wichtige Themen zu besprechen.
meeting, assembly, gathering
Die Versammlung der Aktionäre fand im Konferenzsaal statt.
(The meetings are regularly held to discuss important topics.)
Tips: The word Versammlung refers to a formal or informal gathering of people for a specific purpose, such as a meeting, assembly, or gathering. It is commonly used in organizational, political, and social contexts. When using this word, pay attention to the appropriate article and the plural form, which is die Versammlungen.
Similar: Treffen (meeting), Sitzung (session)
Trotz der aktuellen Situation fand die Versammlung wie geplant statt.
meeting, assembly, gathering
Die Versammlung der Aktionäre fand im Konferenzsaal statt.
(Despite the current situation, the gathering took place as planned.)
Tips: The word Versammlung refers to a formal or informal gathering of people for a specific purpose, such as a meeting, assembly, or gathering. It is commonly used in organizational, political, and social contexts. When using this word, pay attention to the appropriate article and the plural form, which is die Versammlungen.
Similar: Treffen (meeting), Sitzung (session)
Am Sonntag wird eine Versammlung zur Organisation des Sommerfests abgehalten.
meeting, assembly, gathering
Die Versammlung der Aktionäre fand im Konferenzsaal statt.
(On Sunday, a meeting will be held to organize the summer festival.)
Tips: The word Versammlung refers to a formal or informal gathering of people for a specific purpose, such as a meeting, assembly, or gathering. It is commonly used in organizational, political, and social contexts. When using this word, pay attention to the appropriate article and the plural form, which is die Versammlungen.
Similar: Treffen (meeting), Sitzung (session)
Die Versammlung der Fußballfans endete friedlich und ohne Zwischenfälle.
meeting, assembly, gathering
Die Versammlung der Aktionäre fand im Konferenzsaal statt.
(The assembly of football fans ended peacefully and without incidents.)
Tips: The word Versammlung refers to a formal or informal gathering of people for a specific purpose, such as a meeting, assembly, or gathering. It is commonly used in organizational, political, and social contexts. When using this word, pay attention to the appropriate article and the plural form, which is die Versammlungen.
Similar: Treffen (meeting), Sitzung (session)
Seine Teilnahme an der Konferenz war sehr wichtig für die Diskussion.
(His participation in the conference was very important for the discussion.)
Tips: The noun “Teilnahme” refers to the act of taking part or being involved in something, such as an event, course, or activity. It is commonly used in formal and informal contexts to express the involvement of an individual or a group in a specific situation.
Similar: Beteiligung (involvement), Mitwirkung (collaboration)
Die Teilnahme an diesem Kurs ist freiwillig.
Seine Teilnahme an der Konferenz war sehr wichtig für die Diskussion.
(Participation in this course is voluntary.)
Tips: The noun “Teilnahme” refers to the act of taking part or being involved in something, such as an event, course, or activity. It is commonly used in formal and informal contexts to express the involvement of an individual or a group in a specific situation.
Similar: Beteiligung (involvement), Mitwirkung (collaboration)
Die Mehrheit der Menschen bevorzugt es, im Sommer in den Urlaub zu fahren.
(The majority of people prefer to go on vacation in the summer.)
Tips: The word Mehrheit refers to the larger part or number of something, representing the concept of majority. It is commonly used in discussions related to opinions, preferences, or decision-making processes.
Similar: Minderheit (minority), Großteil (majority, most)
Trotz der Meinung der Mehrheit beschloss sie, ihren eigenen Weg zu gehen.
Die Mehrheit der Menschen bevorzugt es, im Sommer in den Urlaub zu fahren.
(Despite the opinion of the majority, she decided to go her own way.)
Tips: The word Mehrheit refers to the larger part or number of something, representing the concept of majority. It is commonly used in discussions related to opinions, preferences, or decision-making processes.
Similar: Minderheit (minority), Großteil (majority, most)
Die Mehrheiten in diesen Angelegenheiten ändern sich im Laufe der Zeit.
Die Mehrheit der Menschen bevorzugt es, im Sommer in den Urlaub zu fahren.
(The majorities in these matters change over time.)
Tips: The word Mehrheit refers to the larger part or number of something, representing the concept of majority. It is commonly used in discussions related to opinions, preferences, or decision-making processes.
Similar: Minderheit (minority), Großteil (majority, most)
Die Presse spielt eine wichtige Rolle bei der Verbreitung von Informationen.
(The press plays an important role in the dissemination of information.)
Tips: The noun Presse refers to the press in the context of media, journalism, and printing. It can also be used to represent the collective body of journalists and media organizations. It is a fundamental term in the communication and publishing industries.
Der Artikel wurde in der lokalen Presse veröffentlicht.
Die Presse spielt eine wichtige Rolle bei der Verbreitung von Informationen.
(The article was published in the local press.)
Tips: The noun Presse refers to the press in the context of media, journalism, and printing. It can also be used to represent the collective body of journalists and media organizations. It is a fundamental term in the communication and publishing industries.
Die Pressen in der Druckerei laufen rund um die Uhr.
Die Presse spielt eine wichtige Rolle bei der Verbreitung von Informationen.
(The presses in the printing house run around the clock.)
Tips: The noun Presse refers to the press in the context of media, journalism, and printing. It can also be used to represent the collective body of journalists and media organizations. It is a fundamental term in the communication and publishing industries.
Die Vorstellung des neuen Produkts fand im Konferenzraum statt.
presentation, performance, imagination
(The presentation of the new product took place in the conference room.)
Tips: The noun ‘Vorstellung’ can have different meanings depending on the context. It can refer to a formal presentation, a performance, or the act of imagination. Pay attention to the context in which it is used to understand its specific meaning.
Similar: Präsentation, Aufführung, Fantasie
Die Schauspieler hatten eine großartige Vorstellung gestern Abend.
presentation, performance, imagination
Die Vorstellung des neuen Produkts fand im Konferenzraum statt.
(The actors had a great performance last night.)
Tips: The noun ‘Vorstellung’ can have different meanings depending on the context. It can refer to a formal presentation, a performance, or the act of imagination. Pay attention to the context in which it is used to understand its specific meaning.
Similar: Präsentation, Aufführung, Fantasie
Seine Vorstellung von einem perfekten Urlaub beinhaltet Sonne, Strand und Entspannung.
presentation, performance, imagination
Die Vorstellung des neuen Produkts fand im Konferenzraum statt.
(His imagination of a perfect vacation includes sun, beach, and relaxation.)
Tips: The noun ‘Vorstellung’ can have different meanings depending on the context. It can refer to a formal presentation, a performance, or the act of imagination. Pay attention to the context in which it is used to understand its specific meaning.
Similar: Präsentation, Aufführung, Fantasie
Trotz seiner Schüchternheit hielt er eine gelungene Vorstellung vor dem Publikum.
presentation, performance, imagination
Die Vorstellung des neuen Produkts fand im Konferenzraum statt.
(Despite his shyness, he gave a successful presentation in front of the audience.)
Tips: The noun ‘Vorstellung’ can have different meanings depending on the context. It can refer to a formal presentation, a performance, or the act of imagination. Pay attention to the context in which it is used to understand its specific meaning.
Similar: Präsentation, Aufführung, Fantasie
In meiner Vorstellung sollte das Projekt bis nächsten Monat abgeschlossen sein.
presentation, performance, imagination
Die Vorstellung des neuen Produkts fand im Konferenzraum statt.
(In my imagination, the project should be completed by next month.)
Tips: The noun ‘Vorstellung’ can have different meanings depending on the context. It can refer to a formal presentation, a performance, or the act of imagination. Pay attention to the context in which it is used to understand its specific meaning.
Similar: Präsentation, Aufführung, Fantasie
Die Rede des Politikers hat die Menschen sehr beeindruckt.
(The politician’s speech has impressed the people a lot.)
Tips: The noun ‘Rede’ refers to a formal address or speech given by someone. It can be in the context of politics, public speaking, or any formal gathering. It is used to convey a message or to express one’s thoughts and ideas to an audience.
Similar: Vortrag (lecture), Ansprache (address)
Er hält eine Rede zum Thema Umweltschutz.
Die Rede des Politikers hat die Menschen sehr beeindruckt.
(He is giving a speech on the topic of environmental protection.)
Tips: The noun ‘Rede’ refers to a formal address or speech given by someone. It can be in the context of politics, public speaking, or any formal gathering. It is used to convey a message or to express one’s thoughts and ideas to an audience.
Similar: Vortrag (lecture), Ansprache (address)
In seiner Rede betonte er die Bedeutung von Bildung.
Die Rede des Politikers hat die Menschen sehr beeindruckt.
(In his speech, he emphasized the importance of education.)
Tips: The noun ‘Rede’ refers to a formal address or speech given by someone. It can be in the context of politics, public speaking, or any formal gathering. It is used to convey a message or to express one’s thoughts and ideas to an audience.
Similar: Vortrag (lecture), Ansprache (address)
Trotzdem war ihre Rede nicht sehr überzeugend.
Die Rede des Politikers hat die Menschen sehr beeindruckt.
(However, her speech was not very convincing.)
Tips: The noun ‘Rede’ refers to a formal address or speech given by someone. It can be in the context of politics, public speaking, or any formal gathering. It is used to convey a message or to express one’s thoughts and ideas to an audience.
Similar: Vortrag (lecture), Ansprache (address)
Die Erhöhung der Preise hat zu Unzufriedenheit bei den Kunden geführt.
increase, raise
(The increase in prices has led to dissatisfaction among the customers.)
Tips: The noun Erhöhung refers to an increase or raise in various contexts, such as prices, salaries, workload, or volume. It’s commonly used in formal and informal settings and is an essential term in discussions about growth and changes.
Similar: Anstieg (ascent, rise), Steigerung (improvement, enhancement)
Die Erhöhungen der Gehälter sind jedes Jahr verhandelbar.
increase, raise
Die Erhöhung der Preise hat zu Unzufriedenheit bei den Kunden geführt.
(The raises in salaries are negotiable every year.)
Tips: The noun Erhöhung refers to an increase or raise in various contexts, such as prices, salaries, workload, or volume. It’s commonly used in formal and informal settings and is an essential term in discussions about growth and changes.
Similar: Anstieg (ascent, rise), Steigerung (improvement, enhancement)
Trotz der finanziellen Erhöhung konnte sie sich keine teure Wohnung leisten.
increase, raise
Die Erhöhung der Preise hat zu Unzufriedenheit bei den Kunden geführt.
(Despite the financial increase, she couldn’t afford an expensive apartment.)
Tips: The noun Erhöhung refers to an increase or raise in various contexts, such as prices, salaries, workload, or volume. It’s commonly used in formal and informal settings and is an essential term in discussions about growth and changes.
Similar: Anstieg (ascent, rise), Steigerung (improvement, enhancement)
Aufgrund der Erhöhung des Arbeitspensums musste sie Überstunden leisten.
increase, raise
Die Erhöhung der Preise hat zu Unzufriedenheit bei den Kunden geführt.
(Due to the increase in workload, she had to work overtime.)
Tips: The noun Erhöhung refers to an increase or raise in various contexts, such as prices, salaries, workload, or volume. It’s commonly used in formal and informal settings and is an essential term in discussions about growth and changes.
Similar: Anstieg (ascent, rise), Steigerung (improvement, enhancement)
Die Erhöhung der Lautstärke des Fernsehers störte die Nachbarn.
increase, raise
Die Erhöhung der Preise hat zu Unzufriedenheit bei den Kunden geführt.
(The increase in the volume of the TV disturbed the neighbors.)
Tips: The noun Erhöhung refers to an increase or raise in various contexts, such as prices, salaries, workload, or volume. It’s commonly used in formal and informal settings and is an essential term in discussions about growth and changes.
Similar: Anstieg (ascent, rise), Steigerung (improvement, enhancement)
Wir beschließen, morgen früh aufzustehen, um den Sonnenaufgang zu sehen.
to decide, to resolve
(We decide to get up early tomorrow morning to see the sunrise.)
Tips: The verb beschließen is used to express the action of making a decision or resolving to do something. It often implies a thoughtful process before coming to a conclusion. It is a strong and decisive verb, commonly used in formal and informal contexts.
Similar: entscheiden (to decide), festlegen (to set, to determine)
Sie beschloss, die Reise zu machen, obwohl es ein wenig teuer war.
to decide, to resolve
Wir beschließen, morgen früh aufzustehen, um den Sonnenaufgang zu sehen.
(She decided to take the trip, even though it was a little expensive.)
Tips: The verb beschließen is used to express the action of making a decision or resolving to do something. It often implies a thoughtful process before coming to a conclusion. It is a strong and decisive verb, commonly used in formal and informal contexts.
Similar: entscheiden (to decide), festlegen (to set, to determine)
Ich habe beschlossen, mehr Sport zu treiben, um gesünder zu werden.
to decide, to resolve
Wir beschließen, morgen früh aufzustehen, um den Sonnenaufgang zu sehen.
(I have decided to do more sports to become healthier.)
Tips: The verb beschließen is used to express the action of making a decision or resolving to do something. It often implies a thoughtful process before coming to a conclusion. It is a strong and decisive verb, commonly used in formal and informal contexts.
Similar: entscheiden (to decide), festlegen (to set, to determine)
Trotz des Regens beschließen wir, spazieren zu gehen.
to decide, to resolve
Wir beschließen, morgen früh aufzustehen, um den Sonnenaufgang zu sehen.
(Despite the rain, we decide to go for a walk.)
Tips: The verb beschließen is used to express the action of making a decision or resolving to do something. It often implies a thoughtful process before coming to a conclusion. It is a strong and decisive verb, commonly used in formal and informal contexts.
Similar: entscheiden (to decide), festlegen (to set, to determine)
Nachdem er alle Optionen überlegt hatte, beschloss er, seinen Job zu kündigen.
to decide, to resolve
Wir beschließen, morgen früh aufzustehen, um den Sonnenaufgang zu sehen.
(After considering all options, he decided to quit his job.)
Tips: The verb beschließen is used to express the action of making a decision or resolving to do something. It often implies a thoughtful process before coming to a conclusion. It is a strong and decisive verb, commonly used in formal and informal contexts.
Similar: entscheiden (to decide), festlegen (to set, to determine)
Die Arbeiter streiken für bessere Arbeitsbedingungen.
to strike (protest, industrial action)
(The workers are striking for better working conditions.)
Tips: The verb streiken is used specifically to refer to striking or going on strike in the context of protests or industrial action. It is a strong expression of dissatisfaction and is commonly used in news reports and discussions about workers’ rights.
Letztes Jahr streikte das Bodenpersonal des Flughafens.
to strike (protest, industrial action)
Die Arbeiter streiken für bessere Arbeitsbedingungen.
(Last year, the ground staff of the airport went on strike.)
Tips: The verb streiken is used specifically to refer to striking or going on strike in the context of protests or industrial action. It is a strong expression of dissatisfaction and is commonly used in news reports and discussions about workers’ rights.
Die Gewerkschaft hat gestreikt, um höhere Löhne zu fordern.
to strike (protest, industrial action)
Die Arbeiter streiken für bessere Arbeitsbedingungen.
(The union went on strike to demand higher wages.)
Tips: The verb streiken is used specifically to refer to striking or going on strike in the context of protests or industrial action. It is a strong expression of dissatisfaction and is commonly used in news reports and discussions about workers’ rights.
Trotz des Regens werden die Schüler streiken, um auf den Klimawandel aufmerksam zu machen.
to strike (protest, industrial action)
Die Arbeiter streiken für bessere Arbeitsbedingungen.
(Despite the rain, the students will strike to raise awareness about climate change.)
Tips: The verb streiken is used specifically to refer to striking or going on strike in the context of protests or industrial action. It is a strong expression of dissatisfaction and is commonly used in news reports and discussions about workers’ rights.
Die Angestellten streiken, weil ihre Überstunden nicht bezahlt wurden.
to strike (protest, industrial action)
Die Arbeiter streiken für bessere Arbeitsbedingungen.
(The employees are striking because their overtime was not paid.)
Tips: The verb streiken is used specifically to refer to striking or going on strike in the context of protests or industrial action. It is a strong expression of dissatisfaction and is commonly used in news reports and discussions about workers’ rights.