Netzwerk_Neu_B1_Ch3_mode-english-example-to-german-example Flashcards
The changes in the climate are alarming.
Die Veränderungen im Klima sind besorgniserregend.
Tips: The word Veränderungen refers to various kinds of changes, whether they are physical, emotional, technological, or organizational. It is a common term used in discussions about development, progress, and adaptation.
Despite the changes in her life, she remains optimistic.
Trotz der Veränderungen in ihrem Leben bleibt sie optimistisch.
Tips: The word Veränderungen refers to various kinds of changes, whether they are physical, emotional, technological, or organizational. It is a common term used in discussions about development, progress, and adaptation.
The changes in technology have greatly influenced our lives.
Die Veränderungen in der Technologie haben unser Leben stark beeinflusst.
Tips: The word Veränderungen refers to various kinds of changes, whether they are physical, emotional, technological, or organizational. It is a common term used in discussions about development, progress, and adaptation.
The change in working hours has led to dissatisfaction.
Die Veränderung der Arbeitszeiten hat zu Unzufriedenheit geführt.
Tips: The word Veränderungen refers to various kinds of changes, whether they are physical, emotional, technological, or organizational. It is a common term used in discussions about development, progress, and adaptation.
He is open to changes in his company.
Er ist offen für Veränderungen in seinem Unternehmen.
Tips: The word Veränderungen refers to various kinds of changes, whether they are physical, emotional, technological, or organizational. It is a common term used in discussions about development, progress, and adaptation.
It’s hard to change an unhealthy habit.
Es ist schwer, eine ungesunde Gewohnheit zu ändern.
Tips: The noun Gewohnheit refers to a habitual action or behavior that is often done without much thought. It can refer to both positive and negative habits. When talking about breaking or changing habits, the verb ‘ändern’ (to change) is commonly used in combination with Gewohnheit.
Similar: Ritual (ritual), Sitte (custom)
His daily habits influence his productivity.
Seine täglichen Gewohnheiten beeinflussen seine Produktivität.
Tips: The noun Gewohnheit refers to a habitual action or behavior that is often done without much thought. It can refer to both positive and negative habits. When talking about breaking or changing habits, the verb ‘ändern’ (to change) is commonly used in combination with Gewohnheit.
Similar: Ritual (ritual), Sitte (custom)
Nevertheless, he has the habit of taking a walk every morning.
Trotzdem hat er die Gewohnheit, jeden Morgen einen Spaziergang zu machen.
Tips: The noun Gewohnheit refers to a habitual action or behavior that is often done without much thought. It can refer to both positive and negative habits. When talking about breaking or changing habits, the verb ‘ändern’ (to change) is commonly used in combination with Gewohnheit.
Similar: Ritual (ritual), Sitte (custom)
After he quit smoking, he had to develop new habits.
Nachdem er mit dem Rauchen aufgehört hat, musste er neue Gewohnheiten entwickeln.
Tips: The noun Gewohnheit refers to a habitual action or behavior that is often done without much thought. It can refer to both positive and negative habits. When talking about breaking or changing habits, the verb ‘ändern’ (to change) is commonly used in combination with Gewohnheit.
Similar: Ritual (ritual), Sitte (custom)
People’s habits vary depending on culture and environment.
Die Gewohnheiten der Menschen variieren je nach Kultur und Umgebung.
Tips: The noun Gewohnheit refers to a habitual action or behavior that is often done without much thought. It can refer to both positive and negative habits. When talking about breaking or changing habits, the verb ‘ändern’ (to change) is commonly used in combination with Gewohnheit.
Similar: Ritual (ritual), Sitte (custom)
I am used to getting up early.
accustomed, usual
Ich bin es gewohnt, früh aufzustehen.
Tips: The adjective ‘gewohnt’ is used to describe something that is customary or habitual. It indicates that someone is accustomed to a certain situation or that something is usual or customary. It’s often used in the context of habits, routines, or familiar things.
Similar: üblich (usual), gewöhnlich (common, ordinary)
She has adapted to the usual workload.
accustomed, usual
Sie hat sich an das gewohnte Arbeitspensum angepasst.
Tips: The adjective ‘gewohnt’ is used to describe something that is customary or habitual. It indicates that someone is accustomed to a certain situation or that something is usual or customary. It’s often used in the context of habits, routines, or familiar things.
Similar: üblich (usual), gewöhnlich (common, ordinary)
He took the usual route.
accustomed, usual
Er hat die gewohnte Route genommen.
Tips: The adjective ‘gewohnt’ is used to describe something that is customary or habitual. It indicates that someone is accustomed to a certain situation or that something is usual or customary. It’s often used in the context of habits, routines, or familiar things.
Similar: üblich (usual), gewöhnlich (common, ordinary)
The usual noises of the city didn’t bother him anymore.
accustomed, usual
Die gewohnten Geräusche der Stadt störten ihn nicht mehr.
Tips: The adjective ‘gewohnt’ is used to describe something that is customary or habitual. It indicates that someone is accustomed to a certain situation or that something is usual or customary. It’s often used in the context of habits, routines, or familiar things.
Similar: üblich (usual), gewöhnlich (common, ordinary)
Please come out of the room.
Komm bitte raus aus dem Zimmer.
Tips: The adverb raus is used to indicate movement or existence outside of a place. It is commonly used in commands, invitations, or descriptions of actions taking place outside.
Similar: hinaus (outward, outside), draußen (outside)
Go out and enjoy the beautiful weather.
Geh raus und genieße das schöne Wetter.
Tips: The adverb raus is used to indicate movement or existence outside of a place. It is commonly used in commands, invitations, or descriptions of actions taking place outside.
Similar: hinaus (outward, outside), draußen (outside)
He went out to get some fresh air.
Er ist rausgegangen, um frische Luft zu schnappen.
Tips: The adverb raus is used to indicate movement or existence outside of a place. It is commonly used in commands, invitations, or descriptions of actions taking place outside.
Similar: hinaus (outward, outside), draußen (outside)
It is usual for us to meet on the weekend.
usual, customary, common
Es ist üblich, dass wir uns am Wochenende treffen.
Tips: The adjective üblich is used to describe something that is usual, customary, or common. It is often used in the context of traditions, habits, or typical behaviors. This word is important for expressing regularity and common practices.
Similar: gewöhnlich (usual, ordinary), normal (normal, regular)
The usual route to work was closed due to construction work.
usual, customary, common
Die übliche Route zur Arbeit war wegen Bauarbeiten gesperrt.
Tips: The adjective üblich is used to describe something that is usual, customary, or common. It is often used in the context of traditions, habits, or typical behaviors. This word is important for expressing regularity and common practices.
Similar: gewöhnlich (usual, ordinary), normal (normal, regular)
It is customary to shake hands when greeting each other.
usual, customary, common
Es ist üblich, dass man sich zur Begrüßung die Hand gibt.
Tips: The adjective üblich is used to describe something that is usual, customary, or common. It is often used in the context of traditions, habits, or typical behaviors. This word is important for expressing regularity and common practices.
Similar: gewöhnlich (usual, ordinary), normal (normal, regular)
The usual suspects were questioned by the police.
usual, customary, common
Die üblichen Verdächtigen wurden von der Polizei befragt.
Tips: The adjective üblich is used to describe something that is usual, customary, or common. It is often used in the context of traditions, habits, or typical behaviors. This word is important for expressing regularity and common practices.
Similar: gewöhnlich (usual, ordinary), normal (normal, regular)
It is common to congratulate someone on their birthday.
usual, customary, common
Es ist üblich, dass man sich zum Geburtstag gratuliert.
Tips: The adjective üblich is used to describe something that is usual, customary, or common. It is often used in the context of traditions, habits, or typical behaviors. This word is important for expressing regularity and common practices.
Similar: gewöhnlich (usual, ordinary), normal (normal, regular)
The historical city wall is well-preserved.
Die historische Stadtmauer ist gut erhalten.
Tips: The adjective historisch is used to describe things, events, or people related to history. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as historical places, events, research, or significance. It’s important to note that the adjective changes according to the gender and number of the noun it refers to.
Similar: geschichtlich (historical, pertaining to history), zeitgeschichtlich (contemporary historical)
In historical novels, one can learn a lot about past times.
In historischen Romanen kann man viel über vergangene Zeiten lernen.
Tips: The adjective historisch is used to describe things, events, or people related to history. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as historical places, events, research, or significance. It’s important to note that the adjective changes according to the gender and number of the noun it refers to.
Similar: geschichtlich (historical, pertaining to history), zeitgeschichtlich (contemporary historical)
The historical events have changed the world.
Die historischen Ereignisse haben die Welt verändert.
Tips: The adjective historisch is used to describe things, events, or people related to history. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as historical places, events, research, or significance. It’s important to note that the adjective changes according to the gender and number of the noun it refers to.
Similar: geschichtlich (historical, pertaining to history), zeitgeschichtlich (contemporary historical)
The historical significance of this place is enormous.
Die historische Bedeutung dieses Ortes ist enorm.
Tips: The adjective historisch is used to describe things, events, or people related to history. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as historical places, events, research, or significance. It’s important to note that the adjective changes according to the gender and number of the noun it refers to.
Similar: geschichtlich (historical, pertaining to history), zeitgeschichtlich (contemporary historical)
Historical research is an important part of historical science.
Die historische Forschung ist ein wichtiger Teil der Geschichtswissenschaft.
Tips: The adjective historisch is used to describe things, events, or people related to history. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as historical places, events, research, or significance. It’s important to note that the adjective changes according to the gender and number of the noun it refers to.
Similar: geschichtlich (historical, pertaining to history), zeitgeschichtlich (contemporary historical)
The world economy experienced a severe crisis in 2008.
Die Weltwirtschaft erlebte eine schwere Krise im Jahr 2008.
Tips: The noun Krise refers to a critical or difficult situation, often with far-reaching consequences. It is used in various contexts, such as economic, political, or personal crises. It’s a crucial term in both formal and informal German communication.
Similar: Notlage (emergency), Schwierigkeit (difficulty)
Despite the political crises in the region, people are trying to lead a normal life.
Trotz der politischen Krisen in der Region, versuchen die Menschen, ein normales Leben zu führen.
Tips: The noun Krise refers to a critical or difficult situation, often with far-reaching consequences. It is used in various contexts, such as economic, political, or personal crises. It’s a crucial term in both formal and informal German communication.
Similar: Notlage (emergency), Schwierigkeit (difficulty)
In times of crisis, it is important to stay calm and make wise decisions.
In Zeiten der Krise ist es wichtig, ruhig zu bleiben und kluge Entscheidungen zu treffen.
Tips: The noun Krise refers to a critical or difficult situation, often with far-reaching consequences. It is used in various contexts, such as economic, political, or personal crises. It’s a crucial term in both formal and informal German communication.
Similar: Notlage (emergency), Schwierigkeit (difficulty)
The company has overcome a crisis and is now stronger than before.
Die Firma hat eine Krise überwunden und ist jetzt stärker als zuvor.
Tips: The noun Krise refers to a critical or difficult situation, often with far-reaching consequences. It is used in various contexts, such as economic, political, or personal crises. It’s a crucial term in both formal and informal German communication.
Similar: Notlage (emergency), Schwierigkeit (difficulty)
Despite the crisis, there are always opportunities and possibilities.
Trotz der Krise gibt es immer auch Chancen und Möglichkeiten.
Tips: The noun Krise refers to a critical or difficult situation, often with far-reaching consequences. It is used in various contexts, such as economic, political, or personal crises. It’s a crucial term in both formal and informal German communication.
Similar: Notlage (emergency), Schwierigkeit (difficulty)
The separation from my parents was very difficult for me.
Die Trennung von meinen Eltern war sehr schwierig für mich.
Tips: The noun Trennung is used to refer to the act of separating or the state of being separated. It can be used in various contexts, such as personal relationships, business, or even waste management.
Similar: Scheidung (divorce), Abtrennung (severance)
After the separation, she felt liberated and independent.
Nach der Trennung fühlte sie sich befreit und unabhängig.
Tips: The noun Trennung is used to refer to the act of separating or the state of being separated. It can be used in various contexts, such as personal relationships, business, or even waste management.
Similar: Scheidung (divorce), Abtrennung (severance)
The separation of the two companies was a strategic decision.
Die Trennung der beiden Unternehmen war eine strategische Entscheidung.
Tips: The noun Trennung is used to refer to the act of separating or the state of being separated. It can be used in various contexts, such as personal relationships, business, or even waste management.
Similar: Scheidung (divorce), Abtrennung (severance)
Despite the separation, they remain good friends.
Trotz der Trennung bleiben sie gute Freunde.
Tips: The noun Trennung is used to refer to the act of separating or the state of being separated. It can be used in various contexts, such as personal relationships, business, or even waste management.
Similar: Scheidung (divorce), Abtrennung (severance)
The separation of types of waste is important for recycling.
Die Trennung der Müllarten ist wichtig für das Recycling.
Tips: The noun Trennung is used to refer to the act of separating or the state of being separated. It can be used in various contexts, such as personal relationships, business, or even waste management.
Similar: Scheidung (divorce), Abtrennung (severance)
The return of the birds in spring is a sign of warmer temperatures.
Die Rückkehr der Vögel im Frühling ist ein Zeichen für wärmere Temperaturen.
Tips: The noun Rückkehr refers to the act of returning or coming back to a place or situation. It is commonly used to describe the return of a person or a group of people after an absence. It can also be used in a more abstract sense, such as the return of a particular season or a feeling.
Similar: Rückkehr, Heimkehr
His return after a long absence was a reason to celebrate.
Seine Rückkehr nach langer Abwesenheit war ein Grund zum Feiern.
Tips: The noun Rückkehr refers to the act of returning or coming back to a place or situation. It is commonly used to describe the return of a person or a group of people after an absence. It can also be used in a more abstract sense, such as the return of a particular season or a feeling.
Similar: Rückkehr, Heimkehr
Despite his return, he still felt like a stranger in his hometown.
Trotz seiner Rückkehr fühlte er sich immer noch fremd in seiner Heimatstadt.
Tips: The noun Rückkehr refers to the act of returning or coming back to a place or situation. It is commonly used to describe the return of a person or a group of people after an absence. It can also be used in a more abstract sense, such as the return of a particular season or a feeling.
Similar: Rückkehr, Heimkehr
The sun is slowly disappearing behind the mountains.
to disappear
Die Sonne verschwindet langsam hinter den Bergen.
Tips: The verb verschwinden is used to express the action of disappearing or vanishing. It can be used in various contexts, from physical objects disappearing to abstract concepts vanishing. It’s an important verb to describe the act of something or someone disappearing.
Similar: entfernen (to remove, to take away), abhandenkommen (to go missing, to be lost)
He suddenly disappeared from the room without saying a word.
to disappear
Er verschwand plötzlich aus dem Raum, ohne ein Wort zu sagen.
Tips: The verb verschwinden is used to express the action of disappearing or vanishing. It can be used in various contexts, from physical objects disappearing to abstract concepts vanishing. It’s an important verb to describe the act of something or someone disappearing.
Similar: entfernen (to remove, to take away), abhandenkommen (to go missing, to be lost)
The money has disappeared, I don’t know where it is.
to disappear
Das Geld ist verschwunden, ich weiß nicht, wo es ist.
Tips: The verb verschwinden is used to express the action of disappearing or vanishing. It can be used in various contexts, from physical objects disappearing to abstract concepts vanishing. It’s an important verb to describe the act of something or someone disappearing.
Similar: entfernen (to remove, to take away), abhandenkommen (to go missing, to be lost)
Nevertheless, hope does not disappear.
to disappear
Trotzdem verschwindet die Hoffnung nicht.
Tips: The verb verschwinden is used to express the action of disappearing or vanishing. It can be used in various contexts, from physical objects disappearing to abstract concepts vanishing. It’s an important verb to describe the act of something or someone disappearing.
Similar: entfernen (to remove, to take away), abhandenkommen (to go missing, to be lost)
If you continue like this, you will disappear.
to disappear
Wenn du so weitermachst, wirst du verschwinden.
Tips: The verb verschwinden is used to express the action of disappearing or vanishing. It can be used in various contexts, from physical objects disappearing to abstract concepts vanishing. It’s an important verb to describe the act of something or someone disappearing.
Similar: entfernen (to remove, to take away), abhandenkommen (to go missing, to be lost)
The heavy rain causes floods in the city.
to cause
Der starke Regen verursacht Überschwemmungen in der Stadt.
Tips: The verb verursachen is used to express the action of causing something to happen. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as natural events, accidents, health issues, and more. It’s important to note that the verb is often used with the accusative case to indicate the direct object being caused.
Similar: bewirken (to effect), hervorrufen (to evoke)
The loud noise caused a fright in the children.
to cause
Das laute Geräusch verursachte einen Schreck bei den Kindern.
Tips: The verb verursachen is used to express the action of causing something to happen. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as natural events, accidents, health issues, and more. It’s important to note that the verb is often used with the accusative case to indicate the direct object being caused.
Similar: bewirken (to effect), hervorrufen (to evoke)
The poor nutrition has caused many health problems.
to cause
Die schlechte Ernährung hat viele Gesundheitsprobleme verursacht.
Tips: The verb verursachen is used to express the action of causing something to happen. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as natural events, accidents, health issues, and more. It’s important to note that the verb is often used with the accusative case to indicate the direct object being caused.
Similar: bewirken (to effect), hervorrufen (to evoke)
The accident caused serious injuries.
to cause
Der Unfall verursachte schwere Verletzungen.
Tips: The verb verursachen is used to express the action of causing something to happen. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as natural events, accidents, health issues, and more. It’s important to note that the verb is often used with the accusative case to indicate the direct object being caused.
Similar: bewirken (to effect), hervorrufen (to evoke)
Smoking causes health problems.
to cause
Rauchen verursacht gesundheitliche Probleme.
Tips: The verb verursachen is used to express the action of causing something to happen. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as natural events, accidents, health issues, and more. It’s important to note that the verb is often used with the accusative case to indicate the direct object being caused.
Similar: bewirken (to effect), hervorrufen (to evoke)
The tour guide leads the group through the historical city.
to lead, to guide, to conduct
Der Reiseleiter führt die Gruppe durch die historische Stadt.
Tips: The verb führen is used to express the action of leading, guiding, or conducting. It can refer to leading a group of people, conducting an interview, leading a team, or guiding a discussion. It is a versatile verb used in various contexts.
Similar: leiten (to manage, to run), anführen (to lead, to command)
She conducted the interview with great professionalism.
to lead, to guide, to conduct
Sie führte das Interview mit großer Professionalität.
Tips: The verb führen is used to express the action of leading, guiding, or conducting. It can refer to leading a group of people, conducting an interview, leading a team, or guiding a discussion. It is a versatile verb used in various contexts.
Similar: leiten (to manage, to run), anführen (to lead, to command)
The captain led the ship while the storm raged.
to lead, to guide, to conduct
Der Kapitän hat das Schiff geführt, während der Sturm tobte.
Tips: The verb führen is used to express the action of leading, guiding, or conducting. It can refer to leading a group of people, conducting an interview, leading a team, or guiding a discussion. It is a versatile verb used in various contexts.
Similar: leiten (to manage, to run), anführen (to lead, to command)
He leads his employees with determination and empathy.
to lead, to guide, to conduct
Er führt seine Mitarbeiter mit Entschlossenheit und Einfühlungsvermögen.
Tips: The verb führen is used to express the action of leading, guiding, or conducting. It can refer to leading a group of people, conducting an interview, leading a team, or guiding a discussion. It is a versatile verb used in various contexts.
Similar: leiten (to manage, to run), anführen (to lead, to command)
The discussion did not lead to clear results.
to lead, to guide, to conduct
Die Diskussion führte zu keinen klaren Ergebnissen.
Tips: The verb führen is used to express the action of leading, guiding, or conducting. It can refer to leading a group of people, conducting an interview, leading a team, or guiding a discussion. It is a versatile verb used in various contexts.
Similar: leiten (to manage, to run), anführen (to lead, to command)
The process of industrialization had far-reaching effects on society.
Der Prozess der Industrialisierung hatte weitreichende Auswirkungen auf die Gesellschaft.
Tips: The noun Prozess refers to a sequence of actions or steps that lead to a particular result or outcome. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as industrial processes, decision-making processes, legal proceedings, and more. It’s a versatile term that is essential in both formal and informal language use.
Similar: Verfahren (procedure, method), Ablauf (process, course)
The process of decision-making can sometimes be time-consuming.
Der Prozess der Entscheidungsfindung kann manchmal zeitaufwendig sein.
Tips: The noun Prozess refers to a sequence of actions or steps that lead to a particular result or outcome. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as industrial processes, decision-making processes, legal proceedings, and more. It’s a versatile term that is essential in both formal and informal language use.
Similar: Verfahren (procedure, method), Ablauf (process, course)
Despite the lengthy process, they have successfully completed the project.
Trotz des langwierigen Prozesses haben sie das Projekt erfolgreich abgeschlossen.
Tips: The noun Prozess refers to a sequence of actions or steps that lead to a particular result or outcome. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as industrial processes, decision-making processes, legal proceedings, and more. It’s a versatile term that is essential in both formal and informal language use.
Similar: Verfahren (procedure, method), Ablauf (process, course)
In many countries, the process of digitization is in full swing.
In vielen Ländern ist der Prozess der Digitalisierung in vollem Gange.
Tips: The noun Prozess refers to a sequence of actions or steps that lead to a particular result or outcome. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as industrial processes, decision-making processes, legal proceedings, and more. It’s a versatile term that is essential in both formal and informal language use.
Similar: Verfahren (procedure, method), Ablauf (process, course)
It is important to promote the process of continuous improvement in companies.
Es ist wichtig, den Prozess der kontinuierlichen Verbesserung in Unternehmen zu fördern.
Tips: The noun Prozess refers to a sequence of actions or steps that lead to a particular result or outcome. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as industrial processes, decision-making processes, legal proceedings, and more. It’s a versatile term that is essential in both formal and informal language use.
Similar: Verfahren (procedure, method), Ablauf (process, course)
The opposite of hot is cold.
opposite, contrast
Der Gegensatz von heiß ist kalt.
Tips: The noun Gegensatz is used to refer to the concept of opposition or contrast between two things. It is commonly used in various contexts, from describing physical differences to abstract concepts. It’s important to note that the plural form is die Gegensätze.
Similar: Kontrast (contrast), Entgegensatz (antithesis)
There is a clear contrast between city and countryside.
opposite, contrast
Es gibt einen klaren Gegensatz zwischen Stadt und Land.
Tips: The noun Gegensatz is used to refer to the concept of opposition or contrast between two things. It is commonly used in various contexts, from describing physical differences to abstract concepts. It’s important to note that the plural form is die Gegensätze.
Similar: Kontrast (contrast), Entgegensatz (antithesis)
Despite the opposition in their opinions, they have remained good friends.
opposite, contrast
Trotz des Gegensatzes in ihren Meinungen, sind sie gute Freunde geblieben.
Tips: The noun Gegensatz is used to refer to the concept of opposition or contrast between two things. It is commonly used in various contexts, from describing physical differences to abstract concepts. It’s important to note that the plural form is die Gegensätze.
Similar: Kontrast (contrast), Entgegensatz (antithesis)
The contrast between good and evil is a common theme in literature.
opposite, contrast
Der Gegensatz von gut und böse ist ein häufiges Thema in der Literatur.
Tips: The noun Gegensatz is used to refer to the concept of opposition or contrast between two things. It is commonly used in various contexts, from describing physical differences to abstract concepts. It’s important to note that the plural form is die Gegensätze.
Similar: Kontrast (contrast), Entgegensatz (antithesis)
In art, strong contrasts are often used to create tension.
opposite, contrast
In der Kunst werden oft starke Gegensätze verwendet, um Spannung zu erzeugen.
Tips: The noun Gegensatz is used to refer to the concept of opposition or contrast between two things. It is commonly used in various contexts, from describing physical differences to abstract concepts. It’s important to note that the plural form is die Gegensätze.
Similar: Kontrast (contrast), Entgegensatz (antithesis)
She prefers a minimal design in her house.
Sie bevorzugt ein minimales Design in ihrem Haus.
Tips: The adjective ‘minimal’ is used to describe something that is very small, basic, or simple. It is often used in the context of design, art, or problems that require little effort to solve.
Similar: gering (low, small), bescheiden (modest, humble)
That’s a minimal problem that can be quickly solved.
Das ist ein minimales Problem, das schnell gelöst werden kann.
Tips: The adjective ‘minimal’ is used to describe something that is very small, basic, or simple. It is often used in the context of design, art, or problems that require little effort to solve.
Similar: gering (low, small), bescheiden (modest, humble)
The apartment is minimally furnished, but very cozy.
Die Wohnung ist minimal eingerichtet, aber sehr gemütlich.
Tips: The adjective ‘minimal’ is used to describe something that is very small, basic, or simple. It is often used in the context of design, art, or problems that require little effort to solve.
Similar: gering (low, small), bescheiden (modest, humble)
She made a radical decision and moved abroad.
Sie hat eine radikale Entscheidung getroffen und ist ins Ausland gezogen.
Tips: The adjective radikal is used to describe something as extreme or fundamental, often in the context of ideas, decisions, or changes. It can refer to political, social, or personal aspects. It’s important to use it carefully, as it conveys a strong and decisive meaning.
Similar: extrem, drastisch
He has radical views that not everyone shares.
Er hat radikale Ansichten, die nicht jeder teilt.
Tips: The adjective radikal is used to describe something as extreme or fundamental, often in the context of ideas, decisions, or changes. It can refer to political, social, or personal aspects. It’s important to use it carefully, as it conveys a strong and decisive meaning.
Similar: extrem, drastisch
The group is demanding radical changes in environmental policy.
Die Gruppe fordert radikale Veränderungen in der Umweltpolitik.
Tips: The adjective radikal is used to describe something as extreme or fundamental, often in the context of ideas, decisions, or changes. It can refer to political, social, or personal aspects. It’s important to use it carefully, as it conveys a strong and decisive meaning.
Similar: extrem, drastisch
The poor planning leads to problems in the execution of the project.
to lead to
Die schlechte Planung führt zu Problemen bei der Durchführung des Projekts.
Tips: The verb führen zu is used to express the idea of something leading to a specific consequence or result. It is commonly used in formal and informal contexts to describe cause and effect relationships.
Similar: verursachen (to cause), bewirken (to bring about)
The discussion did not lead to an agreement.
to lead to
Die Diskussion führte zu keiner Einigung.
Tips: The verb führen zu is used to express the idea of something leading to a specific consequence or result. It is commonly used in formal and informal contexts to describe cause and effect relationships.
Similar: verursachen (to cause), bewirken (to bring about)
The new measures have led to an improvement in the situation.
to lead to
Die neuen Maßnahmen haben zu einer Verbesserung der Situation geführt.
Tips: The verb führen zu is used to express the idea of something leading to a specific consequence or result. It is commonly used in formal and informal contexts to describe cause and effect relationships.
Similar: verursachen (to cause), bewirken (to bring about)
Stress often leads to health problems.
to lead to
Stress führt oft zu gesundheitlichen Problemen.
Tips: The verb führen zu is used to express the idea of something leading to a specific consequence or result. It is commonly used in formal and informal contexts to describe cause and effect relationships.
Similar: verursachen (to cause), bewirken (to bring about)
The decision has led to a positive change.
to lead to
Die Entscheidung hat zu einer positiven Veränderung geführt.
Tips: The verb führen zu is used to express the idea of something leading to a specific consequence or result. It is commonly used in formal and informal contexts to describe cause and effect relationships.
Similar: verursachen (to cause), bewirken (to bring about)
During the vacation, I visited many interesting places.
Während des Urlaubs habe ich viele interessante Orte besucht.
Tips: The preposition ‘während’ is used to indicate a period of time during which something happens. It is commonly used with the genitive case, as in ‘während des Urlaubs’ (during the vacation), but it can also be used with the dative case, especially in spoken German.
Similar: in, innerhalb
She did not cheat during the exam.
Sie hat während der Prüfung nicht geschummelt.
Tips: The preposition ‘während’ is used to indicate a period of time during which something happens. It is commonly used with the genitive case, as in ‘während des Urlaubs’ (during the vacation), but it can also be used with the dative case, especially in spoken German.
Similar: in, innerhalb
Meanwhile, the train has departed, we have to wait for the next one.
meanwhile, in the meantime
Mittlerweise ist der Zug abgefahren, wir müssen auf den nächsten warten.
Tips: The adverb ‘mittlerweise’ is used to indicate an action or event that occurs in the meantime or meanwhile. It is often used to express a temporal transition or development in a narrative or sequence of events.
Similar: inzwischen (meanwhile), unterdessen (in the meantime)
In the meantime, the situation has improved.
meanwhile, in the meantime
Mittlerweise hat sich die Situation verbessert.
Tips: The adverb ‘mittlerweise’ is used to indicate an action or event that occurs in the meantime or meanwhile. It is often used to express a temporal transition or development in a narrative or sequence of events.
Similar: inzwischen (meanwhile), unterdessen (in the meantime)
After a long wait, the bus finally arrived.
Nach langem Warten kam der Bus schließlich.
Tips: The adverb ‘schließlich’ is used to indicate the finality or conclusion of an action or event. It is often used to express the result of a process or the resolution of a situation. It can also convey the idea of ‘after all’ or ‘in the end’.
Similar: endlich (finally, at last), letztendlich (ultimately, eventually)
She worked hard and finally achieved her goal.
Sie hat hart gearbeitet und schließlich ihr Ziel erreicht.
Tips: The adverb ‘schließlich’ is used to indicate the finality or conclusion of an action or event. It is often used to express the result of a process or the resolution of a situation. It can also convey the idea of ‘after all’ or ‘in the end’.
Similar: endlich (finally, at last), letztendlich (ultimately, eventually)
He hesitated for a long time, but finally he made a decision.
Er hat lange gezögert, schließlich hat er sich doch entschieden.
Tips: The adverb ‘schließlich’ is used to indicate the finality or conclusion of an action or event. It is often used to express the result of a process or the resolution of a situation. It can also convey the idea of ‘after all’ or ‘in the end’.
Similar: endlich (finally, at last), letztendlich (ultimately, eventually)
Ever since I got my new bike, I ride to work every day.
since then, ever since
Seitdem ich mein neues Fahrrad habe, fahre ich jeden Tag zur Arbeit.
Tips: The adverb ‘seitdem’ is used to refer to a point in time in the past from which a situation or action has been ongoing. It is often used with the present perfect tense to indicate an action or state that started in the past and continues into the present.
Similar: seit, danach
Since you’ve been gone, I miss you a lot.
since then, ever since
Seitdem du weg bist, vermisse ich dich sehr.
Tips: The adverb ‘seitdem’ is used to refer to a point in time in the past from which a situation or action has been ongoing. It is often used with the present perfect tense to indicate an action or state that started in the past and continues into the present.
Similar: seit, danach
I am flying from Frankfurt to New York.
Ich fliege von Frankfurt nach New York.
Tips: The preposition von is used to indicate the point of origin or the starting point, while auf is used to indicate the destination or the ending point. This combination is commonly used to express movement or range from one place or value to another.
The train goes from Berlin to Munich.
Der Zug fährt von Berlin nach München.
Tips: The preposition von is used to indicate the point of origin or the starting point, while auf is used to indicate the destination or the ending point. This combination is commonly used to express movement or range from one place or value to another.
The prices range from 50 euros to 100 euros.
Die Preise variieren von 50 Euro auf 100 Euro.
Tips: The preposition von is used to indicate the point of origin or the starting point, while auf is used to indicate the destination or the ending point. This combination is commonly used to express movement or range from one place or value to another.
The temperature fluctuates from 20 degrees to 30 degrees.
Die Temperatur schwankt von 20 Grad auf 30 Grad.
Tips: The preposition von is used to indicate the point of origin or the starting point, while auf is used to indicate the destination or the ending point. This combination is commonly used to express movement or range from one place or value to another.
They have worked on this project for years.
for years, lasting for years
Sie haben jahrelang an diesem Projekt gearbeitet.
Tips: The adverb ‘jahrelang’ is used to indicate a duration or continuity of an action or state over a long period of time, specifically years. It’s commonly used to express long-term activities or situations.
He lived in Spain for years.
for years, lasting for years
Er hat jahrelang in Spanien gelebt.
Tips: The adverb ‘jahrelang’ is used to indicate a duration or continuity of an action or state over a long period of time, specifically years. It’s commonly used to express long-term activities or situations.
The apprentice learns from his master.
Der Lehrling lernt von seinem Meister.
Tips: The word ‘Lehrling’ refers to a person who is learning a trade or profession under the guidance of a skilled employer. It is commonly used in the context of vocational training and apprenticeships.
Similar: Azubi (short for ‘Auszubildender’ - trainee), Praktikant (intern, trainee)
The apprentices work hard to learn their trade.
Die Lehrlinge arbeiten hart, um ihr Handwerk zu erlernen.
Tips: The word ‘Lehrling’ refers to a person who is learning a trade or profession under the guidance of a skilled employer. It is commonly used in the context of vocational training and apprenticeships.
Similar: Azubi (short for ‘Auszubildender’ - trainee), Praktikant (intern, trainee)
The female apprentice is very talented and learns quickly.
Die Lehrlingin ist sehr talentiert und lernt schnell.
Tips: The word ‘Lehrling’ refers to a person who is learning a trade or profession under the guidance of a skilled employer. It is commonly used in the context of vocational training and apprenticeships.
Similar: Azubi (short for ‘Auszubildender’ - trainee), Praktikant (intern, trainee)
My personal opinion is that we should finish the project.
Meine persönliche Meinung ist, dass wir das Projekt abschließen sollten.
Tips: The adjective ‘persönlich’ is used to describe something that is related to an individual or specific to a person. It can refer to personal opinions, connections, belongings, or data. It’s important to note that ‘persönlich’ can also mean ‘in person’ when used as an adverb.
Similar: individuell (individual), privat (private)
She has a personal connection to this place.
Sie hat eine persönliche Verbindung zu diesem Ort.
Tips: The adjective ‘persönlich’ is used to describe something that is related to an individual or specific to a person. It can refer to personal opinions, connections, belongings, or data. It’s important to note that ‘persönlich’ can also mean ‘in person’ when used as an adverb.
Similar: individuell (individual), privat (private)
It was a personal gift from my boss.
Es war ein persönliches Geschenk von meinem Chef.
Tips: The adjective ‘persönlich’ is used to describe something that is related to an individual or specific to a person. It can refer to personal opinions, connections, belongings, or data. It’s important to note that ‘persönlich’ can also mean ‘in person’ when used as an adverb.
Similar: individuell (individual), privat (private)
The personal data must be treated confidentially.
Die persönlichen Daten müssen vertraulich behandelt werden.
Tips: The adjective ‘persönlich’ is used to describe something that is related to an individual or specific to a person. It can refer to personal opinions, connections, belongings, or data. It’s important to note that ‘persönlich’ can also mean ‘in person’ when used as an adverb.
Similar: individuell (individual), privat (private)
My grandmother enjoys handicrafts such as knitting and crocheting.
Meine Großmutter macht gerne Handarbeiten wie Stricken und Häkeln.
Tips: The term Handarbeit refers to any type of manual work or craft that is done by hand, such as knitting, sewing, embroidery, or woodworking. It emphasizes the skill and creativity involved in creating handmade items. This word is commonly used in the context of hobbies, art, and traditional crafts.
At school, we learned how to make various handicrafts.
In der Schule haben wir gelernt, wie man verschiedene Handarbeiten herstellt.
Tips: The term Handarbeit refers to any type of manual work or craft that is done by hand, such as knitting, sewing, embroidery, or woodworking. It emphasizes the skill and creativity involved in creating handmade items. This word is commonly used in the context of hobbies, art, and traditional crafts.
Handicraft requires patience and skill.
Die Handarbeit erfordert Geduld und Geschicklichkeit.
Tips: The term Handarbeit refers to any type of manual work or craft that is done by hand, such as knitting, sewing, embroidery, or woodworking. It emphasizes the skill and creativity involved in creating handmade items. This word is commonly used in the context of hobbies, art, and traditional crafts.
Many people appreciate the beauty of handmade handicrafts.
Viele Menschen schätzen die Schönheit von handgemachten Handarbeiten.
Tips: The term Handarbeit refers to any type of manual work or craft that is done by hand, such as knitting, sewing, embroidery, or woodworking. It emphasizes the skill and creativity involved in creating handmade items. This word is commonly used in the context of hobbies, art, and traditional crafts.
An important condition for success is hard work.
condition, requirement
Eine wichtige Bedingung für den Erfolg ist harte Arbeit.
Tips: The noun Bedingung refers to a condition or requirement that must be fulfilled for something to happen or be valid. It is commonly used in formal and informal contexts, such as in contracts, rules, or everyday conversations.
Similar: Voraussetzung (requirement, prerequisite), Kondition (condition, term)
The requirements for participating in the competition are clearly defined.
condition, requirement
Die Bedingungen für die Teilnahme am Wettbewerb sind klar definiert.
Tips: The noun Bedingung refers to a condition or requirement that must be fulfilled for something to happen or be valid. It is commonly used in formal and informal contexts, such as in contracts, rules, or everyday conversations.
Similar: Voraussetzung (requirement, prerequisite), Kondition (condition, term)
Despite the difficult conditions, they have achieved their goal.
condition, requirement
Trotz der schwierigen Bedingungen haben sie das Ziel erreicht.
Tips: The noun Bedingung refers to a condition or requirement that must be fulfilled for something to happen or be valid. It is commonly used in formal and informal contexts, such as in contracts, rules, or everyday conversations.
Similar: Voraussetzung (requirement, prerequisite), Kondition (condition, term)
The condition for returning the item is that it is unused.
condition, requirement
Die Bedingung für die Rückgabe des Artikels ist, dass er unbenutzt ist.
Tips: The noun Bedingung refers to a condition or requirement that must be fulfilled for something to happen or be valid. It is commonly used in formal and informal contexts, such as in contracts, rules, or everyday conversations.
Similar: Voraussetzung (requirement, prerequisite), Kondition (condition, term)
The competition between the two companies is very strong.
Die Konkurrenz zwischen den beiden Unternehmen ist sehr stark.
Tips: The noun Konkurrenz refers to the competitive situation between individuals, companies, or entities. It is commonly used in business contexts, but it can also be applied to sports or other competitive scenarios. It’s important to note that Konkurrenz emphasizes the competitive aspect, while Wettbewerb can also refer to a contest or competition in a broader sense.
Similar: Wettbewerb, Rivalität
Despite the tough competition, they managed to be successful.
Trotz der harten Konkurrenz haben sie es geschafft, erfolgreich zu sein.
Tips: The noun Konkurrenz refers to the competitive situation between individuals, companies, or entities. It is commonly used in business contexts, but it can also be applied to sports or other competitive scenarios. It’s important to note that Konkurrenz emphasizes the competitive aspect, while Wettbewerb can also refer to a contest or competition in a broader sense.
Similar: Wettbewerb, Rivalität
In this field, there are many competitors competing for the attention of the customers.
In diesem Bereich gibt es viele Konkurrenzen, die um die Aufmerksamkeit der Kunden konkurrieren.
Tips: The noun Konkurrenz refers to the competitive situation between individuals, companies, or entities. It is commonly used in business contexts, but it can also be applied to sports or other competitive scenarios. It’s important to note that Konkurrenz emphasizes the competitive aspect, while Wettbewerb can also refer to a contest or competition in a broader sense.
Similar: Wettbewerb, Rivalität
A good school education is crucial for personal development.
school education
Eine gute Schulbildung ist entscheidend für die persönliche Entwicklung.
Tips: The term Schulbildung specifically refers to the education received in school. It encompasses the formal learning process from primary to secondary education. It is a fundamental aspect of personal and societal development.
Similar: Ausbildung (training, vocational education), Bildung (education, knowledge)
School education in Germany is free and compulsory.
school education
Die Schulbildung in Deutschland ist kostenlos und obligatorisch.
Tips: The term Schulbildung specifically refers to the education received in school. It encompasses the formal learning process from primary to secondary education. It is a fundamental aspect of personal and societal development.
Similar: Ausbildung (training, vocational education), Bildung (education, knowledge)
Nevertheless, school education is not accessible to all children in many countries.
school education
Trotzdem ist die Schulbildung in vielen Ländern nicht für alle Kinder zugänglich.
Tips: The term Schulbildung specifically refers to the education received in school. It encompasses the formal learning process from primary to secondary education. It is a fundamental aspect of personal and societal development.
Similar: Ausbildung (training, vocational education), Bildung (education, knowledge)
Without discipline, it is difficult to achieve goals.
Ohne Disziplin ist es schwer, Ziele zu erreichen.
Tips: The noun Disziplin refers to the quality of being able to control your own behavior, leading to achieving specific goals or standards. It can be applied to various contexts, such as personal behavior, academic or professional settings, and sports.
The students learn to work on their projects with discipline and perseverance.
Die Schüler lernen, mit Disziplin und Ausdauer an ihren Projekten zu arbeiten.
Tips: The noun Disziplin refers to the quality of being able to control your own behavior, leading to achieving specific goals or standards. It can be applied to various contexts, such as personal behavior, academic or professional settings, and sports.
In many sports, discipline is an important part of the training.
In vielen Sportarten ist Disziplin ein wichtiger Bestandteil des Trainings.
Tips: The noun Disziplin refers to the quality of being able to control your own behavior, leading to achieving specific goals or standards. It can be applied to various contexts, such as personal behavior, academic or professional settings, and sports.
Despite the difficulties, she maintained discipline and achieved her goal.
Trotz der Schwierigkeiten hat sie die Disziplin bewahrt und ihr Ziel erreicht.
Tips: The noun Disziplin refers to the quality of being able to control your own behavior, leading to achieving specific goals or standards. It can be applied to various contexts, such as personal behavior, academic or professional settings, and sports.
The disciplines of sports include various competitions and exercises.
Die Disziplinen des Sports umfassen verschiedene Wettkämpfe und Übungen.
Tips: The noun Disziplin refers to the quality of being able to control your own behavior, leading to achieving specific goals or standards. It can be applied to various contexts, such as personal behavior, academic or professional settings, and sports.
She is a tolerant teacher and accepts the opinions of her students.
Sie ist eine tolerante Lehrerin und akzeptiert die Meinungen ihrer Schüler.
Tips: The adjective tolerant describes a person who is open-minded and accepting of different opinions, beliefs, and ways of life. It is used to express a positive and respectful attitude towards diversity and individuality.
Similar: aufgeschlossen (open-minded), weltoffen (cosmopolitan)
He is tolerant towards other cultures and ways of life.
Er ist tolerant gegenüber anderen Kulturen und Lebensweisen.
Tips: The adjective tolerant describes a person who is open-minded and accepting of different opinions, beliefs, and ways of life. It is used to express a positive and respectful attitude towards diversity and individuality.
Similar: aufgeschlossen (open-minded), weltoffen (cosmopolitan)
The tolerant parents encouraged their children to make their own decisions.
Die toleranten Eltern ermutigten ihre Kinder, ihre eigenen Entscheidungen zu treffen.
Tips: The adjective tolerant describes a person who is open-minded and accepting of different opinions, beliefs, and ways of life. It is used to express a positive and respectful attitude towards diversity and individuality.
Similar: aufgeschlossen (open-minded), weltoffen (cosmopolitan)
The penalty for parking illegally is 30 euros.
Die Strafe für das Falschparken beträgt 30 Euro.
Tips: The noun Strafe refers to a penalty or punishment imposed for an offense or violation. It can be related to legal, disciplinary, or moral consequences. It is commonly used in the context of law, sports, and discipline.
Similar: Bestrafung (punishment), Geldstrafe (fine)
He received a fine for speeding.
Er erhielt eine Strafe für zu schnelles Fahren.
Tips: The noun Strafe refers to a penalty or punishment imposed for an offense or violation. It can be related to legal, disciplinary, or moral consequences. It is commonly used in the context of law, sports, and discipline.
Similar: Bestrafung (punishment), Geldstrafe (fine)
The penalties for traffic violations vary in each country.
Die Strafen für Verkehrsverstöße sind in jedem Land unterschiedlich.
Tips: The noun Strafe refers to a penalty or punishment imposed for an offense or violation. It can be related to legal, disciplinary, or moral consequences. It is commonly used in the context of law, sports, and discipline.
Similar: Bestrafung (punishment), Geldstrafe (fine)
She regularly goes to the gym to work on her fitness.
Sie geht regelmäßig ins Fitnessstudio, um an ihrer Fitness zu arbeiten.
Tips: The noun Fitness refers to physical fitness and overall health. It is commonly used in the context of exercise, training, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. In German, the word ‘Fitness’ is often used as it is, without translation, due to its widespread usage in the fitness industry.
The athlete’s fitness was impressive.
Die Fitness des Athleten war beeindruckend.
Tips: The noun Fitness refers to physical fitness and overall health. It is commonly used in the context of exercise, training, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. In German, the word ‘Fitness’ is often used as it is, without translation, due to its widespread usage in the fitness industry.
The female fitness trainer has a lot of experience in the fitness industry.
Die Fitnesstrainerin hat viel Erfahrung in der Fitness-Branche.
Tips: The noun Fitness refers to physical fitness and overall health. It is commonly used in the context of exercise, training, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. In German, the word ‘Fitness’ is often used as it is, without translation, due to its widespread usage in the fitness industry.
The form of this building is very modern and unique.
form, shape
Die Form dieses Gebäudes ist sehr modern und einzigartig.
Tips: The noun Form refers to the shape or structure of something. It can be used in various contexts, such as art, nature, or even abstract concepts. It’s a versatile word that is commonly used in everyday German.
Similar: Gestalt (shape, figure), Struktur (structure)
In art, there are many different forms of expression.
form, shape
In der Kunst gibt es viele verschiedene Formen der Ausdrucksweise.
Tips: The noun Form refers to the shape or structure of something. It can be used in various contexts, such as art, nature, or even abstract concepts. It’s a versatile word that is commonly used in everyday German.
Similar: Gestalt (shape, figure), Struktur (structure)
The shapes of the clouds in the sky are constantly changing.
form, shape
Die Formen der Wolken am Himmel ändern sich ständig.
Tips: The noun Form refers to the shape or structure of something. It can be used in various contexts, such as art, nature, or even abstract concepts. It’s a versatile word that is commonly used in everyday German.
Similar: Gestalt (shape, figure), Struktur (structure)
The format of the contract still needs to be revised.
form, shape
Die Form des Vertrags muss noch überarbeitet werden.
Tips: The noun Form refers to the shape or structure of something. It can be used in various contexts, such as art, nature, or even abstract concepts. It’s a versatile word that is commonly used in everyday German.
Similar: Gestalt (shape, figure), Struktur (structure)
The shapes of the flowers in this garden are beautiful.
form, shape
Die Formen der Blumen in diesem Garten sind wunderschön.
Tips: The noun Form refers to the shape or structure of something. It can be used in various contexts, such as art, nature, or even abstract concepts. It’s a versatile word that is commonly used in everyday German.
Similar: Gestalt (shape, figure), Struktur (structure)
The trend of sustainability is becoming increasingly important in the fashion industry.
Der Trend der Nachhaltigkeit wird immer wichtiger in der Modeindustrie.
Tips: The word Trend is used in German similarly to its usage in English. It refers to the general direction in which something is developing or changing, especially in fashion, technology, or other areas of interest. It is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts.
Many people like to follow the current trends in technology.
Viele Menschen folgen gerne den aktuellen Trends in der Technologie.
Tips: The word Trend is used in German similarly to its usage in English. It refers to the general direction in which something is developing or changing, especially in fashion, technology, or other areas of interest. It is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts.
Nevertheless, she often decides against the trends and wears what she likes.
Trotzdem entscheidet sie sich oft gegen die Trends und trägt, was sie mag.
Tips: The word Trend is used in German similarly to its usage in English. It refers to the general direction in which something is developing or changing, especially in fashion, technology, or other areas of interest. It is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts.
After the trend towards more home office started, the demand for ergonomic furniture increased.
Nachdem der Trend zu mehr Homeoffice begann, stieg die Nachfrage nach ergonomischen Möbeln.
Tips: The word Trend is used in German similarly to its usage in English. It refers to the general direction in which something is developing or changing, especially in fashion, technology, or other areas of interest. It is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts.
Although she follows the trends in the music industry, she sticks to her own style.
Obwohl sie die Trends in der Musikindustrie verfolgt, bleibt sie bei ihrem eigenen Stil.
Tips: The word Trend is used in German similarly to its usage in English. It refers to the general direction in which something is developing or changing, especially in fashion, technology, or other areas of interest. It is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts.
Germany is the current world champion in football.
world champion
Deutschland ist der amtierende Weltmeister im Fußball.
Tips: The word Weltmeister is used to refer to the champion of the world in a particular sport or discipline. It is a compound noun formed by the combination of ‘Welt’ (world) and ‘Meister’ (master/champion). It can be used for both male and female champions by adding the suffix ‘-in’ to form the female form.
She is the first woman to be awarded as world champion in this discipline.
world champion
Sie ist die erste Frau, die als Weltmeisterin in dieser Disziplin ausgezeichnet wurde.
Tips: The word Weltmeister is used to refer to the champion of the world in a particular sport or discipline. It is a compound noun formed by the combination of ‘Welt’ (world) and ‘Meister’ (master/champion). It can be used for both male and female champions by adding the suffix ‘-in’ to form the female form.
That is five times the original amount.
Das ist das fünffache der ursprünglichen Menge.
Tips: The adjective fünffache is used to indicate something that is five times as much as something else. It is commonly used in mathematical or comparative contexts.
She has reached five times her body size.
Sie hat das fünffache ihrer Körpergröße erreicht.
Tips: The adjective fünffache is used to indicate something that is five times as much as something else. It is commonly used in mathematical or comparative contexts.
The sixfold interest in the event shows how important it is.
Das sechsfache Interesse an der Veranstaltung zeigt, wie wichtig sie ist.
Tips: The adjective ‘sechsfache’ is used to indicate something that is six times the original amount or size. It is commonly used in mathematical, scientific, or descriptive contexts to express multiplication or increase by a factor of six.
The sixfold amount of ingredients resulted in a delicious cake.
Die sechsfache Menge an Zutaten ergab einen köstlichen Kuchen.
Tips: The adjective ‘sechsfache’ is used to indicate something that is six times the original amount or size. It is commonly used in mathematical, scientific, or descriptive contexts to express multiplication or increase by a factor of six.
The accident occurred last night on the highway.
to occur, to happen
Der Unfall ereignete sich gestern Abend auf der Autobahn.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich ereignen is used to express events or incidents that occur or happen. It is commonly used in written and formal language to describe specific occurrences. It is often used in news reports, narratives, and formal discussions.
Similar: passieren (to happen, to occur), geschehen (to happen, to occur)
It rarely happens that so many people have their birthday at the same time.
to occur, to happen
Es ereignet sich selten, dass so viele Leute gleichzeitig Geburtstag haben.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich ereignen is used to express events or incidents that occur or happen. It is commonly used in written and formal language to describe specific occurrences. It is often used in news reports, narratives, and formal discussions.
Similar: passieren (to happen, to occur), geschehen (to happen, to occur)
The theft occurred in the neighborhood.
to occur, to happen
Der Diebstahl hat sich in der Nachbarschaft ereignet.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich ereignen is used to express events or incidents that occur or happen. It is commonly used in written and formal language to describe specific occurrences. It is often used in news reports, narratives, and formal discussions.
Similar: passieren (to happen, to occur), geschehen (to happen, to occur)
A misunderstanding has occurred.
to occur, to happen
Es hat sich ein Missverständnis ereignet.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich ereignen is used to express events or incidents that occur or happen. It is commonly used in written and formal language to describe specific occurrences. It is often used in news reports, narratives, and formal discussions.
Similar: passieren (to happen, to occur), geschehen (to happen, to occur)
Everything happened differently than we had expected.
to occur, to happen
Das hat sich alles anders ereignet, als wir es erwartet hatten.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich ereignen is used to express events or incidents that occur or happen. It is commonly used in written and formal language to describe specific occurrences. It is often used in news reports, narratives, and formal discussions.
Similar: passieren (to happen, to occur), geschehen (to happen, to occur)
The athlete falls over the hurdle.
to fall, to plunge
Der Athlet stürzt über die Hürde.
Tips: The verb stürzen is used to describe the action of falling or plunging. It can be used for physical falls as well as metaphorical plunges into situations or adventures. It is a strong and vivid verb that adds intensity to the description of an action.
Similar: fallen (to fall), hinfallen (to trip and fall)
He fell down the stairs.
to fall, to plunge
Er stürzte die Treppe hinunter.
Tips: The verb stürzen is used to describe the action of falling or plunging. It can be used for physical falls as well as metaphorical plunges into situations or adventures. It is a strong and vivid verb that adds intensity to the description of an action.
Similar: fallen (to fall), hinfallen (to trip and fall)
She fell when she was walking on the icy pavement.
to fall, to plunge
Sie ist gestürzt, als sie auf dem vereisten Gehweg lief.
Tips: The verb stürzen is used to describe the action of falling or plunging. It can be used for physical falls as well as metaphorical plunges into situations or adventures. It is a strong and vivid verb that adds intensity to the description of an action.
Similar: fallen (to fall), hinfallen (to trip and fall)
Nevertheless, he bravely plunges into the adventure.
to fall, to plunge
Trotzdem stürzt er sich mutig in das Abenteuer.
Tips: The verb stürzen is used to describe the action of falling or plunging. It can be used for physical falls as well as metaphorical plunges into situations or adventures. It is a strong and vivid verb that adds intensity to the description of an action.
Similar: fallen (to fall), hinfallen (to trip and fall)
When it rains, the waterfalls plunge impressively.
to fall, to plunge
Wenn es regnet, stürzen die Wasserfälle beeindruckend herab.
Tips: The verb stürzen is used to describe the action of falling or plunging. It can be used for physical falls as well as metaphorical plunges into situations or adventures. It is a strong and vivid verb that adds intensity to the description of an action.
Similar: fallen (to fall), hinfallen (to trip and fall)
The spine is an important structure of the human body.
spine, backbone
Die Wirbelsäule ist eine wichtige Struktur des menschlichen Körpers.
Tips: The word ‘Wirbelsäule’ refers to the spinal column or backbone. It is a crucial part of the human body and is often used in medical contexts or when discussing back-related issues.
Back pain can be caused by issues in the spine.
spine, backbone
Rückenschmerzen können durch Probleme in der Wirbelsäule verursacht werden.
Tips: The word ‘Wirbelsäule’ refers to the spinal column or backbone. It is a crucial part of the human body and is often used in medical contexts or when discussing back-related issues.
The spine consists of individual vertebrae that are connected to each other.
spine, backbone
Die Wirbelsäule besteht aus einzelnen Wirbeln, die miteinander verbunden sind.
Tips: The word ‘Wirbelsäule’ refers to the spinal column or backbone. It is a crucial part of the human body and is often used in medical contexts or when discussing back-related issues.
The hiker went downhill on the steep mountain.
Der Wanderer ging den steilen Berg abwärts.
Tips: The adverb ‘abwärts’ is used to indicate a downward direction or movement. It is commonly used in the context of physical movement, such as walking or flowing, to describe the direction of the action.
Similar: nach unten, herab
The water flowed downward towards the valley.
Das Wasser floss abwärts in Richtung des Tales.
Tips: The adverb ‘abwärts’ is used to indicate a downward direction or movement. It is commonly used in the context of physical movement, such as walking or flowing, to describe the direction of the action.
Similar: nach unten, herab
She looked downward and saw the crowd in the marketplace.
Sie schaute abwärts und sah die Menschenmenge auf dem Marktplatz.
Tips: The adverb ‘abwärts’ is used to indicate a downward direction or movement. It is commonly used in the context of physical movement, such as walking or flowing, to describe the direction of the action.
Similar: nach unten, herab
She never gives up, even when it’s difficult.
to give up
Sie gibt niemals auf, auch wenn es schwierig ist.
Tips: The verb aufgeben is used to express the action of giving up, surrendering, or abandoning something. It can be used in various contexts, such as giving up on a task, a dream, or a belief. It’s important to note that the prefix ‘auf-‘ indicates the direction of the action, emphasizing the idea of ‘giving up’ or ‘abandoning.’
Similar: verzichten (to renounce, to do without), abbrechen (to break off, to discontinue)
He gave up the game because he was too tired.
to give up
Er gab das Spiel auf, weil er zu müde war.
Tips: The verb aufgeben is used to express the action of giving up, surrendering, or abandoning something. It can be used in various contexts, such as giving up on a task, a dream, or a belief. It’s important to note that the prefix ‘auf-‘ indicates the direction of the action, emphasizing the idea of ‘giving up’ or ‘abandoning.’
Similar: verzichten (to renounce, to do without), abbrechen (to break off, to discontinue)
She gave up her dreams, but now she regrets it.
to give up
Sie hat ihre Träume aufgegeben, aber jetzt bereut sie es.
Tips: The verb aufgeben is used to express the action of giving up, surrendering, or abandoning something. It can be used in various contexts, such as giving up on a task, a dream, or a belief. It’s important to note that the prefix ‘auf-‘ indicates the direction of the action, emphasizing the idea of ‘giving up’ or ‘abandoning.’
Similar: verzichten (to renounce, to do without), abbrechen (to break off, to discontinue)
Nevertheless, he doesn’t give up on reaching his goals.
to give up
Trotzdem gibt er nicht auf, seine Ziele zu erreichen.
Tips: The verb aufgeben is used to express the action of giving up, surrendering, or abandoning something. It can be used in various contexts, such as giving up on a task, a dream, or a belief. It’s important to note that the prefix ‘auf-‘ indicates the direction of the action, emphasizing the idea of ‘giving up’ or ‘abandoning.’
Similar: verzichten (to renounce, to do without), abbrechen (to break off, to discontinue)
If you feel like you can’t go on, you shouldn’t give up.
to give up
Wenn du das Gefühl hast, dass du nicht weitermachen kannst, solltest du nicht aufgeben.
Tips: The verb aufgeben is used to express the action of giving up, surrendering, or abandoning something. It can be used in various contexts, such as giving up on a task, a dream, or a belief. It’s important to note that the prefix ‘auf-‘ indicates the direction of the action, emphasizing the idea of ‘giving up’ or ‘abandoning.’
Similar: verzichten (to renounce, to do without), abbrechen (to break off, to discontinue)
He has the courage to face his fears.
Er hat den Mut, sich seinen Ängsten zu stellen.
Tips: The noun Mut refers to the quality of being brave and having the strength to confront fear, pain, danger, or uncertainty. It is often used to describe someone’s bravery or the act of facing a difficult situation with courage.
Similar: Tapferkeit (bravery), Kühnheit (boldness)
Nevertheless, she did not lose her courage.
Trotzdem hat sie den Mut nicht verloren.
Tips: The noun Mut refers to the quality of being brave and having the strength to confront fear, pain, danger, or uncertainty. It is often used to describe someone’s bravery or the act of facing a difficult situation with courage.
Similar: Tapferkeit (bravery), Kühnheit (boldness)
His courage really impresses me.
Sein Mut beeindruckt mich wirklich.
Tips: The noun Mut refers to the quality of being brave and having the strength to confront fear, pain, danger, or uncertainty. It is often used to describe someone’s bravery or the act of facing a difficult situation with courage.
Similar: Tapferkeit (bravery), Kühnheit (boldness)
She acted out of courage and not out of fear.
Sie handelte aus Mut und nicht aus Angst.
Tips: The noun Mut refers to the quality of being brave and having the strength to confront fear, pain, danger, or uncertainty. It is often used to describe someone’s bravery or the act of facing a difficult situation with courage.
Similar: Tapferkeit (bravery), Kühnheit (boldness)
The challenge is to find new solutions.
Die Herausforderung besteht darin, neue Lösungen zu finden.
Tips: The noun Herausforderung is used to refer to a difficult or demanding situation that requires effort or skill to overcome. It can be used in various contexts, such as work, sports, or personal development.
Similar: Problem, Schwierigkeit
Despite the challenges, they have successfully completed the project.
Trotz der Herausforderungen haben sie das Projekt erfolgreich abgeschlossen.
Tips: The noun Herausforderung is used to refer to a difficult or demanding situation that requires effort or skill to overcome. It can be used in various contexts, such as work, sports, or personal development.
Similar: Problem, Schwierigkeit
A challenge can also be an opportunity for personal development.
Eine Herausforderung kann auch eine Chance sein, sich weiterzuentwickeln.
Tips: The noun Herausforderung is used to refer to a difficult or demanding situation that requires effort or skill to overcome. It can be used in various contexts, such as work, sports, or personal development.
Similar: Problem, Schwierigkeit
The challenges of life can make us stronger.
Die Herausforderungen des Lebens können uns stärker machen.
Tips: The noun Herausforderung is used to refer to a difficult or demanding situation that requires effort or skill to overcome. It can be used in various contexts, such as work, sports, or personal development.
Similar: Problem, Schwierigkeit
Please insert the puzzle piece in the right place.
to insert, to use, to deploy
Bitte setzen Sie das Puzzlestück an der richtigen Stelle ein.
Tips: The verb einsetzen has multiple meanings, including ‘to insert’ and ‘to use/deploy’. It can refer to physically inserting something into a space, or to employing resources, skills, or tools for a specific purpose. It’s important to pay attention to the context to understand which meaning is intended.
Similar: einfügen (to insert, to embed), verwenden (to use)
The police deployed all available resources to solve the case.
to insert, to use, to deploy
Die Polizei setzte alle verfügbaren Ressourcen ein, um den Fall zu lösen.
Tips: The verb einsetzen has multiple meanings, including ‘to insert’ and ‘to use/deploy’. It can refer to physically inserting something into a space, or to employing resources, skills, or tools for a specific purpose. It’s important to pay attention to the context to understand which meaning is intended.
Similar: einfügen (to insert, to embed), verwenden (to use)
He has successfully used the new software.
to insert, to use, to deploy
Er hat die neue Software erfolgreich eingesetzt.
Tips: The verb einsetzen has multiple meanings, including ‘to insert’ and ‘to use/deploy’. It can refer to physically inserting something into a space, or to employing resources, skills, or tools for a specific purpose. It’s important to pay attention to the context to understand which meaning is intended.
Similar: einfügen (to insert, to embed), verwenden (to use)
She employs her skills skillfully to support the team.
to insert, to use, to deploy
Sie setzt ihre Fähigkeiten gekonnt ein, um das Team zu unterstützen.
Tips: The verb einsetzen has multiple meanings, including ‘to insert’ and ‘to use/deploy’. It can refer to physically inserting something into a space, or to employing resources, skills, or tools for a specific purpose. It’s important to pay attention to the context to understand which meaning is intended.
Similar: einfügen (to insert, to embed), verwenden (to use)
After reading the instructions, he applied them immediately.
to insert, to use, to deploy
Nachdem er die Anweisungen gelesen hatte, setzte er sie sofort ein.
Tips: The verb einsetzen has multiple meanings, including ‘to insert’ and ‘to use/deploy’. It can refer to physically inserting something into a space, or to employing resources, skills, or tools for a specific purpose. It’s important to pay attention to the context to understand which meaning is intended.
Similar: einfügen (to insert, to embed), verwenden (to use)
He is a political activist and advocates for social justice.
Er ist ein politischer Aktivist und setzt sich für soziale Gerechtigkeit ein.
Tips: The adjective politisch is used to describe anything related to politics or the political sphere. It can be used to talk about political beliefs, activities, situations, or leaders. It’s a versatile word that is commonly used in various contexts.
Similar: gesellschaftlich (social), staatlich (state-related)
The political situation in this country is very unstable.
Die politische Lage in diesem Land ist sehr instabil.
Tips: The adjective politisch is used to describe anything related to politics or the political sphere. It can be used to talk about political beliefs, activities, situations, or leaders. It’s a versatile word that is commonly used in various contexts.
Similar: gesellschaftlich (social), staatlich (state-related)
She is a political leader who fights for her beliefs.
Sie ist eine politische Führerin, die für ihre Standpunkte kämpft.
Tips: The adjective politisch is used to describe anything related to politics or the political sphere. It can be used to talk about political beliefs, activities, situations, or leaders. It’s a versatile word that is commonly used in various contexts.
Similar: gesellschaftlich (social), staatlich (state-related)
In the next election, we have to cast our vote.
choice, election
Bei der nächsten Wahl müssen wir unsere Stimme abgeben.
Tips: The noun Wahl can refer to both a choice or an election. It is used in various contexts, from personal decisions to political processes. Pay attention to the context to understand its specific meaning.
Similar: Entscheidung (decision), Abstimmung (vote, poll)
Choosing the right restaurant can be difficult when you have many options.
choice, election
Die Wahl des richtigen Restaurants kann schwierig sein, wenn man viele Optionen hat.
Tips: The noun Wahl can refer to both a choice or an election. It is used in various contexts, from personal decisions to political processes. Pay attention to the context to understand its specific meaning.
Similar: Entscheidung (decision), Abstimmung (vote, poll)
Despite the many choices, he chose the same as always.
choice, election
Trotz der vielen Wahlen entschied er sich für das Gleiche wie immer.
Tips: The noun Wahl can refer to both a choice or an election. It is used in various contexts, from personal decisions to political processes. Pay attention to the context to understand its specific meaning.
Similar: Entscheidung (decision), Abstimmung (vote, poll)
My choice fell on the blue dress.
choice, election
Meine Wahl fiel auf das blaue Kleid.
Tips: The noun Wahl can refer to both a choice or an election. It is used in various contexts, from personal decisions to political processes. Pay attention to the context to understand its specific meaning.
Similar: Entscheidung (decision), Abstimmung (vote, poll)