Netzwerk_Neu_B1_Ch5_mode-english-example-to-german-example Flashcards
Please separate the waste into paper, plastic, and glass.
waste, garbage
Bitte trenne den Abfall in Papier, Plastik und Glas.
Tips: The noun Abfall refers to various kinds of waste or garbage. It is commonly used in the context of recycling, waste management, and environmental protection. It’s important to be familiar with the appropriate waste separation and disposal methods in German-speaking countries.
Similar: Müll (rubbish, trash), Abfälle (waste, refuse)
The garbage should be disposed of in the appropriate containers.
waste, garbage
Der Abfall sollte in die entsprechenden Behälter entsorgt werden.
Tips: The noun Abfall refers to various kinds of waste or garbage. It is commonly used in the context of recycling, waste management, and environmental protection. It’s important to be familiar with the appropriate waste separation and disposal methods in German-speaking countries.
Similar: Müll (rubbish, trash), Abfälle (waste, refuse)
In many cities, there are special waste disposal facilities.
waste, garbage
In vielen Städten gibt es spezielle Abfallentsorgungsanlagen.
Tips: The noun Abfall refers to various kinds of waste or garbage. It is commonly used in the context of recycling, waste management, and environmental protection. It’s important to be familiar with the appropriate waste separation and disposal methods in German-speaking countries.
Similar: Müll (rubbish, trash), Abfälle (waste, refuse)
Nevertheless, we should try to reduce our waste.
waste, garbage
Trotzdem sollten wir versuchen, unseren Abfall zu reduzieren.
Tips: The noun Abfall refers to various kinds of waste or garbage. It is commonly used in the context of recycling, waste management, and environmental protection. It’s important to be familiar with the appropriate waste separation and disposal methods in German-speaking countries.
Similar: Müll (rubbish, trash), Abfälle (waste, refuse)
After I had taken out the garbage, I felt relieved.
waste, garbage
Nachdem ich den Abfall rausgebracht hatte, fühlte ich mich erleichtert.
Tips: The noun Abfall refers to various kinds of waste or garbage. It is commonly used in the context of recycling, waste management, and environmental protection. It’s important to be familiar with the appropriate waste separation and disposal methods in German-speaking countries.
Similar: Müll (rubbish, trash), Abfälle (waste, refuse)
The car’s exhaust gas smelled strongly of gasoline.
exhaust gas
Das Abgas des Autos roch stark nach Benzin.
Tips: The noun Abgas refers to the emissions produced by vehicles, engines, or industrial processes. It is an important term in the context of environmental pollution and sustainability.
The exhaust gases from factories can heavily impact the environment.
exhaust gas
Die Abgase von Fabriken können die Umwelt stark belasten.
Tips: The noun Abgas refers to the emissions produced by vehicles, engines, or industrial processes. It is an important term in the context of environmental pollution and sustainability.
The political action took place in front of the town hall.
Die politische Aktion fand vor dem Rathaus statt.
Tips: The noun Aktion means ‘action’ and can refer to various types of activities, initiatives, or operations. It is commonly used in contexts related to politics, social causes, or general activities. It’s important to note that ‘Aktion’ is a feminine noun and takes the definite article ‘die’.
We are planning an action to support the homeless.
Wir planen eine Aktion zur Unterstützung von Obdachlosen.
Tips: The noun Aktion means ‘action’ and can refer to various types of activities, initiatives, or operations. It is commonly used in contexts related to politics, social causes, or general activities. It’s important to note that ‘Aktion’ is a feminine noun and takes the definite article ‘die’.
Nevertheless, the action was a great success.
Trotzdem war die Aktion ein großer Erfolg.
Tips: The noun Aktion means ‘action’ and can refer to various types of activities, initiatives, or operations. It is commonly used in contexts related to politics, social causes, or general activities. It’s important to note that ‘Aktion’ is a feminine noun and takes the definite article ‘die’.
The government’s actions have led to controversial discussions.
Die Aktionen der Regierung haben zu kontroversen Diskussionen geführt.
Tips: The noun Aktion means ‘action’ and can refer to various types of activities, initiatives, or operations. It is commonly used in contexts related to politics, social causes, or general activities. It’s important to note that ‘Aktion’ is a feminine noun and takes the definite article ‘die’.
She feels alone in the new city.
alone, lonely, single
Sie fühlt sich allein in der neuen Stadt.
Tips: The adjective allein is used to describe being alone, lonely, single, or independent. It can also convey the idea of being solely responsible for something. Pay attention to the context to discern the intended meaning.
Similar: einsam (lonely), einzig (only, sole)
He lives alone in a small apartment.
alone, lonely, single
Er lebt allein in einer kleinen Wohnung.
Tips: The adjective allein is used to describe being alone, lonely, single, or independent. It can also convey the idea of being solely responsible for something. Pay attention to the context to discern the intended meaning.
Similar: einsam (lonely), einzig (only, sole)
She really enjoyed the solo trip.
alone, lonely, single
Die alleine Reise hat sie sehr genossen.
Tips: The adjective allein is used to describe being alone, lonely, single, or independent. It can also convey the idea of being solely responsible for something. Pay attention to the context to discern the intended meaning.
Similar: einsam (lonely), einzig (only, sole)
He is solely responsible for the project.
alone, lonely, single
Er ist allein verantwortlich für das Projekt.
Tips: The adjective allein is used to describe being alone, lonely, single, or independent. It can also convey the idea of being solely responsible for something. Pay attention to the context to discern the intended meaning.
Similar: einsam (lonely), einzig (only, sole)
It was a long day; however, it was very productive.
however, though, nevertheless
Es war ein langer Tag; allerdings war es sehr produktiv.
Tips: The adverb allerdings is used to express a contrast or contradiction. It’s often used to introduce a statement that contrasts with or contradicts a previous statement. It’s a versatile adverb that can be used in various situations to indicate a shift in the conversation or to provide an exception to a generalization.
Similar: jedoch, dennoch, doch
I had a headache, though I still went to the gym.
however, though, nevertheless
Ich hatte Kopfschmerzen, allerdings bin ich trotzdem ins Fitnessstudio gegangen.
Tips: The adverb allerdings is used to express a contrast or contradiction. It’s often used to introduce a statement that contrasts with or contradicts a previous statement. It’s a versatile adverb that can be used in various situations to indicate a shift in the conversation or to provide an exception to a generalization.
Similar: jedoch, dennoch, doch
I’m not a big fan of chocolate; nevertheless, I sometimes eat a piece.
however, though, nevertheless
Ich bin kein großer Fan von Schokolade; allerdings esse ich manchmal ein Stück.
Tips: The adverb allerdings is used to express a contrast or contradiction. It’s often used to introduce a statement that contrasts with or contradicts a previous statement. It’s a versatile adverb that can be used in various situations to indicate a shift in the conversation or to provide an exception to a generalization.
Similar: jedoch, dennoch, doch
If the restaurant is full, the alternative is to eat somewhere else.
Wenn das Restaurant voll ist, ist die Alternative, woanders zu essen.
Tips: The noun Alternative refers to the option or choice that exists as an alternative to something else. It is commonly used to express different possibilities or courses of action. When discussing alternatives, it’s important to consider the context and the specific choices being presented.
Similar: Option, Möglichkeit
The alternative to driving is using public transportation.
Die Alternative zur Autofahrt ist die Nutzung öffentlicher Verkehrsmittel.
Tips: The noun Alternative refers to the option or choice that exists as an alternative to something else. It is commonly used to express different possibilities or courses of action. When discussing alternatives, it’s important to consider the context and the specific choices being presented.
Similar: Option, Möglichkeit
Nevertheless, he chose the other alternative.
Trotzdem hat er sich für die andere Alternative entschieden.
Tips: The noun Alternative refers to the option or choice that exists as an alternative to something else. It is commonly used to express different possibilities or courses of action. When discussing alternatives, it’s important to consider the context and the specific choices being presented.
Similar: Option, Möglichkeit
In my view, this is the best solution to the problem.
view, opinion, sight
Meiner Ansicht nach ist das die beste Lösung für das Problem.
Tips: The noun Ansicht can refer to a point of view, opinion, or sight. It is commonly used in expressions related to different perspectives and viewpoints. It’s important to note that ‘Ansicht’ can also refer to a view or sight, such as a scenic view or perspective.
Similar: Meinung (opinion), Blick (view, sight)
People’s opinions can be very different.
view, opinion, sight
Die Ansichten der Menschen können sehr unterschiedlich sein.
Tips: The noun Ansicht can refer to a point of view, opinion, or sight. It is commonly used in expressions related to different perspectives and viewpoints. It’s important to note that ‘Ansicht’ can also refer to a view or sight, such as a scenic view or perspective.
Similar: Meinung (opinion), Blick (view, sight)
From this vantage point, you have a beautiful view of the mountains.
view, opinion, sight
Von dieser Ansicht aus hat man einen wunderschönen Blick auf die Berge.
Tips: The noun Ansicht can refer to a point of view, opinion, or sight. It is commonly used in expressions related to different perspectives and viewpoints. It’s important to note that ‘Ansicht’ can also refer to a view or sight, such as a scenic view or perspective.
Similar: Meinung (opinion), Blick (view, sight)
Despite his opinion, he has always shown respect for other views.
view, opinion, sight
Trotz seiner Ansicht hat er immer Respekt für andere Meinungen gezeigt.
Tips: The noun Ansicht can refer to a point of view, opinion, or sight. It is commonly used in expressions related to different perspectives and viewpoints. It’s important to note that ‘Ansicht’ can also refer to a view or sight, such as a scenic view or perspective.
Similar: Meinung (opinion), Blick (view, sight)
If you have doubts, better take an umbrella to be on the safe side.
to be on the safe side
Wenn du Zweifel hast, nimm lieber einen Regenschirm mit, um auf der sicheren Seite zu sein.
Tips: The phrase ‘auf der sicheren Seite sein’ is used to express the idea of taking precautions to avoid any risks or uncertainties. It is often used in situations where one wants to ensure safety or avoid potential problems.
I always packed a bit more food to be on the safe side in case we stay longer.
to be on the safe side
Ich habe immer ein bisschen mehr Essen eingepackt, um auf der sicheren Seite zu sein, falls wir länger bleiben.
Tips: The phrase ‘auf der sicheren Seite sein’ is used to express the idea of taking precautions to avoid any risks or uncertainties. It is often used in situations where one wants to ensure safety or avoid potential problems.
I’m glad I came up with this idea.
to come up with an idea
Ich bin froh, dass ich auf diese Idee gekommen bin.
Tips: The phrase ‘auf eine Idee kommen’ is used to express the action of having a sudden realization or inspiration, often leading to the formation of a new idea or concept. It is a common expression in German and is often used in both informal and formal contexts.
He came up with the idea to pursue a new approach.
to come up with an idea
Er ist auf die Idee gekommen, einen neuen Ansatz zu verfolgen.
Tips: The phrase ‘auf eine Idee kommen’ is used to express the action of having a sudden realization or inspiration, often leading to the formation of a new idea or concept. It is a common expression in German and is often used in both informal and formal contexts.
It wasn’t so easy to come up with the idea.
to come up with an idea
Auf die Idee zu kommen, war gar nicht so einfach.
Tips: The phrase ‘auf eine Idee kommen’ is used to express the action of having a sudden realization or inspiration, often leading to the formation of a new idea or concept. It is a common expression in German and is often used in both informal and formal contexts.
Can you please hold the elevator so I can get in?
to hold up, to stop, to detain
Kannst du bitte den Aufzug aufhalten, damit ich einsteigen kann?
Tips: The verb aufhalten is used to express the action of holding up, stopping, or detaining someone or something. It can refer to physically stopping someone or something from moving, as well as delaying or hindering progress. It’s commonly used in everyday language and is an important verb to know for various situations.
Similar: stoppen (to stop), anhalten (to halt)
The rain didn’t stop us, we still went for a walk.
to hold up, to stop, to detain
Der Regen hat uns nicht aufgehalten, wir sind trotzdem spazieren gegangen.
Tips: The verb aufhalten is used to express the action of holding up, stopping, or detaining someone or something. It can refer to physically stopping someone or something from moving, as well as delaying or hindering progress. It’s commonly used in everyday language and is an important verb to know for various situations.
Similar: stoppen (to stop), anhalten (to halt)
The police detained the thief before he could escape.
to hold up, to stop, to detain
Die Polizei hat den Dieb aufgehalten, bevor er entkommen konnte.
Tips: The verb aufhalten is used to express the action of holding up, stopping, or detaining someone or something. It can refer to physically stopping someone or something from moving, as well as delaying or hindering progress. It’s commonly used in everyday language and is an important verb to know for various situations.
Similar: stoppen (to stop), anhalten (to halt)
Despite the heavy traffic, that didn’t stop us from arriving on time.
to hold up, to stop, to detain
Trotz des starken Verkehrs hat uns das nicht aufgehalten, pünktlich anzukommen.
Tips: The verb aufhalten is used to express the action of holding up, stopping, or detaining someone or something. It can refer to physically stopping someone or something from moving, as well as delaying or hindering progress. It’s commonly used in everyday language and is an important verb to know for various situations.
Similar: stoppen (to stop), anhalten (to halt)
The construction work has been delayed longer than expected.
to hold up, to stop, to detain
Die Bauarbeiten haben sich länger als erwartet aufgehalten.
Tips: The verb aufhalten is used to express the action of holding up, stopping, or detaining someone or something. It can refer to physically stopping someone or something from moving, as well as delaying or hindering progress. It’s commonly used in everyday language and is an important verb to know for various situations.
Similar: stoppen (to stop), anhalten (to halt)
Could you please pick up the book that’s on the floor?
to pick up, to lift, to save
Kannst du bitte das Buch aufheben, das auf dem Boden liegt?
Tips: The verb aufheben has multiple meanings. It can refer to physically picking something up, as well as saving or preserving something for later use. The context of the sentence will indicate which meaning is intended.
Similar: anheben (to lift up), erheben (to raise)
He picked up the stone and set it aside.
to pick up, to lift, to save
Er hob den Stein auf und legte ihn beiseite.
Tips: The verb aufheben has multiple meanings. It can refer to physically picking something up, as well as saving or preserving something for later use. The context of the sentence will indicate which meaning is intended.
Similar: anheben (to lift up), erheben (to raise)
She saved many old letters to read them later.
to pick up, to lift, to save
Sie hat viele alte Briefe aufgehoben, um sie später zu lesen.
Tips: The verb aufheben has multiple meanings. It can refer to physically picking something up, as well as saving or preserving something for later use. The context of the sentence will indicate which meaning is intended.
Similar: anheben (to lift up), erheben (to raise)
Despite the rain, he opened the umbrella and kept walking.
to pick up, to lift, to save
Trotz des Regens hob er den Schirm auf und ging weiter.
Tips: The verb aufheben has multiple meanings. It can refer to physically picking something up, as well as saving or preserving something for later use. The context of the sentence will indicate which meaning is intended.
Similar: anheben (to lift up), erheben (to raise)
They have upheld the tradition of organizing a festival every year.
to pick up, to lift, to save
Sie haben die Tradition aufgehoben, jedes Jahr ein Fest zu veranstalten.
Tips: The verb aufheben has multiple meanings. It can refer to physically picking something up, as well as saving or preserving something for later use. The context of the sentence will indicate which meaning is intended.
Similar: anheben (to lift up), erheben (to raise)
It is important to inform the population about the dangers of smoking.
to enlighten, to inform, to clarify
Es ist wichtig, die Bevölkerung über die Gefahren des Rauchens aufzuklären.
Tips: The verb aufklären is used to express the action of informing, enlightening, or clarifying something. It can be used in the context of educating or providing information to someone. It’s commonly used in formal and informal conversations.
Similar: informieren (to inform), klären (to clarify), erklären (to explain)
The teacher enlightens the students about the meaning of the poem.
to enlighten, to inform, to clarify
Der Lehrer klärt die Schüler über die Bedeutung des Gedichts auf.
Tips: The verb aufklären is used to express the action of informing, enlightening, or clarifying something. It can be used in the context of educating or providing information to someone. It’s commonly used in formal and informal conversations.
Similar: informieren (to inform), klären (to clarify), erklären (to explain)
The police have finally solved the case.
to enlighten, to inform, to clarify
Die Polizei hat den Fall endlich aufgeklärt.
Tips: The verb aufklären is used to express the action of informing, enlightening, or clarifying something. It can be used in the context of educating or providing information to someone. It’s commonly used in formal and informal conversations.
Similar: informieren (to inform), klären (to clarify), erklären (to explain)
Nevertheless, he does not inform her about his intentions.
to enlighten, to inform, to clarify
Trotzdem klärt er sie nicht über seine Absichten auf.
Tips: The verb aufklären is used to express the action of informing, enlightening, or clarifying something. It can be used in the context of educating or providing information to someone. It’s commonly used in formal and informal conversations.
Similar: informieren (to inform), klären (to clarify), erklären (to explain)
She wants to clarify her decision to him.
to enlighten, to inform, to clarify
Sie möchte ihn über ihre Entscheidung aufklären.
Tips: The verb aufklären is used to express the action of informing, enlightening, or clarifying something. It can be used in the context of educating or providing information to someone. It’s commonly used in formal and informal conversations.
Similar: informieren (to inform), klären (to clarify), erklären (to explain)
The demand for medical care is high in many rural areas.
need, requirement, demand
Der Bedarf an medizinischer Versorgung ist in vielen ländlichen Gebieten hoch.
Tips: The noun Bedarf refers to the need, requirement, or demand for something. It is used in various contexts, such as discussing the need for goods, services, or resources. It is a versatile term used in both formal and informal language.
Similar: Nachfrage (demand, request), Erfordernis (necessity, requirement)
Our need for fresh water is enormous.
need, requirement, demand
Unser Bedarf an frischem Wasser ist enorm.
Tips: The noun Bedarf refers to the need, requirement, or demand for something. It is used in various contexts, such as discussing the need for goods, services, or resources. It is a versatile term used in both formal and informal language.
Similar: Nachfrage (demand, request), Erfordernis (necessity, requirement)
There is a great demand for qualified professionals.
need, requirement, demand
Es gibt einen großen Bedarf an qualifizierten Fachkräften.
Tips: The noun Bedarf refers to the need, requirement, or demand for something. It is used in various contexts, such as discussing the need for goods, services, or resources. It is a versatile term used in both formal and informal language.
Similar: Nachfrage (demand, request), Erfordernis (necessity, requirement)
The demand for electric cars is rising due to the increasing fuel prices.
need, requirement, demand
Der Bedarf an Elektroautos steigt aufgrund der steigenden Treibstoffpreise.
Tips: The noun Bedarf refers to the need, requirement, or demand for something. It is used in various contexts, such as discussing the need for goods, services, or resources. It is a versatile term used in both formal and informal language.
Similar: Nachfrage (demand, request), Erfordernis (necessity, requirement)
We meet the requirements of our customers through customized solutions.
need, requirement, demand
Wir decken den Bedarf unserer Kunden durch maßgeschneiderte Lösungen.
Tips: The noun Bedarf refers to the need, requirement, or demand for something. It is used in various contexts, such as discussing the need for goods, services, or resources. It is a versatile term used in both formal and informal language.
Similar: Nachfrage (demand, request), Erfordernis (necessity, requirement)
I observe the birds in the park.
to observe, to watch
Ich beobachte die Vögel im Park.
Tips: The verb beobachten is used to convey the action of observing or watching something carefully. It is commonly used in various contexts, from scientific observations to simple everyday watching. It’s important to note that this verb is often used with the accusative case, as in ‘Die Polizei hat den Verdächtigen beobachtet’ (The police observed the suspect).
Similar: betrachten (to consider, to look at), anschauen (to look at, to watch)
She watched the stars in the clear night.
to observe, to watch
Sie beobachtete die Sterne in der klaren Nacht.
Tips: The verb beobachten is used to convey the action of observing or watching something carefully. It is commonly used in various contexts, from scientific observations to simple everyday watching. It’s important to note that this verb is often used with the accusative case, as in ‘Die Polizei hat den Verdächtigen beobachtet’ (The police observed the suspect).
Similar: betrachten (to consider, to look at), anschauen (to look at, to watch)
He observed the animals in the forest to study their behavior.
to observe, to watch
Er hat die Tiere im Wald beobachtet, um ihr Verhalten zu studieren.
Tips: The verb beobachten is used to convey the action of observing or watching something carefully. It is commonly used in various contexts, from scientific observations to simple everyday watching. It’s important to note that this verb is often used with the accusative case, as in ‘Die Polizei hat den Verdächtigen beobachtet’ (The police observed the suspect).
Similar: betrachten (to consider, to look at), anschauen (to look at, to watch)
The police observed the suspect for a while.
to observe, to watch
Die Polizei hat den Verdächtigen eine Weile lang beobachtet.
Tips: The verb beobachten is used to convey the action of observing or watching something carefully. It is commonly used in various contexts, from scientific observations to simple everyday watching. It’s important to note that this verb is often used with the accusative case, as in ‘Die Polizei hat den Verdächtigen beobachtet’ (The police observed the suspect).
Similar: betrachten (to consider, to look at), anschauen (to look at, to watch)
Even though it’s cold, I like to watch the sunrise.
to observe, to watch
Obwohl es kalt ist, beobachte ich gerne den Sonnenaufgang.
Tips: The verb beobachten is used to convey the action of observing or watching something carefully. It is commonly used in various contexts, from scientific observations to simple everyday watching. It’s important to note that this verb is often used with the accusative case, as in ‘Die Polizei hat den Verdächtigen beobachtet’ (The police observed the suspect).
Similar: betrachten (to consider, to look at), anschauen (to look at, to watch)
She calculates the costs for the project.
to calculate, to compute
Sie berechnet die Kosten für das Projekt.
Tips: The verb berechnen is used when referring to the action of calculating or computing something, such as numbers, costs, quantities, etc. It is commonly used in professional, academic, and everyday contexts.
He calculated the amount of material needed.
to calculate, to compute
Er berechnete die Menge an Material, die benötigt wird.
Tips: The verb berechnen is used when referring to the action of calculating or computing something, such as numbers, costs, quantities, etc. It is commonly used in professional, academic, and everyday contexts.
I have calculated the bills.
to calculate, to compute
Ich habe die Rechnungen berechnet.
Tips: The verb berechnen is used when referring to the action of calculating or computing something, such as numbers, costs, quantities, etc. It is commonly used in professional, academic, and everyday contexts.
Nevertheless, he calculates everything carefully.
to calculate, to compute
Trotzdem berechnet er alles sorgfältig.
Tips: The verb berechnen is used when referring to the action of calculating or computing something, such as numbers, costs, quantities, etc. It is commonly used in professional, academic, and everyday contexts.
If you need to calculate the volume, use this formula.
to calculate, to compute
Wenn du das Volumen berechnen musst, verwende diese Formel.
Tips: The verb berechnen is used when referring to the action of calculating or computing something, such as numbers, costs, quantities, etc. It is commonly used in professional, academic, and everyday contexts.
The population of the city has grown significantly in recent years.
Die Bevölkerung der Stadt ist in den letzten Jahren stark gewachsen.
Tips: The word Bevölkerung refers to the total number of people who inhabit a specific area, such as a city, region, or country. It is a common term used in various contexts, including social, economic, and political discussions.
The population of this region mainly lives off agriculture.
Die Bevölkerung dieser Region lebt hauptsächlich von der Landwirtschaft.
Tips: The word Bevölkerung refers to the total number of people who inhabit a specific area, such as a city, region, or country. It is a common term used in various contexts, including social, economic, and political discussions.
The populations of different countries have different traditions and customs.
Die Bevölkerungen verschiedener Länder haben unterschiedliche Traditionen und Bräuche.
Tips: The word Bevölkerung refers to the total number of people who inhabit a specific area, such as a city, region, or country. It is a common term used in various contexts, including social, economic, and political discussions.
The lightning was so bright that it illuminated the whole room.
lightning, flash
Der Blitz war so hell, dass es den ganzen Raum erhellte.
Tips: The word Blitz refers specifically to the visual phenomenon of lightning or flash. It is a common word used in weather-related contexts and descriptions of natural phenomena.
Similar: Donner (thunder), Gewitter (thunderstorm)
During the thunderstorm, we saw many flashes of lightning in the sky.
lightning, flash
Während des Gewitters sahen wir viele Blitze am Himmel.
Tips: The word Blitz refers specifically to the visual phenomenon of lightning or flash. It is a common word used in weather-related contexts and descriptions of natural phenomena.
Similar: Donner (thunder), Gewitter (thunderstorm)
Despite the heavy rain and the lightning, they bravely ran home.
lightning, flash
Trotz des heftigen Regens und der Blitze liefen sie tapfer nach Hause.
Tips: The word Blitz refers specifically to the visual phenomenon of lightning or flash. It is a common word used in weather-related contexts and descriptions of natural phenomena.
Similar: Donner (thunder), Gewitter (thunderstorm)
The loud thunderclap frightened the children.
lightning, flash
Der laute Blitz erschreckte die Kinder.
Tips: The word Blitz refers specifically to the visual phenomenon of lightning or flash. It is a common word used in weather-related contexts and descriptions of natural phenomena.
Similar: Donner (thunder), Gewitter (thunderstorm)
It’s flashing and thundering outside.
to flash (as in lightning) / to blitz (as in speed enforcement)
Es blitzt und donnert draußen.
Tips: The verb blitzen has two main meanings. It can refer to the flashing of light, such as in the context of lightning during a storm or when a camera flashes. Additionally, it can be used in the context of speed enforcement, where a vehicle is flashed with a speed camera. Please note the context to understand the intended meaning.
The policeman flashed my car.
to flash (as in lightning) / to blitz (as in speed enforcement)
Der Polizist hat mein Auto geblitzt.
Tips: The verb blitzen has two main meanings. It can refer to the flashing of light, such as in the context of lightning during a storm or when a camera flashes. Additionally, it can be used in the context of speed enforcement, where a vehicle is flashed with a speed camera. Please note the context to understand the intended meaning.
The car suddenly blitzed out from behind the curve.
to flash (as in lightning) / to blitz (as in speed enforcement)
Das Auto blitzte plötzlich hinter der Kurve hervor.
Tips: The verb blitzen has two main meanings. It can refer to the flashing of light, such as in the context of lightning during a storm or when a camera flashes. Additionally, it can be used in the context of speed enforcement, where a vehicle is flashed with a speed camera. Please note the context to understand the intended meaning.
The camera flashed when taking the photo.
to flash (as in lightning) / to blitz (as in speed enforcement)
Die Kamera hat beim Fotografieren geblitzt.
Tips: The verb blitzen has two main meanings. It can refer to the flashing of light, such as in the context of lightning during a storm or when a camera flashes. Additionally, it can be used in the context of speed enforcement, where a vehicle is flashed with a speed camera. Please note the context to understand the intended meaning.
Every citizen has the right to freedom of speech.
Jeder Bürger hat das Recht auf freie Meinungsäußerung.
Tips: The word Bürger refers to a citizen of a country, city, or community. It is commonly used in administrative, legal, and political contexts. When addressing a mixed-gender group, the plural form Bürger is used. The female form is Bürgerin.
The citizens of the city were concerned about the increasing crime rate.
Die Bürger der Stadt waren besorgt über die steigende Kriminalitätsrate.
Tips: The word Bürger refers to a citizen of a country, city, or community. It is commonly used in administrative, legal, and political contexts. When addressing a mixed-gender group, the plural form Bürger is used. The female form is Bürgerin.
As a citizen of this community, it is important to participate in local elections.
Als Bürgerin dieser Gemeinde ist es wichtig, an den lokalen Wahlen teilzunehmen.
Tips: The word Bürger refers to a citizen of a country, city, or community. It is commonly used in administrative, legal, and political contexts. When addressing a mixed-gender group, the plural form Bürger is used. The female form is Bürgerin.
The citizens were involved in environmental protection measures in their city.
Die Bürger engagierten sich für Umweltschutzmaßnahmen in ihrer Stadt.
Tips: The word Bürger refers to a citizen of a country, city, or community. It is commonly used in administrative, legal, and political contexts. When addressing a mixed-gender group, the plural form Bürger is used. The female form is Bürgerin.
The female citizen is very involved in the local community.
female citizen
Die Bürgerin engagiert sich sehr für die lokale Gemeinschaft.
Tips: The word ‘Bürgerin’ refers to a female citizen. It’s important to note the gender-specific nature of this word, as ‘Bürger’ specifically refers to a male citizen. When addressing a mixed group of citizens, it’s common to use ‘Bürgerinnen und Bürger’ to be inclusive of both genders.
In many countries, female citizens fought for their rights for a long time.
female citizen
In vielen Ländern kämpften die Bürgerinnen lange für ihre Rechte.
Tips: The word ‘Bürgerin’ refers to a female citizen. It’s important to note the gender-specific nature of this word, as ‘Bürger’ specifically refers to a male citizen. When addressing a mixed group of citizens, it’s common to use ‘Bürgerinnen und Bürger’ to be inclusive of both genders.
Freedom of speech is important for every female citizen and every male citizen.
female citizen
Die Meinungsfreiheit ist für jede Bürgerin und jeden Bürger wichtig.
Tips: The word ‘Bürgerin’ refers to a female citizen. It’s important to note the gender-specific nature of this word, as ‘Bürger’ specifically refers to a male citizen. When addressing a mixed group of citizens, it’s common to use ‘Bürgerinnen und Bürger’ to be inclusive of both genders.
I like soccer, however, my brother prefers basketball.
however, on the other hand, in contrast
Ich mag Fußball, dagegen mein Bruder bevorzugt Basketball.
Tips: The adverb ‘dagegen’ is used to introduce a contrasting or opposing idea to something that has been mentioned previously. It is often used in discussions or to express a different perspective on a given topic.
Similar: jedoch, allerdings
She is not very tall, on the other hand, her brother is very tall.
however, on the other hand, in contrast
Sie ist nicht sehr groß, dagegen ist ihr Bruder sehr groß.
Tips: The adverb ‘dagegen’ is used to introduce a contrasting or opposing idea to something that has been mentioned previously. It is often used in discussions or to express a different perspective on a given topic.
Similar: jedoch, allerdings
I am tired, however, I still have a lot to do.
however, on the other hand, in contrast
Ich bin müde, dagegen muss ich noch viel erledigen.
Tips: The adverb ‘dagegen’ is used to introduce a contrasting or opposing idea to something that has been mentioned previously. It is often used in discussions or to express a different perspective on a given topic.
Similar: jedoch, allerdings
I forgot my book, so I can’t read with that.
with that
Ich habe mein Buch vergessen, damit kann ich nicht lesen.
Tips: The adverb ‘damit’ is used to indicate a purpose or intention, often linking it to a resultant action. It is commonly used in complex sentences to express the reason or aim behind an action.
Similar: deshalb (therefore), darum (therefore)
She studied a lot so that she passes the exam with that.
with that
Sie hat viel gelernt, damit sie die Prüfung besteht.
Tips: The adverb ‘damit’ is used to indicate a purpose or intention, often linking it to a resultant action. It is commonly used in complex sentences to express the reason or aim behind an action.
Similar: deshalb (therefore), darum (therefore)
We should get up early so that we can see the sunrise with that.
with that
Wir sollten früh aufstehen, damit wir den Sonnenaufgang sehen.
Tips: The adverb ‘damit’ is used to indicate a purpose or intention, often linking it to a resultant action. It is commonly used in complex sentences to express the reason or aim behind an action.
Similar: deshalb (therefore), darum (therefore)
She serves her country as a soldier.
to serve
Sie dient ihrem Land als Soldatin.
Tips: The verb dienen is used to express the action of serving, be it in the military, in a professional capacity, or in a broader sense of serving a purpose. It can also be used to denote providing a service to someone or something. This verb is regular and its past participle is formed with the auxiliary verb “haben.”
He served in the army for many years.
to serve
Er diente viele Jahre lang in der Armee.
Tips: The verb dienen is used to express the action of serving, be it in the military, in a professional capacity, or in a broader sense of serving a purpose. It can also be used to denote providing a service to someone or something. This verb is regular and its past participle is formed with the auxiliary verb “haben.”
She has served as a nurse and helped many people.
to serve
Sie hat als Krankenschwester gedient und vielen Menschen geholfen.
Tips: The verb dienen is used to express the action of serving, be it in the military, in a professional capacity, or in a broader sense of serving a purpose. It can also be used to denote providing a service to someone or something. This verb is regular and its past participle is formed with the auxiliary verb “haben.”
Even though he is retired, he still serves his community.
to serve
Obwohl er im Ruhestand ist, dient er immer noch seiner Gemeinde.
Tips: The verb dienen is used to express the action of serving, be it in the military, in a professional capacity, or in a broader sense of serving a purpose. It can also be used to denote providing a service to someone or something. This verb is regular and its past participle is formed with the auxiliary verb “haben.”
The brave act of the firefighter serves to protect others.
to serve
Die mutige Tat des Feuerwehrmanns dient zum Schutz anderer.
Tips: The verb dienen is used to express the action of serving, be it in the military, in a professional capacity, or in a broader sense of serving a purpose. It can also be used to denote providing a service to someone or something. This verb is regular and its past participle is formed with the auxiliary verb “haben.”
Digital technology has greatly changed our daily lives.
Die digitale Technologie hat unser tägliches Leben stark verändert.
Tips: The adjective \
She is a digital artist and exclusively uses computer programs for her artworks.
Sie ist eine digitale Künstlerin und verwendet ausschließlich Computerprogramme für ihre Kunstwerke.
Tips: The adjective \
The loud thunder scared the children during the storm.
Der laute Donner erschreckte die Kinder während des Gewitters.
Tips: The noun Donner refers to the sound produced by lightning, typically during a storm. It is used to describe the loud noise that accompanies a thunderstorm.
After the thunder comes the lightning.
Nach dem Donner folgt der Blitz.
Tips: The noun Donner refers to the sound produced by lightning, typically during a storm. It is used to describe the loud noise that accompanies a thunderstorm.
The muffled rumble of the thunder echoed over the mountains.
Das dumpfe Grollen des Donners hallte über die Berge.
Tips: The noun Donner refers to the sound produced by lightning, typically during a storm. It is used to describe the loud noise that accompanies a thunderstorm.
It’s thundering and lightning outside. It’s a severe thunderstorm.
to thunder
Es donnert und blitzt draußen. Es ist ein heftiges Gewitter.
Tips: The verb donnern specifically refers to the action of thundering, describing the sound produced during a thunderstorm. It is often used to depict the intensity of the weather and its impact on people or surroundings.
Similar: blitzen (to lightning), regnen (to rain)
Yesterday it thundered so loudly that the windows were vibrating.
to thunder
Gestern donnerte es so laut, dass die Fensterscheiben vibrierten.
Tips: The verb donnern specifically refers to the action of thundering, describing the sound produced during a thunderstorm. It is often used to depict the intensity of the weather and its impact on people or surroundings.
Similar: blitzen (to lightning), regnen (to rain)
It thundered all night, so I hardly slept.
to thunder
Es hat gedonnert die ganze Nacht, deshalb habe ich kaum geschlafen.
Tips: The verb donnern specifically refers to the action of thundering, describing the sound produced during a thunderstorm. It is often used to depict the intensity of the weather and its impact on people or surroundings.
Similar: blitzen (to lightning), regnen (to rain)
When it thunders, my dog is very scared and hides under the bed.
to thunder
Wenn es donnert, hat mein Hund große Angst und versteckt sich unter dem Bett.
Tips: The verb donnern specifically refers to the action of thundering, describing the sound produced during a thunderstorm. It is often used to depict the intensity of the weather and its impact on people or surroundings.
Similar: blitzen (to lightning), regnen (to rain)
I am turning the key in the lock.
to turn, to rotate
Ich drehe den Schlüssel im Schloss.
Tips: The verb drehen is used to express the action of turning or rotating an object or oneself. It is commonly used in the context of physically changing the orientation of something. It can also be used metaphorically to indicate changing a situation or direction.
Similar: umdrehen (to turn around), sich drehen (to rotate oneself)
She turned slowly and looked in my direction.
to turn, to rotate
Sie drehte sich langsam um und schaute in meine Richtung.
Tips: The verb drehen is used to express the action of turning or rotating an object or oneself. It is commonly used in the context of physically changing the orientation of something. It can also be used metaphorically to indicate changing a situation or direction.
Similar: umdrehen (to turn around), sich drehen (to rotate oneself)
He turned the wheel to change direction.
to turn, to rotate
Er hat gedreht das Rad, um die Richtung zu ändern.
Tips: The verb drehen is used to express the action of turning or rotating an object or oneself. It is commonly used in the context of physically changing the orientation of something. It can also be used metaphorically to indicate changing a situation or direction.
Similar: umdrehen (to turn around), sich drehen (to rotate oneself)
The children are spinning around in a circle and laughing.
to turn, to rotate
Die Kinder drehen sich im Kreis und lachen.
Tips: The verb drehen is used to express the action of turning or rotating an object or oneself. It is commonly used in the context of physically changing the orientation of something. It can also be used metaphorically to indicate changing a situation or direction.
Similar: umdrehen (to turn around), sich drehen (to rotate oneself)
He is turning the meat on the grill.
to turn, to rotate
Er dreht das Fleisch auf dem Grill.
Tips: The verb drehen is used to express the action of turning or rotating an object or oneself. It is commonly used in the context of physically changing the orientation of something. It can also be used metaphorically to indicate changing a situation or direction.
Similar: umdrehen (to turn around), sich drehen (to rotate oneself)
The average of the class is 2.0.
average, mean
Der Durchschnitt der Klasse liegt bei 2,0.
Tips: The noun Durchschnitt is used to refer to the average or mean value of something. It’s commonly used in various contexts such as grades, statistics, or general measures of quantity or quality.
Similar: Mittelwert (mean value), Durchschnittswert (average value)
The average working time is 8 hours per day.
average, mean
Der Durchschnitt der Arbeitszeit beträgt 8 Stunden pro Tag.
Tips: The noun Durchschnitt is used to refer to the average or mean value of something. It’s commonly used in various contexts such as grades, statistics, or general measures of quantity or quality.
Similar: Mittelwert (mean value), Durchschnittswert (average value)
On average, it rains here 150 days a year.
average, mean
Im Durchschnitt regnet es hier 150 Tage im Jahr.
Tips: The noun Durchschnitt is used to refer to the average or mean value of something. It’s commonly used in various contexts such as grades, statistics, or general measures of quantity or quality.
Similar: Mittelwert (mean value), Durchschnittswert (average value)
The company has an electronic database for its customers.
Die Firma hat eine elektronische Datenbank für ihre Kunden.
Tips: The adjective elektronisch is used to describe anything related to electronic technology, devices, or processes. It is a common term in the context of modern technology and can be used in various formal and informal settings.
Similar: digital, computergesteuert (computer-controlled)
In many areas of life, electronic devices have become indispensable.
In vielen Bereichen des Lebens sind elektronische Geräte unverzichtbar geworden.
Tips: The adjective elektronisch is used to describe anything related to electronic technology, devices, or processes. It is a common term in the context of modern technology and can be used in various formal and informal settings.
Similar: digital, computergesteuert (computer-controlled)
The electronic devices are becoming smaller and more powerful.
Die elektronischen Geräte werden immer kleiner und leistungsfähiger.
Tips: The adjective elektronisch is used to describe anything related to electronic technology, devices, or processes. It is a common term in the context of modern technology and can be used in various formal and informal settings.
Similar: digital, computergesteuert (computer-controlled)
The idea arises from creativity.
to arise, to emerge, to develop
Die Idee entsteht aus der Kreativität.
Tips: The verb entstehen is used to describe the process of something coming into existence, often in a natural or organic way. It is commonly used to talk about the emergence of ideas, opportunities, relationships, and various developments.
Similar: entwickeln (to develop), hervorgehen (to emerge)
A new star emerged in the sky.
to arise, to emerge, to develop
Ein neuer Stern entstand am Himmel.
Tips: The verb entstehen is used to describe the process of something coming into existence, often in a natural or organic way. It is commonly used to talk about the emergence of ideas, opportunities, relationships, and various developments.
Similar: entwickeln (to develop), hervorgehen (to emerge)
An unexpected opportunity arose, and she had to act.
to arise, to emerge, to develop
Eine unerwartete Gelegenheit ist entstanden, und sie musste handeln.
Tips: The verb entstehen is used to describe the process of something coming into existence, often in a natural or organic way. It is commonly used to talk about the emergence of ideas, opportunities, relationships, and various developments.
Similar: entwickeln (to develop), hervorgehen (to emerge)
Great projects develop through cooperation.
to arise, to emerge, to develop
Durch die Zusammenarbeit entstehen großartige Projekte.
Tips: The verb entstehen is used to describe the process of something coming into existence, often in a natural or organic way. It is commonly used to talk about the emergence of ideas, opportunities, relationships, and various developments.
Similar: entwickeln (to develop), hervorgehen (to emerge)
Despite the difficulties, a deep friendship has developed.
to arise, to emerge, to develop
Trotz der Schwierigkeiten ist eine tiefe Freundschaft entstanden.
Tips: The verb entstehen is used to describe the process of something coming into existence, often in a natural or organic way. It is commonly used to talk about the emergence of ideas, opportunities, relationships, and various developments.
Similar: entwickeln (to develop), hervorgehen (to emerge)
The earth is the third planet in the solar system.
earth, soil
Die Erde ist der dritte Planet im Sonnensystem.
Tips: The word Erde can refer to the planet Earth or to soil. It is a fundamental word in German, and it’s important to differentiate when it refers to the planet or to soil depending on the context.
The children plant flowers in the soil.
earth, soil
Die Kinder pflanzen Blumen in die Erde.
Tips: The word Erde can refer to the planet Earth or to soil. It is a fundamental word in German, and it’s important to differentiate when it refers to the planet or to soil depending on the context.
After it has rained, the earth smells wonderful.
earth, soil
Nachdem es geregnet hat, duftet die Erde herrlich.
Tips: The word Erde can refer to the planet Earth or to soil. It is a fundamental word in German, and it’s important to differentiate when it refers to the planet or to soil depending on the context.
The earth is a very fertile soil.
earth, soil
Die Erde ist ein sehr fruchtbarer Boden.
Tips: The word Erde can refer to the planet Earth or to soil. It is a fundamental word in German, and it’s important to differentiate when it refers to the planet or to soil depending on the context.
On the dark side of the moon, there is no sun, therefore it is very cold there.
earth, soil
Auf der dunklen Seite des Mondes gibt es keine Sonne, deshalb ist es dort sehr kalt.
Tips: The word Erde can refer to the planet Earth or to soil. It is a fundamental word in German, and it’s important to differentiate when it refers to the planet or to soil depending on the context.
The farmers are happy about a bountiful harvest this year.
Die Bauern freuen sich über eine reiche Ernte in diesem Jahr.
Tips: The noun Ernte refers to the act of harvesting agricultural products, such as crops or fruits. It is a crucial term in the context of agriculture and is also used figuratively to depict the results of hard work or efforts. It is commonly used in both written and spoken German.
After the harvest, the grain is stored and further processed.
Nach der Ernte wird das Getreide gelagert und weiterverarbeitet.
Tips: The noun Ernte refers to the act of harvesting agricultural products, such as crops or fruits. It is a crucial term in the context of agriculture and is also used figuratively to depict the results of hard work or efforts. It is commonly used in both written and spoken German.
The fruits of the harvest are sold at the market.
Die Früchte der Ernte werden auf dem Markt verkauft.
Tips: The noun Ernte refers to the act of harvesting agricultural products, such as crops or fruits. It is a crucial term in the context of agriculture and is also used figuratively to depict the results of hard work or efforts. It is commonly used in both written and spoken German.
During the harvest season, the farmers work very hard.
Während der Erntezeit arbeiten die Bauern sehr hart.
Tips: The noun Ernte refers to the act of harvesting agricultural products, such as crops or fruits. It is a crucial term in the context of agriculture and is also used figuratively to depict the results of hard work or efforts. It is commonly used in both written and spoken German.
The quality of the harvest depends on many factors, such as the weather.
Die Qualität der Ernte hängt von vielen Faktoren ab, wie z.B. dem Wetter.
Tips: The noun Ernte refers to the act of harvesting agricultural products, such as crops or fruits. It is a crucial term in the context of agriculture and is also used figuratively to depict the results of hard work or efforts. It is commonly used in both written and spoken German.
The European Union has many member countries.
Die europäische Union hat viele Mitgliedsländer.
Tips: The adjective ‘europäisch’ is used to describe anything related to Europe or its characteristics. It can be used to refer to people, languages, cultures, or anything else that pertains to the continent of Europe.
Similar: deutsch (German), asiatisch (Asian), afrikanisch (African)
There are many different European languages.
Es gibt viele verschiedene europäische Sprachen.
Tips: The adjective ‘europäisch’ is used to describe anything related to Europe or its characteristics. It can be used to refer to people, languages, cultures, or anything else that pertains to the continent of Europe.
Similar: deutsch (German), asiatisch (Asian), afrikanisch (African)
That was an extreme situation that we managed.
Das war eine extreme Situation, die wir gemeistert haben.
Tips: The adjective ‘extrem’ is used to describe situations, conditions, or cases that are at the farthest end of a spectrum. It can be applied to a wide range of contexts, from weather conditions to emotional states, always indicating an exceptional level of intensity.
Similar: außergewöhnlich (exceptional), radikal (radical)
She has always remained calm in extreme situations.
Sie hat sich in extremen Situationen immer ruhig verhalten.
Tips: The adjective ‘extrem’ is used to describe situations, conditions, or cases that are at the farthest end of a spectrum. It can be applied to a wide range of contexts, from weather conditions to emotional states, always indicating an exceptional level of intensity.
Similar: außergewöhnlich (exceptional), radikal (radical)
That was an extreme case of neglect.
Das war ein extremer Fall von Vernachlässigung.
Tips: The adjective ‘extrem’ is used to describe situations, conditions, or cases that are at the farthest end of a spectrum. It can be applied to a wide range of contexts, from weather conditions to emotional states, always indicating an exceptional level of intensity.
Similar: außergewöhnlich (exceptional), radikal (radical)
The mountaineers were at extreme heights.
Die Bergsteiger waren in extremen Höhen unterwegs.
Tips: The adjective ‘extrem’ is used to describe situations, conditions, or cases that are at the farthest end of a spectrum. It can be applied to a wide range of contexts, from weather conditions to emotional states, always indicating an exceptional level of intensity.
Similar: außergewöhnlich (exceptional), radikal (radical)
In that case, I will help you.
fall, case
In dem Fall werde ich dir helfen.
Tips: The noun Fall can refer to a situation, event, or legal case. It’s commonly used in various contexts, such as in legal matters, medical diagnoses, or general scenarios. It’s a versatile word and essential for expressing different cases and situations.
Similar: der Fall (singular) - die Fälle (plural) (the case - the cases), die Sturz (the fall - physical falling)
That is a complicated case for the police.
fall, case
Das ist ein komplizierter Fall für die Polizei.
Tips: The noun Fall can refer to a situation, event, or legal case. It’s commonly used in various contexts, such as in legal matters, medical diagnoses, or general scenarios. It’s a versatile word and essential for expressing different cases and situations.
Similar: der Fall (singular) - die Fälle (plural) (the case - the cases), die Sturz (the fall - physical falling)
Despite the situation, he remained calm.
fall, case
Trotz des Falls blieb er ruhig.
Tips: The noun Fall can refer to a situation, event, or legal case. It’s commonly used in various contexts, such as in legal matters, medical diagnoses, or general scenarios. It’s a versatile word and essential for expressing different cases and situations.
Similar: der Fall (singular) - die Fälle (plural) (the case - the cases), die Sturz (the fall - physical falling)
In case of emergency, call the emergency number.
fall, case
Im Fall eines Notfalls, rufen Sie die Notrufnummer an.
Tips: The noun Fall can refer to a situation, event, or legal case. It’s commonly used in various contexts, such as in legal matters, medical diagnoses, or general scenarios. It’s a versatile word and essential for expressing different cases and situations.
Similar: der Fall (singular) - die Fälle (plural) (the case - the cases), die Sturz (the fall - physical falling)
After the rain, the ground is damp.
moist, damp
Nach dem Regen ist der Boden feucht.
Tips: The adjective feucht is used to describe something as moist or damp. It can refer to the humidity of the air, the ground, or objects. It is important to distinguish between feucht (moist) and nass (wet), as they have slightly different meanings.
Similar: nass (wet), trocken (dry)
The laundry is still moist, I’ll hang it up again.
moist, damp
Die Wäsche ist noch feucht, ich hänge sie nochmal auf.
Tips: The adjective feucht is used to describe something as moist or damp. It can refer to the humidity of the air, the ground, or objects. It is important to distinguish between feucht (moist) and nass (wet), as they have slightly different meanings.
Similar: nass (wet), trocken (dry)
In tropical rainforests, the air is usually very humid.
moist, damp
In tropischen Regenwäldern ist die Luft meist sehr feucht.
Tips: The adjective feucht is used to describe something as moist or damp. It can refer to the humidity of the air, the ground, or objects. It is important to distinguish between feucht (moist) and nass (wet), as they have slightly different meanings.
Similar: nass (wet), trocken (dry)
The damp weather promotes the growth of fungi.
moist, damp
Die feuchte Witterung begünstigt das Wachstum von Pilzen.
Tips: The adjective feucht is used to describe something as moist or damp. It can refer to the humidity of the air, the ground, or objects. It is important to distinguish between feucht (moist) and nass (wet), as they have slightly different meanings.
Similar: nass (wet), trocken (dry)
The government promotes environmental protection through various measures.
to promote, to support, to foster
Die Regierung fördert den Umweltschutz durch verschiedene Maßnahmen.
Tips: The verb fördern is used to express the idea of promoting or supporting something or someone. It can refer to support in various contexts, such as promoting a cause, fostering talent, or supporting development. It is a valuable verb to use in discussions related to education, business, and social initiatives.
Similar: unterstützen (to support), begünstigen (to favor)
The company supports the professional development of its employees.
to promote, to support, to foster
Die Firma fördert die berufliche Entwicklung ihrer Mitarbeiter.
Tips: The verb fördern is used to express the idea of promoting or supporting something or someone. It can refer to support in various contexts, such as promoting a cause, fostering talent, or supporting development. It is a valuable verb to use in discussions related to education, business, and social initiatives.
Similar: unterstützen (to support), begünstigen (to favor)
She has been fostering her son’s talent from the beginning.
to promote, to support, to foster
Sie hat das Talent ihres Sohnes von Anfang an gefördert.
Tips: The verb fördern is used to express the idea of promoting or supporting something or someone. It can refer to support in various contexts, such as promoting a cause, fostering talent, or supporting development. It is a valuable verb to use in discussions related to education, business, and social initiatives.
Similar: unterstützen (to support), begünstigen (to favor)
Nevertheless, she continues to promote new musical talents.
to promote, to support, to foster
Trotzdem fördert sie weiterhin neue musikalische Talente.
Tips: The verb fördern is used to express the idea of promoting or supporting something or someone. It can refer to support in various contexts, such as promoting a cause, fostering talent, or supporting development. It is a valuable verb to use in discussions related to education, business, and social initiatives.
Similar: unterstützen (to support), begünstigen (to favor)
The school fosters the creativity of the students through various projects.
to promote, to support, to foster
Die Schule fördert die Kreativität der Schüler durch verschiedene Projekte.
Tips: The verb fördern is used to express the idea of promoting or supporting something or someone. It can refer to support in various contexts, such as promoting a cause, fostering talent, or supporting development. It is a valuable verb to use in discussions related to education, business, and social initiatives.
Similar: unterstützen (to support), begünstigen (to favor)
Scientific progress has led to many innovative developments.
progress, advancement
Der wissenschaftliche Fortschritt hat zu vielen innovativen Entwicklungen geführt.
Tips: The noun Fortschritt refers to progress or advancement in various contexts, such as science, technology, personal development, or society. It is a positive term that signifies improvement and forward movement.
Similar: Verbesserung (improvement), Entwicklung (development)
Despite some setbacks, the progress of the project cannot be stopped.
progress, advancement
Trotz einiger Rückschläge ist der Fortschritt des Projekts nicht zu stoppen.
Tips: The noun Fortschritt refers to progress or advancement in various contexts, such as science, technology, personal development, or society. It is a positive term that signifies improvement and forward movement.
Similar: Verbesserung (improvement), Entwicklung (development)
The advancements in medicine have significantly increased life expectancy.
progress, advancement
Die Fortschritte in der Medizin haben die Lebenserwartung deutlich erhöht.
Tips: The noun Fortschritt refers to progress or advancement in various contexts, such as science, technology, personal development, or society. It is a positive term that signifies improvement and forward movement.
Similar: Verbesserung (improvement), Entwicklung (development)
She is proud of her professional progress.
progress, advancement
Sie ist stolz auf ihre beruflichen Fortschritte.
Tips: The noun Fortschritt refers to progress or advancement in various contexts, such as science, technology, personal development, or society. It is a positive term that signifies improvement and forward movement.
Similar: Verbesserung (improvement), Entwicklung (development)
The area around the lake is beautiful.
area, region
Die Gegend um den See ist wunderschön.
Tips: The noun Gegend refers to a specific area or region. It is commonly used to describe a particular geographical location or an undefined area. It’s a versatile word that can be used in various contexts to refer to different kinds of areas or regions.
In rural regions, the air is often fresher.
area, region
In ländlichen Gegenden ist die Luft oft frischer.
Tips: The noun Gegend refers to a specific area or region. It is commonly used to describe a particular geographical location or an undefined area. It’s a versatile word that can be used in various contexts to refer to different kinds of areas or regions.
The speed of the car impressed me.
speed, velocity
Die Geschwindigkeit des Autos beeindruckte mich.
Tips: The noun Geschwindigkeit refers to the speed or velocity of an object or a process. It is commonly used in scientific contexts as well as in everyday language to describe how fast something is moving or happening.
Similar: Tempo (pace, tempo), Schnelligkeit (swiftness, quickness)
For this calculation, we need the speed and the time.
speed, velocity
Für diese Berechnung benötigen wir die Geschwindigkeit und die Zeit.
Tips: The noun Geschwindigkeit refers to the speed or velocity of an object or a process. It is commonly used in scientific contexts as well as in everyday language to describe how fast something is moving or happening.
Similar: Tempo (pace, tempo), Schnelligkeit (swiftness, quickness)
The velocities of the gusts reached up to 100 km/h.
speed, velocity
Die Geschwindigkeiten der Windböen erreichten bis zu 100 km/h.
Tips: The noun Geschwindigkeit refers to the speed or velocity of an object or a process. It is commonly used in scientific contexts as well as in everyday language to describe how fast something is moving or happening.
Similar: Tempo (pace, tempo), Schnelligkeit (swiftness, quickness)
It’s hailing outside, we should wait before going out.
to hail (weather)
Es hagelt draußen, wir sollten warten, bevor wir rausgehen.
Tips: The verb hageln specifically refers to the weather phenomenon of hail. It’s used to describe the falling of hailstones. It’s commonly used in weather forecasts and everyday conversation regarding weather conditions.
Yesterday it hailed heavily, but today the weather is better.
to hail (weather)
Gestern hagelte es stark, aber heute ist das Wetter besser.
Tips: The verb hageln specifically refers to the weather phenomenon of hail. It’s used to describe the falling of hailstones. It’s commonly used in weather forecasts and everyday conversation regarding weather conditions.
It often hailed in spring, but it becomes rarer in summer.
to hail (weather)
Es hat im Frühling oft gehagelt, aber im Sommer wird das seltener.
Tips: The verb hageln specifically refers to the weather phenomenon of hail. It’s used to describe the falling of hailstones. It’s commonly used in weather forecasts and everyday conversation regarding weather conditions.
However, when it hails, the cars can be damaged.
to hail (weather)
Trotzdem, wenn es hagelt, können die Autos beschädigt werden.
Tips: The verb hageln specifically refers to the weather phenomenon of hail. It’s used to describe the falling of hailstones. It’s commonly used in weather forecasts and everyday conversation regarding weather conditions.
The flowers suffer when it hails heavily.
to hail (weather)
Die Blumen leiden, wenn es stark hagelt.
Tips: The verb hageln specifically refers to the weather phenomenon of hail. It’s used to describe the falling of hailstones. It’s commonly used in weather forecasts and everyday conversation regarding weather conditions.
This vegetable is very durable and can be stored for a long time.
durable, long-lasting
Dieses Gemüse ist sehr haltbar und kann lange gelagert werden.
Tips: The adjective haltbar is used to describe something that is durable and long-lasting. It is often used in the context of food preservation, product quality, or material endurance.
Similar: beständig (resilient, enduring), strapazierfähig (resilient, hard-wearing)
The Tupperware is durable and keeps the food fresh.
durable, long-lasting
Die Tupperdose ist haltbar und hält das Essen frisch.
Tips: The adjective haltbar is used to describe something that is durable and long-lasting. It is often used in the context of food preservation, product quality, or material endurance.
Similar: beständig (resilient, enduring), strapazierfähig (resilient, hard-wearing)
Thanks to the special coating, the color on the wall is particularly long-lasting.
durable, long-lasting
Durch die spezielle Beschichtung ist die Farbe an der Wand besonders haltbar.
Tips: The adjective haltbar is used to describe something that is durable and long-lasting. It is often used in the context of food preservation, product quality, or material endurance.
Similar: beständig (resilient, enduring), strapazierfähig (resilient, hard-wearing)
The origin of the word is of Latin origin.
origin, ancestry
Die Herkunft des Wortes ist lateinischen Ursprungs.
Tips: The noun Herkunft refers to the origin or ancestry of something or someone. It is commonly used to talk about the roots of words, people, traditions, and more. It’s an important term when discussing cultural backgrounds or linguistic evolution.
Similar: Ursprung, Abstammung
She originally comes from France, so her origin is French.
origin, ancestry
Sie stammt ursprünglich aus Frankreich, daher ist ihre Herkunft französisch.
Tips: The noun Herkunft refers to the origin or ancestry of something or someone. It is commonly used to talk about the roots of words, people, traditions, and more. It’s an important term when discussing cultural backgrounds or linguistic evolution.
Similar: Ursprung, Abstammung
Many people are interested in their ancestry and research their roots.
origin, ancestry
Viele Menschen sind an ihrer Herkunft interessiert und forschen nach ihren Wurzeln.
Tips: The noun Herkunft refers to the origin or ancestry of something or someone. It is commonly used to talk about the roots of words, people, traditions, and more. It’s an important term when discussing cultural backgrounds or linguistic evolution.
Similar: Ursprung, Abstammung
Despite his German origin, he speaks English without an accent.
origin, ancestry
Trotz seiner deutschen Herkunft spricht er akzentfrei Englisch.
Tips: The noun Herkunft refers to the origin or ancestry of something or someone. It is commonly used to talk about the roots of words, people, traditions, and more. It’s an important term when discussing cultural backgrounds or linguistic evolution.
Similar: Ursprung, Abstammung
The origins of this tradition date back to the Middle Ages.
origin, ancestry
Die Herkünfte dieser Tradition reichen bis ins Mittelalter zurück.
Tips: The noun Herkunft refers to the origin or ancestry of something or someone. It is commonly used to talk about the roots of words, people, traditions, and more. It’s an important term when discussing cultural backgrounds or linguistic evolution.
Similar: Ursprung, Abstammung
The hen lays an egg every day.
hen / chicken
Das Huhn legt jeden Tag ein Ei.
Tips: The word Huhn refers to the general concept of a chicken or hen. It’s used to talk about domestic fowl raised for their eggs or meat. The plural form is Hühner. The genitive form is des Huhnes. A female chicken is called die Henne.
Similar: die Henne (the hen), der Hahn (the rooster)
The chickens peck around the farm.
hen / chicken
Die Hühner picken auf dem Bauernhof herum.
Tips: The word Huhn refers to the general concept of a chicken or hen. It’s used to talk about domestic fowl raised for their eggs or meat. The plural form is Hühner. The genitive form is des Huhnes. A female chicken is called die Henne.
Similar: die Henne (the hen), der Hahn (the rooster)
The hen’s egg was particularly large.
hen / chicken
Das Ei des Huhnes war besonders groß.
Tips: The word Huhn refers to the general concept of a chicken or hen. It’s used to talk about domestic fowl raised for their eggs or meat. The plural form is Hühner. The genitive form is des Huhnes. A female chicken is called die Henne.
Similar: die Henne (the hen), der Hahn (the rooster)
The hen hatches her eggs.
hen / chicken
Die Henne brütet ihre Eier aus.
Tips: The word Huhn refers to the general concept of a chicken or hen. It’s used to talk about domestic fowl raised for their eggs or meat. The plural form is Hühner. The genitive form is des Huhnes. A female chicken is called die Henne.
Similar: die Henne (the hen), der Hahn (the rooster)
You can call me anytime if you need help.
anytime, at any time
Du kannst mich jederzeit anrufen, wenn du Hilfe brauchst.
Tips: The adverb jederzeit is used to express the idea of ‘anytime’ or ‘at any time’. It emphasizes the availability, readiness, or possibility of something happening without restrictions.
Similar: immer (always), stets (always, constantly)
She is ready to learn new things at any time.
anytime, at any time
Sie ist jederzeit bereit, neue Dinge zu lernen.
Tips: The adverb jederzeit is used to express the idea of ‘anytime’ or ‘at any time’. It emphasizes the availability, readiness, or possibility of something happening without restrictions.
Similar: immer (always), stets (always, constantly)
Nevertheless, he was always polite and respectful.
anytime, at any time
Trotzdem war er jederzeit höflich und respektvoll.
Tips: The adverb jederzeit is used to express the idea of ‘anytime’ or ‘at any time’. It emphasizes the availability, readiness, or possibility of something happening without restrictions.
Similar: immer (always), stets (always, constantly)
Climate change affects life all over the world.
climate change
Der Klimawandel beeinflusst das Leben auf der ganzen Welt.
Tips: The term Klimawandel is used to refer to the significant and long-term change in the Earth’s climate. It has become a crucial topic in global discussions about environmental protection and sustainability. When discussing the topic, it’s essential to consider the various factors contributing to climate change, such as human activities, greenhouse gas emissions, and the impact on ecosystems.
Despite climate change, there are still people who deny its effects.
climate change
Trotz des Klimawandels gibt es immer noch Menschen, die die Auswirkungen leugnen.
Tips: The term Klimawandel is used to refer to the significant and long-term change in the Earth’s climate. It has become a crucial topic in global discussions about environmental protection and sustainability. When discussing the topic, it’s essential to consider the various factors contributing to climate change, such as human activities, greenhouse gas emissions, and the impact on ecosystems.
The consequences of climate change are already noticeable.
climate change
Die Folgen des Klimawandels sind bereits spürbar.
Tips: The term Klimawandel is used to refer to the significant and long-term change in the Earth’s climate. It has become a crucial topic in global discussions about environmental protection and sustainability. When discussing the topic, it’s essential to consider the various factors contributing to climate change, such as human activities, greenhouse gas emissions, and the impact on ecosystems.
Many countries are working together to combat climate change.
climate change
Viele Länder arbeiten zusammen, um den Klimawandel zu bekämpfen.
Tips: The term Klimawandel is used to refer to the significant and long-term change in the Earth’s climate. It has become a crucial topic in global discussions about environmental protection and sustainability. When discussing the topic, it’s essential to consider the various factors contributing to climate change, such as human activities, greenhouse gas emissions, and the impact on ecosystems.
I come to your house to help you.
to come (to)
Ich komme zu dir nach Hause, um dir zu helfen.
Tips: The verb kommen means ‘to come’ and when used with the preposition ‘zu + D’, it indicates the direction of the movement, such as coming to a place or a person. It’s important to note that the preposition ‘zu’ requires the dative case, so the noun or pronoun following it should be in the dative case.
Similar: ankommen (to arrive), hinkommen (to come over)
He came late to the meeting because he was stuck in traffic.
to come (to)
Er kam zu spät zum Treffen, weil er im Stau steckte.
Tips: The verb kommen means ‘to come’ and when used with the preposition ‘zu + D’, it indicates the direction of the movement, such as coming to a place or a person. It’s important to note that the preposition ‘zu’ requires the dative case, so the noun or pronoun following it should be in the dative case.
Similar: ankommen (to arrive), hinkommen (to come over)
She came to me last night to talk about the problem.
to come (to)
Sie ist gestern Abend zu mir gekommen, um über das Problem zu sprechen.
Tips: The verb kommen means ‘to come’ and when used with the preposition ‘zu + D’, it indicates the direction of the movement, such as coming to a place or a person. It’s important to note that the preposition ‘zu’ requires the dative case, so the noun or pronoun following it should be in the dative case.
Similar: ankommen (to arrive), hinkommen (to come over)
If you need help, come to me, I’ll support you.
to come (to)
Wenn du Hilfe brauchst, komme zu mir, ich stehe dir bei.
Tips: The verb kommen means ‘to come’ and when used with the preposition ‘zu + D’, it indicates the direction of the movement, such as coming to a place or a person. It’s important to note that the preposition ‘zu’ requires the dative case, so the noun or pronoun following it should be in the dative case.
Similar: ankommen (to arrive), hinkommen (to come over)
He arrived on time for his appointment, even though it was raining.
to come (to)
Er kam pünktlich zu seinem Termin, obwohl es geregnet hat.
Tips: The verb kommen means ‘to come’ and when used with the preposition ‘zu + D’, it indicates the direction of the movement, such as coming to a place or a person. It’s important to note that the preposition ‘zu’ requires the dative case, so the noun or pronoun following it should be in the dative case.
Similar: ankommen (to arrive), hinkommen (to come over)
That is the correct answer to the question.
Das ist die korrekte Antwort auf die Frage.
Tips: The adjective korrekt is used to describe something that is accurate, right, or without errors. It is commonly used in formal and informal contexts to indicate correctness or accuracy.
Similar: richtig (right, true), genau (exact, precise)
She received the correct information.
Sie hat die korrekten Informationen erhalten.
Tips: The adjective korrekt is used to describe something that is accurate, right, or without errors. It is commonly used in formal and informal contexts to indicate correctness or accuracy.
Similar: richtig (right, true), genau (exact, precise)
He has found the correct solution to the problem.
Er hat die korrekte Lösung des Problems gefunden.
Tips: The adjective korrekt is used to describe something that is accurate, right, or without errors. It is commonly used in formal and informal contexts to indicate correctness or accuracy.
Similar: richtig (right, true), genau (exact, precise)
The exam was correct and fair.
Die Prüfung war korrekt und fair.
Tips: The adjective korrekt is used to describe something that is accurate, right, or without errors. It is commonly used in formal and informal contexts to indicate correctness or accuracy.
Similar: richtig (right, true), genau (exact, precise)
Please fill out the form correctly.
Bitte füllen Sie das Formular korrekt aus.
Tips: The adjective korrekt is used to describe something that is accurate, right, or without errors. It is commonly used in formal and informal contexts to indicate correctness or accuracy.
Similar: richtig (right, true), genau (exact, precise)
Many packages nowadays are made of plastics.
Viele Verpackungen bestehen heutzutage aus Kunststoffen.
Tips: The noun Kunststoff refers to the material ‘plastic’. It is used to describe a wide range of synthetic or semi-synthetic organic compounds that are malleable and can be molded into solid objects. It’s a crucial term in the context of materials, manufacturing, and environmental discussions.
The production of many products is no longer conceivable without plastics.
Die Herstellung vieler Produkte ist ohne Kunststoffe nicht mehr denkbar.
Tips: The noun Kunststoff refers to the material ‘plastic’. It is used to describe a wide range of synthetic or semi-synthetic organic compounds that are malleable and can be molded into solid objects. It’s a crucial term in the context of materials, manufacturing, and environmental discussions.
Nevertheless, the use of biodegradable plastics is important for the environment.
Trotzdem ist der Einsatz von biologisch abbaubaren Kunststoffen wichtig für die Umwelt.
Tips: The noun Kunststoff refers to the material ‘plastic’. It is used to describe a wide range of synthetic or semi-synthetic organic compounds that are malleable and can be molded into solid objects. It’s a crucial term in the context of materials, manufacturing, and environmental discussions.
The airplane lands at the airport.
to land
Das Flugzeug landet auf dem Flughafen.
Tips: The verb landen is used to indicate the action of an aircraft or spacecraft touching the ground after a flight. It is a common word in aviation and travel contexts. Remember that abheben is the opposite action, meaning ‘to take off’, while starten can also be used in the context of aircraft taking off.
Similar: abheben (to take off), starten (to start, to take off)
The pilot landed the plane safely despite the strong wind.
to land
Der Pilot landete das Flugzeug sicher trotz des starken Windes.
Tips: The verb landen is used to indicate the action of an aircraft or spacecraft touching the ground after a flight. It is a common word in aviation and travel contexts. Remember that abheben is the opposite action, meaning ‘to take off’, while starten can also be used in the context of aircraft taking off.
Similar: abheben (to take off), starten (to start, to take off)
The airplane landed on time.
to land
Das Flugzeug ist pünktlich gelandet.
Tips: The verb landen is used to indicate the action of an aircraft or spacecraft touching the ground after a flight. It is a common word in aviation and travel contexts. Remember that abheben is the opposite action, meaning ‘to take off’, while starten can also be used in the context of aircraft taking off.
Similar: abheben (to take off), starten (to start, to take off)
She is landing in Paris right now before continuing on to Rome.
to land
Sie landet gerade in Paris, bevor sie weiter nach Rom fliegt.
Tips: The verb landen is used to indicate the action of an aircraft or spacecraft touching the ground after a flight. It is a common word in aviation and travel contexts. Remember that abheben is the opposite action, meaning ‘to take off’, while starten can also be used in the context of aircraft taking off.
Similar: abheben (to take off), starten (to start, to take off)
We have to wait until the airplane has landed before we can board.
to land
Wir müssen warten, bis das Flugzeug gelandet ist, bevor wir an Bord gehen können.
Tips: The verb landen is used to indicate the action of an aircraft or spacecraft touching the ground after a flight. It is a common word in aviation and travel contexts. Remember that abheben is the opposite action, meaning ‘to take off’, while starten can also be used in the context of aircraft taking off.
Similar: abheben (to take off), starten (to start, to take off)
The courier will deliver the package tomorrow.
to deliver, to supply
Der Kurier liefert das Paket morgen ab.
Tips: The verb liefern is used to express the action of delivering or supplying. It is commonly used in the context of receiving or sending goods or services. It can be used in both formal and informal situations.
The company supplied us with the necessary materials.
to deliver, to supply
Die Firma hat uns die benötigten Materialien geliefert.
Tips: The verb liefern is used to express the action of delivering or supplying. It is commonly used in the context of receiving or sending goods or services. It can be used in both formal and informal situations.
He delivered the goods on time, despite the bad weather.
to deliver, to supply
Er lieferte die Waren pünktlich, trotz des schlechten Wetters.
Tips: The verb liefern is used to express the action of delivering or supplying. It is commonly used in the context of receiving or sending goods or services. It can be used in both formal and informal situations.
The mail carrier always delivers the mail at the same time.
to deliver, to supply
Der Briefträger liefert die Post immer zur gleichen Zeit.
Tips: The verb liefern is used to express the action of delivering or supplying. It is commonly used in the context of receiving or sending goods or services. It can be used in both formal and informal situations.
We can deliver the products directly to your home.
to deliver, to supply
Wir können die Produkte direkt zu Ihnen nach Hause liefern.
Tips: The verb liefern is used to express the action of delivering or supplying. It is commonly used in the context of receiving or sending goods or services. It can be used in both formal and informal situations.
The book is lying on the table.
to lie, to be located
Das Buch liegt auf dem Tisch.
Tips: The verb liegen is used to express the action of lying down or the location of something. When used to describe the location of something, it is often paired with prepositions such as ‘auf’ (on) or ‘in’ (in). Be careful not to confuse it with the verb ‘legen’ which means ‘to lay’ something down.
Similar: sitzen (to sit), stehen (to stand)
Berlin is located in Germany.
to lie, to be located
Berlin liegt in Deutschland.
Tips: The verb liegen is used to express the action of lying down or the location of something. When used to describe the location of something, it is often paired with prepositions such as ‘auf’ (on) or ‘in’ (in). Be careful not to confuse it with the verb ‘legen’ which means ‘to lay’ something down.
Similar: sitzen (to sit), stehen (to stand)
I lay in the sun for hours yesterday.
to lie, to be located
Ich lag gestern für Stunden in der Sonne.
Tips: The verb liegen is used to express the action of lying down or the location of something. When used to describe the location of something, it is often paired with prepositions such as ‘auf’ (on) or ‘in’ (in). Be careful not to confuse it with the verb ‘legen’ which means ‘to lay’ something down.
Similar: sitzen (to sit), stehen (to stand)
The key has been lying in the cupboard the whole time.
to lie, to be located
Der Schlüssel hat die ganze Zeit im Schrank gelegen.
Tips: The verb liegen is used to express the action of lying down or the location of something. When used to describe the location of something, it is often paired with prepositions such as ‘auf’ (on) or ‘in’ (in). Be careful not to confuse it with the verb ‘legen’ which means ‘to lay’ something down.
Similar: sitzen (to sit), stehen (to stand)
The hotel is located near the train station.
to lie, to be located
Das Hotel liegt in der Nähe des Bahnhofs.
Tips: The verb liegen is used to express the action of lying down or the location of something. When used to describe the location of something, it is often paired with prepositions such as ‘auf’ (on) or ‘in’ (in). Be careful not to confuse it with the verb ‘legen’ which means ‘to lay’ something down.
Similar: sitzen (to sit), stehen (to stand)
This brand is known for quality and reliability.
brand / stamp
Diese Marke ist für Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit bekannt.
Tips: The word “Marke” can have different meanings depending on the context. It can refer to a brand in the context of marketing and products, or to a stamp or seal used for formal documents. Pay attention to the context to understand the specific meaning of “Marke.”
Similar: das Brand, der Stempel
Please stamp the document with the seal.
brand / stamp
Bitte stempeln Sie das Dokument mit der Marke.
Tips: The word “Marke” can have different meanings depending on the context. It can refer to a brand in the context of marketing and products, or to a stamp or seal used for formal documents. Pay attention to the context to understand the specific meaning of “Marke.”
Similar: das Brand, der Stempel
The government has taken various measures to combat environmental pollution.
measure, action
Die Regierung hat verschiedene Maßnahmen ergriffen, um die Umweltverschmutzung zu bekämpfen.
Tips: The term ‘Maßnahme’ refers to a specific action or measure taken to achieve a particular purpose, especially in the context of solving a problem or achieving a goal. It is commonly used in administrative, political, and everyday contexts to describe proactive steps or interventions.
Similar: Aktion (action), Schritt (step)
As a measure for disease prevention, one should exercise regularly.
measure, action
Als Maßnahme zur Prävention von Krankheiten soll man regelmäßig Sport treiben.
Tips: The term ‘Maßnahme’ refers to a specific action or measure taken to achieve a particular purpose, especially in the context of solving a problem or achieving a goal. It is commonly used in administrative, political, and everyday contexts to describe proactive steps or interventions.
Similar: Aktion (action), Schritt (step)
The measure was successful and led to an improvement in the quality of life in the city.
measure, action
Die Maßnahme war erfolgreich und führte zu einer Verbesserung der Lebensqualität in der Stadt.
Tips: The term ‘Maßnahme’ refers to a specific action or measure taken to achieve a particular purpose, especially in the context of solving a problem or achieving a goal. It is commonly used in administrative, political, and everyday contexts to describe proactive steps or interventions.
Similar: Aktion (action), Schritt (step)
Nevertheless, further measures must be taken to solve the problem completely.
measure, action
Trotzdem müssen weitere Maßnahmen ergriffen werden, um das Problem vollständig zu lösen.
Tips: The term ‘Maßnahme’ refers to a specific action or measure taken to achieve a particular purpose, especially in the context of solving a problem or achieving a goal. It is commonly used in administrative, political, and everyday contexts to describe proactive steps or interventions.
Similar: Aktion (action), Schritt (step)
After the measures were implemented, a significant improvement became apparent.
measure, action
Nachdem die Maßnahmen umgesetzt wurden, zeigte sich eine deutliche Verbesserung.
Tips: The term ‘Maßnahme’ refers to a specific action or measure taken to achieve a particular purpose, especially in the context of solving a problem or achieving a goal. It is commonly used in administrative, political, and everyday contexts to describe proactive steps or interventions.
Similar: Aktion (action), Schritt (step)
The length of the room is measured with a tape measure.
to measure
Die Länge des Raumes wird mit einem Maßband gemessen.
Tips: The verb messen is used to express the action of measuring something, such as length, height, width, or quantity. It is a regular verb in German. When using messen, it’s important to pay attention to the correct units of measurement and to ensure precision in the process.
Similar: abmessen (to measure off), ausmessen (to measure out)
He carefully measures the ingredients to make the cake perfect.
to measure
Er misst die Zutaten sorgfältig ab, um den Kuchen perfekt zu machen.
Tips: The verb messen is used to express the action of measuring something, such as length, height, width, or quantity. It is a regular verb in German. When using messen, it’s important to pay attention to the correct units of measurement and to ensure precision in the process.
Similar: abmessen (to measure off), ausmessen (to measure out)
She measured how high the table is in order to choose the right chair.
to measure
Sie hat gemessen, wie hoch der Tisch ist, um den passenden Stuhl auszuwählen.
Tips: The verb messen is used to express the action of measuring something, such as length, height, width, or quantity. It is a regular verb in German. When using messen, it’s important to pay attention to the correct units of measurement and to ensure precision in the process.
Similar: abmessen (to measure off), ausmessen (to measure out)
Nevertheless, many people attach too much importance to money.
to measure
Trotzdem messen viele Leute dem Geld zu viel Bedeutung bei.
Tips: The verb messen is used to express the action of measuring something, such as length, height, width, or quantity. It is a regular verb in German. When using messen, it’s important to pay attention to the correct units of measurement and to ensure precision in the process.
Similar: abmessen (to measure off), ausmessen (to measure out)
If you measure the diameter, you can calculate the radius.
to measure
Wenn du den Durchmesser misst, kannst du den Radius berechnen.
Tips: The verb messen is used to express the action of measuring something, such as length, height, width, or quantity. It is a regular verb in German. When using messen, it’s important to pay attention to the correct units of measurement and to ensure precision in the process.
Similar: abmessen (to measure off), ausmessen (to measure out)
The food was very mild, it wasn’t spicy.
mild, gentle
Das Essen war sehr mild, es war nicht scharf.
Tips: The adjective mild is used to describe something that is gentle, not harsh or severe. It can be used to describe flavors, climate, personalities, and more. It is a versatile word that can be applied to various situations.
Similar: sanft (gentle, soft), angenehm (pleasant, agreeable)
She has a gentle voice that is calming.
mild, gentle
Sie hat eine milde Stimme, die beruhigend wirkt.
Tips: The adjective mild is used to describe something that is gentle, not harsh or severe. It can be used to describe flavors, climate, personalities, and more. It is a versatile word that can be applied to various situations.
Similar: sanft (gentle, soft), angenehm (pleasant, agreeable)
Despite the harsh winter, the climate in this region was relatively mild.
mild, gentle
Trotz des strengen Winters war das Klima in dieser Region relativ mild.
Tips: The adjective mild is used to describe something that is gentle, not harsh or severe. It can be used to describe flavors, climate, personalities, and more. It is a versatile word that can be applied to various situations.
Similar: sanft (gentle, soft), angenehm (pleasant, agreeable)
The trash can is full. We need to empty it.
trash can
Der Mülleimer ist voll. Wir müssen ihn leeren.
Tips: The word ‘Mülleimer’ refers to a container used to store and dispose of household waste. It is a common term in everyday German and is used in both formal and informal contexts.
The trash cans are emptied twice a week.
trash can
Die Mülleimer werden zweimal pro Woche geleert.
Tips: The word ‘Mülleimer’ refers to a container used to store and dispose of household waste. It is a common term in everyday German and is used in both formal and informal contexts.
Please throw the waste into the trash can.
trash can
Bitte wirf den Abfall in den Mülleimer.
Tips: The word ‘Mülleimer’ refers to a container used to store and dispose of household waste. It is a common term in everyday German and is used in both formal and informal contexts.
This morning it was very foggy and you could hardly see anything.
Heute Morgen war es sehr neblig und man konnte kaum etwas sehen.
Tips: The adjective ‘neblig’ is used to describe weather conditions or surroundings when fog is present. It’s a common word in discussions about weather and nature.
Similar: trüb (dull, murky), dunstig (hazy)
The landscape looks particularly charming when it is shrouded in a foggy veil.
Die Landschaft wirkt besonders reizvoll, wenn sie von einem nebligen Schleier umhüllt ist.
Tips: The adjective ‘neblig’ is used to describe weather conditions or surroundings when fog is present. It’s a common word in discussions about weather and nature.
Similar: trüb (dull, murky), dunstig (hazy)
The company specializes in the production of ecological packaging.
Die Firma hat sich auf die Herstellung von ökologischen Verpackungen spezialisiert.
Tips: The adjective ökologisch is used to describe things that are related to ecology and the environment. It is commonly used in the context of environmentally friendly products, sustainable practices, and ecological impacts. This word is important in discussions about nature conservation and sustainable living.
Similar: umweltfreundlich (environmentally friendly), nachhaltig (sustainable)
It is important to buy ecological products to protect the environment.
Es ist wichtig, ökologische Produkte zu kaufen, um die Umwelt zu schützen.
Tips: The adjective ökologisch is used to describe things that are related to ecology and the environment. It is commonly used in the context of environmentally friendly products, sustainable practices, and ecological impacts. This word is important in discussions about nature conservation and sustainable living.
Similar: umweltfreundlich (environmentally friendly), nachhaltig (sustainable)
The ecological impacts of climate change are far-reaching.
Die ökologischen Auswirkungen des Klimawandels sind weitreichend.
Tips: The adjective ökologisch is used to describe things that are related to ecology and the environment. It is commonly used in the context of environmentally friendly products, sustainable practices, and ecological impacts. This word is important in discussions about nature conservation and sustainable living.
Similar: umweltfreundlich (environmentally friendly), nachhaltig (sustainable)
Can I return a bottle without a deposit?
deposit, pledge
Kann ich eine Flasche ohne Pfand abgeben?
Tips: The word Pfand refers to a deposit or pledge, commonly used in the context of returning bottles or as a security for borrowed items. It is important to use the correct articles and plural forms when speaking about Pfand.
Similar: Anzahlung (down payment), Sicherheit (security)
He left the bike as a pledge for the borrowed money.
deposit, pledge
Er hat das Fahrrad als Pfand für das geliehene Geld hinterlassen.
Tips: The word Pfand refers to a deposit or pledge, commonly used in the context of returning bottles or as a security for borrowed items. It is important to use the correct articles and plural forms when speaking about Pfand.
Similar: Anzahlung (down payment), Sicherheit (security)
There is a 25-cent deposit for each empty bottle.
deposit, pledge
Es gibt 25 Cent Pfand für jede leere Flasche.
Tips: The word Pfand refers to a deposit or pledge, commonly used in the context of returning bottles or as a security for borrowed items. It is important to use the correct articles and plural forms when speaking about Pfand.
Similar: Anzahlung (down payment), Sicherheit (security)
He lost the book, so he had to pay the deposit.
deposit, pledge
Er hat das Buch verloren, deshalb musste er das Pfand bezahlen.
Tips: The word Pfand refers to a deposit or pledge, commonly used in the context of returning bottles or as a security for borrowed items. It is important to use the correct articles and plural forms when speaking about Pfand.
Similar: Anzahlung (down payment), Sicherheit (security)
That is a valuable pledge for the future.
deposit, pledge
Das ist ein wertvolles Pfand für die Zukunft.
Tips: The word Pfand refers to a deposit or pledge, commonly used in the context of returning bottles or as a security for borrowed items. It is important to use the correct articles and plural forms when speaking about Pfand.
Similar: Anzahlung (down payment), Sicherheit (security)
I like to plant flowers in my garden.
to plant
Ich pflanze gerne Blumen in meinem Garten.
Tips: The verb pflanzen is used to express the action of planting, such as flowers, trees, or vegetables. It’s a regular verb, and its past participle is formed with the prefix ‘ge-‘ and the suffix ‘-t’. This is an important verb when discussing gardening or nature-related activities.
Last year she planted many types of vegetables in her garden.
to plant
Letztes Jahr pflanzte sie viele Gemüsesorten in ihrem Garten.
Tips: The verb pflanzen is used to express the action of planting, such as flowers, trees, or vegetables. It’s a regular verb, and its past participle is formed with the prefix ‘ge-‘ and the suffix ‘-t’. This is an important verb when discussing gardening or nature-related activities.
We planted the trees in the spring.
to plant
Wir haben die Bäume im Frühling gepflanzt.
Tips: The verb pflanzen is used to express the action of planting, such as flowers, trees, or vegetables. It’s a regular verb, and its past participle is formed with the prefix ‘ge-‘ and the suffix ‘-t’. This is an important verb when discussing gardening or nature-related activities.
He plants new shrubs in his front yard every spring.
to plant
Er pflanzt jeden Frühling neue Sträucher in seinem Vorgarten.
Tips: The verb pflanzen is used to express the action of planting, such as flowers, trees, or vegetables. It’s a regular verb, and its past participle is formed with the prefix ‘ge-‘ and the suffix ‘-t’. This is an important verb when discussing gardening or nature-related activities.
When you plant vegetables, you have to make sure they get enough sunlight.
to plant
Wenn du Gemüse pflanzt, musst du darauf achten, dass es genug Sonnenlicht bekommt.
Tips: The verb pflanzen is used to express the action of planting, such as flowers, trees, or vegetables. It’s a regular verb, and its past participle is formed with the prefix ‘ge-‘ and the suffix ‘-t’. This is an important verb when discussing gardening or nature-related activities.
It is important to recycle waste to protect the environment.
to recycle
Es ist wichtig, Müll zu recyceln, um die Umwelt zu schützen.
Tips: The verb recyceln is used to express the action of recycling, which is essential for environmental sustainability. It is a modern and relevant term, often used in the context of waste management and eco-friendly practices.
She recycled the glass instead of throwing it away.
to recycle
Sie recycelte das Glas, anstatt es wegzuwerfen.
Tips: The verb recyceln is used to express the action of recycling, which is essential for environmental sustainability. It is a modern and relevant term, often used in the context of waste management and eco-friendly practices.
I have recycled what I could to reduce the amount of waste.
to recycle
Ich habe recycelt, was ich konnte, um die Menge an Abfall zu reduzieren.
Tips: The verb recyceln is used to express the action of recycling, which is essential for environmental sustainability. It is a modern and relevant term, often used in the context of waste management and eco-friendly practices.
Nevertheless, not everyone recycles, even though it is so important.
to recycle
Trotzdem recycelt nicht jeder, obwohl es so wichtig ist.
Tips: The verb recyceln is used to express the action of recycling, which is essential for environmental sustainability. It is a modern and relevant term, often used in the context of waste management and eco-friendly practices.
If we recycle more, we can conserve natural resources.
to recycle
Wenn wir mehr recyceln, können wir die natürlichen Ressourcen schonen.
Tips: The verb recyceln is used to express the action of recycling, which is essential for environmental sustainability. It is a modern and relevant term, often used in the context of waste management and eco-friendly practices.
Recycling paper is important for the environment.
Das Recycling von Papier ist wichtig für die Umwelt.
Tips: The noun Recycling refers to the process of collecting and processing materials that would otherwise be thrown away as trash and turning them into new products. It is a crucial practice for environmental sustainability and the conservation of resources.
One should support the recycling of glass.
Man sollte das Recycling von Glas unterstützen.
Tips: The noun Recycling refers to the process of collecting and processing materials that would otherwise be thrown away as trash and turning them into new products. It is a crucial practice for environmental sustainability and the conservation of resources.
The company focuses on environmentally friendly recycling.
Das Unternehmen setzt auf umweltfreundliches Recycling.
Tips: The noun Recycling refers to the process of collecting and processing materials that would otherwise be thrown away as trash and turning them into new products. It is a crucial practice for environmental sustainability and the conservation of resources.
The wine region includes several small villages.
region, area
Die Weinregion umfasst mehrere kleine Dörfer.
Tips: The word ‘Region’ is used to refer to a specific geographic area or district. It is commonly used to discuss areas with distinct characteristics, such as cultural, historical, or natural features. When talking about regions, it’s essential to consider the plural form ‘die Regionen’ for multiple regions.
Similar: Gebiet (area), Landschaft (landscape)
In this region, there are many historical sights.
region, area
In dieser Region gibt es viele historische Sehenswürdigkeiten.
Tips: The word ‘Region’ is used to refer to a specific geographic area or district. It is commonly used to discuss areas with distinct characteristics, such as cultural, historical, or natural features. When talking about regions, it’s essential to consider the plural form ‘die Regionen’ for multiple regions.
Similar: Gebiet (area), Landschaft (landscape)
The regions of Germany differ in their culture and landscape.
region, area
Die Regionen Deutschlands unterscheiden sich in ihrer Kultur und Landschaft.
Tips: The word ‘Region’ is used to refer to a specific geographic area or district. It is commonly used to discuss areas with distinct characteristics, such as cultural, historical, or natural features. When talking about regions, it’s essential to consider the plural form ‘die Regionen’ for multiple regions.
Similar: Gebiet (area), Landschaft (landscape)
She has set a new world record in swimming.
Sie hat einen neuen Weltrekord im Schwimmen aufgestellt.
Tips: The noun Rekord is used to refer to a performance, achievement, or event that is the best, highest, or most extreme of its kind. It can be used in various contexts, such as sports, technology, or nature. It’s important to note that the plural form is ‘die Rekorde’ and the genitive form is ‘des Rekords’.
The record for the most goals in a season was broken.
Der Rekord für die meisten Tore in einer Saison wurde gebrochen.
Tips: The noun Rekord is used to refer to a performance, achievement, or event that is the best, highest, or most extreme of its kind. It can be used in various contexts, such as sports, technology, or nature. It’s important to note that the plural form is ‘die Rekorde’ and the genitive form is ‘des Rekords’.
Despite the rain, the team achieved a record run.
Trotz des Regens hat das Team einen Rekordlauf hingelegt.
Tips: The noun Rekord is used to refer to a performance, achievement, or event that is the best, highest, or most extreme of its kind. It can be used in various contexts, such as sports, technology, or nature. It’s important to note that the plural form is ‘die Rekorde’ and the genitive form is ‘des Rekords’.
The record for the longest non-stop flight is constantly being challenged.
Der Rekord des längsten Non-Stop-Fluges wird immer wieder herausgefordert.
Tips: The noun Rekord is used to refer to a performance, achievement, or event that is the best, highest, or most extreme of its kind. It can be used in various contexts, such as sports, technology, or nature. It’s important to note that the plural form is ‘die Rekorde’ and the genitive form is ‘des Rekords’.
The fire brigade rescues the cat from the tree.
to rescue
Die Feuerwehr rettet die Katze vom Baum.
Tips: The verb retten is used to express the act of rescuing or saving someone or something from a dangerous or harmful situation. It is commonly used in the context of emergency services, but can also be used in everyday situations.
He rescued the child from the burning house.
to rescue
Er rettete das Kind aus dem brennenden Haus.
Tips: The verb retten is used to express the act of rescuing or saving someone or something from a dangerous or harmful situation. It is commonly used in the context of emergency services, but can also be used in everyday situations.
She has saved many lives and is a heroine.
to rescue
Sie hat viele Leben gerettet und ist eine Heldin.
Tips: The verb retten is used to express the act of rescuing or saving someone or something from a dangerous or harmful situation. It is commonly used in the context of emergency services, but can also be used in everyday situations.
Nevertheless, he always rescues people in need.
to rescue
Trotzdem rettet er immer wieder Menschen in Not.
Tips: The verb retten is used to express the act of rescuing or saving someone or something from a dangerous or harmful situation. It is commonly used in the context of emergency services, but can also be used in everyday situations.
If you fall into the water, try to stay calm and wait for help to rescue you.
to rescue
Wenn du ins Wasser fällst, versuche ruhig zu bleiben und warte auf Hilfe, die dich rettet.
Tips: The verb retten is used to express the act of rescuing or saving someone or something from a dangerous or harmful situation. It is commonly used in the context of emergency services, but can also be used in everyday situations.
It is important to make the right choice when facing an important decision.
to make the right choice
Es ist wichtig, die richtige Wahl zu treffen, wenn man vor einer wichtigen Entscheidung steht.
Tips: The verb treffen in combination with richtige Wahl is used to express the action of making the right choice. It is important to consider the options carefully before die richtige Wahl zu treffen.
Similar: eine Entscheidung treffen (to make a decision), einen Entschluss fassen (to make a resolution)
He made the right choice when he decided to work on this project.
to make the right choice
Er hat die richtige Wahl getroffen, als er sich für dieses Projekt entschieden hat.
Tips: The verb treffen in combination with richtige Wahl is used to express the action of making the right choice. It is important to consider the options carefully before die richtige Wahl zu treffen.
Similar: eine Entscheidung treffen (to make a decision), einen Entschluss fassen (to make a resolution)
Despite the difficulties, she made the right choice and is proud of her decision.
to make the right choice
Trotz der Schwierigkeiten hat sie die richtige Wahl getroffen und ist stolz auf ihre Entscheidung.
Tips: The verb treffen in combination with richtige Wahl is used to express the action of making the right choice. It is important to consider the options carefully before die richtige Wahl zu treffen.
Similar: eine Entscheidung treffen (to make a decision), einen Entschluss fassen (to make a resolution)
Making the right choice can have positive impacts on the future.
to make the right choice
Wenn man die richtige Wahl trifft, kann das positive Auswirkungen auf die Zukunft haben.
Tips: The verb treffen in combination with richtige Wahl is used to express the action of making the right choice. It is important to consider the options carefully before die richtige Wahl zu treffen.
Similar: eine Entscheidung treffen (to make a decision), einen Entschluss fassen (to make a resolution)
The cattle is a domestic animal that is kept for milk and meat production.
cattle, beef
Das Rind ist ein Nutztier, das für die Milch- und Fleischproduktion gehalten wird.
Tips: The noun Rind refers to cattle or beef. It is used to describe the animal itself as well as its meat. It is important in the context of farming, agriculture, and food production.
The farmers breed cows on their farms.
cattle, beef
Die Bauern züchten Rinder auf ihren Höfen.
Tips: The noun Rind refers to cattle or beef. It is used to describe the animal itself as well as its meat. It is important in the context of farming, agriculture, and food production.
A juicy beef steak is popular among many people.
cattle, beef
Ein saftiges Rind-Steak ist bei vielen Menschen beliebt.
Tips: The noun Rind refers to cattle or beef. It is used to describe the animal itself as well as its meat. It is important in the context of farming, agriculture, and food production.
Smoking harms your health.
to harm, to damage
Rauchen schadet der Gesundheit.
Tips: The verb schaden is used to indicate any kind of harm or damage, whether physical or metaphorical. It’s a versatile verb that can be used in various contexts, from health warnings to describing the impact of actions. It’s often used in combination with reflexive pronouns to indicate self-harm.
Similar: beschädigen (to damage, to impair), verletzen (to injure, to hurt)
The loud noise has damaged my ears.
to harm, to damage
Das laute Geräusch hat meinen Ohren geschadet.
Tips: The verb schaden is used to indicate any kind of harm or damage, whether physical or metaphorical. It’s a versatile verb that can be used in various contexts, from health warnings to describing the impact of actions. It’s often used in combination with reflexive pronouns to indicate self-harm.
Similar: beschädigen (to damage, to impair), verletzen (to injure, to hurt)
You harm yourself if you don’t get enough sleep.
to harm, to damage
Du schadest dir, wenn du nicht genug schläfst.
Tips: The verb schaden is used to indicate any kind of harm or damage, whether physical or metaphorical. It’s a versatile verb that can be used in various contexts, from health warnings to describing the impact of actions. It’s often used in combination with reflexive pronouns to indicate self-harm.
Similar: beschädigen (to damage, to impair), verletzen (to injure, to hurt)
She had harmed him accidentally.
to harm, to damage
Sie hatte ihm aus Versehen geschadet.
Tips: The verb schaden is used to indicate any kind of harm or damage, whether physical or metaphorical. It’s a versatile verb that can be used in various contexts, from health warnings to describing the impact of actions. It’s often used in combination with reflexive pronouns to indicate self-harm.
Similar: beschädigen (to damage, to impair), verletzen (to injure, to hurt)
Nevertheless, it doesn’t harm to be cautious.
to harm, to damage
Trotzdem schadet es nicht, vorsichtig zu sein.
Tips: The verb schaden is used to indicate any kind of harm or damage, whether physical or metaphorical. It’s a versatile verb that can be used in various contexts, from health warnings to describing the impact of actions. It’s often used in combination with reflexive pronouns to indicate self-harm.
Similar: beschädigen (to damage, to impair), verletzen (to injure, to hurt)
Smoking is harmful to health.
Rauchen ist schädlich für die Gesundheit.
Tips: The adjective schädlich is used to describe something that causes harm or damage. It is commonly used to talk about the negative impact of substances, habits, or influences on health, the environment, or other aspects of life.
Similar: gefährlich (dangerous), ungesund (unhealthy)
Contact with toxic substances can be harmful.
Der Kontakt mit giftigen Substanzen kann schädlich sein.
Tips: The adjective schädlich is used to describe something that causes harm or damage. It is commonly used to talk about the negative impact of substances, habits, or influences on health, the environment, or other aspects of life.
Similar: gefährlich (dangerous), ungesund (unhealthy)
It is important to avoid harmful influences.
Es ist wichtig, schädliche Einflüsse zu vermeiden.
Tips: The adjective schädlich is used to describe something that causes harm or damage. It is commonly used to talk about the negative impact of substances, habits, or influences on health, the environment, or other aspects of life.
Similar: gefährlich (dangerous), ungesund (unhealthy)
Nevertheless, many people eat harmful foods.
Trotzdem essen viele Menschen schädliche Lebensmittel.
Tips: The adjective schädlich is used to describe something that causes harm or damage. It is commonly used to talk about the negative impact of substances, habits, or influences on health, the environment, or other aspects of life.
Similar: gefährlich (dangerous), ungesund (unhealthy)
We protect the environment by using less plastic.
to protect
Wir schützen die Umwelt, indem wir weniger Plastik verwenden.
Tips: The verb schützen is used to express the action of protecting someone or something from harm or danger. It is commonly used in contexts related to safety, security, and conservation. Whether it’s protecting the environment, individuals, or possessions, this verb is essential in everyday German communication.
Similar: bewahren (to preserve, to conserve), abschirmen (to shield, to screen)
The police protected the protesters from the opposing groups.
to protect
Die Polizei schützte die Demonstranten vor den gegnerischen Gruppen.
Tips: The verb schützen is used to express the action of protecting someone or something from harm or danger. It is commonly used in contexts related to safety, security, and conservation. Whether it’s protecting the environment, individuals, or possessions, this verb is essential in everyday German communication.
Similar: bewahren (to preserve, to conserve), abschirmen (to shield, to screen)
The wall protected the city from the attacks.
to protect
Die Mauer hat die Stadt vor den Angriffen geschützt.
Tips: The verb schützen is used to express the action of protecting someone or something from harm or danger. It is commonly used in contexts related to safety, security, and conservation. Whether it’s protecting the environment, individuals, or possessions, this verb is essential in everyday German communication.
Similar: bewahren (to preserve, to conserve), abschirmen (to shield, to screen)
She protects her eyes from the sun by wearing sunglasses.
to protect
Sie schützt ihre Augen vor der Sonne, indem sie eine Sonnenbrille trägt.
Tips: The verb schützen is used to express the action of protecting someone or something from harm or danger. It is commonly used in contexts related to safety, security, and conservation. Whether it’s protecting the environment, individuals, or possessions, this verb is essential in everyday German communication.
Similar: bewahren (to preserve, to conserve), abschirmen (to shield, to screen)
Nevertheless, he does not protect himself from the dangers.
to protect
Trotzdem schützt er sich nicht vor den Gefahren.
Tips: The verb schützen is used to express the action of protecting someone or something from harm or danger. It is commonly used in contexts related to safety, security, and conservation. Whether it’s protecting the environment, individuals, or possessions, this verb is essential in everyday German communication.
Similar: bewahren (to preserve, to conserve), abschirmen (to shield, to screen)
The difficulty of this puzzle lies in the large number of pieces.
Die Schwierigkeit dieses Puzzles liegt in der Vielzahl der Teile.
Tips: The noun Schwierigkeit refers to a challenging situation or problem. It is commonly used to describe various kinds of difficulties, such as in tasks, projects, learning, or life in general.
Similar: Herausforderung (challenge), Problem (problem)
Despite the difficulties, they managed to achieve the goal.
Trotz der Schwierigkeiten haben sie es geschafft, das Ziel zu erreichen.
Tips: The noun Schwierigkeit refers to a challenging situation or problem. It is commonly used to describe various kinds of difficulties, such as in tasks, projects, learning, or life in general.
Similar: Herausforderung (challenge), Problem (problem)
The difficulty of a language course often lies in the pronunciation.
Die Schwierigkeit eines Sprachkurses liegt oft in der Aussprache.
Tips: The noun Schwierigkeit refers to a challenging situation or problem. It is commonly used to describe various kinds of difficulties, such as in tasks, projects, learning, or life in general.
Similar: Herausforderung (challenge), Problem (problem)
Due to the financial difficulties, they had to postpone the project.
Aufgrund der finanziellen Schwierigkeiten mussten sie das Projekt verschieben.
Tips: The noun Schwierigkeit refers to a challenging situation or problem. It is commonly used to describe various kinds of difficulties, such as in tasks, projects, learning, or life in general.
Similar: Herausforderung (challenge), Problem (problem)
The difficulties of life make us stronger.
Die Schwierigkeiten des Lebens machen uns stärker.
Tips: The noun Schwierigkeit refers to a challenging situation or problem. It is commonly used to describe various kinds of difficulties, such as in tasks, projects, learning, or life in general.
Similar: Herausforderung (challenge), Problem (problem)
I will join in and support your idea.
to join, to attach oneself
Ich schließe mich an und unterstütze deine Idee.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich anschließen is used to express the action of joining or attaching oneself to a group, idea, or discussion. It can be used in various contexts, from formal settings to casual conversations.
She joined the discussion and raised important points.
to join, to attach oneself
Sie schloss sich der Diskussion an und brachte wichtige Punkte zur Sprache.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich anschließen is used to express the action of joining or attaching oneself to a group, idea, or discussion. It can be used in various contexts, from formal settings to casual conversations.
Yesterday, we joined a hiking group.
to join, to attach oneself
Wir haben uns gestern einer Wandergruppe angeschlossen.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich anschließen is used to express the action of joining or attaching oneself to a group, idea, or discussion. It can be used in various contexts, from formal settings to casual conversations.
Although he expressed criticism, he ultimately sided with the majority.
to join, to attach oneself
Obwohl er sich kritisch äußerte, schloss er sich letztendlich der Mehrheit an.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich anschließen is used to express the action of joining or attaching oneself to a group, idea, or discussion. It can be used in various contexts, from formal settings to casual conversations.
She always joins the most interesting conversations.
to join, to attach oneself
Sie schließt sich immer den interessantesten Gesprächen an.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich anschließen is used to express the action of joining or attaching oneself to a group, idea, or discussion. It can be used in various contexts, from formal settings to casual conversations.
She actively participates in the discussion.
to participate
Sie beteiligt sich aktiv an der Diskussion.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich beteiligen expresses the action of participating or taking part in something. It is commonly used to describe active involvement in various activities such as discussions, events, or projects. The verb is reflexive and requires the reflexive pronoun sich.
Similar: teilnehmen (to take part in, to attend), mitmachen (to join in, to pitch in)
He participated in the competition yesterday.
to participate
Er beteiligte sich gestern an dem Wettbewerb.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich beteiligen expresses the action of participating or taking part in something. It is commonly used to describe active involvement in various activities such as discussions, events, or projects. The verb is reflexive and requires the reflexive pronoun sich.
Similar: teilnehmen (to take part in, to attend), mitmachen (to join in, to pitch in)
She participated by collecting donations.
to participate
Sie hat sich beteiligt, indem sie Spendengelder gesammelt hat.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich beteiligen expresses the action of participating or taking part in something. It is commonly used to describe active involvement in various activities such as discussions, events, or projects. The verb is reflexive and requires the reflexive pronoun sich.
Similar: teilnehmen (to take part in, to attend), mitmachen (to join in, to pitch in)
Although it was difficult, he participated.
to participate
Obwohl es schwierig war, hat er sich beteiligt.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich beteiligen expresses the action of participating or taking part in something. It is commonly used to describe active involvement in various activities such as discussions, events, or projects. The verb is reflexive and requires the reflexive pronoun sich.
Similar: teilnehmen (to take part in, to attend), mitmachen (to join in, to pitch in)
She regularly takes part in charitable projects.
to participate
Sie beteiligt sich regelmäßig an karitativen Projekten.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich beteiligen expresses the action of participating or taking part in something. It is commonly used to describe active involvement in various activities such as discussions, events, or projects. The verb is reflexive and requires the reflexive pronoun sich.
Similar: teilnehmen (to take part in, to attend), mitmachen (to join in, to pitch in)
She gets involved in environmental protection projects in her community.
to get involved
Sie engagiert sich für Umweltschutzprojekte in ihrer Gemeinde.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich engagieren expresses the action of getting involved, usually in social, political, or environmental causes. It involves actively participating or advocating for a particular issue or cause.
Similar: beteiligen (to participate, to take part in), einsetzen (to advocate, to promote)
He got involved in the discussion about social justice.
to get involved
Er engagierte sich in der Diskussion über soziale Gerechtigkeit.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich engagieren expresses the action of getting involved, usually in social, political, or environmental causes. It involves actively participating or advocating for a particular issue or cause.
Similar: beteiligen (to participate, to take part in), einsetzen (to advocate, to promote)
She got involved and collected many donations for the charitable organization.
to get involved
Sie hat sich engagiert und viele Spenden für die wohltätige Organisation gesammelt.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich engagieren expresses the action of getting involved, usually in social, political, or environmental causes. It involves actively participating or advocating for a particular issue or cause.
Similar: beteiligen (to participate, to take part in), einsetzen (to advocate, to promote)
Nevertheless, I do not actively get involved in political matters.
to get involved
Trotzdem engagiere ich mich nicht aktiv in politischen Angelegenheiten.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich engagieren expresses the action of getting involved, usually in social, political, or environmental causes. It involves actively participating or advocating for a particular issue or cause.
Similar: beteiligen (to participate, to take part in), einsetzen (to advocate, to promote)
If every citizen would get involved in the community, many problems could be solved.
to get involved
Wenn jeder Bürger sich für die Gemeinschaft engagieren würde, könnten viele Probleme gelöst werden.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich engagieren expresses the action of getting involved, usually in social, political, or environmental causes. It involves actively participating or advocating for a particular issue or cause.
Similar: beteiligen (to participate, to take part in), einsetzen (to advocate, to promote)
The so-called expert helped us with the analysis.
Die sogenannte Expertin hat uns bei der Analyse geholfen.
Tips: The adjective ‘sogenannt’ is used to refer to something or someone as ‘so-called’ or ‘alleged.’ It is a common term in German and is often used to express doubt or reservation about the accuracy of a title or description.
Similar: vermeintlich (presumed, alleged), angeblich (supposedly, allegedly)
The so-called expert claimed to know everything.
Der sogenannte Experte hat behauptet, dass er alles weiß.
Tips: The adjective ‘sogenannt’ is used to refer to something or someone as ‘so-called’ or ‘alleged.’ It is a common term in German and is often used to express doubt or reservation about the accuracy of a title or description.
Similar: vermeintlich (presumed, alleged), angeblich (supposedly, allegedly)
My standpoint on this topic has changed over time.
standpoint, point of view
Mein Standpunkt zu diesem Thema hat sich im Laufe der Zeit geändert.
Tips: The noun ‘Standpunkt’ refers to a viewpoint or standpoint, often in a discussion or argument. It represents a person’s perspective on a particular issue. It is commonly used in debates, discussions, or when expressing one’s opinion.
Similar: Anschauung (view, perspective), Sichtweise (view, point of view)
Nevertheless, he holds a firm standpoint.
standpoint, point of view
Trotzdem vertritt er einen festen Standpunkt.
Tips: The noun ‘Standpunkt’ refers to a viewpoint or standpoint, often in a discussion or argument. It represents a person’s perspective on a particular issue. It is commonly used in debates, discussions, or when expressing one’s opinion.
Similar: Anschauung (view, perspective), Sichtweise (view, point of view)
The author’s point of view is clearly recognizable in this book.
standpoint, point of view
Der Standpunkt des Autors ist in diesem Buch deutlich erkennbar.
Tips: The noun ‘Standpunkt’ refers to a viewpoint or standpoint, often in a discussion or argument. It represents a person’s perspective on a particular issue. It is commonly used in debates, discussions, or when expressing one’s opinion.
Similar: Anschauung (view, perspective), Sichtweise (view, point of view)
The train stops at the next station.
to stop
Der Zug stoppt am nächsten Bahnhof.
Tips: The verb stoppen is used to indicate the action of stopping something or someone. It is commonly used in the context of halting movement, activities, or processes. It can also be used in a figurative sense to express putting an end to something.
Similar: anhalten (to stop, to halt), beenden (to finish, to end)
The police stopped the thief.
to stop
Die Polizei hat den Dieb gestoppt.
Tips: The verb stoppen is used to indicate the action of stopping something or someone. It is commonly used in the context of halting movement, activities, or processes. It can also be used in a figurative sense to express putting an end to something.
Similar: anhalten (to stop, to halt), beenden (to finish, to end)
He stopped to take pictures of the landscape.
to stop
Er hat gestoppt, um die Landschaft zu fotografieren.
Tips: The verb stoppen is used to indicate the action of stopping something or someone. It is commonly used in the context of halting movement, activities, or processes. It can also be used in a figurative sense to express putting an end to something.
Similar: anhalten (to stop, to halt), beenden (to finish, to end)
Please stop the engine when we arrive.
to stop
Bitte stoppt den Motor, wenn wir ankommen.
Tips: The verb stoppen is used to indicate the action of stopping something or someone. It is commonly used in the context of halting movement, activities, or processes. It can also be used in a figurative sense to express putting an end to something.
Similar: anhalten (to stop, to halt), beenden (to finish, to end)
Despite the rain, the football game didn’t stop.
to stop
Trotz des Regens stoppte das Fußballspiel nicht.
Tips: The verb stoppen is used to indicate the action of stopping something or someone. It is commonly used in the context of halting movement, activities, or processes. It can also be used in a figurative sense to express putting an end to something.
Similar: anhalten (to stop, to halt), beenden (to finish, to end)
The electricity consumption in households is steadily increasing.
electricity consumption
Der Stromverbrauch in Haushalten steigt stetig an.
Tips: The term Stromverbrauch specifically refers to the amount of electricity being used. It is a key concept in discussions about energy efficiency and the impact of various devices and appliances on the overall electricity consumption.
Similar: Energieverbrauch (energy consumption), Stromkosten (electricity costs)
It is important to monitor the electricity consumption in order to save energy.
electricity consumption
Es ist wichtig, den Stromverbrauch zu überwachen, um Energie zu sparen.
Tips: The term Stromverbrauch specifically refers to the amount of electricity being used. It is a key concept in discussions about energy efficiency and the impact of various devices and appliances on the overall electricity consumption.
Similar: Energieverbrauch (energy consumption), Stromkosten (electricity costs)
Electricity consumption is often higher in the summer months due to the use of air conditioning.
electricity consumption
Der Stromverbrauch ist in den Sommermonaten oft höher aufgrund der Nutzung von Klimaanlagen.
Tips: The term Stromverbrauch specifically refers to the amount of electricity being used. It is a key concept in discussions about energy efficiency and the impact of various devices and appliances on the overall electricity consumption.
Similar: Energieverbrauch (energy consumption), Stromkosten (electricity costs)
The storm uprooted the trees.
Der Sturm hat die Bäume entwurzelt.
Tips: The noun Sturm is used to refer to a strong weather condition characterized by strong winds, rain, and sometimes thunder and lightning. It can also be used metaphorically to describe a tumultuous or chaotic situation.
Similar: Orkan (hurricane), Unwetter (bad weather)
Despite the strong storm, they went for a walk.
Trotz des heftigen Sturmes gingen sie spazieren.
Tips: The noun Sturm is used to refer to a strong weather condition characterized by strong winds, rain, and sometimes thunder and lightning. It can also be used metaphorically to describe a tumultuous or chaotic situation.
Similar: Orkan (hurricane), Unwetter (bad weather)
The storm damaged the roof.
Der Sturm hat das Dach beschädigt.
Tips: The noun Sturm is used to refer to a strong weather condition characterized by strong winds, rain, and sometimes thunder and lightning. It can also be used metaphorically to describe a tumultuous or chaotic situation.
Similar: Orkan (hurricane), Unwetter (bad weather)
After the storm had passed, they started the cleanup.
Nachdem der Sturm vorüber war, begannen sie mit den Aufräumarbeiten.
Tips: The noun Sturm is used to refer to a strong weather condition characterized by strong winds, rain, and sometimes thunder and lightning. It can also be used metaphorically to describe a tumultuous or chaotic situation.
Similar: Orkan (hurricane), Unwetter (bad weather)
The football match was canceled due to the impending storm.
Wegen des drohenden Sturmes wurde das Fußballspiel abgesagt.
Tips: The noun Sturm is used to refer to a strong weather condition characterized by strong winds, rain, and sometimes thunder and lightning. It can also be used metaphorically to describe a tumultuous or chaotic situation.
Similar: Orkan (hurricane), Unwetter (bad weather)
In many countries, clean drinking water is scarce.
drinking water
In vielen Ländern ist sauberes Trinkwasser Mangelware.
Tips: The noun Trinkwasser refers specifically to water that is suitable for drinking. It is an essential term when discussing environmental, health, or sustainability topics.
I go to bed early in order to be fit tomorrow.
in order to
Ich gehe früh schlafen, um morgen fit zu sein.
Tips: The combination um…zu is a prepositional conjunction used to express purpose, intention, or goal. It connects two phrases, where the first phrase indicates the purpose and the second phrase describes the action or result.
Similar: damit (so that), um…herum (around, about)
She practices a lot in order to master the concert.
in order to
Sie übt viel, um das Konzert zu meistern.
Tips: The combination um…zu is a prepositional conjunction used to express purpose, intention, or goal. It connects two phrases, where the first phrase indicates the purpose and the second phrase describes the action or result.
Similar: damit (so that), um…herum (around, about)
He is learning German in order to improve himself.
in order to
Er lernt Deutsch, um sich zu verbessern.
Tips: The combination um…zu is a prepositional conjunction used to express purpose, intention, or goal. It connects two phrases, where the first phrase indicates the purpose and the second phrase describes the action or result.
Similar: damit (so that), um…herum (around, about)
He made an effort in vain, the concert was already sold out.
in vain, for nothing
Er hat sich umsonst bemüht, das Konzert war bereits ausverkauft.
Tips: The adverb ‘umsonst’ is used to indicate that something was done in vain or without success. It implies that the effort or action did not yield the desired result. It is often used in contexts where expectations were not met or efforts were futile.
Similar: vergeblich, ohne Erfolg
She waited in vain for the call, he didn’t get in touch.
in vain, for nothing
Sie wartete umsonst auf den Anruf, er hat sich nicht gemeldet.
Tips: The adverb ‘umsonst’ is used to indicate that something was done in vain or without success. It implies that the effort or action did not yield the desired result. It is often used in contexts where expectations were not met or efforts were futile.
Similar: vergeblich, ohne Erfolg
The car repair was for nothing, it still doesn’t work properly.
in vain, for nothing
Die Reparatur des Autos war umsonst, es funktioniert immer noch nicht richtig.
Tips: The adverb ‘umsonst’ is used to indicate that something was done in vain or without success. It implies that the effort or action did not yield the desired result. It is often used in contexts where expectations were not met or efforts were futile.
Similar: vergeblich, ohne Erfolg
Environmental protection is important to preserve nature.
environmental protection
Umweltschutz ist wichtig, um die Natur zu erhalten.
Tips: The term Umweltschutz refers to the efforts and actions taken to protect the environment. It encompasses activities aimed at preserving natural resources, preventing pollution, and promoting sustainability. It’s a crucial topic in today’s world and is often discussed in the context of climate change and biodiversity conservation.
Environmental protection is promoted through various measures such as recycling and waste reduction.
environmental protection
Der Umweltschutzes wird durch verschiedene Maßnahmen wie Recycling und Abfallvermeidung gefördert.
Tips: The term Umweltschutz refers to the efforts and actions taken to protect the environment. It encompasses activities aimed at preserving natural resources, preventing pollution, and promoting sustainability. It’s a crucial topic in today’s world and is often discussed in the context of climate change and biodiversity conservation.
Many people are involved in environmental protection because they want to protect the earth.
environmental protection
Viele Menschen engagieren sich für den Umweltschutz, weil sie die Erde schützen wollen.
Tips: The term Umweltschutz refers to the efforts and actions taken to protect the environment. It encompasses activities aimed at preserving natural resources, preventing pollution, and promoting sustainability. It’s a crucial topic in today’s world and is often discussed in the context of climate change and biodiversity conservation.
Environmental pollution is a serious problem in many industrialized countries.
environmental pollution
Die Umweltverschmutzung ist ein ernstes Problem in vielen Industrieländern.
Tips: The term Umweltverschmutzung refers to the contamination of the environment, particularly by pollutants and waste. It is a significant issue globally and is frequently discussed in the context of environmental protection and sustainability.
The government is implementing measures to reduce environmental pollution.
environmental pollution
Die Regierung setzt Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Umweltverschmutzung um.
Tips: The term Umweltverschmutzung refers to the contamination of the environment, particularly by pollutants and waste. It is a significant issue globally and is frequently discussed in the context of environmental protection and sustainability.
Many people are actively involved in the fight against environmental pollution.
environmental pollution
Viele Menschen engagieren sich aktiv im Kampf gegen Umweltverschmutzung.
Tips: The term Umweltverschmutzung refers to the contamination of the environment, particularly by pollutants and waste. It is a significant issue globally and is frequently discussed in the context of environmental protection and sustainability.
The consequences of environmental pollution are very concerning for the population’s health.
environmental pollution
Die Folgen der Umweltverschmutzung sind für die Gesundheit der Bevölkerung sehr besorgniserregend.
Tips: The term Umweltverschmutzung refers to the contamination of the environment, particularly by pollutants and waste. It is a significant issue globally and is frequently discussed in the context of environmental protection and sustainability.
Nevertheless, environmental pollution is often not taken seriously enough.
environmental pollution
Trotzdem wird die Umweltverschmutzung oft nicht ernst genug genommen.
Tips: The term Umweltverschmutzung refers to the contamination of the environment, particularly by pollutants and waste. It is a significant issue globally and is frequently discussed in the context of environmental protection and sustainability.
I differentiate the two plants based on their leaves.
to differentiate/to distinguish
Ich unterscheide die beiden Pflanzen anhand ihrer Blätter.
Tips: The verb unterscheiden is used when someone distinguishes or differentiates between two or more things. It’s often used to emphasize the ability to perceive differences and make distinctions.
Similar: erkennen (to recognize), differenzieren (to differentiate)
She distinguished the twins based on their voices.
to differentiate/to distinguish
Sie unterschied die Zwillinge anhand ihrer Stimmen.
Tips: The verb unterscheiden is used when someone distinguishes or differentiates between two or more things. It’s often used to emphasize the ability to perceive differences and make distinctions.
Similar: erkennen (to recognize), differenzieren (to differentiate)
He immediately differentiated the mistake in the report.
to differentiate/to distinguish
Er hat den Fehler im Bericht sofort unterschieden.
Tips: The verb unterscheiden is used when someone distinguishes or differentiates between two or more things. It’s often used to emphasize the ability to perceive differences and make distinctions.
Similar: erkennen (to recognize), differenzieren (to differentiate)
Although they look similar, you can differentiate them well.
to differentiate/to distinguish
Obwohl sie ähnlich aussehen, kann man sie gut unterscheiden.
Tips: The verb unterscheiden is used when someone distinguishes or differentiates between two or more things. It’s often used to emphasize the ability to perceive differences and make distinctions.
Similar: erkennen (to recognize), differenzieren (to differentiate)
One should differentiate between facts and assumptions.
to differentiate/to distinguish
Man sollte zwischen Fakten und Vermutungen unterscheiden.
Tips: The verb unterscheiden is used when someone distinguishes or differentiates between two or more things. It’s often used to emphasize the ability to perceive differences and make distinctions.
Similar: erkennen (to recognize), differenzieren (to differentiate)
I like to support my friends in difficult times.
to support
Ich unterstütze gerne meine Freunde in schwierigen Zeiten.
Tips: The verb unterstützen is used to express the action of actively supporting or assisting someone or something. It can refer to various forms of support, such as emotional, financial, or practical help. This verb is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts.
Similar: helfen (to help), fördern (to promote, to foster)
She supported the non-profit organization with a generous donation.
to support
Sie unterstützte die gemeinnützige Organisation mit einer großzügigen Spende.
Tips: The verb unterstützen is used to express the action of actively supporting or assisting someone or something. It can refer to various forms of support, such as emotional, financial, or practical help. This verb is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts.
Similar: helfen (to help), fördern (to promote, to foster)
The government has supported the financial promotion of environmental projects.
to support
Die Regierung hat unterstützt, dass die Umweltprojekte finanziell gefördert werden.
Tips: The verb unterstützen is used to express the action of actively supporting or assisting someone or something. It can refer to various forms of support, such as emotional, financial, or practical help. This verb is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts.
Similar: helfen (to help), fördern (to promote, to foster)
He supports his classmates in their studies by giving them tutoring.
to support
Er unterstützt seine Mitschüler beim Lernen, indem er ihnen Nachhilfe gibt.
Tips: The verb unterstützen is used to express the action of actively supporting or assisting someone or something. It can refer to various forms of support, such as emotional, financial, or practical help. This verb is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts.
Similar: helfen (to help), fördern (to promote, to foster)
Although she was tired, she still supported her colleagues at work.
to support
Obwohl sie müde war, unterstützte sie trotzdem ihre Kollegen bei der Arbeit.
Tips: The verb unterstützen is used to express the action of actively supporting or assisting someone or something. It can refer to various forms of support, such as emotional, financial, or practical help. This verb is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts.
Similar: helfen (to help), fördern (to promote, to foster)
The cause of the problem lies in the lack of communication.
Die Ursache des Problems liegt in der mangelnden Kommunikation.
Tips: The noun Ursache is used to refer to the root or reason behind a certain event or situation. It’s commonly used in formal or informal contexts when discussing causes and effects. It’s important to differentiate between Ursache (cause) and Grund (reason), as they can often be used interchangeably but have subtle differences.
Similar: Grund (reason), Motiv (motive)
A healthy diet can prevent the cause of many illnesses.
Eine gesunde Ernährung kann die Ursache vieler Krankheiten verhindern.
Tips: The noun Ursache is used to refer to the root or reason behind a certain event or situation. It’s commonly used in formal or informal contexts when discussing causes and effects. It’s important to differentiate between Ursache (cause) and Grund (reason), as they can often be used interchangeably but have subtle differences.
Similar: Grund (reason), Motiv (motive)
However, the exact cause of the accident could not be determined.
Trotzdem konnte die genaue Ursache des Unfalls nicht ermittelt werden.
Tips: The noun Ursache is used to refer to the root or reason behind a certain event or situation. It’s commonly used in formal or informal contexts when discussing causes and effects. It’s important to differentiate between Ursache (cause) and Grund (reason), as they can often be used interchangeably but have subtle differences.
Similar: Grund (reason), Motiv (motive)
We use less water when we take shorter showers.
to consume, to use up
Wir verbrauchen weniger Wasser, wenn wir kürzer duschen.
Tips: The verb verbrauchen is used to express the action of consuming or using up something, such as food, energy, or resources. It is a regular verb and follows the standard conjugation pattern for regular verbs ending in ‘-en’.
Similar: konsumieren (to consume), nutzen (to use)
He used up all his money to buy a new car.
to consume, to use up
Er verbrauchte sein gesamtes Geld, um ein neues Auto zu kaufen.
Tips: The verb verbrauchen is used to express the action of consuming or using up something, such as food, energy, or resources. It is a regular verb and follows the standard conjugation pattern for regular verbs ending in ‘-en’.
Similar: konsumieren (to consume), nutzen (to use)
She used up the batteries because she left the light on all night.
to consume, to use up
Sie hat die Batterien verbraucht, weil sie das Licht die ganze Nacht angelassen hat.
Tips: The verb verbrauchen is used to express the action of consuming or using up something, such as food, energy, or resources. It is a regular verb and follows the standard conjugation pattern for regular verbs ending in ‘-en’.
Similar: konsumieren (to consume), nutzen (to use)
The company consumes large amounts of paper for its production.
to consume, to use up
Die Firma verbraucht große Mengen Papier für ihre Produktion.
Tips: The verb verbrauchen is used to express the action of consuming or using up something, such as food, energy, or resources. It is a regular verb and follows the standard conjugation pattern for regular verbs ending in ‘-en’.
Similar: konsumieren (to consume), nutzen (to use)
Nevertheless, he did not consume the food because he was full.
to consume, to use up
Trotzdem hat er das Essen nicht verbraucht, weil er satt war.
Tips: The verb verbrauchen is used to express the action of consuming or using up something, such as food, energy, or resources. It is a regular verb and follows the standard conjugation pattern for regular verbs ending in ‘-en’.
Similar: konsumieren (to consume), nutzen (to use)
She demands a fair compensation.
to demand, to require, to desire
Sie verlangt nach einem gerechten Ausgleich.
Tips: The verb verlangen can be used to express demanding something, requiring something, or desiring something. It can be used in both formal and informal contexts. It is important to pay attention to the context to understand whether it conveys a demand, a requirement, or a desire.
Similar: fordern (to demand, to require), begehren (to desire, to long for)
He required more information before making a decision.
to demand, to require, to desire
Er verlangte nach mehr Informationen, bevor er eine Entscheidung traf.
Tips: The verb verlangen can be used to express demanding something, requiring something, or desiring something. It can be used in both formal and informal contexts. It is important to pay attention to the context to understand whether it conveys a demand, a requirement, or a desire.
Similar: fordern (to demand, to require), begehren (to desire, to long for)
I demanded that my car be repaired by tomorrow.
to demand, to require, to desire
Ich habe verlangt, dass mein Auto bis morgen repariert ist.
Tips: The verb verlangen can be used to express demanding something, requiring something, or desiring something. It can be used in both formal and informal contexts. It is important to pay attention to the context to understand whether it conveys a demand, a requirement, or a desire.
Similar: fordern (to demand, to require), begehren (to desire, to long for)
She desired better service in the restaurant.
to demand, to require, to desire
Sie verlangte nach einem besseren Service in dem Restaurant.
Tips: The verb verlangen can be used to express demanding something, requiring something, or desiring something. It can be used in both formal and informal contexts. It is important to pay attention to the context to understand whether it conveys a demand, a requirement, or a desire.
Similar: fordern (to demand, to require), begehren (to desire, to long for)
He demands a lot of himself.
to demand, to require, to desire
Er verlangt viel von sich selbst.
Tips: The verb verlangen can be used to express demanding something, requiring something, or desiring something. It can be used in both formal and informal contexts. It is important to pay attention to the context to understand whether it conveys a demand, a requirement, or a desire.
Similar: fordern (to demand, to require), begehren (to desire, to long for)
Could you please lend me your book?
to lend, to award
Könnten Sie mir bitte Ihr Buch verleihen?
Tips: The verb verleihen can be used both to express lending something to someone or awarding something to someone. It is important to note the context in which it is used, as it can signify either giving something temporarily or as an honor or recognition.
Similar: ausleihen (to borrow)
The university awarded him a prize.
to lend, to award
Die Universität hat ihm einen Preis verliehen.
Tips: The verb verleihen can be used both to express lending something to someone or awarding something to someone. It is important to note the context in which it is used, as it can signify either giving something temporarily or as an honor or recognition.
Similar: ausleihen (to borrow)
I lent her my car for the weekend.
to lend, to award
Ich habe ihr mein Auto für das Wochenende verliehen.
Tips: The verb verleihen can be used both to express lending something to someone or awarding something to someone. It is important to note the context in which it is used, as it can signify either giving something temporarily or as an honor or recognition.
Similar: ausleihen (to borrow)
Although he didn’t deserve it, a lot of trust was placed in him.
to lend, to award
Obwohl er es nicht verdient hat, wurde ihm viel Vertrauen verliehen.
Tips: The verb verleihen can be used both to express lending something to someone or awarding something to someone. It is important to note the context in which it is used, as it can signify either giving something temporarily or as an honor or recognition.
Similar: ausleihen (to borrow)
He lent me his bike, so I am very grateful.
to lend, to award
Er hat mir sein Fahrrad verliehen, daher bin ich sehr dankbar.
Tips: The verb verleihen can be used both to express lending something to someone or awarding something to someone. It is important to note the context in which it is used, as it can signify either giving something temporarily or as an honor or recognition.
Similar: ausleihen (to borrow)
She avoids walking in the midday sun to prevent sunburn.
to avoid
Sie vermeidet es, in der Mittagssonne spazieren zu gehen, um einen Sonnenbrand zu vermeiden.
Tips: The verb vermeiden is used to express the action of avoiding something in order to prevent negative consequences. It is commonly used in everyday language and is essential for expressing the act of steering clear of certain situations or things.
Similar: verhindern (to prevent), ausweichen (to evade)
He avoided talking about the topic to prevent conflicts.
to avoid
Er vermied es, über das Thema zu sprechen, um Konflikte zu vermeiden.
Tips: The verb vermeiden is used to express the action of avoiding something in order to prevent negative consequences. It is commonly used in everyday language and is essential for expressing the act of steering clear of certain situations or things.
Similar: verhindern (to prevent), ausweichen (to evade)
She avoided the forest path because it was slippery after the rain.
to avoid
Sie hat den Waldweg vermieden, weil er nach dem Regen rutschig war.
Tips: The verb vermeiden is used to express the action of avoiding something in order to prevent negative consequences. It is commonly used in everyday language and is essential for expressing the act of steering clear of certain situations or things.
Similar: verhindern (to prevent), ausweichen (to evade)
Although he is allergic to cats, he does not avoid spending time with his girlfriend, who has a cat.
to avoid
Obwohl er allergisch gegen Katzen ist, vermeidet er es nicht, Zeit mit seiner Freundin zu verbringen, die eine Katze hat.
Tips: The verb vermeiden is used to express the action of avoiding something in order to prevent negative consequences. It is commonly used in everyday language and is essential for expressing the act of steering clear of certain situations or things.
Similar: verhindern (to prevent), ausweichen (to evade)
Avoiding plastic is good for the environment.
to avoid
Die Vermeidung von Plastik ist gut für die Umwelt.
Tips: The verb vermeiden is used to express the action of avoiding something in order to prevent negative consequences. It is commonly used in everyday language and is essential for expressing the act of steering clear of certain situations or things.
Similar: verhindern (to prevent), ausweichen (to evade)
The factory pollutes the river with toxic waste.
to pollute, to soil
Die Fabrik verschmutzt den Fluss mit giftigen Abfällen.
Tips: The verb verschmutzen is used to describe the action of polluting or soiling something, such as the environment, water, or objects. It is commonly used in the context of environmental protection and cleanliness.
She accidentally soiled her beautiful dress with coffee stains.
to pollute, to soil
Sie verschmutzte aus Versehen ihr schönes Kleid mit Kaffeeflecken.
Tips: The verb verschmutzen is used to describe the action of polluting or soiling something, such as the environment, water, or objects. It is commonly used in the context of environmental protection and cleanliness.
The rain has polluted the streets and made them muddy.
to pollute, to soil
Der Regen hat die Straßen verschmutzt und sie schlammig gemacht.
Tips: The verb verschmutzen is used to describe the action of polluting or soiling something, such as the environment, water, or objects. It is commonly used in the context of environmental protection and cleanliness.
Nevertheless, she does not pollute the environment and separates her waste correctly.
to pollute, to soil
Trotzdem verschmutzt sie nicht die Umwelt und trennt ihren Müll korrekt.
Tips: The verb verschmutzen is used to describe the action of polluting or soiling something, such as the environment, water, or objects. It is commonly used in the context of environmental protection and cleanliness.
It is important that we do not continue to pollute our oceans.
to pollute, to soil
Es ist wichtig, dass wir unsere Ozeane nicht weiter verschmutzen.
Tips: The verb verschmutzen is used to describe the action of polluting or soiling something, such as the environment, water, or objects. It is commonly used in the context of environmental protection and cleanliness.
They waste too much water, which is not good for the environment.
to waste
Sie verschwenden zu viel Wasser, das ist nicht gut für die Umwelt.
Tips: The verb verschwenden is used to express the action of wastefulness or squandering. It is commonly used in the context of wasting resources, time, or money. This verb can be used both in formal and informal conversations, and it’s important to know when to use it to convey the idea of unnecessary waste.
Similar: vergeuden (to squander, to fritter away), verschleudern (to squander, to dissipate)
He wasted his time on useless activities.
to waste
Er verschwendete seine Zeit mit nutzlosen Aktivitäten.
Tips: The verb verschwenden is used to express the action of wastefulness or squandering. It is commonly used in the context of wasting resources, time, or money. This verb can be used both in formal and informal conversations, and it’s important to know when to use it to convey the idea of unnecessary waste.
Similar: vergeuden (to squander, to fritter away), verschleudern (to squander, to dissipate)
She has wasted her money on expensive clothes.
to waste
Sie hat verschwendet ihr Geld für teure Kleidung.
Tips: The verb verschwenden is used to express the action of wastefulness or squandering. It is commonly used in the context of wasting resources, time, or money. This verb can be used both in formal and informal conversations, and it’s important to know when to use it to convey the idea of unnecessary waste.
Similar: vergeuden (to squander, to fritter away), verschleudern (to squander, to dissipate)
Nevertheless, many people waste food, even though there are so many in need.
to waste
Trotzdem verschwenden viele Menschen Lebensmittel, obwohl es so viele Bedürftige gibt.
Tips: The verb verschwenden is used to express the action of wastefulness or squandering. It is commonly used in the context of wasting resources, time, or money. This verb can be used both in formal and informal conversations, and it’s important to know when to use it to convey the idea of unnecessary waste.
Similar: vergeuden (to squander, to fritter away), verschleudern (to squander, to dissipate)
If one is thrifty, one does not waste resources.
to waste
Wenn man sparsam ist, verschwendet man keine Ressourcen.
Tips: The verb verschwenden is used to express the action of wastefulness or squandering. It is commonly used in the context of wasting resources, time, or money. This verb can be used both in formal and informal conversations, and it’s important to know when to use it to convey the idea of unnecessary waste.
Similar: vergeuden (to squander, to fritter away), verschleudern (to squander, to dissipate)
The teacher distributes the tasks to the students.
to distribute
Die Lehrerin verteilt die Aufgaben an die Schüler.
Tips: The verb verteilen is used to express the action of distributing something among different recipients. It is a regular verb and its conjugation follows the standard pattern for regular verbs ending in -ieren.
Yesterday, he distributed the flyers throughout the city.
to distribute
Gestern verteilte er die Flyer in der ganzen Stadt.
Tips: The verb verteilen is used to express the action of distributing something among different recipients. It is a regular verb and its conjugation follows the standard pattern for regular verbs ending in -ieren.
She distributed the gifts to the guests.
to distribute
Sie hat die Geschenke an die Gäste verteilt.
Tips: The verb verteilen is used to express the action of distributing something among different recipients. It is a regular verb and its conjugation follows the standard pattern for regular verbs ending in -ieren.
Despite the rain, he distributed the newspapers.
to distribute
Trotzdem, dass es geregnet hat, hat er die Zeitungen verteilt.
Tips: The verb verteilen is used to express the action of distributing something among different recipients. It is a regular verb and its conjugation follows the standard pattern for regular verbs ending in -ieren.
He enjoys distributing the candies to the children.
to distribute
Er verteilt die Süßigkeiten gerne an die Kinder.
Tips: The verb verteilen is used to express the action of distributing something among different recipients. It is a regular verb and its conjugation follows the standard pattern for regular verbs ending in -ieren.
The company wants to utilize the old materials to save resources.
to utilize, to exploit, to make use of
Die Firma möchte die alten Materialien verwerten, um Ressourcen zu sparen.
Tips: The verb “verwerten” is used to express the action of making use of something, usually in a resourceful or productive way. It is often used in the context of utilizing materials, opportunities, or ideas.
He made use of the opportunity to showcase his skills.
to utilize, to exploit, to make use of
Er hat die Chance verwertet, um seine Fähigkeiten zu zeigen.
Tips: The verb “verwerten” is used to express the action of making use of something, usually in a resourceful or productive way. It is often used in the context of utilizing materials, opportunities, or ideas.
She exploited the idea to develop a new product.
to utilize, to exploit, to make use of
Sie hat die Idee verwertet, um ein neues Produkt zu entwickeln.
Tips: The verb “verwerten” is used to express the action of making use of something, usually in a resourceful or productive way. It is often used in the context of utilizing materials, opportunities, or ideas.
She is completely right.
complete, total, absolute
Sie hat völlig recht.
Tips: The adverb ‘völlig’ is used to describe something that is complete, total, or absolute. It’s often used to emphasize the extremeness of a situation or condition.
Similar: komplett (complete), absolut (absolute)
That is totally senseless.
complete, total, absolute
Das ist völlig sinnlos.
Tips: The adverb ‘völlig’ is used to describe something that is complete, total, or absolute. It’s often used to emphasize the extremeness of a situation or condition.
Similar: komplett (complete), absolut (absolute)
He broke out in total panic.
complete, total, absolute
Er ist in völliger Panik ausgebrochen.
Tips: The adverb ‘völlig’ is used to describe something that is complete, total, or absolute. It’s often used to emphasize the extremeness of a situation or condition.
Similar: komplett (complete), absolut (absolute)
The complete darkness made orientation difficult.
complete, total, absolute
Die völlige Dunkelheit machte die Orientierung schwierig.
Tips: The adverb ‘völlig’ is used to describe something that is complete, total, or absolute. It’s often used to emphasize the extremeness of a situation or condition.
Similar: komplett (complete), absolut (absolute)
I contradict your opinion, I think you are wrong.
to contradict
Ich widerspreche deiner Meinung, ich glaube, du hast unrecht.
Tips: The verb widersprechen is used to express contradiction or opposing a statement or opinion. It is commonly used in discussions, debates, and everyday conversations. When using this verb, it’s essential to pay attention to the correct word order and the case of the object in the sentence.
Similar: entgegenhalten (to object, to rebut), kontern (to counter, to retort)
She contradicted her parents and still moved abroad.
to contradict
Sie widersprach ihren Eltern und zog trotzdem ins Ausland.
Tips: The verb widersprechen is used to express contradiction or opposing a statement or opinion. It is commonly used in discussions, debates, and everyday conversations. When using this verb, it’s essential to pay attention to the correct word order and the case of the object in the sentence.
Similar: entgegenhalten (to object, to rebut), kontern (to counter, to retort)
He contradicted me when I said he was late.
to contradict
Er hat widersprochen, als ich sagte, dass er zu spät sei.
Tips: The verb widersprechen is used to express contradiction or opposing a statement or opinion. It is commonly used in discussions, debates, and everyday conversations. When using this verb, it’s essential to pay attention to the correct word order and the case of the object in the sentence.
Similar: entgegenhalten (to object, to rebut), kontern (to counter, to retort)
Although she contradicted him, he still respected her.
to contradict
Obwohl sie ihm widersprach, hat er sie trotzdem respektiert.
Tips: The verb widersprechen is used to express contradiction or opposing a statement or opinion. It is commonly used in discussions, debates, and everyday conversations. When using this verb, it’s essential to pay attention to the correct word order and the case of the object in the sentence.
Similar: entgegenhalten (to object, to rebut), kontern (to counter, to retort)
He often contradicts when he has a different opinion.
to contradict
Er widerspricht oft, wenn er anderer Meinung ist.
Tips: The verb widersprechen is used to express contradiction or opposing a statement or opinion. It is commonly used in discussions, debates, and everyday conversations. When using this verb, it’s essential to pay attention to the correct word order and the case of the object in the sentence.
Similar: entgegenhalten (to object, to rebut), kontern (to counter, to retort)
Recycling paper is important for the environment.
Die Wiederverwertung von Papier ist wichtig für die Umwelt.
Tips: The noun Wiederverwertung is commonly used in the context of environmental protection and waste management. It refers to the process of reusing materials to create new products, thus reducing waste and conserving resources.
We should do more for the recycling of plastic.
Wir sollten mehr für die Wiederverwertung von Plastik tun.
Tips: The noun Wiederverwertung is commonly used in the context of environmental protection and waste management. It refers to the process of reusing materials to create new products, thus reducing waste and conserving resources.
Recycling glass reduces environmental pollution.
Die Wiederverwertung von Glas reduziert die Umweltverschmutzung.
Tips: The noun Wiederverwertung is commonly used in the context of environmental protection and waste management. It refers to the process of reusing materials to create new products, thus reducing waste and conserving resources.
I am counting the flowers in the garden.
to count
Ich zähle die Blumen im Garten.
Tips: The verb zählen is used to express the action of counting. It can refer to counting objects, money, or even relying on someone. It is a common and practical verb used in various contexts.
Similar: rechnen (to calculate, to do arithmetic), addieren (to add)
Yesterday she counted the money she had saved.
to count
Gestern zählte sie das Geld, das sie gespart hatte.
Tips: The verb zählen is used to express the action of counting. It can refer to counting objects, money, or even relying on someone. It is a common and practical verb used in various contexts.
Similar: rechnen (to calculate, to do arithmetic), addieren (to add)
He counted the coins in his piggy bank.
to count
Er hat die Münzen in seinem Sparschwein gezählt.
Tips: The verb zählen is used to express the action of counting. It can refer to counting objects, money, or even relying on someone. It is a common and practical verb used in various contexts.
Similar: rechnen (to calculate, to do arithmetic), addieren (to add)
I am counting on you to come on time.
to count
Ich zähle auf dich, dass du pünktlich kommst.
Tips: The verb zählen is used to express the action of counting. It can refer to counting objects, money, or even relying on someone. It is a common and practical verb used in various contexts.
Similar: rechnen (to calculate, to do arithmetic), addieren (to add)
Although it is difficult, it still counts as one of the basic skills.
to count
Obwohl es schwierig ist, zählt es sich immer noch zu den Grundfertigkeiten.
Tips: The verb zählen is used to express the action of counting. It can refer to counting objects, money, or even relying on someone. It is a common and practical verb used in various contexts.
Similar: rechnen (to calculate, to do arithmetic), addieren (to add)
She is drawing a beautiful picture of a landscape.
to draw
Sie zeichnet ein wunderschönes Bild von einer Landschaft.
Tips: The verb zeichnen specifically refers to the action of drawing. It is commonly used when talking about creating visual art, such as sketches, portraits, or landscapes. This verb is an essential part of artistic expression and is frequently used in creative contexts.
Similar: malen (to paint), skizzieren (to sketch)
He drew a portrait of his grandmother.
to draw
Er zeichnete ein Porträt seiner Großmutter.
Tips: The verb zeichnen specifically refers to the action of drawing. It is commonly used when talking about creating visual art, such as sketches, portraits, or landscapes. This verb is an essential part of artistic expression and is frequently used in creative contexts.
Similar: malen (to paint), skizzieren (to sketch)
She has been drawing all day and is very satisfied with her work.
to draw
Sie hat den ganzen Tag gezeichnet und ist sehr zufrieden mit ihrer Arbeit.
Tips: The verb zeichnen specifically refers to the action of drawing. It is commonly used when talking about creating visual art, such as sketches, portraits, or landscapes. This verb is an essential part of artistic expression and is frequently used in creative contexts.
Similar: malen (to paint), skizzieren (to sketch)
Although he was tired, he continued to draw because he did not want to lose his inspiration.
to draw
Obwohl er müde war, zeichnete er weiter, weil er seine Inspiration nicht verlieren wollte.
Tips: The verb zeichnen specifically refers to the action of drawing. It is commonly used when talking about creating visual art, such as sketches, portraits, or landscapes. This verb is an essential part of artistic expression and is frequently used in creative contexts.
Similar: malen (to paint), skizzieren (to sketch)
When I draw, I forget about time.
to draw
Wenn ich zeichne, vergesse ich die Zeit.
Tips: The verb zeichnen specifically refers to the action of drawing. It is commonly used when talking about creating visual art, such as sketches, portraits, or landscapes. This verb is an essential part of artistic expression and is frequently used in creative contexts.
Similar: malen (to paint), skizzieren (to sketch)
The storm is destroying the old trees in the forest.
to destroy
Der Sturm zerstört die alten Bäume im Wald.
Tips: The verb zerstören is used to convey the meaning of irreversible damage or destruction. It is a potent word used to describe the loss or devastation of something. Be mindful of its use and context due to its strong connotations.
She accidentally destroyed the painting when she turned around.
to destroy
Sie zerstörte das Gemälde aus Versehen, als sie sich umdrehte.
Tips: The verb zerstören is used to convey the meaning of irreversible damage or destruction. It is a potent word used to describe the loss or devastation of something. Be mindful of its use and context due to its strong connotations.
The wars have destroyed many historical sites.
to destroy
Die Kriege haben viele historische Stätten zerstört.
Tips: The verb zerstören is used to convey the meaning of irreversible damage or destruction. It is a potent word used to describe the loss or devastation of something. Be mindful of its use and context due to its strong connotations.
Nevertheless, he did not destroy the hope.
to destroy
Trotzdem hat er die Hoffnung nicht zerstört.
Tips: The verb zerstören is used to convey the meaning of irreversible damage or destruction. It is a potent word used to describe the loss or devastation of something. Be mindful of its use and context due to its strong connotations.
Nature has restored the destroyed landscape.
to destroy
Die Natur hat die zerstörte Landschaft wiederhergestellt.
Tips: The verb zerstören is used to convey the meaning of irreversible damage or destruction. It is a potent word used to describe the loss or devastation of something. Be mindful of its use and context due to its strong connotations.