Netzwerk_Neu_B1_Ch7_mode-english-example-to-german-example Flashcards
She arranged to meet her clique for coffee.
Sie verabredete sich mit ihrer Clique zum Kaffeetrinken.
Tips: The word ‘Clique’ in German refers to a close-knit group of friends or acquaintances. It is commonly used to describe a group of people who have a strong bond and often spend time together. The term has a friendly connotation and is not usually associated with negative exclusivity.
In her clique, there are many different personalities.
In ihrer Clique gibt es viele verschiedene Persönlichkeiten.
Tips: The word ‘Clique’ in German refers to a close-knit group of friends or acquaintances. It is commonly used to describe a group of people who have a strong bond and often spend time together. The term has a friendly connotation and is not usually associated with negative exclusivity.
She has a good understanding of mathematics.
understanding, comprehension
Sie hat ein gutes Verständnis für Mathematik.
Tips: The noun Verständnis refers to the ability to comprehend or understand something. It can be used in various contexts, from understanding a concept to having empathy and consideration for others. It’s an important word in both personal and professional interactions.
He showed a lot of understanding for his friend’s situation.
understanding, comprehension
Er zeigte viel Verständnis für die Situation seines Freundes.
Tips: The noun Verständnis refers to the ability to comprehend or understand something. It can be used in various contexts, from understanding a concept to having empathy and consideration for others. It’s an important word in both personal and professional interactions.
The understanding between the two parties led to a peaceful solution.
understanding, comprehension
Das Verständnis zwischen den beiden Parteien führte zu einer friedlichen Lösung.
Tips: The noun Verständnis refers to the ability to comprehend or understand something. It can be used in various contexts, from understanding a concept to having empathy and consideration for others. It’s an important word in both personal and professional interactions.
Nevertheless, there was a lack of understanding for the cultural differences.
understanding, comprehension
Trotzdem mangelte es an Verständnis für die kulturellen Unterschiede.
Tips: The noun Verständnis refers to the ability to comprehend or understand something. It can be used in various contexts, from understanding a concept to having empathy and consideration for others. It’s an important word in both personal and professional interactions.
Mutual understanding is important for a harmonious cooperation.
understanding, comprehension
Gegenseitiges Verständnis ist wichtig für eine harmonische Zusammenarbeit.
Tips: The noun Verständnis refers to the ability to comprehend or understand something. It can be used in various contexts, from understanding a concept to having empathy and consideration for others. It’s an important word in both personal and professional interactions.
I understand you completely. You don’t have to worry.
to understand (reflexive verb)
Ich verstehe dich vollkommen. Du musst dir keine Sorgen machen.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich verstehen is used to express the action of understanding, either in terms of comprehension or in the sense of getting along with someone. It is commonly used in everyday conversations and is an important verb to know.
Similar: begreifen (to comprehend, to grasp), nachvollziehen (to comprehend, to empathize)
He got along well with his colleagues.
to understand (reflexive verb)
Er verstand sich gut mit seinen Kollegen.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich verstehen is used to express the action of understanding, either in terms of comprehension or in the sense of getting along with someone. It is commonly used in everyday conversations and is an important verb to know.
Similar: begreifen (to comprehend, to grasp), nachvollziehen (to comprehend, to empathize)
She didn’t understand the instructions, that’s why she did the task wrong.
to understand (reflexive verb)
Sie hat die Anweisungen nicht verstanden, deshalb hat sie die Aufgabe falsch gemacht.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich verstehen is used to express the action of understanding, either in terms of comprehension or in the sense of getting along with someone. It is commonly used in everyday conversations and is an important verb to know.
Similar: begreifen (to comprehend, to grasp), nachvollziehen (to comprehend, to empathize)
We understand each other better and better. It’s nice to have met you.
to understand (reflexive verb)
Wir verstehen uns immer besser. Es ist schön, dich kennengelernt zu haben.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich verstehen is used to express the action of understanding, either in terms of comprehension or in the sense of getting along with someone. It is commonly used in everyday conversations and is an important verb to know.
Similar: begreifen (to comprehend, to grasp), nachvollziehen (to comprehend, to empathize)
He felt well understood when he received praise from his boss.
to understand (reflexive verb)
Er hat sich gut verstanden gefühlt, als er das Lob seines Chefs erhielt.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich verstehen is used to express the action of understanding, either in terms of comprehension or in the sense of getting along with someone. It is commonly used in everyday conversations and is an important verb to know.
Similar: begreifen (to comprehend, to grasp), nachvollziehen (to comprehend, to empathize)
We are having fun at the birthday party tonight.
to enjoy oneself, to have fun
Wir amüsieren uns heute Abend bei der Geburtstagsfeier.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich amüsieren is used to express the idea of enjoying oneself or having fun. It is commonly used in social contexts and leisure activities. The reflexive pronoun ‘sich’ is used to indicate that the action of amusement is directed back to the subject. It can be used in various tenses and is a versatile verb for describing enjoyment.
Similar: sich vergnügen (to have fun, to enjoy oneself), sich unterhalten (to entertain oneself, to have a good time)
I had a great time at the wedding.
to enjoy oneself, to have fun
Ich habe mich auf der Hochzeit sehr amüsiert.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich amüsieren is used to express the idea of enjoying oneself or having fun. It is commonly used in social contexts and leisure activities. The reflexive pronoun ‘sich’ is used to indicate that the action of amusement is directed back to the subject. It can be used in various tenses and is a versatile verb for describing enjoyment.
Similar: sich vergnügen (to have fun, to enjoy oneself), sich unterhalten (to entertain oneself, to have a good time)
Even though he was tired, he had a good time at the event.
to enjoy oneself, to have fun
Obwohl er müde war, hat er sich bei der Veranstaltung gut amüsiert.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich amüsieren is used to express the idea of enjoying oneself or having fun. It is commonly used in social contexts and leisure activities. The reflexive pronoun ‘sich’ is used to indicate that the action of amusement is directed back to the subject. It can be used in various tenses and is a versatile verb for describing enjoyment.
Similar: sich vergnügen (to have fun, to enjoy oneself), sich unterhalten (to entertain oneself, to have a good time)
She always enjoys herself when she is with her friends.
to enjoy oneself, to have fun
Sie amüsiert sich immer, wenn sie mit ihren Freunden ist.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich amüsieren is used to express the idea of enjoying oneself or having fun. It is commonly used in social contexts and leisure activities. The reflexive pronoun ‘sich’ is used to indicate that the action of amusement is directed back to the subject. It can be used in various tenses and is a versatile verb for describing enjoyment.
Similar: sich vergnügen (to have fun, to enjoy oneself), sich unterhalten (to entertain oneself, to have a good time)
Despite the rain, we had fun at the amusement park.
to enjoy oneself, to have fun
Trotz des Regens amüsierten wir uns im Freizeitpark.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich amüsieren is used to express the idea of enjoying oneself or having fun. It is commonly used in social contexts and leisure activities. The reflexive pronoun ‘sich’ is used to indicate that the action of amusement is directed back to the subject. It can be used in various tenses and is a versatile verb for describing enjoyment.
Similar: sich vergnügen (to have fun, to enjoy oneself), sich unterhalten (to entertain oneself, to have a good time)
I really appreciate your honesty.
to estimate, to appreciate
Ich schätze deine Ehrlichkeit sehr.
Tips: The verb schätzen can mean both ‘to estimate’ and ‘to appreciate’, depending on the context. It is used in various situations, from estimating values to expressing appreciation or gratitude. It’s important to pay attention to the context to understand which meaning is intended.
Similar: bewerten (to evaluate), abschätzen (to assess)
He estimates the value of the painting at 10,000 euros.
to estimate, to appreciate
Er schätzt den Wert des Gemäldes auf 10.000 Euro.
Tips: The verb schätzen can mean both ‘to estimate’ and ‘to appreciate’, depending on the context. It is used in various situations, from estimating values to expressing appreciation or gratitude. It’s important to pay attention to the context to understand which meaning is intended.
Similar: bewerten (to evaluate), abschätzen (to assess)
She estimated how long the trip would take, but she was wrong.
to estimate, to appreciate
Sie hat geschätzt, wie lange die Fahrt dauern würde, aber sie lag falsch.
Tips: The verb schätzen can mean both ‘to estimate’ and ‘to appreciate’, depending on the context. It is used in various situations, from estimating values to expressing appreciation or gratitude. It’s important to pay attention to the context to understand which meaning is intended.
Similar: bewerten (to evaluate), abschätzen (to assess)
Despite the rain, I appreciate the beauty of nature.
to estimate, to appreciate
Trotz des Regens schätze ich die Schönheit der Natur.
Tips: The verb schätzen can mean both ‘to estimate’ and ‘to appreciate’, depending on the context. It is used in various situations, from estimating values to expressing appreciation or gratitude. It’s important to pay attention to the context to understand which meaning is intended.
Similar: bewerten (to evaluate), abschätzen (to assess)
He appreciated the artist after having looked more closely at his works.
to estimate, to appreciate
Er hat den Künstler geschätzt, nachdem er seine Werke genauer betrachtet hatte.
Tips: The verb schätzen can mean both ‘to estimate’ and ‘to appreciate’, depending on the context. It is used in various situations, from estimating values to expressing appreciation or gratitude. It’s important to pay attention to the context to understand which meaning is intended.
Similar: bewerten (to evaluate), abschätzen (to assess)
I value your opinion.
to estimate, to value, to appreciate
Ich schätze deine Meinung an.
Tips: The verb schätzen can be used to express estimation, valuation, or appreciation. When used with the preposition an followed by a dative object, it conveys the sense of valuing or appreciating something or someone.
He appreciates the work of his team.
to estimate, to value, to appreciate
Er schätzt die Arbeit an seinem Team.
Tips: The verb schätzen can be used to express estimation, valuation, or appreciation. When used with the preposition an followed by a dative object, it conveys the sense of valuing or appreciating something or someone.
She estimated the value of the antique jewelry.
to estimate, to value, to appreciate
Sie hat den Wert des antiken Schmucks geschätzt.
Tips: The verb schätzen can be used to express estimation, valuation, or appreciation. When used with the preposition an followed by a dative object, it conveys the sense of valuing or appreciating something or someone.
We estimated the distance to be about 10 kilometers.
to estimate, to value, to appreciate
Wir schätzten die Entfernung auf ungefähr 10 Kilometer.
Tips: The verb schätzen can be used to express estimation, valuation, or appreciation. When used with the preposition an followed by a dative object, it conveys the sense of valuing or appreciating something or someone.
Please hold the door open, I’m coming!
to hold, to stop, to maintain
Bitte halt die Tür offen, ich komme gleich!
Tips: The verb halten has multiple meanings and uses. It can refer to physically holding something, stopping or pausing, or maintaining something. It is a versatile verb and is commonly used in everyday speech.
Similar: festhalten (to grasp, to cling), behalten (to keep, to retain)
The bus stops at the next bus stop.
to hold, to stop, to maintain
Der Bus hält an der nächsten Haltestelle.
Tips: The verb halten has multiple meanings and uses. It can refer to physically holding something, stopping or pausing, or maintaining something. It is a versatile verb and is commonly used in everyday speech.
Similar: festhalten (to grasp, to cling), behalten (to keep, to retain)
He delivered the speech in front of a large crowd.
to hold, to stop, to maintain
Er hielt die Rede vor einer großen Menschenmenge.
Tips: The verb halten has multiple meanings and uses. It can refer to physically holding something, stopping or pausing, or maintaining something. It is a versatile verb and is commonly used in everyday speech.
Similar: festhalten (to grasp, to cling), behalten (to keep, to retain)
She kept her promise and arrived on time.
to hold, to stop, to maintain
Sie hat ihr Versprechen gehalten und ist pünktlich gekommen.
Tips: The verb halten has multiple meanings and uses. It can refer to physically holding something, stopping or pausing, or maintaining something. It is a versatile verb and is commonly used in everyday speech.
Similar: festhalten (to grasp, to cling), behalten (to keep, to retain)
You have to maintain concentration to be successful.
to hold, to stop, to maintain
Du musst die Konzentration halten, um erfolgreich zu sein.
Tips: The verb halten has multiple meanings and uses. It can refer to physically holding something, stopping or pausing, or maintaining something. It is a versatile verb and is commonly used in everyday speech.
Similar: festhalten (to grasp, to cling), behalten (to keep, to retain)
I hope we won’t lose sight of each other when you go abroad.
to lose sight of
Ich hoffe, wir werden uns nicht aus den Augen verlieren, wenn du ins Ausland gehst.
Tips: The separable verb aus den Augen verlieren is used to express the idea of losing sight of something or someone, both physically and metaphorically. It is often used in the context of maintaining relationships or goals. When using separable verbs, remember to place the prefix at the end of the sentence in imperative and infinitive constructions, as well as at the end of subordinate clauses.
She got so absorbed in her work that she almost lost sight of her goals.
to lose sight of
Sie hat sich so in ihre Arbeit vertieft, dass sie fast ihre Ziele aus den Augen verloren hat.
Tips: The separable verb aus den Augen verlieren is used to express the idea of losing sight of something or someone, both physically and metaphorically. It is often used in the context of maintaining relationships or goals. When using separable verbs, remember to place the prefix at the end of the sentence in imperative and infinitive constructions, as well as at the end of subordinate clauses.
Everything remains the same, nothing changes.
to stay, remain
Alles bleibt beim Alten, es ändert sich nichts.
Tips: The verb bleiben is used to express the action of staying or remaining in a particular state. It is often used in the context of things, situations, or people remaining unchanged.
Similar: verbleiben (to remain, to stay)
These books belong to my collection.
to belong to
Diese Bücher gehören zu meiner Sammlung.
Tips: The verb gehören zu is used to express the idea of belonging to something or someone. It is often used to indicate possession or association. It is a regular verb and follows the typical conjugation pattern for regular verbs in German.
The red ribbon belongs to the gift.
to belong to
Die rote Schleife gehört zu dem Geschenk.
Tips: The verb gehören zu is used to express the idea of belonging to something or someone. It is often used to indicate possession or association. It is a regular verb and follows the typical conjugation pattern for regular verbs in German.
Success belongs to hard work.
to belong to
Der Erfolg gehört zu harter Arbeit.
Tips: The verb gehören zu is used to express the idea of belonging to something or someone. It is often used to indicate possession or association. It is a regular verb and follows the typical conjugation pattern for regular verbs in German.
This decision has belonged to a longer discussion.
to belong to
Diese Entscheidung hat zu einer längeren Diskussion gehört.
Tips: The verb gehören zu is used to express the idea of belonging to something or someone. It is often used to indicate possession or association. It is a regular verb and follows the typical conjugation pattern for regular verbs in German.
The responsibility belonged to this job.
to belong to
Die Verantwortung hat zu diesem Job gehört.
Tips: The verb gehören zu is used to express the idea of belonging to something or someone. It is often used to indicate possession or association. It is a regular verb and follows the typical conjugation pattern for regular verbs in German.
After a few polite words, they got into a conversation and exchanged their experiences.
to get into a conversation
Nach ein paar höflichen Worten kamen sie ins Gespräch und tauschten ihre Erfahrungen aus.
Tips: The phrase ins Gespräch kommen is used to describe the action of initiating or entering into a conversation with someone. It implies the beginning of a verbal exchange or dialogue. This expression is commonly used in social and professional contexts.
It is important to get into a conversation at a networking event to make new contacts.
to get into a conversation
Es ist wichtig, bei einer Networking-Veranstaltung ins Gespräch zu kommen, um neue Kontakte zu knüpfen.
Tips: The phrase ins Gespräch kommen is used to describe the action of initiating or entering into a conversation with someone. It implies the beginning of a verbal exchange or dialogue. This expression is commonly used in social and professional contexts.
As soon as she got into a conversation, she talked about her last vacation in Italy.
to get into a conversation
Sobald sie ins Gespräch kam, erzählte sie von ihrem letzten Urlaub in Italien.
Tips: The phrase ins Gespräch kommen is used to describe the action of initiating or entering into a conversation with someone. It implies the beginning of a verbal exchange or dialogue. This expression is commonly used in social and professional contexts.
The conflict between the two countries lasted for several years.
Der Konflikt zwischen den beiden Ländern dauerte mehrere Jahre.
Tips: The noun Konflikt refers to a clash or disagreement between individuals, groups, or nations. It can be used in various contexts, from interpersonal conflicts to international disputes. The word Konflikt is commonly used in both formal and informal language.
Similar: Streit (argument, dispute), Auseinandersetzung (dispute, confrontation)
Despite the conflict, they are trying to find a peaceful solution.
Trotz des Konflikts versuchen sie, eine friedliche Lösung zu finden.
Tips: The noun Konflikt refers to a clash or disagreement between individuals, groups, or nations. It can be used in various contexts, from interpersonal conflicts to international disputes. The word Konflikt is commonly used in both formal and informal language.
Similar: Streit (argument, dispute), Auseinandersetzung (dispute, confrontation)
There are often conflicts between different generations.
Es gibt oft Konflikte zwischen verschiedenen Generationen.
Tips: The noun Konflikt refers to a clash or disagreement between individuals, groups, or nations. It can be used in various contexts, from interpersonal conflicts to international disputes. The word Konflikt is commonly used in both formal and informal language.
Similar: Streit (argument, dispute), Auseinandersetzung (dispute, confrontation)
The conflict can be resolved in various ways.
Der Konflikt kann auf verschiedene Weisen gelöst werden.
Tips: The noun Konflikt refers to a clash or disagreement between individuals, groups, or nations. It can be used in various contexts, from interpersonal conflicts to international disputes. The word Konflikt is commonly used in both formal and informal language.
Similar: Streit (argument, dispute), Auseinandersetzung (dispute, confrontation)
Despite the conflict, it is important to treat each other with respect.
Trotzdem Konflikt ist es wichtig, respektvoll miteinander umzugehen.
Tips: The noun Konflikt refers to a clash or disagreement between individuals, groups, or nations. It can be used in various contexts, from interpersonal conflicts to international disputes. The word Konflikt is commonly used in both formal and informal language.
Similar: Streit (argument, dispute), Auseinandersetzung (dispute, confrontation)
The criticism of the movie was very positive.
Die Kritik am Film war sehr positiv.
Tips: The noun Kritik refers to the act of analyzing and evaluating something, often in a critical manner. It can be both positive and negative and is a common term used in discussions, reviews, and everyday conversations.
Similar: Bewertung (evaluation), Anmerkung (comment), Rezension (review)
She often exercises harsh criticism on herself.
Sie übt oft harte Kritik an sich selbst.
Tips: The noun Kritik refers to the act of analyzing and evaluating something, often in a critical manner. It can be both positive and negative and is a common term used in discussions, reviews, and everyday conversations.
Similar: Bewertung (evaluation), Anmerkung (comment), Rezension (review)
Despite the criticisms, the artist has not changed.
Trotz der Kritiken hat sich der Künstler nicht verändert.
Tips: The noun Kritik refers to the act of analyzing and evaluating something, often in a critical manner. It can be both positive and negative and is a common term used in discussions, reviews, and everyday conversations.
Similar: Bewertung (evaluation), Anmerkung (comment), Rezension (review)
The female critic has written an interesting article about the book.
Die Kritikerin hat einen interessanten Artikel über das Buch geschrieben.
Tips: The noun Kritik refers to the act of analyzing and evaluating something, often in a critical manner. It can be both positive and negative and is a common term used in discussions, reviews, and everyday conversations.
Similar: Bewertung (evaluation), Anmerkung (comment), Rezension (review)
He takes criticism well and uses it to improve his work.
Er nimmt Kritik gut an und nutzt sie zur Verbesserung seiner Arbeit.
Tips: The noun Kritik refers to the act of analyzing and evaluating something, often in a critical manner. It can be both positive and negative and is a common term used in discussions, reviews, and everyday conversations.
Similar: Bewertung (evaluation), Anmerkung (comment), Rezension (review)
He received a reminder because he did not pay his bill on time.
reminder, admonition, dunning
Er hat eine Mahnung erhalten, weil er seine Rechnung nicht rechtzeitig bezahlt hat.
Tips: The noun Mahnung refers to a reminder or admonition, especially in the context of overdue payments or obligations. It can also be used in a broader sense to indicate a general admonition or warning.
Similar: Erinnerung, Warnung
The company sent him several reminders until he finally paid off his debts.
reminder, admonition, dunning
Die Firma schickte ihm mehrere Mahnungen, bis er endlich seine Schulden beglichen hat.
Tips: The noun Mahnung refers to a reminder or admonition, especially in the context of overdue payments or obligations. It can also be used in a broader sense to indicate a general admonition or warning.
Similar: Erinnerung, Warnung
Divorce can be a difficult time for both partners.
Die Scheidung kann für beide Partner eine schwierige Zeit sein.
Tips: The noun Scheidung refers to the legal dissolution of a marriage. It is a formal term used in legal and everyday language. When talking about this sensitive topic, it’s important to be considerate and empathetic.
After the divorce, they shared custody of their children.
Nach der Scheidung haben sie das Sorgerecht für ihre Kinder geteilt.
Tips: The noun Scheidung refers to the legal dissolution of a marriage. It is a formal term used in legal and everyday language. When talking about this sensitive topic, it’s important to be considerate and empathetic.
Despite the divorce, they maintained a friendly relationship.
Trotz der Scheidung haben sie ein freundschaftliches Verhältnis aufrechterhalten.
Tips: The noun Scheidung refers to the legal dissolution of a marriage. It is a formal term used in legal and everyday language. When talking about this sensitive topic, it’s important to be considerate and empathetic.
Many couples consider couples therapy before divorce.
Viele Paare denken vor der Scheidung an eine Paartherapie.
Tips: The noun Scheidung refers to the legal dissolution of a marriage. It is a formal term used in legal and everyday language. When talking about this sensitive topic, it’s important to be considerate and empathetic.
The dog is biting into the bone.
to bite
Der Hund beißt in den Knochen.
Tips: The verb beißen is used specifically for the action of biting, either physically or metaphorically. It’s important to note its irregular conjugation in the past tense (Präteritum) as ‘biss’, and the perfect form as ‘hat gebissen’.
Similar: kauen (to chew), fressen (to eat (animal))
She bit into the juicy watermelon.
to bite
Sie biss in die saftige Wassermelone.
Tips: The verb beißen is used specifically for the action of biting, either physically or metaphorically. It’s important to note its irregular conjugation in the past tense (Präteritum) as ‘biss’, and the perfect form as ‘hat gebissen’.
Similar: kauen (to chew), fressen (to eat (animal))
The little boy has bitten his sister.
to bite
Der kleine Junge hat seine Schwester gebissen.
Tips: The verb beißen is used specifically for the action of biting, either physically or metaphorically. It’s important to note its irregular conjugation in the past tense (Präteritum) as ‘biss’, and the perfect form as ‘hat gebissen’.
Similar: kauen (to chew), fressen (to eat (animal))
Although the puppy is still small, he bites firmly already.
to bite
Obwohl der Welpe noch klein ist, beißt er schon kräftig zu.
Tips: The verb beißen is used specifically for the action of biting, either physically or metaphorically. It’s important to note its irregular conjugation in the past tense (Präteritum) as ‘biss’, and the perfect form as ‘hat gebissen’.
Similar: kauen (to chew), fressen (to eat (animal))
The mosquito bit me!
to bite
Die Mücke hat mich gebissen!
Tips: The verb beißen is used specifically for the action of biting, either physically or metaphorically. It’s important to note its irregular conjugation in the past tense (Präteritum) as ‘biss’, and the perfect form as ‘hat gebissen’.
Similar: kauen (to chew), fressen (to eat (animal))
The cows are eating fresh grass in the pasture.
to eat (animals)
Die Kühe fressen frisches Gras auf der Weide.
Tips: The verb fressen is specifically used for the act of eating by animals. It is important to distinguish between fressen and essen, as fressen is used for animals while essen is used for humans. Also, fressen is irregular in the present tense, as it changes to frisst. Be mindful of using the appropriate verb when describing eating actions.
Similar: essen (to eat), füttern (to feed)
Our dog likes to eat bones.
to eat (animals)
Unser Hund frisst gerne Knochen.
Tips: The verb fressen is specifically used for the act of eating by animals. It is important to distinguish between fressen and essen, as fressen is used for animals while essen is used for humans. Also, fressen is irregular in the present tense, as it changes to frisst. Be mindful of using the appropriate verb when describing eating actions.
Similar: essen (to eat), füttern (to feed)
The bear has eaten all the berries.
to eat (animals)
Der Bär hat alle Beeren gefressen.
Tips: The verb fressen is specifically used for the act of eating by animals. It is important to distinguish between fressen and essen, as fressen is used for animals while essen is used for humans. Also, fressen is irregular in the present tense, as it changes to frisst. Be mindful of using the appropriate verb when describing eating actions.
Similar: essen (to eat), füttern (to feed)
The goat is eating the leaves from the tree.
to eat (animals)
Die Ziege frisst die Blätter vom Baum.
Tips: The verb fressen is specifically used for the act of eating by animals. It is important to distinguish between fressen and essen, as fressen is used for animals while essen is used for humans. Also, fressen is irregular in the present tense, as it changes to frisst. Be mindful of using the appropriate verb when describing eating actions.
Similar: essen (to eat), füttern (to feed)
The wild boars have eaten all the corn.
to eat (animals)
Die Wildschweine haben den ganzen Mais gefressen.
Tips: The verb fressen is specifically used for the act of eating by animals. It is important to distinguish between fressen and essen, as fressen is used for animals while essen is used for humans. Also, fressen is irregular in the present tense, as it changes to frisst. Be mindful of using the appropriate verb when describing eating actions.
Similar: essen (to eat), füttern (to feed)
The knife is very sharp and cuts well.
sharp, spicy
Das Messer ist sehr scharf und schneidet gut.
Tips: The adjective scharf has two main meanings: ‘sharp’ in the sense of a sharp object or keen perception, and ‘spicy’ in the context of food. Ensure the context is clear to avoid misunderstandings.
Similar: spitz (sharp, pointed), würzig (spicy, flavorful)
She likes spicy food seasoned with chili.
sharp, spicy
Sie mag gerne scharfes Essen, das mit Chili gewürzt ist.
Tips: The adjective scharf has two main meanings: ‘sharp’ in the sense of a sharp object or keen perception, and ‘spicy’ in the context of food. Ensure the context is clear to avoid misunderstandings.
Similar: spitz (sharp, pointed), würzig (spicy, flavorful)
He has a sharp eye and notices every detail.
sharp, spicy
Er hat ein scharfes Auge und bemerkt jedes Detail.
Tips: The adjective scharf has two main meanings: ‘sharp’ in the sense of a sharp object or keen perception, and ‘spicy’ in the context of food. Ensure the context is clear to avoid misunderstandings.
Similar: spitz (sharp, pointed), würzig (spicy, flavorful)
The curve on the road is sharp, so drive carefully.
sharp, spicy
Die Kurve auf der Straße ist scharf, also fahre vorsichtig.
Tips: The adjective scharf has two main meanings: ‘sharp’ in the sense of a sharp object or keen perception, and ‘spicy’ in the context of food. Ensure the context is clear to avoid misunderstandings.
Similar: spitz (sharp, pointed), würzig (spicy, flavorful)
He is a strong man and can lift heavy things.
strong, powerful, robust
Er ist ein kräftiger Mann und kann schwere Dinge heben.
Tips: The adjective kräftig is used to describe things or people that are physically strong, powerful, or robust. It can be used in various contexts, such as describing a person’s strength, a powerful voice, sturdy support, or a robust flavor. It’s a versatile adjective that adds emphasis to the strength of the subject.
Similar: stark (strong), mächtig (mighty, powerful)
She has a powerful voice that can be heard at the end of the hall.
strong, powerful, robust
Sie hat eine kräftige Stimme, die bis zum Ende des Saals zu hören ist.
Tips: The adjective kräftig is used to describe things or people that are physically strong, powerful, or robust. It can be used in various contexts, such as describing a person’s strength, a powerful voice, sturdy support, or a robust flavor. It’s a versatile adjective that adds emphasis to the strength of the subject.
Similar: stark (strong), mächtig (mighty, powerful)
The plant needs strong support to grow upright.
strong, powerful, robust
Die Pflanze benötigt eine kräftige Unterstützung, um gerade zu wachsen.
Tips: The adjective kräftig is used to describe things or people that are physically strong, powerful, or robust. It can be used in various contexts, such as describing a person’s strength, a powerful voice, sturdy support, or a robust flavor. It’s a versatile adjective that adds emphasis to the strength of the subject.
Similar: stark (strong), mächtig (mighty, powerful)
The soup has a robust flavor, thanks to the spicy ingredients.
strong, powerful, robust
Die Suppe hat einen kräftigen Geschmack, dank der würzigen Zutaten.
Tips: The adjective kräftig is used to describe things or people that are physically strong, powerful, or robust. It can be used in various contexts, such as describing a person’s strength, a powerful voice, sturdy support, or a robust flavor. It’s a versatile adjective that adds emphasis to the strength of the subject.
Similar: stark (strong), mächtig (mighty, powerful)
The lion hunts its prey.
prey, loot
Der Löwe jagt seine Beute.
Tips: The noun ‘Beute’ refers to prey or loot, depending on the context. It is used to describe animals that are hunted or the belongings stolen during a theft. It’s a common word in the context of hunting, thievery, or in zoology.
The thieves escaped with their loot.
prey, loot
Die Diebe entkamen mit ihrer Beute.
Tips: The noun ‘Beute’ refers to prey or loot, depending on the context. It is used to describe animals that are hunted or the belongings stolen during a theft. It’s a common word in the context of hunting, thievery, or in zoology.
The hunter was proud of his captured prey.
prey, loot
Der Jäger war stolz auf seine erlegte Beute.
Tips: The noun ‘Beute’ refers to prey or loot, depending on the context. It is used to describe animals that are hunted or the belongings stolen during a theft. It’s a common word in the context of hunting, thievery, or in zoology.
The cat brought a mouse home as prey.
prey, loot
Die Katze brachte eine Maus als Beute nach Hause.
Tips: The noun ‘Beute’ refers to prey or loot, depending on the context. It is used to describe animals that are hunted or the belongings stolen during a theft. It’s a common word in the context of hunting, thievery, or in zoology.
A small fly landed on the windowsill.
fly (insect)
Eine kleine Fliege landete auf dem Fensterbrett.
Tips: The noun ‘Fliege’ refers to the small flying insect known as a ‘fly’. It is used in both singular and plural forms. Be cautious not to confuse it with the homonym ‘die Fliege’, which means ‘the bow tie’.
In summer, there are always many flies near the garbage.
fly (insect)
Im Sommer gibt es immer viele Fliegen in der Nähe des Mülls.
Tips: The noun ‘Fliege’ refers to the small flying insect known as a ‘fly’. It is used in both singular and plural forms. Be cautious not to confuse it with the homonym ‘die Fliege’, which means ‘the bow tie’.
Careful, a fly has flown into the room!
fly (insect)
Vorsicht, eine Fliege ist ins Zimmer geflogen!
Tips: The noun ‘Fliege’ refers to the small flying insect known as a ‘fly’. It is used in both singular and plural forms. Be cautious not to confuse it with the homonym ‘die Fliege’, which means ‘the bow tie’.
The flies bothered the guests during the picnic.
fly (insect)
Die Fliegen störten die Gäste während des Picknicks.
Tips: The noun ‘Fliege’ refers to the small flying insect known as a ‘fly’. It is used in both singular and plural forms. Be cautious not to confuse it with the homonym ‘die Fliege’, which means ‘the bow tie’.
The fox sneaks through the forest in search of food.
Der Fuchs schleicht durch den Wald auf der Suche nach Nahrung.
Tips: The word Fuchs refers to the animal ‘fox’. It’s a masculine noun and its plural form is ‘die Füchse’. The female form is ‘die Füchsin’. It’s commonly used in literature, fairy tales, and general conversation.
Similar: der Wolf (the wolf), das Reh (the deer)
The vixen has hidden her young in the burrow.
Die Füchsin hat ihre Jungen im Bau versteckt.
Tips: The word Fuchs refers to the animal ‘fox’. It’s a masculine noun and its plural form is ‘die Füchse’. The female form is ‘die Füchsin’. It’s commonly used in literature, fairy tales, and general conversation.
Similar: der Wolf (the wolf), das Reh (the deer)
The giraffe is the tallest land animal in the world.
Die Giraffe ist das höchste landlebende Tier der Welt.
Tips: The word Giraffe is used to refer to the majestic and unique animal known for its long neck and distinct spotted pattern. It’s a feminine noun and its plural form is also feminine.
Yesterday, we admired the giraffes at the zoo.
Wir haben gestern im Zoo die Giraffen bewundert.
Tips: The word Giraffe is used to refer to the majestic and unique animal known for its long neck and distinct spotted pattern. It’s a feminine noun and its plural form is also feminine.
The majestic stag stood calmly in the forest.
stag, deer
Der majestätische Hirsch stand ruhig im Wald.
Tips: The word Hirsch is used to describe the male deer, particularly the species with antlers. It’s commonly used in literature and for discussing wildlife. Remember that the plural form is ‘die Hirsche’ and the genitive form is ‘des Hirsches’.
We were lucky to observe a group of deer during our walk.
stag, deer
Wir hatten das Glück, eine Gruppe Hirsche beim Spaziergang zu beobachten.
Tips: The word Hirsch is used to describe the male deer, particularly the species with antlers. It’s commonly used in literature and for discussing wildlife. Remember that the plural form is ‘die Hirsche’ and the genitive form is ‘des Hirsches’.
The hunter shot a magnificent stag.
stag, deer
Der Jäger erlegte einen prächtigen Hirsch.
Tips: The word Hirsch is used to describe the male deer, particularly the species with antlers. It’s commonly used in literature and for discussing wildlife. Remember that the plural form is ‘die Hirsche’ and the genitive form is ‘des Hirsches’.
The crocodile lies motionless on the riverbank.
Das Krokodil liegt regungslos am Ufer des Flusses.
Tips: The word Krokodil refers to the large reptile with a long, narrow snout, and is used in a straightforward manner to describe the animal in various contexts.
The crocodiles like to sunbathe to warm up.
Die Krokodile sonnen sich gerne, um sich aufzuwärmen.
Tips: The word Krokodil refers to the large reptile with a long, narrow snout, and is used in a straightforward manner to describe the animal in various contexts.
The crocodile’s mouth is impressive and dangerous at the same time.
Das Maul des Krokodils ist beeindruckend und gefährlich zugleich.
Tips: The word Krokodil refers to the large reptile with a long, narrow snout, and is used in a straightforward manner to describe the animal in various contexts.
The penguin is a fascinating bird that can swim excellently.
Der Pinguin ist ein faszinierender Vogel, der hervorragend schwimmen kann.
Tips: The word Pinguin is used to refer to the aquatic, flightless birds found in the southern hemisphere, particularly in Antarctica. It is a fascinating animal and a popular subject in children’s books and movies.
The penguins live in the cold regions of the Antarctic.
Die Pinguine leben in den kalten Regionen der Antarktis.
Tips: The word Pinguin is used to refer to the aquatic, flightless birds found in the southern hemisphere, particularly in Antarctica. It is a fascinating animal and a popular subject in children’s books and movies.
The penguin is known for its black and white plumage.
Der Pinguin ist für sein schwarz-weißes Gefieder bekannt.
Tips: The word Pinguin is used to refer to the aquatic, flightless birds found in the southern hemisphere, particularly in Antarctica. It is a fascinating animal and a popular subject in children’s books and movies.
The female penguin patiently broods on the egg until it hatches.
Die Pinguindame brütet geduldig auf dem Ei, bis es schlüpft.
Tips: The word Pinguin is used to refer to the aquatic, flightless birds found in the southern hemisphere, particularly in Antarctica. It is a fascinating animal and a popular subject in children’s books and movies.
The raven is a clever and fascinating bird.
Der Rabe ist ein kluger und faszinierender Vogel.
Tips: The word Rabe refers to the bird species ‘raven’ and is used both in singular and plural forms. In German folklore and literature, the raven is often associated with mystery and wisdom, making it a symbol with cultural significance.
The ravens are flying over the field.
Die Raben fliegen über das Feld.
Tips: The word Rabe refers to the bird species ‘raven’ and is used both in singular and plural forms. In German folklore and literature, the raven is often associated with mystery and wisdom, making it a symbol with cultural significance.
The turtle has its shell as protection from enemies.
Die Schildkröte hat ihren Panzer als Schutz vor Feinden.
Tips: The word Schildkröte refers to the reptile ‘turtle’. It is used in both formal and informal contexts. When talking about turtles, this word is the most common and appropriate choice. It’s important to note that the plural form of ‘Schildkröte’ is the same as the singular form.
Turtles often live near bodies of water.
Schildkröten leben oft in der Nähe von Gewässern.
Tips: The word Schildkröte refers to the reptile ‘turtle’. It is used in both formal and informal contexts. When talking about turtles, this word is the most common and appropriate choice. It’s important to note that the plural form of ‘Schildkröte’ is the same as the singular form.
It’s fascinating how slowly the turtle moves.
Es ist faszinierend, wie langsam sich die Schildkröte fortbewegt.
Tips: The word Schildkröte refers to the reptile ‘turtle’. It is used in both formal and informal contexts. When talking about turtles, this word is the most common and appropriate choice. It’s important to note that the plural form of ‘Schildkröte’ is the same as the singular form.
The turtle is a symbol of patience and wisdom.
Die Schildkröte ist ein Symbol für Geduld und Weisheit.
Tips: The word Schildkröte refers to the reptile ‘turtle’. It is used in both formal and informal contexts. When talking about turtles, this word is the most common and appropriate choice. It’s important to note that the plural form of ‘Schildkröte’ is the same as the singular form.
The turtle retracted its feelers when it felt threatened.
Die Schildkröte zog ihre Fühler ein, als sie sich bedroht fühlte.
Tips: The word Schildkröte refers to the reptile ‘turtle’. It is used in both formal and informal contexts. When talking about turtles, this word is the most common and appropriate choice. It’s important to note that the plural form of ‘Schildkröte’ is the same as the singular form.
The assembly of the shareholders took place in the conference room.
meeting, assembly, gathering
Die Versammlung der Aktionäre fand im Konferenzsaal statt.
Tips: The word Versammlung refers to a formal or informal gathering of people for a specific purpose, such as a meeting, assembly, or gathering. It is commonly used in organizational, political, and social contexts. When using this word, pay attention to the appropriate article and the plural form, which is die Versammlungen.
Similar: Treffen (meeting), Sitzung (session)
The meetings are regularly held to discuss important topics.
meeting, assembly, gathering
Die Versammlungen werden regelmäßig abgehalten, um wichtige Themen zu besprechen.
Tips: The word Versammlung refers to a formal or informal gathering of people for a specific purpose, such as a meeting, assembly, or gathering. It is commonly used in organizational, political, and social contexts. When using this word, pay attention to the appropriate article and the plural form, which is die Versammlungen.
Similar: Treffen (meeting), Sitzung (session)
Despite the current situation, the gathering took place as planned.
meeting, assembly, gathering
Trotz der aktuellen Situation fand die Versammlung wie geplant statt.
Tips: The word Versammlung refers to a formal or informal gathering of people for a specific purpose, such as a meeting, assembly, or gathering. It is commonly used in organizational, political, and social contexts. When using this word, pay attention to the appropriate article and the plural form, which is die Versammlungen.
Similar: Treffen (meeting), Sitzung (session)
On Sunday, a meeting will be held to organize the summer festival.
meeting, assembly, gathering
Am Sonntag wird eine Versammlung zur Organisation des Sommerfests abgehalten.
Tips: The word Versammlung refers to a formal or informal gathering of people for a specific purpose, such as a meeting, assembly, or gathering. It is commonly used in organizational, political, and social contexts. When using this word, pay attention to the appropriate article and the plural form, which is die Versammlungen.
Similar: Treffen (meeting), Sitzung (session)
The assembly of football fans ended peacefully and without incidents.
meeting, assembly, gathering
Die Versammlung der Fußballfans endete friedlich und ohne Zwischenfälle.
Tips: The word Versammlung refers to a formal or informal gathering of people for a specific purpose, such as a meeting, assembly, or gathering. It is commonly used in organizational, political, and social contexts. When using this word, pay attention to the appropriate article and the plural form, which is die Versammlungen.
Similar: Treffen (meeting), Sitzung (session)
His participation in the conference was very important for the discussion.
Seine Teilnahme an der Konferenz war sehr wichtig für die Diskussion.
Tips: The noun “Teilnahme” refers to the act of taking part or being involved in something, such as an event, course, or activity. It is commonly used in formal and informal contexts to express the involvement of an individual or a group in a specific situation.
Similar: Beteiligung (involvement), Mitwirkung (collaboration)
Participation in this course is voluntary.
Die Teilnahme an diesem Kurs ist freiwillig.
Tips: The noun “Teilnahme” refers to the act of taking part or being involved in something, such as an event, course, or activity. It is commonly used in formal and informal contexts to express the involvement of an individual or a group in a specific situation.
Similar: Beteiligung (involvement), Mitwirkung (collaboration)
The majority of people prefer to go on vacation in the summer.
Die Mehrheit der Menschen bevorzugt es, im Sommer in den Urlaub zu fahren.
Tips: The word Mehrheit refers to the larger part or number of something, representing the concept of majority. It is commonly used in discussions related to opinions, preferences, or decision-making processes.
Similar: Minderheit (minority), Großteil (majority, most)
Despite the opinion of the majority, she decided to go her own way.
Trotz der Meinung der Mehrheit beschloss sie, ihren eigenen Weg zu gehen.
Tips: The word Mehrheit refers to the larger part or number of something, representing the concept of majority. It is commonly used in discussions related to opinions, preferences, or decision-making processes.
Similar: Minderheit (minority), Großteil (majority, most)
The majorities in these matters change over time.
Die Mehrheiten in diesen Angelegenheiten ändern sich im Laufe der Zeit.
Tips: The word Mehrheit refers to the larger part or number of something, representing the concept of majority. It is commonly used in discussions related to opinions, preferences, or decision-making processes.
Similar: Minderheit (minority), Großteil (majority, most)
The press plays an important role in the dissemination of information.
Die Presse spielt eine wichtige Rolle bei der Verbreitung von Informationen.
Tips: The noun Presse refers to the press in the context of media, journalism, and printing. It can also be used to represent the collective body of journalists and media organizations. It is a fundamental term in the communication and publishing industries.
The article was published in the local press.
Der Artikel wurde in der lokalen Presse veröffentlicht.
Tips: The noun Presse refers to the press in the context of media, journalism, and printing. It can also be used to represent the collective body of journalists and media organizations. It is a fundamental term in the communication and publishing industries.
The presses in the printing house run around the clock.
Die Pressen in der Druckerei laufen rund um die Uhr.
Tips: The noun Presse refers to the press in the context of media, journalism, and printing. It can also be used to represent the collective body of journalists and media organizations. It is a fundamental term in the communication and publishing industries.
The presentation of the new product took place in the conference room.
presentation, performance, imagination
Die Vorstellung des neuen Produkts fand im Konferenzraum statt.
Tips: The noun ‘Vorstellung’ can have different meanings depending on the context. It can refer to a formal presentation, a performance, or the act of imagination. Pay attention to the context in which it is used to understand its specific meaning.
Similar: Präsentation, Aufführung, Fantasie
The actors had a great performance last night.
presentation, performance, imagination
Die Schauspieler hatten eine großartige Vorstellung gestern Abend.
Tips: The noun ‘Vorstellung’ can have different meanings depending on the context. It can refer to a formal presentation, a performance, or the act of imagination. Pay attention to the context in which it is used to understand its specific meaning.
Similar: Präsentation, Aufführung, Fantasie
His imagination of a perfect vacation includes sun, beach, and relaxation.
presentation, performance, imagination
Seine Vorstellung von einem perfekten Urlaub beinhaltet Sonne, Strand und Entspannung.
Tips: The noun ‘Vorstellung’ can have different meanings depending on the context. It can refer to a formal presentation, a performance, or the act of imagination. Pay attention to the context in which it is used to understand its specific meaning.
Similar: Präsentation, Aufführung, Fantasie
Despite his shyness, he gave a successful presentation in front of the audience.
presentation, performance, imagination
Trotz seiner Schüchternheit hielt er eine gelungene Vorstellung vor dem Publikum.
Tips: The noun ‘Vorstellung’ can have different meanings depending on the context. It can refer to a formal presentation, a performance, or the act of imagination. Pay attention to the context in which it is used to understand its specific meaning.
Similar: Präsentation, Aufführung, Fantasie
In my imagination, the project should be completed by next month.
presentation, performance, imagination
In meiner Vorstellung sollte das Projekt bis nächsten Monat abgeschlossen sein.
Tips: The noun ‘Vorstellung’ can have different meanings depending on the context. It can refer to a formal presentation, a performance, or the act of imagination. Pay attention to the context in which it is used to understand its specific meaning.
Similar: Präsentation, Aufführung, Fantasie
The politician’s speech has impressed the people a lot.
Die Rede des Politikers hat die Menschen sehr beeindruckt.
Tips: The noun ‘Rede’ refers to a formal address or speech given by someone. It can be in the context of politics, public speaking, or any formal gathering. It is used to convey a message or to express one’s thoughts and ideas to an audience.
Similar: Vortrag (lecture), Ansprache (address)
He is giving a speech on the topic of environmental protection.
Er hält eine Rede zum Thema Umweltschutz.
Tips: The noun ‘Rede’ refers to a formal address or speech given by someone. It can be in the context of politics, public speaking, or any formal gathering. It is used to convey a message or to express one’s thoughts and ideas to an audience.
Similar: Vortrag (lecture), Ansprache (address)
In his speech, he emphasized the importance of education.
In seiner Rede betonte er die Bedeutung von Bildung.
Tips: The noun ‘Rede’ refers to a formal address or speech given by someone. It can be in the context of politics, public speaking, or any formal gathering. It is used to convey a message or to express one’s thoughts and ideas to an audience.
Similar: Vortrag (lecture), Ansprache (address)
However, her speech was not very convincing.
Trotzdem war ihre Rede nicht sehr überzeugend.
Tips: The noun ‘Rede’ refers to a formal address or speech given by someone. It can be in the context of politics, public speaking, or any formal gathering. It is used to convey a message or to express one’s thoughts and ideas to an audience.
Similar: Vortrag (lecture), Ansprache (address)
The increase in prices has led to dissatisfaction among the customers.
increase, raise
Die Erhöhung der Preise hat zu Unzufriedenheit bei den Kunden geführt.
Tips: The noun Erhöhung refers to an increase or raise in various contexts, such as prices, salaries, workload, or volume. It’s commonly used in formal and informal settings and is an essential term in discussions about growth and changes.
Similar: Anstieg (ascent, rise), Steigerung (improvement, enhancement)
The raises in salaries are negotiable every year.
increase, raise
Die Erhöhungen der Gehälter sind jedes Jahr verhandelbar.
Tips: The noun Erhöhung refers to an increase or raise in various contexts, such as prices, salaries, workload, or volume. It’s commonly used in formal and informal settings and is an essential term in discussions about growth and changes.
Similar: Anstieg (ascent, rise), Steigerung (improvement, enhancement)
Despite the financial increase, she couldn’t afford an expensive apartment.
increase, raise
Trotz der finanziellen Erhöhung konnte sie sich keine teure Wohnung leisten.
Tips: The noun Erhöhung refers to an increase or raise in various contexts, such as prices, salaries, workload, or volume. It’s commonly used in formal and informal settings and is an essential term in discussions about growth and changes.
Similar: Anstieg (ascent, rise), Steigerung (improvement, enhancement)
Due to the increase in workload, she had to work overtime.
increase, raise
Aufgrund der Erhöhung des Arbeitspensums musste sie Überstunden leisten.
Tips: The noun Erhöhung refers to an increase or raise in various contexts, such as prices, salaries, workload, or volume. It’s commonly used in formal and informal settings and is an essential term in discussions about growth and changes.
Similar: Anstieg (ascent, rise), Steigerung (improvement, enhancement)
The increase in the volume of the TV disturbed the neighbors.
increase, raise
Die Erhöhung der Lautstärke des Fernsehers störte die Nachbarn.
Tips: The noun Erhöhung refers to an increase or raise in various contexts, such as prices, salaries, workload, or volume. It’s commonly used in formal and informal settings and is an essential term in discussions about growth and changes.
Similar: Anstieg (ascent, rise), Steigerung (improvement, enhancement)
We decide to get up early tomorrow morning to see the sunrise.
to decide, to resolve
Wir beschließen, morgen früh aufzustehen, um den Sonnenaufgang zu sehen.
Tips: The verb beschließen is used to express the action of making a decision or resolving to do something. It often implies a thoughtful process before coming to a conclusion. It is a strong and decisive verb, commonly used in formal and informal contexts.
Similar: entscheiden (to decide), festlegen (to set, to determine)
She decided to take the trip, even though it was a little expensive.
to decide, to resolve
Sie beschloss, die Reise zu machen, obwohl es ein wenig teuer war.
Tips: The verb beschließen is used to express the action of making a decision or resolving to do something. It often implies a thoughtful process before coming to a conclusion. It is a strong and decisive verb, commonly used in formal and informal contexts.
Similar: entscheiden (to decide), festlegen (to set, to determine)
I have decided to do more sports to become healthier.
to decide, to resolve
Ich habe beschlossen, mehr Sport zu treiben, um gesünder zu werden.
Tips: The verb beschließen is used to express the action of making a decision or resolving to do something. It often implies a thoughtful process before coming to a conclusion. It is a strong and decisive verb, commonly used in formal and informal contexts.
Similar: entscheiden (to decide), festlegen (to set, to determine)
Despite the rain, we decide to go for a walk.
to decide, to resolve
Trotz des Regens beschließen wir, spazieren zu gehen.
Tips: The verb beschließen is used to express the action of making a decision or resolving to do something. It often implies a thoughtful process before coming to a conclusion. It is a strong and decisive verb, commonly used in formal and informal contexts.
Similar: entscheiden (to decide), festlegen (to set, to determine)
After considering all options, he decided to quit his job.
to decide, to resolve
Nachdem er alle Optionen überlegt hatte, beschloss er, seinen Job zu kündigen.
Tips: The verb beschließen is used to express the action of making a decision or resolving to do something. It often implies a thoughtful process before coming to a conclusion. It is a strong and decisive verb, commonly used in formal and informal contexts.
Similar: entscheiden (to decide), festlegen (to set, to determine)
The workers are striking for better working conditions.
to strike (protest, industrial action)
Die Arbeiter streiken für bessere Arbeitsbedingungen.
Tips: The verb streiken is used specifically to refer to striking or going on strike in the context of protests or industrial action. It is a strong expression of dissatisfaction and is commonly used in news reports and discussions about workers’ rights.
Last year, the ground staff of the airport went on strike.
to strike (protest, industrial action)
Letztes Jahr streikte das Bodenpersonal des Flughafens.
Tips: The verb streiken is used specifically to refer to striking or going on strike in the context of protests or industrial action. It is a strong expression of dissatisfaction and is commonly used in news reports and discussions about workers’ rights.
The union went on strike to demand higher wages.
to strike (protest, industrial action)
Die Gewerkschaft hat gestreikt, um höhere Löhne zu fordern.
Tips: The verb streiken is used specifically to refer to striking or going on strike in the context of protests or industrial action. It is a strong expression of dissatisfaction and is commonly used in news reports and discussions about workers’ rights.
Despite the rain, the students will strike to raise awareness about climate change.
to strike (protest, industrial action)
Trotz des Regens werden die Schüler streiken, um auf den Klimawandel aufmerksam zu machen.
Tips: The verb streiken is used specifically to refer to striking or going on strike in the context of protests or industrial action. It is a strong expression of dissatisfaction and is commonly used in news reports and discussions about workers’ rights.
The employees are striking because their overtime was not paid.
to strike (protest, industrial action)
Die Angestellten streiken, weil ihre Überstunden nicht bezahlt wurden.
Tips: The verb streiken is used specifically to refer to striking or going on strike in the context of protests or industrial action. It is a strong expression of dissatisfaction and is commonly used in news reports and discussions about workers’ rights.
He made me a secret gift.
Er hat mir ein geheimes Geschenk gemacht.
Tips: The adjective geheim is used to describe something that is kept hidden from others. It can refer to secret messages, hidden doors, confidential information, or undisclosed plans. It’s essential to remember that the ending of the adjective changes based on the gender and number of the noun it describes.
Similar: versteckt (hidden), vertraulich (confidential)
She received a secret message yesterday.
Sie hat gestern eine geheime Nachricht erhalten.
Tips: The adjective geheim is used to describe something that is kept hidden from others. It can refer to secret messages, hidden doors, confidential information, or undisclosed plans. It’s essential to remember that the ending of the adjective changes based on the gender and number of the noun it describes.
Similar: versteckt (hidden), vertraulich (confidential)
The spies exchanged secret information.
Die Spione haben geheime Informationen ausgetauscht.
Tips: The adjective geheim is used to describe something that is kept hidden from others. It can refer to secret messages, hidden doors, confidential information, or undisclosed plans. It’s essential to remember that the ending of the adjective changes based on the gender and number of the noun it describes.
Similar: versteckt (hidden), vertraulich (confidential)
I know a secret recipe for the best chocolate cake.
Ich kenne ein geheimes Rezept für die beste Schokoladentorte.
Tips: The adjective geheim is used to describe something that is kept hidden from others. It can refer to secret messages, hidden doors, confidential information, or undisclosed plans. It’s essential to remember that the ending of the adjective changes based on the gender and number of the noun it describes.
Similar: versteckt (hidden), vertraulich (confidential)
That is a secret door that nobody knows.
Das ist eine geheime Tür, die niemand kennt.
Tips: The adjective geheim is used to describe something that is kept hidden from others. It can refer to secret messages, hidden doors, confidential information, or undisclosed plans. It’s essential to remember that the ending of the adjective changes based on the gender and number of the noun it describes.
Similar: versteckt (hidden), vertraulich (confidential)
The demand for equality was supported by many people.
demand, claim
Die Forderung nach Gleichberechtigung wurde von vielen Menschen unterstützt.
Tips: The noun Forderung specifically refers to a demand or claim. It is often used in formal contexts, such as legal or business settings. It can also be used in everyday language when discussing requests or requirements.
Similar: Anspruch (claim, entitlement), Verlangen (desire, demand)
His demands were finally met.
demand, claim
Seine Forderungen wurden schließlich erfüllt.
Tips: The noun Forderung specifically refers to a demand or claim. It is often used in formal contexts, such as legal or business settings. It can also be used in everyday language when discussing requests or requirements.
Similar: Anspruch (claim, entitlement), Verlangen (desire, demand)
Despite the customer’s demand, the product was not delivered on time.
demand, claim
Trotz der Forderung des Kunden, wurde das Produkt nicht rechtzeitig geliefert.
Tips: The noun Forderung specifically refers to a demand or claim. It is often used in formal contexts, such as legal or business settings. It can also be used in everyday language when discussing requests or requirements.
Similar: Anspruch (claim, entitlement), Verlangen (desire, demand)
My expectation was that he would arrive on time, but he was delayed again.
Meine Erwartung war, dass er pünktlich ankommt, aber er hatte wieder Verspätung.
Tips: The noun Erwartung refers to the anticipation or belief that something will happen or be the case in the future. It is widely used in both formal and informal contexts, and it’s an essential term in expressing hopes and predictions.
Similar: die Hoffnung (hope), die Vorstellung (imagination, idea)
The expectations for this concert were high, and it impressed everyone.
Die Erwartungen an dieses Konzert waren hoch, und es hat alle beeindruckt.
Tips: The noun Erwartung refers to the anticipation or belief that something will happen or be the case in the future. It is widely used in both formal and informal contexts, and it’s an essential term in expressing hopes and predictions.
Similar: die Hoffnung (hope), die Vorstellung (imagination, idea)
Despite low expectations, the movie pleasantly surprised me.
Trotz geringer Erwartung hat der Film mich positiv überrascht.
Tips: The noun Erwartung refers to the anticipation or belief that something will happen or be the case in the future. It is widely used in both formal and informal contexts, and it’s an essential term in expressing hopes and predictions.
Similar: die Hoffnung (hope), die Vorstellung (imagination, idea)
She has high expectations for her future career.
Sie hat hohe Erwartungen an ihre zukünftige Karriere.
Tips: The noun Erwartung refers to the anticipation or belief that something will happen or be the case in the future. It is widely used in both formal and informal contexts, and it’s an essential term in expressing hopes and predictions.
Similar: die Hoffnung (hope), die Vorstellung (imagination, idea)
The customers’ expectations must be met in order to gain their trust.
Die Erwartungen der Kunden müssen erfüllt werden, um ihr Vertrauen zu gewinnen.
Tips: The noun Erwartung refers to the anticipation or belief that something will happen or be the case in the future. It is widely used in both formal and informal contexts, and it’s an essential term in expressing hopes and predictions.
Similar: die Hoffnung (hope), die Vorstellung (imagination, idea)
He is going to court to prove his innocence.
to go to court
Er geht vor Gericht, um seine Unschuld zu beweisen.
Tips: The expression vor Gericht gehen is used to indicate the action of going to court for legal proceedings. It is a formal and specific context related to legal matters.
She went to court to seek justice for her son.
to go to court
Sie ging vor Gericht, um Gerechtigkeit für ihren Sohn zu suchen.
Tips: The expression vor Gericht gehen is used to indicate the action of going to court for legal proceedings. It is a formal and specific context related to legal matters.
He has gone to court to testify as a witness.
to go to court
Er ist vor Gericht gegangen, um als Zeuge auszusagen.
Tips: The expression vor Gericht gehen is used to indicate the action of going to court for legal proceedings. It is a formal and specific context related to legal matters.
Although it’s difficult, people go to court to defend their rights.
to go to court
Obwohl es schwierig ist, gehen Menschen vor Gericht, um ihre Rechte zu verteidigen.
Tips: The expression vor Gericht gehen is used to indicate the action of going to court for legal proceedings. It is a formal and specific context related to legal matters.
If there’s no other solution, you have to go to court to solve the problem.
to go to court
Wenn es keine andere Lösung gibt, musst du vor Gericht gehen, um das Problem zu lösen.
Tips: The expression vor Gericht gehen is used to indicate the action of going to court for legal proceedings. It is a formal and specific context related to legal matters.
His claim about the weather turned out to be false.
claim, assertion
Seine Behauptung über das Wetter erwies sich als falsch.
Tips: The noun Behauptung is used to refer to a claim or an assertion made by someone. It is often used in formal contexts, such as in legal proceedings, debates, or scholarly discussions. It’s important to note that Behauptung implies that the veracity of the claim may be in question.
Similar: Aussage (statement), These (thesis)
Despite the many assertions in the media, we don’t know what really happened.
claim, assertion
Trotz der vielen Behauptungen in den Medien wissen wir nicht, was wirklich passiert ist.
Tips: The noun Behauptung is used to refer to a claim or an assertion made by someone. It is often used in formal contexts, such as in legal proceedings, debates, or scholarly discussions. It’s important to note that Behauptung implies that the veracity of the claim may be in question.
Similar: Aussage (statement), These (thesis)
The witness’s assertion was doubted by the defense.
claim, assertion
Die Behauptung des Zeugen wurde von der Verteidigung angezweifelt.
Tips: The noun Behauptung is used to refer to a claim or an assertion made by someone. It is often used in formal contexts, such as in legal proceedings, debates, or scholarly discussions. It’s important to note that Behauptung implies that the veracity of the claim may be in question.
Similar: Aussage (statement), These (thesis)
She claims that she is right, but I am not sure.
to claim, to assert
Sie behauptet, dass sie recht hat, aber ich bin mir nicht sicher.
Tips: The verb behaupten is used to express the action of claiming or asserting something. It is commonly used in formal and informal contexts, and it’s important to distinguish facts from opinions when using this verb.
Similar: erklären (to explain), betonen (to emphasize, to stress)
He asserted that he can repair the car.
to claim, to assert
Er behauptete, dass er das Auto reparieren kann.
Tips: The verb behaupten is used to express the action of claiming or asserting something. It is commonly used in formal and informal contexts, and it’s important to distinguish facts from opinions when using this verb.
Similar: erklären (to explain), betonen (to emphasize, to stress)
She claimed that she will win the competition.
to claim, to assert
Sie hat behauptet, dass sie den Wettbewerb gewinnen wird.
Tips: The verb behaupten is used to express the action of claiming or asserting something. It is commonly used in formal and informal contexts, and it’s important to distinguish facts from opinions when using this verb.
Similar: erklären (to explain), betonen (to emphasize, to stress)
Even though he claims it, I don’t believe him.
to claim, to assert
Obwohl er es behauptet, glaube ich ihm nicht.
Tips: The verb behaupten is used to express the action of claiming or asserting something. It is commonly used in formal and informal contexts, and it’s important to distinguish facts from opinions when using this verb.
Similar: erklären (to explain), betonen (to emphasize, to stress)
He always asserts that he knows everything.
to claim, to assert
Er behauptet immer, dass er alles weiß.
Tips: The verb behaupten is used to express the action of claiming or asserting something. It is commonly used in formal and informal contexts, and it’s important to distinguish facts from opinions when using this verb.
Similar: erklären (to explain), betonen (to emphasize, to stress)
We determine that the situation is more complicated than we thought.
to determine, to ascertain, to notice
Wir stellen fest, dass die Situation komplizierter ist als gedacht.
Tips: The verb feststellen is used to express the action of determining, ascertaining, or noticing something. It is often used in formal or technical contexts, such as in reports, scientific papers, or official statements. It indicates a conclusive observation or judgment.
He noticed that he had lost his wallet.
to determine, to ascertain, to notice
Er stellte fest, dass er sein Portemonnaie verloren hatte.
Tips: The verb feststellen is used to express the action of determining, ascertaining, or noticing something. It is often used in formal or technical contexts, such as in reports, scientific papers, or official statements. It indicates a conclusive observation or judgment.
She ascertained that the cake is burnt.
to determine, to ascertain, to notice
Sie hat festgestellt, dass der Kuchen verbrannt ist.
Tips: The verb feststellen is used to express the action of determining, ascertaining, or noticing something. It is often used in formal or technical contexts, such as in reports, scientific papers, or official statements. It indicates a conclusive observation or judgment.
Despite the rain, we determined that the trip was very nice.
to determine, to ascertain, to notice
Trotz des Regens stellten wir fest, dass der Ausflug sehr schön war.
Tips: The verb feststellen is used to express the action of determining, ascertaining, or noticing something. It is often used in formal or technical contexts, such as in reports, scientific papers, or official statements. It indicates a conclusive observation or judgment.
He has determined that he was mistaken.
to determine, to ascertain, to notice
Er hat festgestellt, dass er sich geirrt hat.
Tips: The verb feststellen is used to express the action of determining, ascertaining, or noticing something. It is often used in formal or technical contexts, such as in reports, scientific papers, or official statements. It indicates a conclusive observation or judgment.
I accept your decision, even though I don’t agree with it.
to accept
Ich akzeptiere deine Entscheidung, auch wenn ich nicht damit einverstanden bin.
Tips: The verb akzeptieren is used to express the action of accepting something, whether it’s a decision, a condition, or an opinion. It is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts. Keep in mind that the prefix ‘ak-‘ is a loan prefix and is not native to German, but it is widely used in words of foreign origin.
Similar: annehmen (to take, to accept), billigen (to approve, to accept)
She accepted the terms of the contract to start the collaboration.
to accept
Sie akzeptierte die Bedingungen des Vertrags, um die Zusammenarbeit zu beginnen.
Tips: The verb akzeptieren is used to express the action of accepting something, whether it’s a decision, a condition, or an opinion. It is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts. Keep in mind that the prefix ‘ak-‘ is a loan prefix and is not native to German, but it is widely used in words of foreign origin.
Similar: annehmen (to take, to accept), billigen (to approve, to accept)
He accepted the decision, even though it was difficult for him.
to accept
Er hat die Entscheidung akzeptiert, obwohl es ihm schwerfiel.
Tips: The verb akzeptieren is used to express the action of accepting something, whether it’s a decision, a condition, or an opinion. It is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts. Keep in mind that the prefix ‘ak-‘ is a loan prefix and is not native to German, but it is widely used in words of foreign origin.
Similar: annehmen (to take, to accept), billigen (to approve, to accept)
Nevertheless, he accepts the opinions of others.
to accept
Trotzdem akzeptiert er die Meinungen anderer.
Tips: The verb akzeptieren is used to express the action of accepting something, whether it’s a decision, a condition, or an opinion. It is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts. Keep in mind that the prefix ‘ak-‘ is a loan prefix and is not native to German, but it is widely used in words of foreign origin.
Similar: annehmen (to take, to accept), billigen (to approve, to accept)
She has to accept the criticism in order to continue developing.
to accept
Sie muss die Kritik akzeptieren, um sich weiterzuentwickeln.
Tips: The verb akzeptieren is used to express the action of accepting something, whether it’s a decision, a condition, or an opinion. It is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts. Keep in mind that the prefix ‘ak-‘ is a loan prefix and is not native to German, but it is widely used in words of foreign origin.
Similar: annehmen (to take, to accept), billigen (to approve, to accept)
We have to agree on something before we can start the project.
to agree on
Wir müssen uns auf etwas einigen, bevor wir mit dem Projekt beginnen können.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich einigen auf is used to express the action of coming to an agreement on something. It is commonly used in discussions, negotiations, or any situation where people need to reach a mutual understanding. The preposition auf is essential and indicates what the agreement is about.
Similar: sich verständigen auf (to come to an understanding on), sich absprechen auf (to coordinate on)
They finally agreed on a price.
to agree on
Sie haben sich endlich auf einen Preis geeinigt.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich einigen auf is used to express the action of coming to an agreement on something. It is commonly used in discussions, negotiations, or any situation where people need to reach a mutual understanding. The preposition auf is essential and indicates what the agreement is about.
Similar: sich verständigen auf (to come to an understanding on), sich absprechen auf (to coordinate on)
The teams agreed on the rules yesterday.
to agree on
Die Teams haben sich gestern auf die Regeln geeinigt.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich einigen auf is used to express the action of coming to an agreement on something. It is commonly used in discussions, negotiations, or any situation where people need to reach a mutual understanding. The preposition auf is essential and indicates what the agreement is about.
Similar: sich verständigen auf (to come to an understanding on), sich absprechen auf (to coordinate on)
After long negotiations, the parties agreed on a compromise.
to agree on
Nach langen Verhandlungen haben sich die Parteien auf einen Kompromiss geeinigt.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich einigen auf is used to express the action of coming to an agreement on something. It is commonly used in discussions, negotiations, or any situation where people need to reach a mutual understanding. The preposition auf is essential and indicates what the agreement is about.
Similar: sich verständigen auf (to come to an understanding on), sich absprechen auf (to coordinate on)
They agreed on a meeting on Friday.
to agree on
Sie haben sich auf ein Treffen am Freitag geeinigt.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich einigen auf is used to express the action of coming to an agreement on something. It is commonly used in discussions, negotiations, or any situation where people need to reach a mutual understanding. The preposition auf is essential and indicates what the agreement is about.
Similar: sich verständigen auf (to come to an understanding on), sich absprechen auf (to coordinate on)
We need to clarify the misunderstanding before it leads to problems.
to clarify
Wir müssen das Missverständnis klären, bevor es zu Problemen führt.
Tips: The verb klären is used to express the action of bringing clarity to a situation, resolving misunderstandings, or explaining something in detail. It’s commonly used in discussions, problem-solving contexts, and information sharing.
Similar: erklären (to explain), aufklären (to enlighten, to inform)
She clarified the situation and provided clarity on the matter.
to clarify
Sie klärte die Situation und sorgte für Klarheit in der Angelegenheit.
Tips: The verb klären is used to express the action of bringing clarity to a situation, resolving misunderstandings, or explaining something in detail. It’s commonly used in discussions, problem-solving contexts, and information sharing.
Similar: erklären (to explain), aufklären (to enlighten, to inform)
The police resolved the case and caught the perpetrator.
to clarify
Die Polizei hat den Fall geklärt und den Täter gefasst.
Tips: The verb klären is used to express the action of bringing clarity to a situation, resolving misunderstandings, or explaining something in detail. It’s commonly used in discussions, problem-solving contexts, and information sharing.
Similar: erklären (to explain), aufklären (to enlighten, to inform)
He has clarified all open questions and the situation is now more understandable.
to clarify
Er hat alle offenen Fragen geklärt und die Situation ist jetzt verständlicher.
Tips: The verb klären is used to express the action of bringing clarity to a situation, resolving misunderstandings, or explaining something in detail. It’s commonly used in discussions, problem-solving contexts, and information sharing.
Similar: erklären (to explain), aufklären (to enlighten, to inform)
Nevertheless, it’s important that we clarify this more precisely.
to clarify
Trotzdem ist es wichtig, dass wir das genauer klären.
Tips: The verb klären is used to express the action of bringing clarity to a situation, resolving misunderstandings, or explaining something in detail. It’s commonly used in discussions, problem-solving contexts, and information sharing.
Similar: erklären (to explain), aufklären (to enlighten, to inform)
The additional information facilitated the decision.
to facilitate, to ease, to relieve
Die zusätzlichen Informationen haben die Entscheidung erleichtert.
Tips: The verb erleichtern is used to express the action of facilitating, easing, or relieving something. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as work, decision-making, and emotional support. It’s important to note that this verb is regular and doesn’t have any irregularities in its conjugation.
Ease your task by creating a schedule.
to facilitate, to ease, to relieve
Erleichtere deine Aufgabe, indem du einen Zeitplan erstellst.
Tips: The verb erleichtern is used to express the action of facilitating, easing, or relieving something. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as work, decision-making, and emotional support. It’s important to note that this verb is regular and doesn’t have any irregularities in its conjugation.
She helped me and thus relieved my burden.
to facilitate, to ease, to relieve
Sie hat mir geholfen und dadurch meine Last erleichtert.
Tips: The verb erleichtern is used to express the action of facilitating, easing, or relieving something. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as work, decision-making, and emotional support. It’s important to note that this verb is regular and doesn’t have any irregularities in its conjugation.
I eased the news for him.
to facilitate, to ease, to relieve
Ich habe ihm die Nachricht erleichtert.
Tips: The verb erleichtern is used to express the action of facilitating, easing, or relieving something. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as work, decision-making, and emotional support. It’s important to note that this verb is regular and doesn’t have any irregularities in its conjugation.
The positive outcome of the project eased the situation.
to facilitate, to ease, to relieve
Der positive Ausgang des Projekts hat die Situation erleichtert.
Tips: The verb erleichtern is used to express the action of facilitating, easing, or relieving something. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as work, decision-making, and emotional support. It’s important to note that this verb is regular and doesn’t have any irregularities in its conjugation.
They prove their theory through scientific experiments.
to prove
Sie beweisen ihre Theorie durch wissenschaftliche Experimente.
Tips: The verb beweisen is used to express the action of proving something, typically a statement, theory, or fact. It is a strong verb and is commonly used in formal and academic contexts.
Similar: zeigen (to show), bestätigen (to confirm)
He proved that he was innocent.
to prove
Er bewies, dass er unschuldig war.
Tips: The verb beweisen is used to express the action of proving something, typically a statement, theory, or fact. It is a strong verb and is commonly used in formal and academic contexts.
Similar: zeigen (to show), bestätigen (to confirm)
She has proven that she is a talented artist.
to prove
Sie hat bewiesen, dass sie eine talentierte Künstlerin ist.
Tips: The verb beweisen is used to express the action of proving something, typically a statement, theory, or fact. It is a strong verb and is commonly used in formal and academic contexts.
Similar: zeigen (to show), bestätigen (to confirm)
Nevertheless, he always proves his courage.
to prove
Trotzdem beweist er immer wieder seinen Mut.
Tips: The verb beweisen is used to express the action of proving something, typically a statement, theory, or fact. It is a strong verb and is commonly used in formal and academic contexts.
Similar: zeigen (to show), bestätigen (to confirm)
If you can prove your claim, I will believe it.
to prove
Wenn du deine Behauptung beweisen kannst, werde ich es glauben.
Tips: The verb beweisen is used to express the action of proving something, typically a statement, theory, or fact. It is a strong verb and is commonly used in formal and academic contexts.
Similar: zeigen (to show), bestätigen (to confirm)
She is upset about the train’s delay.
to get upset
Sie regt sich über die Verspätung des Zuges auf.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich aufregen is used to express the act of getting upset or worked up about something. It denotes a state of being emotionally agitated due to a particular situation or event. It’s commonly used in everyday German conversations.
Similar: sich ärgern (to be annoyed), wütend werden (to get angry)
He got upset about the bad review.
to get upset
Er hat sich über die schlechte Bewertung aufgeregt.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich aufregen is used to express the act of getting upset or worked up about something. It denotes a state of being emotionally agitated due to a particular situation or event. It’s commonly used in everyday German conversations.
Similar: sich ärgern (to be annoyed), wütend werden (to get angry)
We don’t get upset about trivial things.
to get upset
Wir regen uns nicht über Kleinigkeiten auf.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich aufregen is used to express the act of getting upset or worked up about something. It denotes a state of being emotionally agitated due to a particular situation or event. It’s commonly used in everyday German conversations.
Similar: sich ärgern (to be annoyed), wütend werden (to get angry)
She has often gotten upset about her boss’s behavior.
to get upset
Sie hat sich oft über das Verhalten ihres Chefs aufgeregt.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich aufregen is used to express the act of getting upset or worked up about something. It denotes a state of being emotionally agitated due to a particular situation or event. It’s commonly used in everyday German conversations.
Similar: sich ärgern (to be annoyed), wütend werden (to get angry)
She hates rudeness and disrespect.
to hate
Sie hasst Unhöflichkeit und Respektlosigkeit.
Tips: The verb hassen is used to express a strong feeling of dislike or aversion towards something or someone. It’s a strong word, often used to convey intense negative emotions. Be mindful of its usage, as it can have a strong impact on the tone of the conversation.
Similar: verabscheuen (to abhor, to detest), abneigen (to have an aversion to)
He said yesterday that he hated the movie.
to hate
Er hat gestern gesagt, dass er den Film hasste.
Tips: The verb hassen is used to express a strong feeling of dislike or aversion towards something or someone. It’s a strong word, often used to convey intense negative emotions. Be mindful of its usage, as it can have a strong impact on the tone of the conversation.
Similar: verabscheuen (to abhor, to detest), abneigen (to have an aversion to)
I have worked all day, therefore I hate it when my boss gives me more work.
to hate
Ich habe den ganzen Tag gearbeitet, deshalb hasse ich es, wenn mein Chef noch mehr Arbeit gibt.
Tips: The verb hassen is used to express a strong feeling of dislike or aversion towards something or someone. It’s a strong word, often used to convey intense negative emotions. Be mindful of its usage, as it can have a strong impact on the tone of the conversation.
Similar: verabscheuen (to abhor, to detest), abneigen (to have an aversion to)
Although she hated arguments, she couldn’t avoid getting into one.
to hate
Obwohl sie Streit gehasst hat, konnte sie nicht vermeiden, sich zu streiten.
Tips: The verb hassen is used to express a strong feeling of dislike or aversion towards something or someone. It’s a strong word, often used to convey intense negative emotions. Be mindful of its usage, as it can have a strong impact on the tone of the conversation.
Similar: verabscheuen (to abhor, to detest), abneigen (to have an aversion to)
She never lies, she always tells the truth.
to lie
Sie lügt nie, sie sagt immer die Wahrheit.
Tips: The verb lügen is used to express the action of telling something that is not true. It is important to distinguish when to use this verb appropriately, especially when discussing honesty and trust.
Similar: falsch spielen (to play false), täuschen (to deceive)
He lied yesterday when he said he was sick.
to lie
Er log gestern, als er sagte, dass er krank war.
Tips: The verb lügen is used to express the action of telling something that is not true. It is important to distinguish when to use this verb appropriately, especially when discussing honesty and trust.
Similar: falsch spielen (to play false), täuschen (to deceive)
She lied to get out of the difficult situation.
to lie
Sie hat gelogen, um sich aus der schwierigen Situation zu befreien.
Tips: The verb lügen is used to express the action of telling something that is not true. It is important to distinguish when to use this verb appropriately, especially when discussing honesty and trust.
Similar: falsch spielen (to play false), täuschen (to deceive)
Even though he knew it was wrong, he still lied.
to lie
Obwohl er wusste, dass es falsch war, log er trotzdem.
Tips: The verb lügen is used to express the action of telling something that is not true. It is important to distinguish when to use this verb appropriately, especially when discussing honesty and trust.
Similar: falsch spielen (to play false), täuschen (to deceive)
Sometimes children lie to avoid trouble.
to lie
Manchmal lügen Kinder, um Ärger zu vermeiden.
Tips: The verb lügen is used to express the action of telling something that is not true. It is important to distinguish when to use this verb appropriately, especially when discussing honesty and trust.
Similar: falsch spielen (to play false), täuschen (to deceive)
In the library, people usually keep quiet to not disturb others.
to be silent, to keep quiet
In der Bibliothek schweigt man normalerweise, um die anderen nicht zu stören.
Tips: The verb schweigen is used to express the action of being silent or keeping quiet. It can be used in various contexts, from a simple instruction to remain quiet to a deeper meaning of choosing to stay silent despite knowing the truth. It’s a useful verb for expressing the act of silence.
Similar: stumm bleiben (to remain silent), nicht sprechen (not to speak)
She was silent when she heard the disappointing news.
to be silent, to keep quiet
Sie schwieg, als sie die enttäuschenden Nachrichten hörte.
Tips: The verb schweigen is used to express the action of being silent or keeping quiet. It can be used in various contexts, from a simple instruction to remain quiet to a deeper meaning of choosing to stay silent despite knowing the truth. It’s a useful verb for expressing the act of silence.
Similar: stumm bleiben (to remain silent), nicht sprechen (not to speak)
He remained silent even though he knew the truth.
to be silent, to keep quiet
Er hat geschwiegen, obwohl er die Wahrheit kannte.
Tips: The verb schweigen is used to express the action of being silent or keeping quiet. It can be used in various contexts, from a simple instruction to remain quiet to a deeper meaning of choosing to stay silent despite knowing the truth. It’s a useful verb for expressing the act of silence.
Similar: stumm bleiben (to remain silent), nicht sprechen (not to speak)
Nevertheless, he never keeps quiet when it comes to important issues.
to be silent, to keep quiet
Trotzdem schweigt er nie, wenn es um wichtige Themen geht.
Tips: The verb schweigen is used to express the action of being silent or keeping quiet. It can be used in various contexts, from a simple instruction to remain quiet to a deeper meaning of choosing to stay silent despite knowing the truth. It’s a useful verb for expressing the act of silence.
Similar: stumm bleiben (to remain silent), nicht sprechen (not to speak)
After he had given the speech, he remained silent for a moment.
to be silent, to keep quiet
Nachdem er die Rede gehalten hatte, schwieg er für einen Moment.
Tips: The verb schweigen is used to express the action of being silent or keeping quiet. It can be used in various contexts, from a simple instruction to remain quiet to a deeper meaning of choosing to stay silent despite knowing the truth. It’s a useful verb for expressing the act of silence.
Similar: stumm bleiben (to remain silent), nicht sprechen (not to speak)
He keeps stealing money from his brother’s pocket.
to steal
Er stiehlt immer wieder Geld aus der Tasche seines Bruders.
Tips: The verb stehlen is used to express the action of taking something unlawfully. It is an irregular verb and requires the auxiliary verb “haben” in the perfect tense. Use this verb carefully, as it indicates a serious criminal act. It is important to understand the legal and ethical implications of the action when using this verb.
Similar: klauen (to steal, to swipe), rauben (to rob, to plunder)
She stole the chocolate even though she knew it was wrong.
to steal
Sie stahl die Schokolade, obwohl sie wusste, dass es falsch war.
Tips: The verb stehlen is used to express the action of taking something unlawfully. It is an irregular verb and requires the auxiliary verb “haben” in the perfect tense. Use this verb carefully, as it indicates a serious criminal act. It is important to understand the legal and ethical implications of the action when using this verb.
Similar: klauen (to steal, to swipe), rauben (to rob, to plunder)
She stole when she was young, but now she deeply regrets it.
to steal
Sie hat gestohlen, als sie jung war, aber jetzt bereut sie es zutiefst.
Tips: The verb stehlen is used to express the action of taking something unlawfully. It is an irregular verb and requires the auxiliary verb “haben” in the perfect tense. Use this verb carefully, as it indicates a serious criminal act. It is important to understand the legal and ethical implications of the action when using this verb.
Similar: klauen (to steal, to swipe), rauben (to rob, to plunder)
Nevertheless, he doesn’t steal because he knows it’s wrong.
to steal
Trotzdem stiehlt er nicht, weil er weiß, dass es falsch ist.
Tips: The verb stehlen is used to express the action of taking something unlawfully. It is an irregular verb and requires the auxiliary verb “haben” in the perfect tense. Use this verb carefully, as it indicates a serious criminal act. It is important to understand the legal and ethical implications of the action when using this verb.
Similar: klauen (to steal, to swipe), rauben (to rob, to plunder)
She stole the book from the library.
to steal
Sie hat das Buch aus der Bibliothek gestohlen.
Tips: The verb stehlen is used to express the action of taking something unlawfully. It is an irregular verb and requires the auxiliary verb “haben” in the perfect tense. Use this verb carefully, as it indicates a serious criminal act. It is important to understand the legal and ethical implications of the action when using this verb.
Similar: klauen (to steal, to swipe), rauben (to rob, to plunder)
Why do you always exaggerate everything?
to exaggerate
Warum übertreibst du immer alles?
Tips: The verb übertreiben is used when someone overemphasizes or overstates something, often making it more extreme or dramatic than it really is. It’s important to use this verb carefully, as exaggerating too much can lead to misunderstandings or mistrust. It’s commonly used in informal conversations and storytelling.
Similar: übertreiben (to exaggerate), überspitzen (to overdo)
He exaggerated so much yesterday that he feels bad today.
to exaggerate
Er hat gestern so stark übertrieben, dass er sich heute schlecht fühlt.
Tips: The verb übertreiben is used when someone overemphasizes or overstates something, often making it more extreme or dramatic than it really is. It’s important to use this verb carefully, as exaggerating too much can lead to misunderstandings or mistrust. It’s commonly used in informal conversations and storytelling.
Similar: übertreiben (to exaggerate), überspitzen (to overdo)
She exaggerated when she talked about her abilities.
to exaggerate
Sie hat übertrieben, als sie über ihre Fähigkeiten sprach.
Tips: The verb übertreiben is used when someone overemphasizes or overstates something, often making it more extreme or dramatic than it really is. It’s important to use this verb carefully, as exaggerating too much can lead to misunderstandings or mistrust. It’s commonly used in informal conversations and storytelling.
Similar: übertreiben (to exaggerate), überspitzen (to overdo)
Many people exaggerate in their stories to seem more interesting.
to exaggerate
Viele Leute übertreiben in ihren Erzählungen, um interessanter zu wirken.
Tips: The verb übertreiben is used when someone overemphasizes or overstates something, often making it more extreme or dramatic than it really is. It’s important to use this verb carefully, as exaggerating too much can lead to misunderstandings or mistrust. It’s commonly used in informal conversations and storytelling.
Similar: übertreiben (to exaggerate), überspitzen (to overdo)
She prevents accidents by driving carefully.
to prevent, to hinder
Sie verhindert Unfälle, indem sie vorsichtig fährt.
Tips: The verb verhindern is used to express the action of preventing or hindering something from happening. It is a strong action to stop an event, action, or situation from occurring.
The storm prevented the festival from taking place.
to prevent, to hinder
Der Sturm verhinderte die Durchführung des Festivals.
Tips: The verb verhindern is used to express the action of preventing or hindering something from happening. It is a strong action to stop an event, action, or situation from occurring.
We prevented the meeting because we were sick.
to prevent, to hinder
Wir haben das Treffen verhindert, weil wir krank waren.
Tips: The verb verhindern is used to express the action of preventing or hindering something from happening. It is a strong action to stop an event, action, or situation from occurring.
He prevented the theft by calling the police.
to prevent, to hinder
Er hat den Diebstahl verhindert, indem er die Polizei gerufen hat.
Tips: The verb verhindern is used to express the action of preventing or hindering something from happening. It is a strong action to stop an event, action, or situation from occurring.
Although they tried to prevent it, the mistake happened.
to prevent, to hinder
Obwohl sie es versucht haben zu verhindern, ist der Fehler passiert.
Tips: The verb verhindern is used to express the action of preventing or hindering something from happening. It is a strong action to stop an event, action, or situation from occurring.
The train is late due to technical problems.
to be late
Der Zug verspätet sich aufgrund von technischen Problemen.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich verspäten is used to indicate being late for an event, an appointment, or a deadline. It’s a common verb in everyday situations and can be used in both formal and informal contexts.
Similar: zu spät kommen (to arrive too late), verzögern (to delay)
She was late yesterday because there was so much traffic.
to be late
Sie hat sich gestern verspätet, weil es so viel Verkehr gab.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich verspäten is used to indicate being late for an event, an appointment, or a deadline. It’s a common verb in everyday situations and can be used in both formal and informal contexts.
Similar: zu spät kommen (to arrive too late), verzögern (to delay)
We were late for the meeting even though we left early.
to be late
Wir haben uns bei dem Treffen verspätet, obwohl wir früh losgegangen sind.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich verspäten is used to indicate being late for an event, an appointment, or a deadline. It’s a common verb in everyday situations and can be used in both formal and informal contexts.
Similar: zu spät kommen (to arrive too late), verzögern (to delay)
He is constantly running late because he always has too much to do.
to be late
Er verspätet sich ständig, weil er immer zu viel zu tun hat.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich verspäten is used to indicate being late for an event, an appointment, or a deadline. It’s a common verb in everyday situations and can be used in both formal and informal contexts.
Similar: zu spät kommen (to arrive too late), verzögern (to delay)
Despite being late, he still arrived at work on time.
to be late
Trotzdem, dass er sich verspätet hat, ist er immer noch pünktlich zur Arbeit gekommen.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich verspäten is used to indicate being late for an event, an appointment, or a deadline. It’s a common verb in everyday situations and can be used in both formal and informal contexts.
Similar: zu spät kommen (to arrive too late), verzögern (to delay)
The two cars collide when the driver loses control.
to collide
Die beiden Autos stoßen zusammen, als der Fahrer die Kontrolle verliert.
Tips: The verb zusammenstoßen is used to express the action of two or more objects or individuals colliding with each other. It is commonly used in the context of accidents, crashes, or physical impacts.
Similar: kollidieren (to collide), zusammenprallen (to crash into)
Yesterday, he almost collided with a cyclist because he was inattentive.
to collide
Gestern stieß er beinahe mit einem Fahrradfahrer zusammen, weil er unaufmerksam war.
Tips: The verb zusammenstoßen is used to express the action of two or more objects or individuals colliding with each other. It is commonly used in the context of accidents, crashes, or physical impacts.
Similar: kollidieren (to collide), zusammenprallen (to crash into)
The trains collided on the track, leading to serious damage.
to collide
Die Züge sind auf der Strecke zusammengestoßen und haben zu schweren Schäden geführt.
Tips: The verb zusammenstoßen is used to express the action of two or more objects or individuals colliding with each other. It is commonly used in the context of accidents, crashes, or physical impacts.
Similar: kollidieren (to collide), zusammenprallen (to crash into)
Even though he was driving slowly, he collided with an obstacle.
to collide
Obwohl er langsam fuhr, stieß er mit einem Hindernis zusammen.
Tips: The verb zusammenstoßen is used to express the action of two or more objects or individuals colliding with each other. It is commonly used in the context of accidents, crashes, or physical impacts.
Similar: kollidieren (to collide), zusammenprallen (to crash into)
The two teams collide fiercely at the beginning of the game.
to collide
Die beiden Teams stoßen gleich am Anfang des Spiels heftig zusammen.
Tips: The verb zusammenstoßen is used to express the action of two or more objects or individuals colliding with each other. It is commonly used in the context of accidents, crashes, or physical impacts.
Similar: kollidieren (to collide), zusammenprallen (to crash into)
She forces him to eat vegetables, even though he doesn’t like them.
to force
Sie zwingt ihn, Gemüse zu essen, obwohl er es nicht mag.
Tips: The verb zwingen is used to express the action of forcing or compelling someone to do something. It conveys a strong sense of coercion or imposition. It’s important to use this verb carefully, considering the implications of forcing someone to do something against their will.
Similar: erzwingen (to enforce, to compel), aufzwingen (to impose, to foist)
He forced her to tell the truth, despite her fear of the consequences.
to force
Er zwang sie, die Wahrheit zu sagen, trotz ihrer Angst vor den Konsequenzen.
Tips: The verb zwingen is used to express the action of forcing or compelling someone to do something. It conveys a strong sense of coercion or imposition. It’s important to use this verb carefully, considering the implications of forcing someone to do something against their will.
Similar: erzwingen (to enforce, to compel), aufzwingen (to impose, to foist)
She forced him to be punctual, and that had a positive impact on his work ethic.
to force
Sie hat ihn gezwungen, pünktlich zu sein, und das hat sich positiv auf seine Arbeitsmoral ausgewirkt.
Tips: The verb zwingen is used to express the action of forcing or compelling someone to do something. It conveys a strong sense of coercion or imposition. It’s important to use this verb carefully, considering the implications of forcing someone to do something against their will.
Similar: erzwingen (to enforce, to compel), aufzwingen (to impose, to foist)
Even though he didn’t feel like it, he forces himself to exercise regularly.
to force
Obwohl er keine Lust hatte, zwingt er sich, regelmäßig Sport zu treiben.
Tips: The verb zwingen is used to express the action of forcing or compelling someone to do something. It conveys a strong sense of coercion or imposition. It’s important to use this verb carefully, considering the implications of forcing someone to do something against their will.
Similar: erzwingen (to enforce, to compel), aufzwingen (to impose, to foist)
The teacher forces the students to do their homework to ensure learning progress.
to force
Der Lehrer zwingt die Schüler, ihre Hausaufgaben zu machen, um den Lernfortschritt zu gewährleisten.
Tips: The verb zwingen is used to express the action of forcing or compelling someone to do something. It conveys a strong sense of coercion or imposition. It’s important to use this verb carefully, considering the implications of forcing someone to do something against their will.
Similar: erzwingen (to enforce, to compel), aufzwingen (to impose, to foist)
She dealt with the conflict in a very diplomatic way.
Sie hat auf eine sehr diplomatische Weise mit dem Konflikt umgegangen.
Tips: The adjective ‘diplomatisch’ is used to describe a person, their behavior, or actions that are characterized by tact, sensitivity, and skill in dealing with others. It is commonly used in the context of politics, international relations, and interpersonal communication.
Similar: taktvoll (tactful), verständnisvoll (understanding)
It is important to be diplomatic in international relations.
Es ist wichtig, in internationalen Beziehungen diplomatisch zu sein.
Tips: The adjective ‘diplomatisch’ is used to describe a person, their behavior, or actions that are characterized by tact, sensitivity, and skill in dealing with others. It is commonly used in the context of politics, international relations, and interpersonal communication.
Similar: taktvoll (tactful), verständnisvoll (understanding)
He has diplomatic skills that allow him to solve difficult situations.
Er hat diplomatische Fähigkeiten, die es ihm erlauben, schwierige Situationen zu lösen.
Tips: The adjective ‘diplomatisch’ is used to describe a person, their behavior, or actions that are characterized by tact, sensitivity, and skill in dealing with others. It is commonly used in the context of politics, international relations, and interpersonal communication.
Similar: taktvoll (tactful), verständnisvoll (understanding)
He is a poor man and cannot afford expensive things.
poor; weak
Er ist ein armer Mann und kann sich keine teuren Sachen leisten.
Tips: The adjective arm can be used to describe both financial poverty and a lack of strength or effectiveness. It is important to distinguish the context in which it is used to avoid confusion.
Similar: bedürftig (needy), schwach (weak)
She is a poor woman and needs support.
poor; weak
Sie ist eine arme Frau und braucht Unterstützung.
Tips: The adjective arm can be used to describe both financial poverty and a lack of strength or effectiveness. It is important to distinguish the context in which it is used to avoid confusion.
Similar: bedürftig (needy), schwach (weak)
That is a weak argument that convinces no one.
poor; weak
Das ist ein armes Argument, das überzeugt niemanden.
Tips: The adjective arm can be used to describe both financial poverty and a lack of strength or effectiveness. It is important to distinguish the context in which it is used to avoid confusion.
Similar: bedürftig (needy), schwach (weak)
The poor people in this country urgently need help.
poor; weak
Die armen Menschen in diesem Land brauchen dringend Hilfe.
Tips: The adjective arm can be used to describe both financial poverty and a lack of strength or effectiveness. It is important to distinguish the context in which it is used to avoid confusion.
Similar: bedürftig (needy), schwach (weak)
She is employed and works as a doctor in a hospital.
employed, working
Sie ist berufstätig und arbeitet als Ärztin in einem Krankenhaus.
Tips: The term berufstätig is used to describe someone who is employed or working in a professional capacity. It is commonly used in formal and informal contexts to indicate the employment status of an individual.
Similar: angestellt (employed), erwerbstätig (gainfully employed)
As a working father, it is sometimes difficult to spend enough time with the children.
employed, working
Als berufstätiger Vater ist es manchmal schwierig, genug Zeit mit den Kindern zu verbringen.
Tips: The term berufstätig is used to describe someone who is employed or working in a professional capacity. It is commonly used in formal and informal contexts to indicate the employment status of an individual.
Similar: angestellt (employed), erwerbstätig (gainfully employed)
Are you ready to experience the adventure?
to be ready
Bist du bereit, das Abenteuer zu erleben?
Tips: The expression bereit sein is used to indicate that someone is prepared or willing to do something. It can be used in various contexts, such as in work, personal life, or for specific events. It is often followed by the infinitive form of the verb with ‘zu’ (zu + dative).
Similar: fertig sein (to be finished/ready), vorhanden sein (to be available)
She was ready to sign the contract.
to be ready
Sie war bereit, den Vertrag zu unterschreiben.
Tips: The expression bereit sein is used to indicate that someone is prepared or willing to do something. It can be used in various contexts, such as in work, personal life, or for specific events. It is often followed by the infinitive form of the verb with ‘zu’ (zu + dative).
Similar: fertig sein (to be finished/ready), vorhanden sein (to be available)
We are ready for the challenges that lie ahead.
to be ready
Wir sind bereit für die Herausforderungen, die auf uns zukommen.
Tips: The expression bereit sein is used to indicate that someone is prepared or willing to do something. It can be used in various contexts, such as in work, personal life, or for specific events. It is often followed by the infinitive form of the verb with ‘zu’ (zu + dative).
Similar: fertig sein (to be finished/ready), vorhanden sein (to be available)
Although he was tired, he was ready to continue.
to be ready
Obwohl er müde war, war er bereit, weiterzumachen.
Tips: The expression bereit sein is used to indicate that someone is prepared or willing to do something. It can be used in various contexts, such as in work, personal life, or for specific events. It is often followed by the infinitive form of the verb with ‘zu’ (zu + dative).
Similar: fertig sein (to be finished/ready), vorhanden sein (to be available)
After the marathon, he was exhausted and had to rest.
exhausted, tired
Nach dem Marathon war er erschöpft und musste sich ausruhen.
Tips: The adjective erschöpft is used to describe a state of extreme tiredness or exhaustion. It is commonly used in contexts related to physical or mental fatigue after strenuous activities.
Similar: müde (tired), ausgelaugt (drained)
She felt exhausted because she had worked all night.
exhausted, tired
Sie fühlte sich erschöpft, weil sie die ganze Nacht gearbeitet hatte.
Tips: The adjective erschöpft is used to describe a state of extreme tiredness or exhaustion. It is commonly used in contexts related to physical or mental fatigue after strenuous activities.
Similar: müde (tired), ausgelaugt (drained)
The hikers were exhausted after the long climb up the mountain.
exhausted, tired
Die Wanderer waren erschöpft nach dem langen Aufstieg auf den Berg.
Tips: The adjective erschöpft is used to describe a state of extreme tiredness or exhaustion. It is commonly used in contexts related to physical or mental fatigue after strenuous activities.
Similar: müde (tired), ausgelaugt (drained)
He was so exhausted that he fell asleep immediately when he got into bed.
exhausted, tired
Er war so erschöpft, dass er sofort eingeschlafen ist, als er ins Bett kam.
Tips: The adjective erschöpft is used to describe a state of extreme tiredness or exhaustion. It is commonly used in contexts related to physical or mental fatigue after strenuous activities.
Similar: müde (tired), ausgelaugt (drained)
My spouse and I are celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary next week.
spouse (masculine form)
Mein Ehegatte und ich feiern nächste Woche unseren 10. Hochzeitstag.
Tips: The word Ehegatte refers to the husband in a marriage. When speaking about the wife, the term Ehegattin is used. These terms are more formal and are often found in legal contexts or formal documents.
She is the spouse of the famous actor.
spouse (masculine form)
Sie ist die Ehegattin des berühmten Schauspielers.
Tips: The word Ehegatte refers to the husband in a marriage. When speaking about the wife, the term Ehegattin is used. These terms are more formal and are often found in legal contexts or formal documents.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Der Feind meines Feindes ist mein Freund.
Tips: The word Feind refers to an enemy, someone who is opposed to another in a hostile or aggressive way. It is important to distinguish between Feind (enemy) and Freund (friend) in German.
Similar: Gegner (opponent), Widersacher (adversary)
She regarded him as her personal enemy.
Sie betrachtete ihn als ihren persönlichen Feind.
Tips: The word Feind refers to an enemy, someone who is opposed to another in a hostile or aggressive way. It is important to distinguish between Feind (enemy) and Freund (friend) in German.
Similar: Gegner (opponent), Widersacher (adversary)
Nevertheless, we should try to make peace with our enemies.
Trotzdem sollten wir versuchen, Frieden mit unseren Feinden zu schließen.
Tips: The word Feind refers to an enemy, someone who is opposed to another in a hostile or aggressive way. It is important to distinguish between Feind (enemy) and Freund (friend) in German.
Similar: Gegner (opponent), Widersacher (adversary)
She doesn’t see her competition as an enemy, but as motivation.
Sie betrachtet ihre Konkurrenz nicht als Feindin, sondern als Ansporn.
Tips: The word Feind refers to an enemy, someone who is opposed to another in a hostile or aggressive way. It is important to distinguish between Feind (enemy) and Freund (friend) in German.
Similar: Gegner (opponent), Widersacher (adversary)
She regarded her as her worst enemy.
enemy (female)
Sie betrachtete sie als ihre schlimmste Feindin.
Tips: The word Feindin refers to a female enemy. It is used to specifically denote an adversary who is female. The plural is Feindinnen. It’s important to note the gender when using this word, as it differs from the neutral form ‘Feind’ for a male enemy.
The two nations were once enemies.
enemy (female)
Die beiden Nationen waren einst Feindinnen.
Tips: The word Feindin refers to a female enemy. It is used to specifically denote an adversary who is female. The plural is Feindinnen. It’s important to note the gender when using this word, as it differs from the neutral form ‘Feind’ for a male enemy.
Nevertheless, she helped her enemy when she was in need.
enemy (female)
Trotzdem half sie ihrer Feindin, als sie in Not war.
Tips: The word Feindin refers to a female enemy. It is used to specifically denote an adversary who is female. The plural is Feindinnen. It’s important to note the gender when using this word, as it differs from the neutral form ‘Feind’ for a male enemy.
The teacher praises the students for their hard work.
to praise
Die Lehrerin lobt die Schüler für ihre harte Arbeit.
Tips: The verb loben means to express appreciation or admiration for someone’s actions or qualities. It is commonly used to give praise and recognition. When using this verb, it’s important to consider the context and tone to ensure that the praise is genuine and meaningful.
Similar: preisen (to praise, to commend), rühmen (to praise, to extol)
She praised him for his generous donation.
to praise
Sie lobte ihn für seine großzügige Spende.
Tips: The verb loben means to express appreciation or admiration for someone’s actions or qualities. It is commonly used to give praise and recognition. When using this verb, it’s important to consider the context and tone to ensure that the praise is genuine and meaningful.
Similar: preisen (to praise, to commend), rühmen (to praise, to extol)
He praised the chef for the delicious food.
to praise
Er hat die Köchin gelobt für das köstliche Essen.
Tips: The verb loben means to express appreciation or admiration for someone’s actions or qualities. It is commonly used to give praise and recognition. When using this verb, it’s important to consider the context and tone to ensure that the praise is genuine and meaningful.
Similar: preisen (to praise, to commend), rühmen (to praise, to extol)
Despite the failure, we should praise ourselves for the attempt.
to praise
Trotz des Misserfolgs sollten wir uns selbst loben für den Versuch.
Tips: The verb loben means to express appreciation or admiration for someone’s actions or qualities. It is commonly used to give praise and recognition. When using this verb, it’s important to consider the context and tone to ensure that the praise is genuine and meaningful.
Similar: preisen (to praise, to commend), rühmen (to praise, to extol)
He praises her repeatedly for her determination.
to praise
Er lobt sie immer wieder für ihre Entschlossenheit.
Tips: The verb loben means to express appreciation or admiration for someone’s actions or qualities. It is commonly used to give praise and recognition. When using this verb, it’s important to consider the context and tone to ensure that the praise is genuine and meaningful.
Similar: preisen (to praise, to commend), rühmen (to praise, to extol)
The issue of this magazine is very interesting.
output, issue, expenditure
Die Ausgabe dieses Magazins ist sehr interessant.
Tips: The noun Ausgabe has multiple meanings, such as ‘output’, ‘issue’, and ‘expenditure’. It is important to understand the context in which it is used to grasp its specific meaning. It can refer to the release of a publication, the spending of money, or the production of goods.
Similar: Ertrag (yield, return), Einkommen (income), Kosten (costs)
The expenditures of the company have increased.
output, issue, expenditure
Die Ausgaben des Unternehmens sind gestiegen.
Tips: The noun Ausgabe has multiple meanings, such as ‘output’, ‘issue’, and ‘expenditure’. It is important to understand the context in which it is used to grasp its specific meaning. It can refer to the release of a publication, the spending of money, or the production of goods.
Similar: Ertrag (yield, return), Einkommen (income), Kosten (costs)
The technological output has developed strongly in recent years.
output, issue, expenditure
Die technologische Ausgabe hat sich in den letzten Jahren stark entwickelt.
Tips: The noun Ausgabe has multiple meanings, such as ‘output’, ‘issue’, and ‘expenditure’. It is important to understand the context in which it is used to grasp its specific meaning. It can refer to the release of a publication, the spending of money, or the production of goods.
Similar: Ertrag (yield, return), Einkommen (income), Kosten (costs)
Despite the high expenditures, the project was successfully completed.
output, issue, expenditure
Trotz der hohen Ausgaben konnte das Projekt erfolgreich abgeschlossen werden.
Tips: The noun Ausgabe has multiple meanings, such as ‘output’, ‘issue’, and ‘expenditure’. It is important to understand the context in which it is used to grasp its specific meaning. It can refer to the release of a publication, the spending of money, or the production of goods.
Similar: Ertrag (yield, return), Einkommen (income), Kosten (costs)
The monthly expenses should be kept in mind.
output, issue, expenditure
Die monatlichen Ausgaben sollten im Auge behalten werden.
Tips: The noun Ausgabe has multiple meanings, such as ‘output’, ‘issue’, and ‘expenditure’. It is important to understand the context in which it is used to grasp its specific meaning. It can refer to the release of a publication, the spending of money, or the production of goods.
Similar: Ertrag (yield, return), Einkommen (income), Kosten (costs)
The newspaper headline was very shocking.
Die Schlagzeile der Zeitung war sehr schockierend.
Tips: The word Schlagzeile is used to refer to the main title or heading of a newspaper or article. It is a feminine noun and its plural form is die Schlagzeilen. In German, it is commonly used in the context of media, journalism, and news reporting.
He could hardly believe the headlines of the tabloid newspaper.
Er konnte die Schlagzeilen der Boulevardzeitung kaum glauben.
Tips: The word Schlagzeile is used to refer to the main title or heading of a newspaper or article. It is a feminine noun and its plural form is die Schlagzeilen. In German, it is commonly used in the context of media, journalism, and news reporting.
Despite the dramatic headlines, she remained calm.
Trotz der dramatischen Schlagzeilen blieb sie ruhig.
Tips: The word Schlagzeile is used to refer to the main title or heading of a newspaper or article. It is a feminine noun and its plural form is die Schlagzeilen. In German, it is commonly used in the context of media, journalism, and news reporting.
The latest headlines reported on political unrest.
Die letzten Schlagzeilen berichteten über politische Unruhen.
Tips: The word Schlagzeile is used to refer to the main title or heading of a newspaper or article. It is a feminine noun and its plural form is die Schlagzeilen. In German, it is commonly used in the context of media, journalism, and news reporting.
Although the headline was controversial, it drew attention.
Obwohl die Schlagzeile kontrovers war, zog sie die Aufmerksamkeit auf sich.
Tips: The word Schlagzeile is used to refer to the main title or heading of a newspaper or article. It is a feminine noun and its plural form is die Schlagzeilen. In German, it is commonly used in the context of media, journalism, and news reporting.
She has carefully planned all the details of the project.
Sie hat alle Einzelheiten des Projekts sorgfältig geplant.
Tips: The noun Einzelheit refers to a specific detail within a context. It is used to emphasize the importance of paying attention to individual aspects of a situation, plan, or contract.
It is important to carefully review the details of the contract.
Es ist wichtig, die Einzelheiten des Vertrags genau zu prüfen.
Tips: The noun Einzelheit refers to a specific detail within a context. It is used to emphasize the importance of paying attention to individual aspects of a situation, plan, or contract.
The Institute of Physics has state-of-the-art laboratories.
Das Institut für Physik hat modernste Labore.
Tips: The word Institut refers to an organization or establishment created for a specific purpose, such as research, education, or the promotion of a particular cause. It is commonly used in academic and professional contexts.
Similar: die Schule (school), die Universität (university)
She works at a renowned institute for economic research.
Sie arbeitet an einem renommierten Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung.
Tips: The word Institut refers to an organization or establishment created for a specific purpose, such as research, education, or the promotion of a particular cause. It is commonly used in academic and professional contexts.
Similar: die Schule (school), die Universität (university)
The institute offers a wide range of language courses.
Das Institut bietet eine breite Palette an Sprachkursen an.
Tips: The word Institut refers to an organization or establishment created for a specific purpose, such as research, education, or the promotion of a particular cause. It is commonly used in academic and professional contexts.
Similar: die Schule (school), die Universität (university)
Despite the difficulties, the institute has made important progress.
Trotz der Schwierigkeiten hat das Institut wichtige Fortschritte gemacht.
Tips: The word Institut refers to an organization or establishment created for a specific purpose, such as research, education, or the promotion of a particular cause. It is commonly used in academic and professional contexts.
Similar: die Schule (school), die Universität (university)
The institute places great emphasis on interdisciplinary research.
Das Institut legt großen Wert auf interdisziplinäre Forschung.
Tips: The word Institut refers to an organization or establishment created for a specific purpose, such as research, education, or the promotion of a particular cause. It is commonly used in academic and professional contexts.
Similar: die Schule (school), die Universität (university)
I fear it will rain tomorrow.
to fear
Ich fürchte, es wird morgen regnen.
Tips: The verb fürchten is used to express fear or being afraid of something. It is a strong form of fear and is commonly used in various contexts.
Similar: ängstigen (to frighten, to scare), sich erschrecken (to get scared)
She was afraid of being alone in the dark.
to fear
Sie fürchtete, allein im Dunkeln zu sein.
Tips: The verb fürchten is used to express fear or being afraid of something. It is a strong form of fear and is commonly used in various contexts.
Similar: ängstigen (to frighten, to scare), sich erschrecken (to get scared)
He feared that he did not pass the exam.
to fear
Er hat gefürchtet, dass er die Prüfung nicht bestanden hat.
Tips: The verb fürchten is used to express fear or being afraid of something. It is a strong form of fear and is commonly used in various contexts.
Similar: ängstigen (to frighten, to scare), sich erschrecken (to get scared)
Although he is afraid of spiders, he is not afraid of other insects.
to fear
Obwohl er sich vor Spinnen fürchtet, hat er keine Angst vor anderen Insekten.
Tips: The verb fürchten is used to express fear or being afraid of something. It is a strong form of fear and is commonly used in various contexts.
Similar: ängstigen (to frighten, to scare), sich erschrecken (to get scared)
She is afraid to walk through the forest when it is dark.
to fear
Sie fürchtet sich, durch den Wald zu gehen, wenn es dunkel ist.
Tips: The verb fürchten is used to express fear or being afraid of something. It is a strong form of fear and is commonly used in various contexts.
Similar: ängstigen (to frighten, to scare), sich erschrecken (to get scared)
She clicks on the link to open the website.
to click
Sie klickt auf den Link, um die Webseite zu öffnen.
Tips: The verb klicken is used to describe the action of clicking, typically associated with using a computer mouse or touchscreen. It is commonly used in the context of technology, internet browsing, and digital interfaces.
Yesterday he accidentally clicked on the wrong button.
to click
Gestern klickte er versehentlich auf die falsche Schaltfläche.
Tips: The verb klicken is used to describe the action of clicking, typically associated with using a computer mouse or touchscreen. It is commonly used in the context of technology, internet browsing, and digital interfaces.
He clicked to zoom in on the photo.
to click
Er hat geklickt, um das Foto heranzuholen.
Tips: The verb klicken is used to describe the action of clicking, typically associated with using a computer mouse or touchscreen. It is commonly used in the context of technology, internet browsing, and digital interfaces.
If you click on this button, you will go to the next page.
to click
Wenn du auf diesen Knopf klickst, kommst du zur nächsten Seite.
Tips: The verb klicken is used to describe the action of clicking, typically associated with using a computer mouse or touchscreen. It is commonly used in the context of technology, internet browsing, and digital interfaces.
She has been surfing the internet all day, so now she automatically clicks on everything.
to click
Sie hat den ganzen Tag im Internet gesurft, deshalb klickt sie jetzt automatisch auf alles.
Tips: The verb klicken is used to describe the action of clicking, typically associated with using a computer mouse or touchscreen. It is commonly used in the context of technology, internet browsing, and digital interfaces.
The key is stuck in the door.
to stick / to be stuck
Das Schlüssel steckt in der Tür.
Tips: The verb stecken is used to express the idea of something being stuck or to stick something into something else. It can also be used in the sense of investing time or effort into a project or task. This word is commonly used in everyday situations.
Similar: kleben (to glue / to stick)
He puts a lot of work into his project.
to stick / to be stuck
Er steckt viel Arbeit in sein Projekt.
Tips: The verb stecken is used to express the idea of something being stuck or to stick something into something else. It can also be used in the sense of investing time or effort into a project or task. This word is commonly used in everyday situations.
Similar: kleben (to glue / to stick)
She stuck the needle into the fabric.
to stick / to be stuck
Sie hat die Nadel in den Stoff gesteckt.
Tips: The verb stecken is used to express the idea of something being stuck or to stick something into something else. It can also be used in the sense of investing time or effort into a project or task. This word is commonly used in everyday situations.
Similar: kleben (to glue / to stick)
Yesterday, he was stuck in traffic and arrived late to work.
to stick / to be stuck
Gestern steckte er im Stau und kam zu spät zur Arbeit.
Tips: The verb stecken is used to express the idea of something being stuck or to stick something into something else. It can also be used in the sense of investing time or effort into a project or task. This word is commonly used in everyday situations.
Similar: kleben (to glue / to stick)
He has been working all day, that’s why he is tired now.
to stick / to be stuck
Er hat den ganzen Tag gesteckt, daher ist er jetzt müde.
Tips: The verb stecken is used to express the idea of something being stuck or to stick something into something else. It can also be used in the sense of investing time or effort into a project or task. This word is commonly used in everyday situations.
Similar: kleben (to glue / to stick)
She has her own apartment.
own, particular, inherent
Sie hat ihre eigene Wohnung.
Tips: The adjective eigen is used to refer to something that is particular to a person or thing, or that belongs to them. It can also express the inherent nature of something. It is commonly used in various contexts to emphasize ownership or individual characteristics.
Similar: persönlich (personal), individuell (individual)
His own thoughts can sometimes be confusing.
own, particular, inherent
Seine eigenen Gedanken können manchmal verwirrend sein.
Tips: The adjective eigen is used to refer to something that is particular to a person or thing, or that belongs to them. It can also express the inherent nature of something. It is commonly used in various contexts to emphasize ownership or individual characteristics.
Similar: persönlich (personal), individuell (individual)
Everyone has their own preferences.
own, particular, inherent
Jeder hat seine eigenen Vorlieben.
Tips: The adjective eigen is used to refer to something that is particular to a person or thing, or that belongs to them. It can also express the inherent nature of something. It is commonly used in various contexts to emphasize ownership or individual characteristics.
Similar: persönlich (personal), individuell (individual)
It is important to make your own decisions.
own, particular, inherent
Es ist wichtig, seine eigenen Entscheidungen zu treffen.
Tips: The adjective eigen is used to refer to something that is particular to a person or thing, or that belongs to them. It can also express the inherent nature of something. It is commonly used in various contexts to emphasize ownership or individual characteristics.
Similar: persönlich (personal), individuell (individual)
This event has a commercial purpose.
Diese Veranstaltung hat einen kommerziellen Zweck.
Tips: The word kommerziell is used to describe anything related to commerce or commercial activities. It can be used to talk about commercial purposes, commercial use, or commercial success. It’s a versatile word that is commonly used in business and marketing contexts.
Similar: geschäftlich (business-related), handelsüblich (commercially available)
The commercial use of the images is prohibited.
Die kommerzielle Nutzung der Bilder ist untersagt.
Tips: The word kommerziell is used to describe anything related to commerce or commercial activities. It can be used to talk about commercial purposes, commercial use, or commercial success. It’s a versatile word that is commonly used in business and marketing contexts.
Similar: geschäftlich (business-related), handelsüblich (commercially available)
Many artists strive for commercial success.
Viele Künstler streben nach kommerziellem Erfolg.
Tips: The word kommerziell is used to describe anything related to commerce or commercial activities. It can be used to talk about commercial purposes, commercial use, or commercial success. It’s a versatile word that is commonly used in business and marketing contexts.
Similar: geschäftlich (business-related), handelsüblich (commercially available)
The internet offers numerous commercial opportunities.
Das Internet bietet zahlreiche kommerzielle Möglichkeiten.
Tips: The word kommerziell is used to describe anything related to commerce or commercial activities. It can be used to talk about commercial purposes, commercial use, or commercial success. It’s a versatile word that is commonly used in business and marketing contexts.
Similar: geschäftlich (business-related), handelsüblich (commercially available)
She is interested in commercial real estate.
Sie interessiert sich für kommerzielle Immobilien.
Tips: The word kommerziell is used to describe anything related to commerce or commercial activities. It can be used to talk about commercial purposes, commercial use, or commercial success. It’s a versatile word that is commonly used in business and marketing contexts.
Similar: geschäftlich (business-related), handelsüblich (commercially available)
I receive a letter from my friend.
to receive, to obtain
Ich erhalte einen Brief von meiner Freundin.
Tips: The verb erhalten is used to express the action of receiving or obtaining something. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as receiving letters, awards, approvals, or grades. It can also be used to indicate maintaining a certain condition or mood despite external circumstances.
Similar: bekommen (to get), empfangen (to receive)
He received an award for his achievements.
to receive, to obtain
Er erhielt eine Auszeichnung für seine Leistungen.
Tips: The verb erhalten is used to express the action of receiving or obtaining something. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as receiving letters, awards, approvals, or grades. It can also be used to indicate maintaining a certain condition or mood despite external circumstances.
Similar: bekommen (to get), empfangen (to receive)
She obtained the approval quickly.
to receive, to obtain
Sie hat die Genehmigung schnell erhalten.
Tips: The verb erhalten is used to express the action of receiving or obtaining something. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as receiving letters, awards, approvals, or grades. It can also be used to indicate maintaining a certain condition or mood despite external circumstances.
Similar: bekommen (to get), empfangen (to receive)
Despite the rain, we maintain our good mood.
to receive, to obtain
Trotz des Regens erhalten wir unsere gute Laune.
Tips: The verb erhalten is used to express the action of receiving or obtaining something. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as receiving letters, awards, approvals, or grades. It can also be used to indicate maintaining a certain condition or mood despite external circumstances.
Similar: bekommen (to get), empfangen (to receive)
The students receive their grades at the end of the semester.
to receive, to obtain
Die Schüler erhalten ihre Noten am Ende des Semesters.
Tips: The verb erhalten is used to express the action of receiving or obtaining something. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as receiving letters, awards, approvals, or grades. It can also be used to indicate maintaining a certain condition or mood despite external circumstances.
Similar: bekommen (to get), empfangen (to receive)
Unfortunately, I don’t have a replacement for my broken glasses.
substitute, replacement
Ich habe leider keinen Ersatz für meine defekte Brille.
Tips: The noun ‘Ersatz’ is used to refer to a substitute or a replacement for something that is missing or unavailable. It can be used in various contexts, such as replacing an object, a person, or a component. It’s a commonly used word in everyday German.
Similar: die Alternative (alternative), der Ersatzspieler (substitute player)
If necessary, you can request me as a substitute driver.
substitute, replacement
Bei Bedarf können Sie mich als Ersatzfahrer anfordern.
Tips: The noun ‘Ersatz’ is used to refer to a substitute or a replacement for something that is missing or unavailable. It can be used in various contexts, such as replacing an object, a person, or a component. It’s a commonly used word in everyday German.
Similar: die Alternative (alternative), der Ersatzspieler (substitute player)
We didn’t find a replacement for the lost key.
substitute, replacement
Wir haben keinen Ersatz für den verlorenen Schlüssel gefunden.
Tips: The noun ‘Ersatz’ is used to refer to a substitute or a replacement for something that is missing or unavailable. It can be used in various contexts, such as replacing an object, a person, or a component. It’s a commonly used word in everyday German.
Similar: die Alternative (alternative), der Ersatzspieler (substitute player)
The substitute for the absent teacher was very competent.
substitute, replacement
Der Ersatz für die abwesende Lehrerin war sehr kompetent.
Tips: The noun ‘Ersatz’ is used to refer to a substitute or a replacement for something that is missing or unavailable. It can be used in various contexts, such as replacing an object, a person, or a component. It’s a commonly used word in everyday German.
Similar: die Alternative (alternative), der Ersatzspieler (substitute player)
In food production, sometimes substitute ingredients are used.
substitute, replacement
In der Nahrungsmittelproduktion werden manchmal Ersatzstoffe verwendet.
Tips: The noun ‘Ersatz’ is used to refer to a substitute or a replacement for something that is missing or unavailable. It can be used in various contexts, such as replacing an object, a person, or a component. It’s a commonly used word in everyday German.
Similar: die Alternative (alternative), der Ersatzspieler (substitute player)
In the presence of others, he felt uncomfortable.
present, present time
In der Gegenwart der anderen fühlte er sich unwohl.
Tips: The noun Gegenwart refers to the present time, the current moment, or the state of being present. It is often used in philosophical, historical, or everyday contexts. It is important to distinguish it from ‘Anwesenheit,’ which specifically refers to physical presence.
Similar: die Gegenwart (present time), die Anwesenheit (presence), die Zeitgenossenschaft (contemporaneity)
The present is the period of time that is happening now.
present, present time
Die Gegenwart ist der Zeitraum, der jetzt stattfindet.
Tips: The noun Gegenwart refers to the present time, the current moment, or the state of being present. It is often used in philosophical, historical, or everyday contexts. It is important to distinguish it from ‘Anwesenheit,’ which specifically refers to physical presence.
Similar: die Gegenwart (present time), die Anwesenheit (presence), die Zeitgenossenschaft (contemporaneity)
Despite the challenges, I enjoy the present.
present, present time
Trotz der Herausforderungen genieße ich die Gegenwart.
Tips: The noun Gegenwart refers to the present time, the current moment, or the state of being present. It is often used in philosophical, historical, or everyday contexts. It is important to distinguish it from ‘Anwesenheit,’ which specifically refers to physical presence.
Similar: die Gegenwart (present time), die Anwesenheit (presence), die Zeitgenossenschaft (contemporaneity)
In today’s present, we experience many changes.
present, present time
In der heutigen Gegenwart erleben wir viele Veränderungen.
Tips: The noun Gegenwart refers to the present time, the current moment, or the state of being present. It is often used in philosophical, historical, or everyday contexts. It is important to distinguish it from ‘Anwesenheit,’ which specifically refers to physical presence.
Similar: die Gegenwart (present time), die Anwesenheit (presence), die Zeitgenossenschaft (contemporaneity)
I hope I have the opportunity to see you again soon.
opportunity, occasion
Ich hoffe, dass ich die Gelegenheit habe, dich bald wiederzusehen.
Tips: The noun Gelegenheit refers to an opportunity or an occasion. It is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts. It can be used to express the chance to do something or the circumstances in which something happens.
Similar: Chance, Möglichkeit
On this occasion, I would like to thank you for your support.
opportunity, occasion
Bei dieser Gelegenheit möchte ich mich für Ihre Unterstützung bedanken.
Tips: The noun Gelegenheit refers to an opportunity or an occasion. It is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts. It can be used to express the chance to do something or the circumstances in which something happens.
Similar: Chance, Möglichkeit
Despite the difficult opportunity, they have successfully mastered the task.
opportunity, occasion
Trotz der schwierigen Gelegenheit haben sie die Aufgabe erfolgreich gemeistert.
Tips: The noun Gelegenheit refers to an opportunity or an occasion. It is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts. It can be used to express the chance to do something or the circumstances in which something happens.
Similar: Chance, Möglichkeit
If the opportunity arises, I will let you know.
opportunity, occasion
Wenn sich die Gelegenheit ergibt, werde ich dir Bescheid geben.
Tips: The noun Gelegenheit refers to an opportunity or an occasion. It is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts. It can be used to express the chance to do something or the circumstances in which something happens.
Similar: Chance, Möglichkeit
She took the opportunity to improve her language skills.
opportunity, occasion
Sie hat die Gelegenheit genutzt, um ihre Sprachkenntnisse zu verbessern.
Tips: The noun Gelegenheit refers to an opportunity or an occasion. It is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts. It can be used to express the chance to do something or the circumstances in which something happens.
Similar: Chance, Möglichkeit
The grill in the garden is perfect for summer evenings.
Der Grill im Garten ist perfekt für Sommerabende.
Tips: The word Grill refers to the barbecue grill used for cooking outdoors. It can also refer to the act of grilling or the social event of having a barbecue. This word is commonly used in informal settings and during the warm summer months.
Yesterday, we grilled on the barbecue.
Wir haben gestern auf dem Grill gegrillt.
Tips: The word Grill refers to the barbecue grill used for cooking outdoors. It can also refer to the act of grilling or the social event of having a barbecue. This word is commonly used in informal settings and during the warm summer months.
He is the king of the grill and grills the best steak.
Er ist der König des Grills und grillt das beste Steak.
Tips: The word Grill refers to the barbecue grill used for cooking outdoors. It can also refer to the act of grilling or the social event of having a barbecue. This word is commonly used in informal settings and during the warm summer months.
The health insurance covers the costs of my medical treatment.
health insurance
Die Krankenkasse deckt die Kosten für meine medizinische Behandlung ab.
Tips: The term Krankenkasse refers to the health insurance system in Germany. It is mandatory for all residents to have health insurance coverage, whether through a public or private health insurance provider. The Krankenkasse is responsible for covering medical expenses and providing various health services to its members.
I have to register with a new health insurance company.
health insurance
Ich muss mich bei einer neuen Krankenkasse anmelden.
Tips: The term Krankenkasse refers to the health insurance system in Germany. It is mandatory for all residents to have health insurance coverage, whether through a public or private health insurance provider. The Krankenkasse is responsible for covering medical expenses and providing various health services to its members.
The contributions to health insurance are constantly increasing.
health insurance
Die Beiträge zur Krankenkasse steigen ständig.
Tips: The term Krankenkasse refers to the health insurance system in Germany. It is mandatory for all residents to have health insurance coverage, whether through a public or private health insurance provider. The Krankenkasse is responsible for covering medical expenses and providing various health services to its members.
My health insurance also offers additional services, such as preventive examinations.
health insurance
Meine Krankenkasse bietet auch zusätzliche Leistungen an, wie z.B. Vorsorgeuntersuchungen.
Tips: The term Krankenkasse refers to the health insurance system in Germany. It is mandatory for all residents to have health insurance coverage, whether through a public or private health insurance provider. The Krankenkasse is responsible for covering medical expenses and providing various health services to its members.
The health insurance takes care of the health prevention of its insured persons.
health insurance
Die Krankenkasse kümmert sich um die Gesundheitsvorsorge ihrer Versicherten.
Tips: The term Krankenkasse refers to the health insurance system in Germany. It is mandatory for all residents to have health insurance coverage, whether through a public or private health insurance provider. The Krankenkasse is responsible for covering medical expenses and providing various health services to its members.
It is my duty to take care of my parents as they get older.
duty, obligation
Es ist meine Pflicht, mich um meine Eltern zu kümmern, wenn sie älter werden.
Tips: The noun Pflicht refers to a duty or obligation that one is required or expected to fulfill. It can be used in various contexts, such as personal responsibilities, work-related duties, or moral obligations. It’s a crucial word when discussing responsibilities and commitments.
Similar: Aufgabe (task, assignment), Verantwortung (responsibility)
Nevertheless, he fulfills his duties as a father and husband with great dedication.
duty, obligation
Trotzdem erfüllt er seine Pflichten als Vater und Ehemann mit großer Hingabe.
Tips: The noun Pflicht refers to a duty or obligation that one is required or expected to fulfill. It can be used in various contexts, such as personal responsibilities, work-related duties, or moral obligations. It’s a crucial word when discussing responsibilities and commitments.
Similar: Aufgabe (task, assignment), Verantwortung (responsibility)
After he had completed his duty, he could finally relax.
duty, obligation
Nachdem er die Pflicht erledigt hatte, konnte er sich endlich entspannen.
Tips: The noun Pflicht refers to a duty or obligation that one is required or expected to fulfill. It can be used in various contexts, such as personal responsibilities, work-related duties, or moral obligations. It’s a crucial word when discussing responsibilities and commitments.
Similar: Aufgabe (task, assignment), Verantwortung (responsibility)
Despite the rain, he went to work because he felt obligated to fulfill his duty to the company.
duty, obligation
Trotz des Regens ging er zur Arbeit, denn er fühlte sich seiner Pflicht gegenüber dem Unternehmen verpflichtet.
Tips: The noun Pflicht refers to a duty or obligation that one is required or expected to fulfill. It can be used in various contexts, such as personal responsibilities, work-related duties, or moral obligations. It’s a crucial word when discussing responsibilities and commitments.
Similar: Aufgabe (task, assignment), Verantwortung (responsibility)
He has the same book as I do.
Er hat das selbe Buch wie ich.
Tips: The adjective selbe is used to indicate that two or more things are identical or the same. It agrees in gender and number with the noun it refers to.
Similar: gleich (same, equal), identisch (identical)
They are wearing the same jacket in different colors.
Sie tragen selbe Jacke in unterschiedlichen Farben.
Tips: The adjective selbe is used to indicate that two or more things are identical or the same. It agrees in gender and number with the noun it refers to.
Similar: gleich (same, equal), identisch (identical)
Death is a natural part of life.
Der Tod ist ein natürlicher Teil des Lebens.
Tips: The noun Tod refers to the state of being dead, the end of life. It is a profound and serious term and is used in various contexts, from philosophical discussions to everyday conversations. It can be used to express the end of life in a neutral or emotional way.
Similar: Sterben (to die), Versterben (to pass away)
She was very sad after the death of her grandfather.
Nach dem Tod ihres Großvaters war sie sehr traurig.
Tips: The noun Tod refers to the state of being dead, the end of life. It is a profound and serious term and is used in various contexts, from philosophical discussions to everyday conversations. It can be used to express the end of life in a neutral or emotional way.
Similar: Sterben (to die), Versterben (to pass away)
Some people are afraid of death.
Manche Menschen haben Angst vor dem Tod.
Tips: The noun Tod refers to the state of being dead, the end of life. It is a profound and serious term and is used in various contexts, from philosophical discussions to everyday conversations. It can be used to express the end of life in a neutral or emotional way.
Similar: Sterben (to die), Versterben (to pass away)
Despite his father’s death, he continued to work.
Trotz des Todes seines Vaters, hat er weitergearbeitet.
Tips: The noun Tod refers to the state of being dead, the end of life. It is a profound and serious term and is used in various contexts, from philosophical discussions to everyday conversations. It can be used to express the end of life in a neutral or emotional way.
Similar: Sterben (to die), Versterben (to pass away)
Death is inevitable, so we should enjoy life.
Der Tod ist unvermeidlich, daher sollten wir das Leben genießen.
Tips: The noun Tod refers to the state of being dead, the end of life. It is a profound and serious term and is used in various contexts, from philosophical discussions to everyday conversations. It can be used to express the end of life in a neutral or emotional way.
Similar: Sterben (to die), Versterben (to pass away)
He ran towards the direction that the stranger had shown him.
towards, contrary to
Er lief entgegen der Richtung, die ihm der Fremde gezeigt hatte.
Tips: The preposition ‘entgegen’ is used to express movement towards a specific direction or in a contrary manner. It is often used with the genitive case to indicate the direction or expectation that is being opposed or moved toward.
Contrary to his expectations, he quickly found the solution to the problem.
towards, contrary to
Entgegen seiner Erwartungen fand er die Lösung des Problems schnell.
Tips: The preposition ‘entgegen’ is used to express movement towards a specific direction or in a contrary manner. It is often used with the genitive case to indicate the direction or expectation that is being opposed or moved toward.
The teacher has a great influence on the students.
Der Lehrer hat einen großen Einfluss auf die Schüler.
Tips: The noun Einfluss is used to refer to the impact or effect that someone or something has on a person, a situation, or a decision. It can be both positive and negative. It’s a versatile word used in various contexts, from personal relationships to societal dynamics.
The decision was made under the influence of emotions.
Die Entscheidung wurde unter dem Einfluss der Emotionen getroffen.
Tips: The noun Einfluss is used to refer to the impact or effect that someone or something has on a person, a situation, or a decision. It can be both positive and negative. It’s a versatile word used in various contexts, from personal relationships to societal dynamics.
She tried to exert her influence, but it didn’t work.
Sie hat versucht, ihren Einfluss geltend zu machen, aber es hat nicht geklappt.
Tips: The noun Einfluss is used to refer to the impact or effect that someone or something has on a person, a situation, or a decision. It can be both positive and negative. It’s a versatile word used in various contexts, from personal relationships to societal dynamics.
Despite the influence of her parents, she chose her own path.
Trotz des Einflusses ihrer Eltern hat sie ihren eigenen Weg gewählt.
Tips: The noun Einfluss is used to refer to the impact or effect that someone or something has on a person, a situation, or a decision. It can be both positive and negative. It’s a versatile word used in various contexts, from personal relationships to societal dynamics.
His opinion has a great influence on the team’s decisions.
Seine Meinung hat einen großen Einfluss auf die Entscheidungen des Teams.
Tips: The noun Einfluss is used to refer to the impact or effect that someone or something has on a person, a situation, or a decision. It can be both positive and negative. It’s a versatile word used in various contexts, from personal relationships to societal dynamics.
This book belongs to my sister.
to belong
Dieses Buch gehört meiner Schwester.
Tips: The verb gehören is used to indicate possession or belonging. It is commonly used to express ownership or affiliation. It is important to note that in German, the possessor comes before the verb and the thing possessed comes after the verb.
Similar: zugehören (to pertain to, to be part of), angehören (to belong to a group or organization)
The decision belonged to the most difficult ones she had ever made.
to belong
Die Entscheidung gehörte zu den schwierigsten, die sie je getroffen hatte.
Tips: The verb gehören is used to indicate possession or belonging. It is commonly used to express ownership or affiliation. It is important to note that in German, the possessor comes before the verb and the thing possessed comes after the verb.
Similar: zugehören (to pertain to, to be part of), angehören (to belong to a group or organization)
The suitcase belonged to me, but I lost it.
to belong
Der Koffer hat mir gehört, aber ich habe ihn verloren.
Tips: The verb gehören is used to indicate possession or belonging. It is commonly used to express ownership or affiliation. It is important to note that in German, the possessor comes before the verb and the thing possessed comes after the verb.
Similar: zugehören (to pertain to, to be part of), angehören (to belong to a group or organization)
That belonged to the most beautiful experiences of my life.
to belong
Das gehörte zu den schönsten Erlebnissen meines Lebens.
Tips: The verb gehören is used to indicate possession or belonging. It is commonly used to express ownership or affiliation. It is important to note that in German, the possessor comes before the verb and the thing possessed comes after the verb.
Similar: zugehören (to pertain to, to be part of), angehören (to belong to a group or organization)
This job belonged to me.
to belong
Dieser Job hat zu mir gehört.
Tips: The verb gehören is used to indicate possession or belonging. It is commonly used to express ownership or affiliation. It is important to note that in German, the possessor comes before the verb and the thing possessed comes after the verb.
Similar: zugehören (to pertain to, to be part of), angehören (to belong to a group or organization)
She has a secret that she doesn’t want to tell anyone.
secret, mystery
Sie hat ein Geheimnis, das sie niemandem erzählen will.
Tips: The noun Geheimnis is used to refer to a secret or a mystery. It can be used in various contexts, from personal secrets to enigmatic mysteries. It’s a common word in literature and everyday conversations.
Similar: Rätsel (riddle, puzzle), Mysterium (mystery)
This is a mystery that has been passed down in the family for generations.
secret, mystery
Das ist ein Geheimnis, das seit Generationen in der Familie weitergegeben wird.
Tips: The noun Geheimnis is used to refer to a secret or a mystery. It can be used in various contexts, from personal secrets to enigmatic mysteries. It’s a common word in literature and everyday conversations.
Similar: Rätsel (riddle, puzzle), Mysterium (mystery)
Nevertheless, he couldn’t solve the mystery.
secret, mystery
Trotzdem konnte er das Geheimnis nicht lüften.
Tips: The noun Geheimnis is used to refer to a secret or a mystery. It can be used in various contexts, from personal secrets to enigmatic mysteries. It’s a common word in literature and everyday conversations.
Similar: Rätsel (riddle, puzzle), Mysterium (mystery)
The secret of success often lies in hard work and discipline.
secret, mystery
Das Geheimnis des Erfolgs liegt oft in harter Arbeit und Disziplin.
Tips: The noun Geheimnis is used to refer to a secret or a mystery. It can be used in various contexts, from personal secrets to enigmatic mysteries. It’s a common word in literature and everyday conversations.
Similar: Rätsel (riddle, puzzle), Mysterium (mystery)
Although he asked, she didn’t reveal the secret to him.
secret, mystery
Obwohl er nachfragte, verriet sie ihm nicht das Geheimnis.
Tips: The noun Geheimnis is used to refer to a secret or a mystery. It can be used in various contexts, from personal secrets to enigmatic mysteries. It’s a common word in literature and everyday conversations.
Similar: Rätsel (riddle, puzzle), Mysterium (mystery)