MT Italian Advanced 3 Flashcards
he couldn’t tell me because he did not know it
non poteva dirmi perché non lo sapeva
they can
they leave
they know
they have
they give
they go
they don’t want to do it
non vogliono farlo
they are finishing
why don’t you tell me? (plural)
perché non mi dite?
they are not telling me
non mi dicono
they don’t understand it
non lo capiscono
they are eating
they are selling it
lo vendono
at what time are they leaving?
a che ora partono?
you all have it (plural)
tutti voi lo avete / l’avete.
you are doing it (plural)
lo fate
why don’t they tell me?
perché non mi dicono?
they are not coming
non vengono
why don’t you come with us? (plural)
perché non venite con noi?
we should do it
dovremmo farlo
you should wait for me (plural formal)
dovrebbero aspettarmi
could you tell me? (friend)
potresti dirmi
could you tell me? (plural)
potreste dirmi?
they couldn’t tell me
non potrebbero dirmi
we will tell you (friend)
ti diremo
we will tell you (formal)
le diremo
we wouldn’t tell him
non gli diremmo
we wouldn’t give it to him
non glielo daremmo
when will you leave? (plural)
quando partirete?
when will you do it? (friend)
quando lo farai?
when will they do it?
when will you all do it? (plural formal)
quando lo farano?
he told me that he wouldn’t do it
mi ha detto che non lo farebbe
he wouldn’t have done it
non lo avrebbe fatto
they would do it
lo farebbero
we would do it
lo faremmo
you would do it (friend)
lo faresti
you would do it (plural)
lo fareste
they will be able to do it
potranno farlo
you will be able to do it (friend)
potrai farlo
we couldn’t find it (past)
non potevamo trovarlo
you should wait for us (plural)
dovreste aspettarci
you could have told me (friend)
mi avreste potuto dire
we should have left earlier
avremmo dovuto partire più presto
where did you go? (female friend)
dove sei andata?
where did you go? (a few girls)
dove siete andate?
where did you go? (mixed group)
dove siete andati?
we went to see it
siamo andati a vederlo
at what time did you leave? (female friend)
a che ora sei partita?
we have just left
siamo appena partiti
he has just arrived
è appena arrivato
we went out
siamo usciti
they are going out
you are going out (plural)
don’t go out! (Lei)
non esca!
don’t go out! (friend)
non uscire!
don’t tell me! (friend)
non dirmi!
don’t wait for me! (friend)
non aspettarmi!
come with me! (Lei)
venga con me!
don’t go there! (friend)
non andarci!
don’t tell me! (Lei)
non mi dica!
more slowly
più lentamente
speak more slowly! (tu)
parla più lentamente!
speak! (friend)
leave! (tu)
leave! (Lei)
speak Italian with me! (tu)
parla italiano con me!
come with us! (tu)
vieni con noi!