Lab oral 6 Flashcards
Endocrine glands produce
Hormones which in turn affect other tissues within the body
Pituitary gland has been called the
Master gland because it produces so many hormones that regulate the activity of other endocrine glands
The pituitary gland has two lobes
Anterior pituitary and posterior pituitary
Although the pituitary gland has been called the master gland, it is unfair to
The hypothalamus which is actually the master control center of the endocrine control system
Where are the thyroid and parathyroid glands located?
In the neck
Location, hormones, and basic function for hypothalamus
Location: In the inferior region of the diencephalon
Hormones: Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
Oxytocin (OT)
Regulatory hormones
Basic function: Master control center of the endocrine system. Regulates most endocrine activity
Location and hormones, and basic function for the pituitary gland
Location: Inferior to the hypothalamus Hormones for anterior pituitary lobe: Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) Growth hormone (GH) Luteinizing hormone (LH) Melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH) Prolactin (PRL) Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) Hormones for posterior pituitary lobe: Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) Oxytocin (OT) Basic function: small endocrine organ that controls a multitude of important functions in the body
Location and hormones, & basic function for the pineal gland
Location: Attached to the posterior region of the epithalamus
Hormones: Melantonin
Basic function: Influences daily biorhythms
Location, hormones, & basic function for the thyroid gland
Location: Inferior to the thyroid cartilage of the larynx and anterior to the trachea
Hormones: Calcitonin (CT)
Thyroid hormone (TH)
Basic function: Regulates metabolism, growth & development, lowers blood Ca+ level
Location, hormones, & basic function for the parathyroid glands
Location: Posterior surface of the thyroid gland
Hormones: Parathyroid hormone (PTH)
Basic function: Raises blood Ca++ level
Location, hormones, & basic function for the thymus
Location: Within the mediastinum superior to the heart and immediately posterior to the sternum
Hormones: Thymopoietin and thymosins
Basic function: Roles in immune response
Location and hormones for pancreatic islets
Location: Scattered among the pancreatic acini
Hormones: Glucagon, Insulin, Somatostatin, Pancreatic polypeptide
Basic function: Lowers blood sugar levels & raises blood sugar level
Location, hormones, & basic function for the adrenal (suprarenal) glands
Location: Anchored on the superior surface of each kidney
Hormones from cortex: Corticosteroids
Hormones from medulla: Epinephrine (E)
Norepinephrine (NE)
Basic function: Promotes protein breakdown & conversion to glucose, Na+ reabsorption, control of salt water balance, raises blood sugar & fatty acid levels; increases both rate & force of heart contractions, promotes constriction or dilation of blood vessels
Location, hormones, & basic function for the gonads testes
Location: Testicles
Hormones: Androgens and Inhibin
Basic function: Role in development of genitals & maintenance of male sexual traits, sperm formation, growth
Location, hormones, & basic function for the gonads ovaries
Location: ovaries
Hormones: Estrogen, Inhibin, Progesteron
Basic function: Role in development of genitals & maintenance of female sexual traits, growth, required for egg maturation & release, proliferation of uterine lining. Prepares & maintains uterine lining for pregnancy, stimulates breast development
What are the 6 extrinsic eye muscles?
1) Superior rectus
2) Inferior rectus
3) Medial rectus
4) Lateral rectus
5) Superior oblique w/trochela
6) Inferior oblique
What are the cutaneous receptors
1) Lamellated corpuscle
2) Bulb of krause
3) Free nerve ending
4) Corpuscle of touch
5) Hair root plexus
6) Organ of Ruffini
Location and function for Lamellated corpuscle
Location: Deep within the reticular layer of the dermis; in the subcutaneous layer of the palms of the hands, soles of the feet, breasts, and external genitalia; in the synovial membranes of joints; and in the walls of some organs
Function: Detect deep pressure and high-frequency vibration
Location and function for Bulb of krause
Location: Near the boarder of the stratified squamous epithelium in the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, nasal cavity, vagina, and anal canal
Function: detect light pressure stimuli and low-frequency vibration