Lab oral #5 Flashcards
What are the anatomical types of neurons-based upon the number of process attached to cell body
1) Unipolar (Pseudounipolar)
2) Bipolar
3) Multipolar
Unipolar (Pseudounipolar) is
Based upon the number of processes attached to cell body
Bipolar is
One axon and one dendrite (Special sensory neurons)
Multipolar is
One axon and several dendrites (Motor neurons)
Functional types of neurons-based upon relationship with the CNS
1) Sensory (Afferent)
2) Motor (Efferent)
3) Interneuron (Associate)
Carry impulses into CNS
Sensory (Afferent)
Carry impulses away from the CNS
Motor (Efferent)
Carry impulses within the CNS
Interneuron (Associate)
Name the different neuroglia cells
1) Astrocytes (CNS)
2) Oligodendroctyes (CNS)
3) Microglia (CNS)
4) Ependymal cells (CNS)
5) Neurolemmocyte (PNS)
6) Satellite cells (PNS)
Name the 4 types of neuroglia cells that are located in the CNS
1) Astrocytes
2) Oligodendrocytes
3) Microglia
4) Ependymal cells
Name the two types of neuroglia cells that are located in the PNS
1) Neurolemmocyte
2) Satellite cells
Astrocytes are
Large, branching cells that form the blood-brain barrier
Oligodendrocytes are
Cells with few branches that form myelin
Microglia are
Tiny cells with complex branches and are phagocytes
Ependymal cells are
Ciliated & secrete the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
Neurolemmocyte are
Myelin producing
Satellite cells are
Isolate and nourish cell bodies in ganglion
What are the nerve connective tissue coverings (PNS)
- Epineurium
- Perineurium
- Endoneurium
- Fascicles
Connective tissue coverings of CNS
What are the different Meninges (connective tissue coverings of the CNS) from external to internal
1) Dura mater-tough outer cover
2) Arachnoid membrane- weblike & enclosing the CSF (cerebrospinal fluid)
3) Pia mater- delicate inner, vascular membrane that adheres to the CNS
The nervous system is divided into two main sections which are the
Central nervous system and peripheral nervous system
What is in the CNS?
The brain and spinal cord
What is in the PNS?
Everything else; all the things outside the brain and spinal cord; the spinal nerves, cranial nerves & the peripheral nerves that go to other parts of the body
The two anatomical divisions of the nervous system are?
Central & peripheral nervous system because it has to do with with where those structures are
The basic unit that conducts impulses and thus carries messages throughout the body
The neuron
A typical neuron is composed of
3 main parts; the cell body, the dendrites, and the axon
The dendrites conduct
Impulses towards the cell body
The cell body contains most of the cellular parts including
The nucleus and all of the anatomy that is needed to keep the cell alive and functioning
The axon carries impulses
Away from the cell body
Within the cell body is
The nucleus and the chromatophilic bodies
The chromatophilic bodies are
Large numbers of free and attached ribosomes that stain darkly on real neurons
The many ribosomes are important in producing
Proteins int he active neuron
Neurons are very active and proteins are an important part of
That activity
Within the axons are
Neurofibrils are
Bundles of microtubules that serve to make the axon stronger, it is less likely to break because of the neurofibrils
Wrapped around the axon are
Neuroglial cells called neurolemmocytes (Schwann Cells)