Chapter 3 Review Flashcards
Fetal portion of placenta
Formation of three primary germ layers
Gives rise to most of urinary system
Intermediate mesoderm
Single cell produced by fertilization
Fluid filled membranous sac around fetus
Forms brain and spinal cord
Neural tube
Structure that implants in the uterus
Forms muscle and the axial skeleton
Paraxial mesoderm
Solid ball of cells during cleavage
Cell layer facing yolk sac in bilaminar germinal disc
Fertilization of the secondary oocyte usually occurs in the
Uterine tube
The outer layer of the blastocyst that attaches to the wall of the uterus at implantation is called the
At about day 3 after fertilization, the cells of the pre-embryo adhere tightly to each other and increase their surface contact in a process called
Somites develop from
Paraxial mesoderm
During gastrulation, cells from the ____ layer of the bilaminar germinal disc migrate and form the three primary germ layers
An abnormal number of chromosomes in a cell following meiosis occurs as a result of
The cells of the embryoblast differentiate into the ____ and the ______
Epiblast, hypoblast
Is the mesoderm an extraembryonic membrane?
Capacitation occurs when sperm
Are deposited within the female reproductive tract
The beginning of brain and spinal cord formation is termed
Describe “crossing over”
Crossing over helps shuffle the genetic material between maternal and paternal chromosomes in the cell. Moving genetic material between these chromosomes forms genetically diverse sex cells that have the potential to produce a human being with its own unique array of traits