English Final Sem 1 Flashcards
Archetype: Anti hero*
Hero who didn’t ask to get involved but does
Ex: Snape
Archetype: Bully
Has no tolerance for weakness, especially in himself
Archetype: Child*
Could be literal child or just living like one
Archetype: Coward
Afraid of everything, controlled by fear
Archetype: Elder/Mentor/Teacher/Parent*
Been around long enough to know some vital info
Ex: Haymitch
Archetype: Explorer/Wanderer
Wants to see the world–could be running from something
Archetype: Extraordinary man*
Guy who can do anything
Ex: Captain America
Archetype: Gossip*
Must be first to know everything and one to pass it on
Ex: Regina George
Archetype: Guardian
Protects the weak
Archetype: Sycophant*
Self-seeking, flatterer, who works to please those in power
Ex: Lefou Beauty and the beast
Archetype: Temptress
Uses power to make others weak
Archetype: Hunter/Predator
Can catch or kill anything
Archetype: Innocent
Inexperienced individual exposed to evils in the world
Archetype: Investigator
Thrives on puzzles and riddles
Archetype: Leader*
Always knows the best thing to do
Ex: Black Panther
Archetype: Magician/Wizard/Superpowers
Has special powers or abilities
Archetype: Martyr*
Willing to suffer or die for others or a cause
Ex: Iron Man
Archetype: Monster
A depraved beast
Archetype: Ordinary man*
Average Joe, like you or me
Ex: Ned Leeds
Archetype: Rebel/Revolutionary*
Stands opposed to status quo and fights for his cause
Ex: Katniss Everdeen
Archetype: Villain*
Seeks to destroy/trap the hero
Ex: Thanos
Archetype: Trickster/Jester*
Always looking for humor in situation
Ex: Deadpool
Tenor & vehicle
Tenor: Thing being described
Vehicle: Figurative language you use to describe it
Ex: call a person who spoils other people’s fun a “wet blanket,” “wet blanket” is the vehicle and the spoilsport is the tenor
Visuals, sound, and scent
Ex: Bright sunny day with the smell of fresh grass and birds chirping