Bible Ch 3 test Flashcards
Know the commonalities of Matthew and Luke’s version of the birth story
Herod as King
Joseph as the human father
Engaged virgin named Mary as the birth
Spirit causes the pregnancy
Announcement of angels
Called the Messiah
Location of Bethlehem
Was Matthew an eyewitness to Jesus’ birth? Why or why not?
No, he wasn’t born yet
What is the updated approximate date for Jesus’ birth?
5 or 4 BC
Why have historians changed the date of Jesus’ birth?
Herod was alive during Jesus’ birth but died 4 BC
What was Herod’s family background that made him unliked by the Jews?
He was an Iduman/Edomite
What was the one positive leadership characteristic we discussed about Herod as king?
Was a master builder
Why was Herod so “wicked” even to his own family?
Killed or attempted to kill his own children out of jealousy and suspicion of people trying to take his throne
He was paranoid
Who were Herod’s 3 sons?
Not any Agrippa
Which perspectives does Matthew and Luke explore the announcements of Jesus’ birth?
Matthew- Joseph
Luke- Mary
What is the focus of Matthew’s depiction of the virgin birth?
Explores moral/controversial issue of virgin birth
What is the significance of the genealogy of Jesus in Matthew’s gospel?
They fulfill the prophecies of the lines of David and Judah
Know the law regarding a woman being pregnant PRIOR to marriage.
It’s punishable by death by stoning under Mosaic law
What is the role of Gabriel?
He gave divine message sent by LORD
What is census and role did it play in the birth story of Jesus? And who ordered it?
Roman decree
Role- Everyone had to return to their place of birth
Ordered by Caesar Augustus
Know the general facts (“where it is/what is looks like”) about Bethlehem.
5 miles (8 km) SW of
2,550 ft above sea level
Hill country of Judea
Main road to Hebron and Egypt
Significance - City of David
Who was the prototype Messiah?
What was the ancient Jewish understanding of an inn?
Location specifically for travelers, very informal public shelter
Why were Mary and Joseph perfect to be Christ’s parents?
Perfect family line
Perfect age
What does Joseph gain by trying to divorce Mary QUIETLY?
His moral integrity and protect Mary
What are the differences between modern and ancient engagement?
Ancient engagement- To be engaged was already legally binding in Jewish law
Know the comparison chart between Mary and Zechariah
In the temple serving the Lord
High priest
Shows clear doubt
An older person “can” have a baby
Nowhere of religious significance
12-15 yrs old virgin
Simple girl
Question of curiosity
A virgin can’t have a baby
I am the Lord’s servant
What is the significance in the comparison to Mary and Zechariah?
Purity of the heart of Mary/uncorrupted
Willing to serve
What is a census and who was governor at the time?
Roman decree
What is the significance of Bethlehem?
City of David
Verse of the prophecy of Bethlehem as Jesus birth place
Micah 5:2
Significance of Jesus birth in a manger
Moment of humble beginnings
Jesus brought himself to a place of humanity in one of the most humble ways possible
Where were the Magi likely from? And what were their gifts listed in the Bible?
Arabia Felix
Gold, frankincense, and myrrh
What are reasons Jesus survived Herod’s craziness?
Magi ignore Herod’s instructions
Angel appears to Joseph in a dream and gets warned of Herod’s plot to kill Jesus
Go to Egyptian border
What did the angels say when they announced the birth of Jesus?
Glory to God on the highest
What are at least 4 of the differences between Mary and Zechariah at the time they hear of their miraculous coming children? Why is it so amazing that Mary is willing to be a servant of God?
Mary is young, Zechariah is old
Mary’s a virgin, old ppl can get pregnant
Mary had a question of curiosity, Zechariah was doubting
Mary said she’s Lord’s servant, Zechariah was in disbelief and scared.
Mary’s only about 12-15 years old when she was pregnant and giving birth that young is terrifying. She still had her whole life ahead of her. She never doubted God.
What are the two reasons that we can trust that the birth narratives are historical? AND What are 2 things the two stories (Matthew and Luke) have in common?
Luke explicitly states that he has carefully investigated the accuracy of his gospel just before presenting the birth narratives.
There are common features between the two narratives
What was the theological significance to the Magi? (who they were and how they reacted to Jesus)
They’re semi-pagan Gentiles and they’re reaction was they fell and worshipped Jesus
What is the theological significance to the shepherds and their social status and the announcement of Jesus birth
Though this is an announcement done in a way of a
king, it is presented to common humanity.