Bible Ch 5 test Flashcards
Definitions of miracle
An event that cannot be explained by nature – “supernatural”
An action that cannot be explained with reason or science that leads to an increased understanding of the
divine Messiah
What was the mindset of Israel regarding spirituality during the time of Jesus ministry?
The Israelites were very religious but not “spiritual”
What is the key purpose of ALL miracles in general?
to provide evidence that Jesus was the Messiah
Know the unique purposes of ALL 4 the miracle sub categories.
Nature Miracles- Demonstrate Jesus Power over Nature
Healings- intended to reveal the presence and power of the kingdom in his ministry
Exorcisms- to reveal the presence and power of the kingdom in his ministry in the presence of EVIL
Raising of the Dead-symbolically inaugurating the kingdom of God and the new creation.”
What is some of the information we know about the place called Cana
Small village in Galilee
Archeologists have focused on Khirbet Kana (about 8 miles north of Nazareth)
Circular path from Galilee to Jerusalem to
Galilee again
Describe ancient Jewish weddings at the time of Jesus
VERY extravagant weddings: could last an entire week or more
Would include the entire village… including Jesus’ whole family
Running out of wine= embarrassment to fam
Could be a symbol of spiritual bareness of first-century Judaism
What is the cultural significance to the term “woman” when Jesus addresses his mother?
A culturally polite expression showing distance
Why did Jesus wait to reveal himself as the Messiah?
The people are not ready people of
Israel have misconceptions about the Messiah.
Who tasted the water and discovered it was the best?
The Master
What is the significance to the rites of purification jars?
often used in ceremonial washings
Why is it important that Jesus creates the “best wine”?
the revelation of divine glory of the Messiah
What does Jesus want to supply his sheep with?
good food and eventually eternal life
What do the disciples show when they ask Jesus if the people should go and find food
spiritual immaturity -> dependence upon physical need rather than trusting the Father
How many denarii worth of bread to the disciples think they should get and what is the significance to this detail? Which disciple specifically is mentioned in John?
200 denarii
Represented 200 days’ wages for a labor worker
What is the ancient Jewish connections to the bread in the feeding of the 5000 story?
reminder of the Passover deliverance and the Exodus from Egypt
Approximately how many people were truly at the feeding?
What is the detail in this story that shows Jesus’ ability to fulfill in abundance?
Disciples picked up 12 other baskets (leftovers)
What is the connection between the feeding of 5000 and the changing of water into wine?
Messianic Banquet
What are the key meanings/outcomes from the feeding of 5000?
Everyone ate and was satisfied
Christ came into the world, not only to restore, but to preserve and nourish spiritual life; in Christ there is enough for all that come
Choose one of the 4 miracle types and be able to explain its unique significance and had a specific biblical example in mind.
Nature miracles: Demonstrate Jesus Power over Nature
Turning water into wine. Jesus and his family attended a wedding and the wine ran out so Jesus’ mother told the servants to do as Jesus says and he ordered them to get water and they filled purification jars to the brim with water and Jesus turned that water into wine.
What is the significance to the purification jars being used by Jesus at the changing of water into wine?
represent Judaism and its ritual purifications, which are transformed by Jesus into the best wine
jars often used in ceremonial washings
What is the Messianic Banquet and how do the two key miracles we have studied demonstrate it?
God saving all of humanity which is the theme of the OT and miracle of Jesus turning water into wine can represent that. Jesus’ ministry can represent new wine. Feeding of 5000 represents Jesus restoring the earth and preserving and nourishing spiritual life and in God there is enough for all that come