Bible Final Sem 2 Flashcards
What is the “extreme message” of Jesus?
The arrival of the Kingdom of God
What sort of oppression are religious and state taxes?
Was Israel ready for the messiah? How or how not?
Yes and no. They were ready for a king but they wanted a political king
What are people supposed to do in light of being anxious and worried about things upon this earth? (Matt 6:33)
first seek the Kingdom and submit to Jesus
How can people see and experience the present kingdom of heaven?
Enjoying the current blessings of God’s rule
What makes up the PHYSICAL part of the kingdom of God?
there is a literal rule of Christ on earth
According to Jesus himself, why does he use parables?
Those who will take advantage of the parable as a way to get spiritual understanding will get MORE -> work to understand it = a deeper understanding
What Old Testament passage is Jesus referring to when he says “the great commandment”?
Moses first commandment from Deuteronomy 6:5
What is the second great commandment and HOW are we supposed to following it?
You shall love your neighbor as yourself
What is used by the Jews to symbolize the “deepest part of a person’s inner being”?
The heart
What is the main focus of the Sermon on the Mount? (look for a footnote from Stephen Westerholm)
character and behavior of those who participate in God’s rule
What does it mean to be spiritually bankrupt?
Poor in spirit
Those who are in desperate need
The reward for persecution is “______________ in ___________________”
Great reward, heaven
What must we do to “remain in community/relationship with God”?
Abide in God
Why is it necessary to care for ourselves once and awhile?
So we can rest and be away from distractions
What is required of the sheep?
To have great compassion for those in need
What are the key words we discussed that describe the universe BEFORE anything (light) was created?
Null and void, empty and dark
What is a prevalent theme in Jesus’ teachings
How is our righteousness supposed to exceed the Pharisees?
Instead of being external it should be internal transformation
What is the common theme in the two parables BEFORE the Prodigal Son?
There will be rejoicing over the ONE that repents
Why were PIGs the animal used by Jesus in this story?
working with animals that are detestable and unclean to the Jewish community
What is a picture of the state of the lost sinner or a rebellious Christian who has returned to a life of slavery to sin?
no one gave him anything when he beg for food and ate pig food
What did the father do that shed him of his own dignity when his son returned?
He ran
What three things does the older son say that indicates he is disrespecting his family?
just says “look” rather than “Lord or Father” – further disgrace
“I never disobeyed” – points to his own righteousness
“this son of yours” – not acknowledging him as his brother