Bible ch 8 Flashcards
What kind of leader was the people of Jerusalem waiting for when Jesus came into Jerusalem?
a powerful leader/king/military leadership
What is the importance of Zechariah 9:9?
The prophecy Jesus fulfills that says must have a
Jesus came to fulfill the _________ and ____________? (this was also in previous units)
law, prophets
How did Jesus humble himself to the shepherd-king?
By riding the donkey
What does Jesus demonstrate as he enters Jerusalem? What plan is he staying obedient to?
Jesus presents himself as a leader of humbleness. God’s plan
What was the importance of an unused animal being unused?
unused animals were seen as animals for spiritual purposes
How did people in the time of Jesus honor incoming people of sovereignty?
They lay their garments on the road
What was the waiving of Palm branches symbolic of?
Symbolized Jewish nationalism and victory
The original meaning of the word “hosanna” is…
Greek word for “Save, please”
According to scriptures we read, who was present in the meeting about killing Jesus?
Chief priests, elders, caiaphas, and scribes
What were the duties of the Chief priests?
Authorized to perform rites of the Israelite region
What were the duties and abilities that set the scribes apart from other leaders of Judaism?
Ability to read, write, and interpret law, they were involved with Judiciary process of Jesus
How did Jesus’ popularity change the way the leaders of Jewish religion needed to get rid of Jesus?
Jewish leaders knew that they had to perform trial and arrest Jesus by stealth
What was believed to be Judas Iscariot’s job among the disciples?
He was the treasurer of disciples
When did the spirit of dishonesty begin in Judas Iscariot?
Existed since the beginning of Jesus’ ministry
What are the two different perspectives of how to see the death of Jesus between Jewish leaders and the plan of God?
To the Jewish leaders: The leaders were seeking to “rid
Israel of a deceiver and blasphemer, and to protect
their authority to lead the people.”
God’s redemptive plan: these actions are in line with the
plan that Jesus’ “sacrificial death will accomplish God’s
purpose to bring salvation to the world.”