Bible Ch 9 Test Flashcards
What are the first words from Jesus while he is on the cross and what is their significance? (OUTSIDE of the chart)
“Father forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.”
It’s significant bc it shows Jesus was not vengeful
He demonstrates forgiveness to all people including his enemies in the darkest moment
What does crucifixion mean? And how was it understood in the 1st century?
-Crucifixion means stauroo (greek)
-considered to be one of the most painful ways to die during the times of Jesus
-the criminal was beaten and then placed on a cross with large nails & left to suffocate until the person died or possible experienced failure
Why does crucifixion make Christianity unique?
It makes Christianity unique because they celebrate someone that suffered in death
What group originally utilized crucifixion and which military leader eventually adopted it?
Persians, Alexander the Great
Why were Roman’s never crucified?
Too gruesome and humiliating
What is flogging?
It’s a leather whip interwoven with pieces of metal, bone and glass, which tore skin, often to the bone
What things were done to Jesus to specifically mock him as a king?
-The robe
-crown of thrones
Who helped Jesus carry the cross and why could this man had been instrumental in the building of the early church?
Simon of Cyrene, he was wealthy and considered a high priest. Father of the early leaders of the church
Where was Jesus crucified?
Golgotha, Skull, Cavalry
What are the three factors of pain during crucifixion?
-Painful and nonfatal character of the wounds
-Abnormal position of the body
-Traumatic fever induced by hanging for a long period of time
What was the significance of the veil tearing in two?
it was the separation of man and God that had been removed
What was the Sanhedrin and who was a member of it that was important to the burial of Jesus?
it was the supreme council and Joseph of Arimathea was apart of it
What facts do we know about Joseph of Arimathea?
-was a rich man
-was a good and upright man
-became a disciple
-asked Pilate for Jesus’ body
-followed Jesus secretly
What are the four things we learn from Joseph and his role in the burial?
-it was a real tomb
-He was willing to risk his position in the Sanhedrin
-There were witnesses (Mary, Joseph, and Mary mother of Jesus)
-Jesus was truly dead
What were the three things that were provided by Pilate to secure the tomb of Jesus?
official seal
and the large stone
Who was present at the discovery of Jesus’ empty tomb?
Mary Magdalene and Mary Jesus’ mother and Joana
Why is it significant that woman bring the news of the empty tomb to the disciples?
the testimony of women as witnesses wasn’t always given credence in the first century context (evidence for truth)
What detail about the entrance of Jesus’ entrance and appearance to the disciples shows that the nature of who Jesus is has changed?
What was a mortal body became a spiritual and immortal body, transformed by the power of God
He’s physical flesh and bones because he can be touched and eats with those that see him
What character did the disciples lack that is honored and respected throughout scripture?
Whats the other name of Thomas and what does it mean?
didymus meaning twin
“Today you’ll be with me in paradise” able to forgive who?
shows ability to love the unlovable
“Why have you forsaken me?” what happened here between the Son and the Father?
separation. Jesus was feeling the wrath of God
“father in your hands I commit my spirit” what is Jesus allowing to occur here?
allowing to give himself to God
What road were the two disciples walking to when they saw Jesus? Who were they? And why was that important?
Emmaus road
Clopus and Mary
He didn’t go to the main 11 disciples