Chem 4a quiz Flashcards
Matter is made of separate distinct particles
Could not be divided infinitely without losing its properties
Dalton’s Atomic Model
First experimental model
Theories: Combinations of atoms from different elements form compounds
Atoms of different elements have different masses
He assigned relative masses to atoms of various elements
Not entirely accurate
Law of definite composition
Every compound is formed of elements combined in specific ratios by mass that are unique for that compound
1800 Alessandro Volta
Italian physicist and chemist
Discovered methane gas
Invented electrical battery
JJ Thomson’s model
Experiments with cathode rays
Negative charged particles
Electrons have very little mass
Plum pudding model
1909 Discovery of the Nucleus
Rutherford’s model
The Geiger experiment
What did we learn from the Geiger Experiment
Nucleus= very small compared to whole atom
Nucleus has positive charge
Positive particles in nucleus= protons
Number of protons in nucleus called atom’s atomic number
James Chadwick observed
Neutrally charged particles in a sample of metal
Neutrons are slightly heavier than protons
Neutron discovery
What did we learn from the Rutherford and Geiger experiment
A) Atom’s nucleus is tiny
B) Atoms have lots of empty space
C) Protons are in nucleus and thus positive
D) All of above
Thompson’s contribution to our understanding of the atom was
A) Electrons and their + charge
B) Electrons and their - charge
C) Protons
D) Cathode ray tubes
Discovery of Electron Energy: Bohr
Why do electrons not fall into nucleus
Are they moving
How are electrons arranged
Thought electrons needed movement and energy to keep from crashing into the nucleus
Developed model of the atom
Do electrons go through the nucleus
Electromagnetic spectrum
We can tell only when electrons give off energy in the form of colored light.
Most of the time when electrons give off energy, we don’t see it with our eyes (Microwaves, x-ray, UV, infared)
How do we show the information of electrons giving off energy
Electrons will form a spectrum and we can read it
Basic types of spectra aka…
Fingerprints of light
Continuous spectrum
When white light is passed through a prism
Contains all wavelengths of visible light
Line spectrum
Each line corresponds to a discrete wavelength
Hydrogen emission spectrum
What’s the difference between emission spectrum and absorption spectrum
A) Absorption has colored lines, emission has black lines inside the rainbow of colors
B) Emission has the colored lines, absorption has black lines inside rainbow of colors
Rainbow is example of what type of spectrum
A) Absorption
B) Emission
C) Continuous
What is Spectroscopy
Studies spectra
Analyze light given off by matter
Analyze light absorbed by matter
Shows the different wavelengths of light and energy
Fingerprint of light
What did we learn because of spectroscopy
Principal energy levels
These levels are quantized
Quantized- Energy is given off in specific amounts
Electrons can do 3 things
Absorb energy, then it jumps to a higher lvl
Give off energy, while they fall back to lower lvl
Ground state- lowest energy lvl in system
T/F Every element has its own unique spectrum