1.4.1 Inflammation of the Male Urogenital System Flashcards
What are the covered parts
What is chancroid and what is the most common bacteria associated?
Most common bacteria - Haemophilus ducreyi
Most common in the tropics/subtropics
Presents with genital ulcers/papules, usually multiple
What is this an image of?
Interstitial cystitis - Hunner’s ulcer
What is this an image of?
Hunner’s ulcer
Interstitial cystitis
What is this an image of and what is the arrow pointing to?
Arrow - umbrella cells
What are the characteristics of Chlamydia and Gonorrhea?
What is the most common bacteria for cystitis?
E coli
Followed by: proteus > Klebsiella > Enterobacter
What is this an image of?
Polypoid cystitis
What are the covered parts?
What are the most common parasites in regards to cystitis?
Schistosoma hematobium
What are the characteristics of Malakoplakia?
Remember the Michaelis-Gutmann bodies
What is this an image of?
What are the characteristics of Balanoposthitis?
What is this an image of?
Malakoplakia - Michaelis-Gutmann bodies
Notice the macrophages
What are the most common causes of Epididymitis?
Gonnorrhea or TB
What is this an image of?
HPV infection - koilocytes
What are the characteristics of granulmona inguinale and what is the most common bacteria?
Klebsiella granulomatis
Presents with - Scarring/stricture, lymphedema, and elephantitis
Papules/ulcer - typically painless