TP9.1 - Abordagem e tratamento da FA Flashcards
Ritmo sinusal?
- 1 onda P, e só 1, antes de cada QRS
- P positiva em I, II e V6; negativa em aVR
Taquiarritmias Supraventriculares?
- Formação do impulso acima da bifurcação do feixe de His (aurículas ou nó AV)
Fibrilhação Auricular?
A supraventricular tachyarrhythmia with uncoordinated atrial electrical activation and consequently ineffective atrial contraction.
- Irregularly irregular R-R intervals
- Absence of distinct repeating P waves
- Irregular atrial activations
Fatores de Risco de Fibrilhação Auricular?
- Genéticos
- Idade
- Etnicidade
- Male sex
Apresentação Clínica de FA?
Assintomática ou Silenciosa
Sintomática - Palpitações, Dispneia, Fadiga, … , Hemodynamically Unstable or Stable
FA-related Outcomes?
Death Stroke LV Dysfunction / Heart Failure Cognitive decline / Vascular dementia Depression Impaired life quality Hospitalizations
Systems used for AF Screening?
- Pulse palpitation, auscultation
- Smart-watch
- Holter
- Cardiac monitors
- Wearable belts
- …
Fibrilhação auricular - Resposta ventricular?
- Rápida, irregular, no doente não tratado: 120-160 BPM (até > 200)
- Dependente: do tónus vagal & da condução intrínseca do nó AV → < 100 BPM
Recommendations for screening to detect AF?
- Opportunistic by pulse taking or ECG rhythm strip is recommended in patients >65y of age
- Interrogate pacemakers and implantable cardioverter defibrillators on a regular basis for AHRE (Atrial high-rate episode)
- Systematic ECG screening should be considered to detect AF in individuals aged >75y, or those at high risk of stroke
Importância Clínica da FA?
- Perda da contratilidade auricular
- Resposta ventricular rápida inapropriada
- Perda da contratilidade e esvaziamento do AAE : risco de formação de trombos e eventos tromboembólicos!
Modified EHRA score?
1 - AF does not cause any symptoms
2a - Normal daily activity not affected by symptoms related to AF
2b - Normal daily activity not affected by symptoms related to AF; but patient troubled by symptoms
3 - Normal daily activity affected by symptoms related to AF
4 - Normal daily activity discontinued
Classificações de FA?
- First diagnosed
- Paroxysmal
- Persistent
- Long-standing persistent
- -Permanent
Congestive Heart Failure Hypertension Age 75y or older (2 points) DM Previous stroke, AIT or thromboembolism (2 points) Vascular disease Age 65-74y Sex category (female)
Diagnostic work-up ALL AF Patients?
Medical History
12-lead ECG
Thyroid and kidney function, electrolytes and full blood count
Diagnostic work-up Selected AF Patients?
Ambulatory ECG monitoring TEE BNP/NT-proBNP, Cognitive function assessment Coronary CTA or ischaemia imaging Brain CT and MRI LGE-CMR of the LA