T14 - Trombose Venosa Profunda Flashcards
Deep Venous Thrombosis
Importance of DVT?
- 3rd cause of cardiovascular mortality afrter MI and Stroke
- Incidence increases two-fold per 20y age increase
- African Americans have an higher incidence, asians lower
- recurrence rate 10% at one year
- post-thrombotic syndrome 20-50%; severe 5-10%
Clinical manifestations of DVT?
Asymptomatic Edema Pain Decreased mobililty Feeling of heaviness Prominent superficial veins
O que pode ocorrer no edema?
Oclusão arterial por compressão do edema, por exemplo em situações em que já existe défice
Location of DVT?
- isolated calf 30%
- iliofemoral 30-40%
- iliofemoral DVT is more commonly left-sided
- recanalization rate: 80% calf, 20% iliac
- overall incidence of venous VTE around 25% higher with thle addition of pulmonary embolism (PE)
- upper extremity DVT <5%
How to confirm diagnosis of DVT?
- Clinical assessement and pretest probability score (Wells criteria)
- D-dimer measurement
- Duplex ultrasound
– other imaging modalities; MRV, CTV, Venography
Disorders that can mimic DVT?
- lymphoedema
- superficial vein thrombosis
- post-thrombotic syndrome
- cellulitis
- ruptured Baker’s cist
- trauma
Acute and chronic complications?
- pulmonary embolism
- phlegmasia alba dolens
- phlegmasia cerulea dolens
- venous grangrena
- post-thrombotic syndrome
- chronic thromboembolic pulmonar hypertension
Virchow’s triad?
- increased procoagulant activity in the blood
- vein wall damage
- impaired venous flow
Aeteological classification?
- Unprovoked
- - Provoked (transient (major or minor) or presistent)
Risk factors for DVT?
Hereditary thrombophilia Malignancy Acquired thrombophilia Surgery trauma Estrogens Compression Inflammation Immobility
Idade e DVT?
Com idades mais avançadas surgem fatores de risco adquiridos
Acquired thrombophilia?
- Auto-immune diseases (Antiphospholipid syndrome)
- Malignancy (neoplasia predispõem trombose, umas mais q outras e qualquer clinico que lide com doentes com suspeita de DVT pode estar perante uma primeira manifestação de neoplasia oculta)
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Myeloproliferative disorders
- Hemolytic anemias
- Acquired AT deficiency
Clinical criteria for Antiphospholipid syndrome?
Vascular thrombosis - Venous thrombosis 50% - Arterial thrombosis - Embolism 4% Pregnancy morbidity
Laboratory criteria for Antiphospholipid syndrome?
Lupus anticoagulant
Anti-aCL antibodies (cardiolipina)
Anti-B2-GPI antibodies
Inherited thrombophilia?
- VTE (Venous thromboembolism) before 40-50 years of age
- unprovoked thrombosis at any age
- recurrent thrombosis at any age
- thrombosis at unusual or multiple sites
- strong family history of VTE
Etiology of Inherited thrombophilia??
- Venous thromboembolism (DVT, Pulmonary embolism, VT as unusual sites)
- Purpura fulminans
- Obstetric problems
- Arterial thrombosis
Marcadores Laboratoriais de Inherited thrombophilia?
- Natural coagulation inhibitors deficiencies
- Raise of levels / function of clotting factors
- Impaired fibrinolysis
Incidence of recurrent VTE?
Unprovoked VTE has a higher predictive value of recurrence than the presence of thrombophilia
Who not to test for thrombophilia?
- unselected patients presenting with a first episode of VTE
- to assess the thrombotic risk in patients admitted to hospital
- asymptomatic relatives of those with low-risk thrombophilia
- center venous catheter-related VTE
When should not be tested for Thrombophilia?
- do not test for thrombophilia at the time of VTE (treatment not influenced by test results, reduction of natural anticoagulants)
- do not test under anticoagulation therapy (Heparin, AVKs)
VTE treatment objectives?
Prevent clot extension, including PE PREVENT: - Post-thrombotic syndrome - Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension PREVENTION of recurrence
Gold standard treatment for VTE Active Treatment: - Initial phase 5-7 days - Long-term phase 3-6 months Extended Treatment: 3 months to indefinite
- Warfarin
- Dabigatran
- Edoxaban
- Rivaroxaban
- Apixaban
Duration of therapy?
Duration of therapy should be individualized after careful assessment of treatment benefit against risk of bleeding
Shot duration (at least 3 months):
- Proximal DVT associated with risk factors
- Distal DVT
Extended treatment: Unprovoked DVT or DVT associated with permanent risk factors
Risk of recurrence?
- Provoking factor for VTE (major reversible risk factor & persistent or progressive risk factor)
- Unprovoked VTE (several parameters can be evaluated)
- Previous (a second episode of VTE has a 50% higher risk of recurrence compared with the first one)
Risk of recurrence - unprovoked VTE?
- Sex (men)
- Site of TVE (proximal vs distal)
- D-dimer (1 month after stopping anticoagulation, when positive)
- Antiphospholipid syndrome
- Hereditary thrombophilias
- Post-Thrombotic syndrome
Risk of bleeding?
Patient characteristics (>75y, previous bleeding, cancer, hypertension, diabetes, cerebrovascular disease, IR, liver disease)
Recent surgery
Frequent falls
Anticoagulation + what?
- compression: elastic stockings
- inferior vena cava filter
- early thrombus removal
- surgical thrombectomy
- catheter-directed thrombolysis
- pharmacomechanical catheter directed thrombolysis