Tariffs and Customs Terms R.1.106 Flashcards
Terms and meaning from Dictionary of Tariff and Customs Terms with organization and functions of the various Offices of the Bureau of Customs.
a computer-based Customs procedure wherein high-risk, sensitive or regulated imported articles are fully examined prior to release.
red lane
an American law that authorized common carriers to set joint rates through rate bureaus. It also extended anti-trust immunity to carriers that participate in a bureau.
Reed-Bulwinkle Act
a container with a refrigerator device
exportation the exportation of products which raw materials were originally imported tax and duty-fee.
shipments like chocolates, meat, vegetable, which require temperature control
reefer cargo
an importer’s bond, filed with Customs, to secure government interest on articles imported tax and duty-free, provided the goods are exported later.
re-exportation bond
the date of effectivity of a published value.
reference date
a warehouse with a refrigeration device
a warehouse with a refrigeration device refrigerated warehouse
a book that bears the name of the ship, her port, tonnage, build, declaration of ownership, origin and other vital information.
register book
a Customs certificate that describes a ship, her name, ownership, tonnage. It evidences the nationality of the vessel and serves as a record in which the claims and rights of concerned parties are enforced.
register of vessel
spiting up or cargo into various consignment and combining these into other shipments
the equivalent of 100 cubic feet, which measures the capacity of a ship to hold cargo
register ton
a reference number given to a particular register of vessel
registry number
the producer, manufacturer, or trader of export products granted a periodic government commodity clearance
regular exporter
the importation of goods at least twice a year by the same importer.
regular importation