Sketchy Micro: Yersinia Enterocolitica Flashcards
The Yersinia are what kind of bacteria?
Gram-negative bacilli
Why did Sketchy represent Y. enterocolitica with a puppy?
Because Y. enterocolitica is mainly transmitted by puppy feces, and the English TERrier has pooped all through his cage.
Who is most commonly infected with Yersinia enterocolitca?
Toddlers and babies
(Think of the kid on the stool next to the puppy –he’s also holding milk which represents how Y. enterocolitca can also be transmitted through milk.)
Why does Yersinia contaminate milk?
Like Listeria, it can survive in cold temperatures.
Think of the icicles outside the window.
Histologically, how might Yersinia be described?
It has bipolar staining, meaning that it stains most heavily on its tips. Because of this, it looks like a safety pin after being stained (just like the safety pin on the kid’s diaper).
Also, it is encapsulated (once again represented by the glass case over the pet cage).
What signs and symptoms does Yersinia enterocolitica present with?
Bloody diarrhea (like the red stool that the kid is sitting on) Leukocytosis, fever, and RLQ pain (can mimic appendicitis –represented by the dog licking the kid's RLQ)
Y. pestis is mainly transmitted (at least in the U.S.) by ________________.
prairie dogs and fleas that bite them
Think of the prairie dog in the glass case and the anti-flea pesticide advertised on the door.
Y. pestis presents with DIC and ________________.
buboes (like the armpits sprayed by the anti-flea pesticide)
Y. pestis secretes toxin via a __________.
type-III secretion system (T3SS)
Think of the turkey baster that the clerk is filling the praire dog’s water dish with.
What drugs treat Yersinia infection?
Aminoglycosides (the sai that the clerk is cleaning up the poop with) and tetracycline (the wheel in the prairie dog’s cage)
What kind of Yersinia vaccine is given occasionally?
A killed vaccine (like the sign that says “Get your pets vaccinated before they’re KILLED.”)