Sketchy Micro: Enterococcus Flashcards
What are the two species of Enterococcus?
E. faecalis (“the CALIfornia caucus”)
E. faecium (“stop the FEES”)
The Enterococci can, uniquely, grow in ___________.
6.5% NaCl (like the protester with the sign against the 6.5% tax in N. Californi)
Which Enterococci is bile resistant?
E. faecium (which you can remember because the protester is wearing the bile-resistant boots and the cop’s BILly club can’t hurt him); because of this, it can colonize the biliary tree
Which three infections are commonly caused by Enterococci?
Biliary tree
(Think of the “Do U HEART TREEs?” sign that the protesters are holding.)
Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium can be treated with ______________.
linezolid (the police LINE encircling the protesters) or tigecycline (the tiger-striped tape near the van)