Section 15 Vocab Flashcards
sign of the cross
ritual gesture common in the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church, and the Anglican Communion, made at the beginning and end of prayer
The Social Contract
states that governmental organization should be based on the general will of a society and should conform to the nature of human beings
a Roman slave that led and insurrection of slaves before eventually being crushed
Stone Age
people learned to make and use stone tools and weapons
ancient circles of large, upright stones that stand alone on a plain in England
believe that people should strictly restrain their emotions in order to attain happiness and wisdom; hence, they refuse to demonstrate either joy or sorrow
in Judaism, a house of worship
religion native to Chine; live according to the “Way”, which they believe governs the universe
Greek historian famous for his careful reporting of events
an outer garment for men in ancient Rome, worn as a sign of citizenship
Trail of Tears
the journey of the Cherokees as they were forced to move from their traditional homelands in the Southeast to west of the Mississippi River
the law on which Judaism is founded; this law is contained in the first five books of the Bible
Thirty-nine Articles
fundamental beliefs of the Anglican Communion
Trojan War
a war in ancient times between forces from the mainland of Greece and the defenders of the city of Troy
a Egyptian pharaoh; discovery of his unplundered tomb was considered one of the great archaeological discoveries of all time
a system of ethics according to which the rightness or wrongness of an action should be judged by its consequences
a subordinate who placed himself in service to a lord in return for the lord’s military protection
where the Roman Catholic Church has its headquarters
warriors from Scandinavia who raided much of coastal Europe in the eight to tenth centuries
William the Conqueror
leader of the Norman conquest; defeated the English forces at the Battle of Hastings and became the first Norman king of England