Chapter 19 Part 1 Notes Flashcards
global epidemic (1918-1919) three waves of hit worldwide
influenza pandemic
an epidemic that occurs over a large geographic area and affects a significant portion of the population
“Spanish Influenza”
called this because it spread quickly throughout Spain
doctors knew and were unable to
little about how such diseases developed and spread
overcome the deadly disease
estimated death toll
above 20 million
moral relativism argued
that values differ greatly in different societies and no one could say that one set of principles was good for all groups
Oswald Spengler wrote
Decline of the West
the Decline of the West said that
civilization passed form youth to maturity to old age to death and that civilization would eventually disintegrate
“Lost Generation” authors reflected
a generation that had lost its moral grounding during the war
Ernest Hemingway wrote
The Sun Also Rises
F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote
The Great Gatsby
T.S. Elliot wrote
The Waste Land and talked about a world without faith
1920s were known as
the Roaring 20’s
1920s marked the rise of
leisure activities and consumer goods
chief form of entertainment (1920-1930)
motion pictures
most movies offered
viewers escape and entertainment
The Jazz Singer (1927)
revolutionized film by introducing sound (talkies)
main spectator sports during this time
baseball, golf, tennis, and soccer which is also called football
Olympics were and played every
revived in 1896
four years
More people began to purchase
consumer goods
prices for items(once a luxury)
dropped significantly
radio advertisements
brought commercials right into people’s homes
buying on credit
allowed people to instantly purchase and get the products that they wanted
younger generation began to
challenge “proper” societal norms
young women who wore short hair and short skirts and went out to public places such as jazz clubs
making alcoholic beverages illegal; couldn’t transport it, make it, or sell it
18th amendment
established prohibition
21st amendment
repealed the 18th amendment
young women who began to challenge “proper” societal norms by wearing short hair and skirts and going out to jazz clubs
American woman who coined the term the “Lost Generation”
Gertrude Stein
architect who believed that building should fit into their environment
Frank Lloyd Wright
group of American writes who expressed their dissatisfaction with traditional ideas
Lost Generation
painter who created a new style called cubism
Pablo Picasso
much of prosperity fueled by
European farmland
had been destroyed during the war
1918 peace: demand for certain crops and ag prices
farmers and now had problems
borrowed money
paying their debts
protectionism also called
economic nationalism
economic nationalism occurs when
nations tried to protect domestic industries by limiting trade with others
to protect industries nations
established tariffs on imports
market speculation
risky investments
stock market- organization
through which shares of stock in companies are bought and sold
company issues stock to
raise money for its business (quickly)
1920s stock prices and investors
made large profits
Oct. 29, 1929 “Black Tuesday”-sudden sell off drove
stock prices tumbling
many stocks (overnight) became
virtually worthless
savers rushed to
their banks to withdraw their savings
banks didn’t have
adequate cash reserves (to honor that many withdrawals)
banks demanded
borrowers repay their loans
thousands of banks and customers
were forced into bankruptcy
collapse of stock market marked beginning of
a world wide depression
causes of the Great Depression
overproduction, bank failures, and downward trend in business
farmers and factories produced more than the people could buy
bank failures
banks loaning large sums of money; the borrowers couldn’t pay back their loans; 1929-1932 over 5000 banks closed in the U.S.
downward trend
many businesses closed and wages were cut along with mass layoffs
about 12 million people out of work in the US (25%)
Herbert Hoover
becomes President in 1928; “Prosperity just around the corner”
“ride the rails”
homeless, jobless teenagers hitching rides on boxcars on trains from town to town (about 250,000)
shack villages that were put up by the homeless
“Hoover Flags”
men would take their pockets and turn them out to signify that they had no money
“Hoover blankets”
people that were sleeping on park benches, whatever they could find to cover up with
“Hoover leather”
here people had to cut out pieces of cardboard to fill in the holes in the soles of their shoes
“Hoover stew”
a soup that was very thin that was served at soup kitchens
1932 presidential election
Franklin Roosevelt defeated Hoover
brain trust
Roosevelt surrounds himself with college professors and experts
bank holiday
Roosevelt implements this; every bank in America closed
Emergency Banking Relief Act
the government would decide which banks would healthy and strong enough to remain open
fireside chats
radio addresses to the people by Roosevelt
New Deal
FDR’s program to combat the Great Depression
Hundred Days (March 9- June 16 1933)
Congress and the President pass legislation that make up the New Deal
goals of the New Deal
relief-for the unemployed; recovery-get businesses, banks, and industry going again; reform-make sure this does not happen again
Civilian Conservation Corps; CCC
put young men planting trees, working in national parks, and building bridges
Tennessee Valley Authority; TVA
built dams in the Tennessee Valley; resulted in more jobs and hydroelectricity (powered six or more rural states)
Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.;FDIC
protected a depositor’s money in the bank up to a certain amount
Rural Electrification Project;REP
brought electricity to rural areas
Agricultural Adjustment Admin; AAA
payed farmers to not grow certain crops
Social Security Act; SSA
pensions for retired(elderly), disabled/handicapped, and survivors
most tragic thing in France
a large number of their young men had died during the war
during the war North France was
a major battleground
modern parts of agriculture and industry
had been destroyed and were outdated
Maginot Line
a system of steel and concrete fortifications to separate France from Germany that stretched nearly 200 miles
Locarno Pact(1925)
delegates pledged that their countries would peacefully settle any future disputes
major problem of the government
no party could gain enough power to govern alone
economic problems of Great Britain
- outdated factories and machinery 2. high tariffs 3. competition from Japan and the US
by 1921 in Great Britain
nearly 1/4 of their workforce was unemployed
coalition government
make up of several parties that agree to work together
formed between
the Labour Party and the Liberal Party
led by leader of the
Ramsay MacDonald
Labour Party
Austria was a and many wanted to unite with
small poor nation
Hungary became a in 1918 but it was
eventually overthrown
Poland located between
Germany and Russia