Chapter 15 Notes Flashcards
the right to vote
only property owners
could vote
Non-Anglican Protestant
only men who
owned a great deal of property could be elected to the House of Commons
began demanding changes in voting
workers and middle class
resisted changes in voting because
upper class they feared political reform would take power away from them
Reform Bill (1832)
took seats away in the House of Commons from less populated areas and gave them to the industrial cities
after the reform bill
people with less property could now vote so middle class now had a voice in Britain’s gov’t and power in Parliament
Whig Party
formed with radicals and Tory Liberals and became known as the Liberal Party
Tory Party
made up of wealthy land owners and became known as the Conservative Party
laws were aimed at reforming
the horrible working conditions of women and children
slavery (1833)
was abolished in all British colonies
corn laws
placed high taxes on grain imported by British which enabled British landowners to sell at high prices
laws were repealed in 1846
Chartist movement was begun by and called for
William Lovett
universal male suffrage and a secret ballot
People’s Charter
a document that listed the Chartist Movement’s proposals
the chartist movement was popular among
British workers but by the 1840s the movement had ended
reigned from 1837-1900; 63 years
Queen Victoria
Queen Victoria’s rule was known as and she gave her prime ministers
the Victorian Era
a free hand and did not interfere
Benjamin Disreali
leader of the Conservative Party
2 terms as Prime Minister
William Gladstone
leader of the Liberal Party
4 terms as Prime Minister
Education Act (1870)
created a national elementary education system
Act of Union (1801)
linked Ireland with Great Britian
Most Irish
hated British rule
Most Irish were so resented
having to pay taxes to support the Anglican Church
home rule
would allow Irish people to rule themselves
Potato Famine (1845)
a blight destroyed almost all of the potato crop; fueled the fire many Irish had towards the British because the British did not help them when they needed it; this famine caused lots of people to starve
the divisions of Canada
upper Canada and lower Canada
Act of Union (1841)
unified British Upper Canada and French Lower Canada
British North American Act (1867) creates the
Dominion of Canada
in the late 1890s the
discovery of gold brought many people to northwestern Canada
Captain James Cook (1770)
landed on the eastern shore of Australia and claimed it for Great Britain
Britain used Australia as a colony and the first arrived in 1788 and founded the town of
the US attitude toward European affairs
wanted to avoid them
US wanted to focus on
building their lives within the new country
NW ordinance (1787)
provided gov’t in the NW territory and said once 5000 males lived in the territory it could start its own legislature and once 60,000 people lived there it could adopt a constitution and apply for statehood
Louisiana Purchase (1803)
Napoleon sold us this land that doubled the size of the US
Florida (1819)
we purchased Florida from Spain
Texas Territory (1836)
we got to war with Mexico and we win the war and get Texas
Oregon Territory (1846)
a treaty with Great Britain gave us this land
Gadsden Purchase (1853)
expanded the southern border
1867 was purchased
from Russia
1898 was annexed to the US
competition among sections or regions of the country
was legal but each new state could decide on the slave question and decide if they would abolish it or keep it
1860 was elected President
Abraham Lincoln
Civil War begins and it is the first “modern war”
1863 was issued by Lincoln
Emancipation Proclamation
April 1865
the Confederacy surrendered and the war ends
Louis XVIII was restored as by the but the constitution
the French monarch
Congress of Vienna
limited the king’s power
Charles X
brother to Louis XVIII
believer in absolute monarchy
1830 Charles gave up the throne
Louis Philippe
ruling family-Bourbon
appointed as king of France after Charles X left
known as the “citizen king”
Louis Napoleon
nephew to Napoleon Bonaparte
constitution limited him to one term
eventually he gets the support of the people
a yes/no vote
Otto von Bismarck
head of the Prussian gov’t
known as the “Iron Chancellor”
Alsace and Lorraine
resource rich territory in France; particularly iron ore
Franco-Prussian War
fought between France and Prussia
Bismarck manipulates France into war
eventually Paris falls to a Prussian invasion
Third Republic
constitution of 1875 makes France a republic
president is elected by legislature for a 7 year term
Dreyfuss scandal
Jewish French army captain; accused of giving French military secrets to Germans and sentenced to life in prison; evidence later surfaced that said he was innocent
people who are prejudiced against Jews
parties temporarily unite to get things done; to form a majority in the legislature
colonized regions of Brazil
controlled most of s. america, central america, and southwest North America
both Spain and Portugal based colonial empire on
mercantilism (nation gains wealth by obtaining gold and silver)
haciendas(Spanish America)
large self sufficient farms
huge commercial estates
american natives were used as
slave-like labor
European diseases
wiped out whole Indian settlements
a decrease in the Native American population as the need for
labor increased and began to use African slaves
Europeans who were born in Spain or Portugal
white people born in the colonies
by the 1700s most of the population was of
mixed ancestry
European and African ancestry
American Indian and European background
the intendancy system was begun by
Charles III of Spain
royal governors in the colonies
Simon Bolivar
Known as the liberator
Touissan L’Overture led the only successful
revolution led by slaves anywhere in the world
was the first region to gain their independence
in 1810 Miguel Hidalgo
a priest led a revolution or rebellion
eventually was captured and executed by the Spanish
Jose aria Morelos
also a priest who assumed leadership of Hidalgo’s rebels
was also executed in 1815
Monroe Doctrine(1823) was issued by
President James Monroe and it stated that the US would not interfere in colonial affairs in the Western hemisphere
a military dictator
the caudillo led governments usually only lasted
as long as the dictator lived
liberalist movement aimed at protecting individual
political and civil liberties