Chapter 24 Notes Flashcards
Mao Zedong
the leader of the Communist Party in China
Mao became known as
“Chairman Mao”
Red Guard
a group of radical young men and women that enforced the communist policies
China’s official name
People’s Republic of China
Gang of Four
radical group that wanted to continue Mao’s policies
Jiang Quing
“Madam Mao”- Mao’s wife
Deng Xioping
the new leader of China
Four Modernizations
agriculture; industry; defense, and technology
“Fifth Modernization”
democratic reform
Tiananmen Square Massacre (spring of 1989)
located in Beijing
tens of thousands of college students were holding pro-democracy demonstrations
June 1989
armed troops fire into the demonstrators
China today
the first country to go over 1 billion in population
Hong Kong (1997)
former British colony handed back to the Chinese
major cause of tensions between US and China
the threat of communism spreading caused major tension in our relationships
38th parallel
divided North and South Korea and was meant to be temporary
Soviet Union occupied
the North along with the Chinese (communists)
American troops occupied
the South
capital of the South captured by the North
The Korean War was referred to as
a “police action”
today South Korea has
a republican government
North Korea today
Kim Jong IL was the leader/dictator until 2011 and his son Kim Jong Un is the leader today
the concern in North Korea today is
nuclear capabilities
after WWII truce American troops occupy
the Japanese army was and government leaders were
removed from office
new government in Japan
a parliamentary democracy
with this democracy adults could vote
the parliament/legislature of Japan
“workshop of the world”
the quality of products and the demand for Japanese-made products began to soar
in the late 1800s the French colonized
after WWII the French attempt to
regain control
Viet Minh
communist guerilla fighters in Vietnam
Ho Chi Minh
the leader of Viet Minh
Dien Bien Phu (1954)
the French suffer a major defeat and agree to peace talks
Geneva Accords
ended the war in Vietnam between them and the French
17th parallel
divided the North and the South
northern zone
Chinese and Soviets occupy it/ communists
Ngo Dinh Dhem
the President of South Vietnam/ non-communist
by the late 1950s
the Viet Minh are united
Viet Cong
“VC” the Vietnamese Communists
goal of VC
reunite Vietnam
Domino theory
if one falls to communism others will follow
has to do with the American involvement in Vietnam
U.S. President was
Lyndon B. Johnson
US government
direct involvement(sent troops/soldiers over to Vietnam)
Tet offensive (1968)
Saigon- the South Vietnamese capital
the North Vietnamese attack and Saigon falls
Paris Peace Accords (1975)
this ended our involvement in Vietnam
in 1976 Vietnam is
the capital of Vietnam today
“boat people”
refugees that tried to escape Vietnam by boat
about 1 million people tried to flee
Six Day War
between Israel and Egypt
the Sinai Peninsula and East Jerusalem are captured by Israel
the PLO
the Palestinian Liberation Organization
a militant/guerilla organization
Yassir Arafat was
the former leader of the PLO
Anwar Sadat
President of Egypt elected in 1970
Camp David Accords (March of 1970)
a peace treaty between Egypt and Israel
President Jimmy Carter arranged for the meeting
early 1980s the PLO began
to escalate their terrorism activities
in the early 1900s were discovered in the Middle East
major oil fields
oil producing countries
used the revenue to improve their countries
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
the reason OPEC was formed
was to establish common pricing for oil
“Big 5”
Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait in the Middle East; also Venezuela
referred to oil profits
oil discovery in Alaska and North Sea (1973)
this reduced the dependency on the MidEastern oil
Reza Pahlavi
the Shah of Iran
Ayatollah Khomeini
Islamic religious leader in Iran
in the early 1979 the Shah was
forced to leave Iran
by 1980 the Ayatollah
is in control
sets up an Islamic republic
U.S. embassy is seized (November 4, 1979)
militants seize the embassy and 60 Americans were held hostage for 444 days
arranged for the hostages to be freed
Presiden Reagan
September 1980 Iraq
attacks Iran
1988 after eight years of fighting
in 1968 in Iraq the was formed
Ba’ath Party
1979 comes to power
Sadaam Hussein
a minority group in Iraq (no threat)
Hussein attempts to eliminate all the Kurds
August 1990 Sadaam Hussein invades
reason for invading Kuwait
August 8, 1990 Hussein annexes
Operation Desert Shield
about 30 nations join together to prevent movement of Sadaam Hussein
Desert Shield becomes
Desert Storm
Kuwait is
March 2003 coalition forces
invade Iraq
December 2003 Sadaam Hussein is
December 30, 2006
Madam is executed
women’s rights have expanded politically and legally in some areas
Islamic faith
sacred city to 3 world religions
Christianity, Judaism, and Islam
Jerusalem called the crossroads of the world
because at the juncture of three continents
Islamic fundamentalists
blame the Western world for contributing to the downfall of their society