Chapter 14 Notes Flashcards
new power source in 1870
Michael Faraday/magnetism
he discovered that he could use magnetism to generate electricity which led to the development of the first electric generator
early light bulb problem
they burned out in a number of minutes
to make electricity practical
it had to be transmitted efficiently from where it was generated to where it would be used
hydroelectric power
water-generated power
Alexander Graham Bell
invented the telephone
Guglielmo Marconi
developed a way to send messages through space without wires (wireless telegraphs)
Charles and Frank Duryea
built the first successful gasoline driven automobile in the United States
Henry Ford
made thousands of cars using the assembly line and produced the first commercially successful automobile, the Model T
Wilbur and Orville Wright
first people to achieve a sustained controlled flight in a powered airplane
where the Wright brothers’ flight took place
Kitty Hawk, NC
the scientific principles governing the movement of air around objects
How were Thomas Edison’s lightbulbs and improvement on the one’s that came before?
the ones that came before burned out in a number of minutes; they burned for two days
How was the internal combustion engine different than engines that came before it?
the ones that came before it were limited because they had to remain connected to a power source; it created its own power and functioned on its own
biological sciences
sciences that deal with living organisms
biology, genetics, anatomy, botany, and zoology
physical sciences
deal with nonliving matter and energy; physics, chemistry, astronomy, and geology
cell theory
- all living things are made up of these tiny units of living matter 2. all cells divide and multiply causing organisms to grow and mature
On the Origin of Species
Charles Darwin’s book that was his theory of evolution
survival of the fittest or natural selection
those who survive will be those whose characteristics are best adapted to their environment
controversy on Darwin’s evolution theory
- it stated that humans developed from animals 2. contradicted the story of creation in the Bible
Gregor Mendel
founded genetics
the study of how the inborn characteristics of plants and animals are inherited by their descendants
those inborn characteristics
Edward Jenner
developed the smallpox vaccine
Louis Pasteur/bacteria
he identified microorganisms called bacteria; his experiments showed that bacteria reproduce like other living things
a process of heating liquids to kill bacteria and prevent fermentation
Joseph Lister
developed antisepsis which is the use of chemicals to kill disease causing germs
Alexander Fleming
discovered penicillin
made the first workable classification of the elements (periodic table)
The Curies/radioactivity
they worked with radioactivity and found that certain elements constantly break down to release energy in a process called radioactivity
William Rontgen
discovered x-rays
Albert Einstein
worked on the atom bomb; a young German scientist who published four papers that would forever change physics
theory of relativity
no particle of matter can move faster than the speed of light and that motion can be measured only relative to a particle observer
e=energy; m=mass; c=speed of light; expresses the relationship between energy and mass
What characterized many of the people who emigrated during the 1800s?
they wanted better jobs, to better their economic condition, and to also better their political situation
Why did people move from one place to another in Europe?
they moved to places where there were more jobs available or higher wages
social sciences
those branches of knowledge that scientifically study people as members of society
the study of human culture through the artifacts people leave behind
the study of different societies both past and present
the study of human relationships in a society
Auguste Comte
one of the founders of sociology
social Darwinism
people that are strong and have wealth have superior characteristics; poverty proved that people were unfit
studies the mind and human behavior
Ivan Pavlov/”classical conditioning”
there is a stimulus that illicites a response; discovered the conditioned reflex
Sigmund Freud/psychoanalysis
he developed psychoanalysis; the unconscious is a determining factor in human behavior
emigrations/change in populations
movements of people away from their native lands; estimated 10 million people left Europe for the Americas during this time
Robert Peel organized the first permanent police force in London
residential areas on the outskirts of cites
wants govt not to meddle in the operations of business/means let it be in French; individuals rather than govt control the factors of production
Karl Marx/revolt of workers/socialist society
whet the workers rebel and united we will have a classless society