Chapter 16 Fill in the Blank Flashcards
The Italian nationalist movement became known as the -the Italian word for “resurgence”
Nationalists in Italy could not work openly and so formed secret societies, such as the to further their ideas
Some Italians wanted to unite the country in a under King Victor Emmanuel II of Sardinia
constitutional monarchy
Giuseppe Garibaldi led an army of more than 1,000 soldiers to nationalize the , which was made up of the southern half of the Italian peninsula and the island of Sicily
Kingdom of the Two Sicilies
Prussian leader used war to bring his own brand of nationalism to Germany.
Otto von Bismarck
In 1815 the Congress of Vienna created the , a group of states that included Prussia
German Confederation
Powerful German aristocrats called campaigned for the abolition of trade barriers between German states
Otto von Bismarck provoked Austria into starting the over the duchies of Schleswig and Holstein because he wanted and opportunity to drive Austria from its position of leadership in the German Confederation.
Seven Weeks War
The Treaty of , which ended the Seven Weeks’ War, dissolved the German Confederation and found Austria to surrender Holstein to Prussia
In order to persuade the independent states in southern Germany to join the North German Confederation, Bismarck provoked the into declaring war on Prussia
The two houses of the German legislature-the Bundesrat and the Reichstag-were dominated by delegates from
Bismarck’s anti-Catholic program of resulted in laws that controlled the Catholic clergy and schools, expelled the Jesuits, and confiscated church property
In 1869, German socialists formed the ,whose call for government ownership of major industries appealed to many urban workers.
Social Democratic Party
Bismarck began an antisocial campaign by accusing the of plotting two assassination attempts agains the emperor
Social Democrats
Once Bismarck was out of the way, pursued his own policies, which helped Germany become a leader industrial and military power
William II
policy that encouraged the union of all Slavic peoples under Russian leadership
Russia’s parliamentary body that grew out of the revolution of 1905
reform document that abolished serfdom in Russia
Emancipation Edict
one who holds absolute power
program that forced non-Russians in the empire to use the Russian language, adopt Russian customs, and accept the Orthodox religion
riots in which Jews were massacred
Russian radicals who believed a just society could be created only by building a completely new Russia
Russian radical group that believed the large estates of the nobles should be seized and the land divided among the peasants
People’s Will
Napoleon had unified Italy for a short time, but the divided Italy into several small and large states again.
Congress of Vienna