Chapter Three: Rest of the Notes Flashcards
title of the Bedouin leader
the founder of the Islamic faith
Muhammed is known as the ___________
Last Prophet that god spoke to
The Islamic faith is the _______ largest world religion.
1.5 billion people
AKA Gabriel
was the angel that came and spoke to Muhammed
Why did the businessmen in Mecca object to Muhammed’s teachings?
They thought that he was threatening their livelihood.
the one true god of Islam
Submit to Allah
You are required to submit your will/give yourself completely to Allah.
Muhammed flees to ________ in 622 A.D.
Medina is also known as
“The City of the Prophet”
Medina was renamed to
a holy journey
Hegira means
was what they called the holy journey that Muhammed took in 630 AD
What marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar?
first year
Muhammed’s hegira
What does Muhammed do when he returns to Mecca in 630 AD?
After returning, he wages war and takes control of the city.
What is the holy city of Islam?
Muhammed was born there/lots of important things happened here in regards to the Islamic faith
Qur’an or Koran
the holy/sacred book of Islam
also their law book
name of the religion founded by Muhammed
a follower or believer of the faith
the holy shrine of the Islamic world
represents evil and wickedness of man
Jihad means
to defend the faith
What is jihad?
It is holy war and it justifies fighting, killing, and murder.
If you die in battle (holy war)
you automatically receive salvation
Name the five pillars of Islam
1.Profession of the faith-individual must acknowledge Allah as 1 true god 2.pray five times a day(always facing Mecca/east) 3.obligated to pay a “zakat”-tax that goes for charity and to needy during Ramadan-holy month least once in their life they must visit the holy city
Muslims who made their home in Spain
Spanish Muslims
Battle of Tours
a battle between Christians and Muslims
Why was the Battle of Tours important?
The Christian victory saved Europe for Christianity. (Islam was unable to gain a foothold in Europe)
a Turkish leader
navigational device used to calculate latitude and longitude using the stars
prayer towers
“Arabic” numerals
number system we use today introduced by Muslim scholars
What influence does the Qur’an have on the daily life of a Muslim?
It governs daily life in the Islamic world.
If you die while fighting for the faith you obtain
a holy war
What emerged in the Muslim population after Muhammed’s death and what was the major difference?
The major difference was about how to find a successor to Muhammed
Sunnis believe
that the successor to Muhammed should be elected
Shi’ites believe
that a descendent of Muhammed should be the successor
a successor to the Prophet
Merchants traded from
Europe, Asia, and Africa
Prosperity was due to
trade and commerce
what the bride brings into the marriage
a large wedding gift of property, money, or goods that the bride gives to the groom
If Allah waves his right hand at you, you receive
If Allah waves his left hand at you, you receive
Blood money
here you can pay for your forgiveness for doing bad things
pay to get rid of punishment
Economic prosperity of Islamic empire due to
trade and commerce
Women in Islamic world had the right to
divorce their husbands
the first duty of all Muslims (according to the five pillars)
belief in one god, Allah (total submission)
Hejira, Imam, and Kaaba are all associated with
the Islamic faith
Islam changed status of women by
giving them legal and economic status
“People of the Book”
Christians and Jews
Islam spread rapidly after Muhammed’s death because
the Arab world was united
Major contribution of Islamic scholars
they preserved learning for the modern world
Muslims consider the Koran the greatest book because
these are the words of Allah
“Ink of the scholar is holier than the blood of a martyr”
Muhammed said it.
Is saying that a person that is educated should be held in high regard
Five pillars of Islam include
- being charitable 2. fasting during the holy month 3. making a trip to Mecca
characteristics of Muslim architecture
- the Roman arches 2. domed roofs 3. minarets-prayer towers
Muslims in Asia, Africa, and Europe were united because
- same language
- same religion
- same law system
these are the desert nomads/herders