Chapter 16 Notes Flashcards
Italian for resurgence
it was a nationalist movement to revive tradition
What were the goals of the risorgimento?
liberation and unification
a secret society of nationalists who worked towards these goals
called for Italians to be patriots and join his Young Italy movement
Young Italy Movement
dedicated to spreading the ideas of the risorgimento
King Victor Emmanuel II’s goal was to
expand Sardinian territory
Camillo Cavour was
King Victor’s chief minister
Napoleon III of France sent troops to
help drive out Austria
war with Austria 1859
Sardinia and French forces drive out Austria
the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies
the southern half of Italy plus the island of Sicily
Expedition of the Thousand
this army of Garibaldi’s of more than 1000 invaded and captured Sicily
red shirts
Garibaldi’s supporters were known as this
In 1870 what did Rome’s citizens do?
they voted for unification with Italy
three problems that unification in Italy brought
- Few Italians had experience with self govt 2. regions of the country remained divided by cultural traditions 3. tensions grew between the industrial N and agricultural S 4. standard of living of most Italians was low 5. labor problems arose
was the leader of the states in Germany
there were independent states in Germany and each had their own
laws, currency, and rulers
leads fight for unification
strengthening the army
army drafts soldiers for short periods of intensive training then soldiers go into reserves
Napoleon’s rule inspired in Germany
love of one’s country rather than of one’s native region
a class of aristocratic landowners
the junkers had complaints on tariffs because
they were hurting the sales of farm products
customs union of the German states that made prices lower and more uniform
politically each state continued
to act independently
a constitution in Germany provided for and becomes king of Prussia who appointed to head of the cabinet
a hereditary monarchy
William I
Otto von Bismarck
Schleswig and Holstein
two small states on the border between Denmark and Germany and were the focus of the Danish War because Denmark refused to revoke their constitution
at the end of the Danish War Prussia controls and Austria controls
Seven Weeks’ War Bismarck prepares for and persuaded and made an alliance with
conflict with Austria
Napoleon III to remain neutral
the new nation of Italy
Outcome of the Seven Weeks’ War
Prussians defeated Austrians in seven weeks and the Treaty of Prague officially ended the war; Prussia emerges as the leader of the German Confederation
Franco-Prussian War
July 1870 France declared war on Prussia and in January 1871 Paris surrendered; France lost Alsace and part of Lorraine
formation of the German Empire
Jan. 18, 1871 the German empire was formed with Berlin as the capital; Bismarck was named chancellor of the empire
what were the upper and lower houses
Bundesrat was the upper house
Reichstag was the lower house
both of these were parts of the German legislature
problems for the German empire after it was formed
constitution gave Bismarck limited power
dissatisfied groups formed political parties that opposed Bismarck
people feared Bismarck’s military policy and the army
Bismarck was Protestant
German for culture struggle
was an anti-Catholic program
in 1887 the program ended in failure
German empire turns into an because rich in the natural resources of
industrial giant
coal and iron deposits
Social Democratic Party (SDP)
formed in 1869 and members came from urban workers
antisocial campaign by Bismarck
in 1883 laws gave workers insurance against sickness and accidents that were paid for by the employers
resignation of Bismarck in 1888 Kaiser William I died and
William II was the grandson of William I who became the new emperor; he believed in the absolute authority of the emperor and in 1890 Bismarck resigned
by the early 1900s was stronger than ever before but conflicts soon arose with
Great Britain
in the mid 1800s was the largest in and
problems in Russia
industrial development lagged in Russia
resources lay undeveloped
ports were blocked by ice for much of the year
ethnic groups in Russia
Belorussians-White Russians-west
Great Russians-north and central Russia
czar ruled as an which is
a ruler with absolute power
forced nonrussians to use the Russian language
pan slavism
the union of all Slavic people under Russian leadership
the union of all the Russian people
in 1855 became czar
Alexander II
Emancipation Edict
it freed all serfs but created some problems as well; the peasants could get land but couldn’t afford it so moved to towns because they were unable to either buy or rent land
a rural district
three groups with the right to vote
middle class
middle and upper class intellectuals who believed in building a completely new Russia
People’s Will
a Russian radical group that used terrorism to try to force the government to grant its demands
in 1881 Alexander II was
killed in a bomb attack by the People’s Will
riots where Jews were massacred
Bloody Sunday
czar’s troops shot unarmed strikers
triggered the Revolution of 1905
October Manifesto promised individual liberties/personal liberties were given to the people
the new parliament in Russia
the Revolution of 1905 failed
to overthrow the czar
one of the largest parts of the Austro-Hungarian empire
largest part of the Austro-Hungarian population
dual monarchy was
formed in 1867 when Hungary wanted independence and it was also called Austria-Hungary; the ruler was Francis Joseph I
Hungary furnished and Austria produced
raw materials and food
manufactured goods
Ottoman Empire
known as the sick man of Europe because its military defeats had decreased the empire’s territory; many were Christians and Jews
The Ottoman empire region contained many that wanted to
diverse groups
govern themselves
Foreign countries such as were interested because could gain
a water route from the Black Sea to the Mediterranean Sea
Balkan League
Congress of Vienna divided Italy into
several large and small states