Chapter 18 Notes Flashcards
By 1914 Europeans had but
been peaceful for about 100 years
countries were competing for colonies
Four factors which fueled tension among Europe’s powers
nationalism, militarism, imperialism/colonial rivalries, system of alliances
1800s various ethnic groups wanted
to gain independence/more political unity
the glorification of armed strength and the military
military leaders believed
they could achieved their goals through the threat or use of force
By late 1800s
European nations had built large well trained armies
to prepare an army for war
military officers
wer also high ranking government officials
British navy world rank
the best and largest in the world
Dreadnought (1906)
the world’s first modern battleship
“Two power standard”
the British navy would be stronger than any two powers combined
Germany’s navy rank
when one country takes control of another country
use colonies as and
new markets
raw materials
Otto von Bismarck
known as the Iron Chancellor
Prime Minister of Prussia
Bismarck’s chief goal
to keep France isolated
Bismarck prevents this alliance
1879 military alliance between
Germany and Austria-Hungary
1881 Three Emperor’s League
an alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Russia
1882 Triple Alliance
Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary
this kept France isolated and the German borders were secure on the eastern and southern flanks
1887 Reinsurance Treaty
Russia and Germany
Britain’s “splendid isolation”
Britain enjoyed being isolated
1904 Entent Cordial
means “friendly understanding”
signed between Great Britain and France
1907 Triple Entente
France Russia and Great Britain
by 1907 powers of Europe had divided into
two armed camps
Balkan “powder keg”
refers to the high tensions in this area
Ottoman Empire by the early 1900s was weak but located
“sick man of Europe”
the major powers of Europe waiting for the Ottoman Empire to collapse
the predominant ethnic group in central, eastern, southeastern Europe
annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
both were: protectorates of Austria-Hungary and annexed by Austria-Hungary
“powder keg of Europe”
referred to the Balkan peninsula
Archduke Ferdinand
heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne
the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina
What happened on June 28, 1914 in Sarajevo
Archduke Ferdinand and his wife were assassinated by a Serbian nationalist
Gavrillo Princip
the member of a Serbian nationalist group that assassinated the Archduke and his wife
“Black Hand”
the national group that claimed responsibility for the assassination
Francis Joseph
the emperor of Austria-Hungary
Kaiser William I
emperor of Germany
“blank check”
a promise by Germany to Austria; Germany gives full support in punishing those responsible
Austria’s ultimatum to Serbia
time frame: two days
A/H officials wanted to try Princip the assassin
If Serbia rejected the ultimatum
war would be declared
July 28,1914
Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia
August 1, 1914 Germany declared war on and then on August 3. 1914 Germany declared war on
Germany’s situation
they had to fight a war on both sides
Russia-east France-west
Germany’s original objective
defeat France quickly and then focus on Russia
Schlieffen Plan
bypass France and march through Belgium
August 3 Germany invades
Belgium was a country
plan failed because of and on August 4, 1914 Great Britain declared war on
Belgian resistance
Central Powers
Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire
Allied Powers
Great Britain, France, Russia, later the U.S
warring nations
western front
stretched from Switzerland to the English Channel
approx 600 miles
Battle of Marne (Sept 1914)
everyone realized that this would be a long war
trench warfare
miles of trenched dug and armies fought in the trenches
“no man’s land”
barbed wire, land mines, hand grenades, bullets flying
eastern front
extended from the Black Sea to the Baltic Sea
Bosporous and Dardanelles straits were
strategic waterways
“race for the sea”
trying to gain an advantage or control over the waterway
industrialized war
weapons were mass produced industrially
total war
drafting soldiers, factories converted, women working
using information to shape public opinion
brutal acts against civilians
German U-boats
underwater boats
any material used in the war effort
unrestrictive submarine warfare
the Germans fired on any ship
Lusitania (March 1916)
British cruise liner that was torpedoed and sunk
Arabic and Sussex
two other liners that were sunk
“Sussex Pledge”
Germans agreed no to fire without a warning
elected president in 1916
Woodrow Wilson and his slogan was “He kept us out of war”
during the stalemate both sides wonder
if they can break the lines of the enemy
“war of attrition”
slow wearing down
Arthur Zimmerman
a German official that sends a telegram to Mexico
the telegram contents
he is urging Mexico to go to war against the US
telegram plus sub warfare
now Americans are in favor of the war
“world must be safe for democracy”
Wilson said it and it justifies the US entering the war
war shows Russia’s
economic weaknesses
three of Russia’s problems
- lack of food 2. lack of industry 3. poor transportation 4. army was poorly equipped or supplied 5. army was poorly led 6. led to enormous war losses
by the spring of 1917 the people had lost
faith in the government and the czar
peasants paid high
takes, (rents, debts)
March 1917
czar abdicated his throne
govt set up a
provisional government (temporary)
petrograd of Soviet Workers and soldiers
tired to bring about reform in Russia
soviet meant
radicals called for
immediate peace
the more moderate radicals
the more radical group that became known as the Reds(Red Army)
leader of the radicals
Vladimir Lenin
slogan of the Reds
peace, bread, and land
Nov 7, 1917 The Bolsheviks overthrew
the provisional government and took control of Russia
new name of the Bolsheviks
Communist Party
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk (March 1918)
Russia signed a treaty with the Central Powers
czar and his family
were executed
Red Army
the Communist forces/army
new name for Russia
the Union of Socialist Soviet Republic or USSR
the use of selected bits of information, both true and false, to get people to back an idea
Arthur Zimmerman
official of the German foreign ministry who helped push the US into war
war of attrition
a slow wearing down process in which each side tries to outlast the other
war materials supplied by a neutral nation to a belligerent one
American Expeditionary Forces
the American troops
John J. Pershing
“Black Jack”
the AEF commander
“peace offensive”
Germany’s last push/attempt to end the war
2nd Battle of the Marne (July 15-18)
Allies hold the German advance
the combined Allied forces were successful
Marshall Ferdinand Foch
the French commander of the Allies at the 2nd Battle of the Marne
Argonne Forest
47 days of fighting pushes the Germans back
October (end of the war)
Ottoman Empire surrendered
Nov. 3 (end of the war)
Austria signs an armistice
Nov 9 (end of the war)
the kaiser of Germany abdicates
Nov 11 (end of the war)
Germany agrees to the armistice
fighting ends on 11:00 AM on Nov 11, 1918
one term of the armistice
Germany renounces its treaty with Russia
Peace Conference was held Jan 1919 at
Big Four
“Architects of Peace”; U.S. President Wilson; British Prime Minister David Lloyd George; French Premier Clemenceau; Italian Prime Minister Orlando
war guilt clause
Germany had to admit to starting the war
payment for war damages
these two things cause extreme bitterness in Germany
French reaction
wanted harsh punishment towards Germany
Pres. Wilson
“peace without victory” and “just victory”
meant don’t seek revenge
Points 1-5
“open covenant”
no secrecy; freedom of the seas; reduce arms
Points 6-13
liberate the former colonies
self determination
let that country decide its own government
Point 14
the League of Nations; the US Senate did not approve of the League of Nations so we were not a member; in the future the League would not be as powerful because we were not a member