Respiratory & Sleep Medicine_ Insomnia and Sleep Disorders Flashcards
What is the definition of insomnia?
Unsatisfactory sleep that impairs daytime functioning
What are three criteria for diagnosing insomnia?
- Presents with difficulty initiating sleep or maintaining sleep, or with sleep that is nonrestorative for at least 1 month
- Occurs despite adequate opportunity and circumstances for sleep
- Impaired sleep causes deficits in daytime activity
What groups of people have higher rates of insomnia?
- Adult women
- persons who are unemployed
- divorced
- widowed
- or of lower SES
What are symptoms of impaired daytime function?
- Fatigue
- headaches
- GI symptoms
- sleepiness
- poor attention/concentration
- increased errors/accidents
- reduced motivation
- mood disturbance
- or social dysfunction
What are common causes of acute insomnia (<30 days)?
- Situation stress
- environmental stressors
- or death of a loved one
What are the initial categories of treatment options for insomnia?
- Behavioral therapies including relaxation and cognitive therapy
- exercise
- sleep hygiene instruction
- stimulus control therapy
- sleep restriction therapy
- medications
What are reasons to avoid the use of over-the-counter antihistamines for insomnia?
- Residual drowsiness
- reduced sleep quality
- anticholinergic side effects
- minimal effectiveness
What are examples of good sleep hygiene actions?
- Maintain regular sleep schedule
- avoid caffeine after lunch
- avoid alcohol near bedtime
- avoid smoking
- decrease light and stimuli in bedroom
- exercise for 20 minutes daily more than 4 hours prior to bedtime
- avoid daytime naps
- avoid large meals before bed
- maintain same sleep and wake time
- avoid excessive time in bed
What are the contraindications to medications used to treat insomnia?
- Pregnancy
- excess alcohol consumption
- renal or hepatic disease
- pulmonary disease or sleep apnea
- adults over 75
What classes of medications target GABA receptors and can be used to promote sleep?
- Long-acting benzodiazepines
- nonbenzodiazepines
- melatonin agonists
Examples of non-benzodiazepines
- eszopiclone
- zaleplon
- zolpidem
What is the advantage of nonbenzodiazepines (eszopiclone, zaleplon, zolpidem) over benzodiazepines for the treatment of chronic insomnia?
- Fewer adverse effects
- decreased risk of dependency
What are common side effects of medications used to treat insomnia?
- daytime sedation
- drowsiness
- lightheadedness
- cognitive impairment
- dependence
- night wandering
Patients with insomnia due to a circadian rhythm disorder may benefit from what therapies?
- melatonin
- phototherapy or
- chronotherapy
Before considering medication or treatment of insomnia, what should you do?
treat any condiitons that may be causing the insomnia
- medical conditions
- psychiatric illness
- substance abuse, or
- sleep disorder
In this type of insomnia, the person has conditioned anxiety around falling asleep or staying asleep and often has a genetic vulnerability, medication disorders, psychiatric conditions or acute stress?
- Primary psychophysiologic insomnia.
What are the common sleep problems in the following age groups?
- infants and toddlers.
- Night Waking
- bedtime resistance