Orthopaedics & Rheumatology/ Knee Injuries Flashcards
What are the indications for an x-ray series for a knee injury?
Any one of the following -
- point tenderness over patella
- tenderness at head of fibula
- inability to flex beyond 90°
- inability to bear weight both immediately and at time of visit (4 steps)
- age >55
What are the key musculoskeletal differential diagnoses of acute knee pain?
- Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear
- patellar dislocation
- patellar fracture
- lateral cruciate ligament (LCL)
- posterior cruciate ligament (PCL)
- meniscal tear
What is the differential diagnosis of chronic anterior knee pain?
- Patellofemoral dysfunction
- OsgoodSchlatter disease
- osteochondritis dessicans
- patellar tendonitis
- bursitis
- patellar stress fracture
What direction is the patella most likely to dislocate?
Lateral >> medial
A 9-year-old boy presents with pain when squatting down to catch the baseball. He has been playing football 3 days a week and baseball twice a week. He is tender over the tibial tubercle. What is the likely diagnosis?
Osgood-Schlatter disease (OSD)
What is Osgoog-Schlatter treatment?
- Decrease activity for 1-2 years (most children will grow out of it).
- Specialized neoprene bracing can provide symptomatic relief.
What is the knee injury most typical for each history? Popping sensation initially, followed by sensation of locking and lack of full extension
Meniscus tear (medial > lateral)
What is the knee injury most typical for each history? Female soccer player felt a pop in her knee when she rotated on a planted foot while running
What knee injury is likely?
A 17-year-old football player hit on the lateral side of his leg by the helmet of the tackling player, causing valgus stress to knee joint.
What is the likely knee injury?
A basketball player takes a hard, direct fall onto her flexed knee. Or, the driver of a car strikes his tibia into the dashboard during a head-on collision.
The likely knee injury…
Often referred to as the “unhappy triad” from being clipped from the side in football, soccer, or other contact sport
ACL, MCL, medial meniscus tears
A 28-year-old runner presents to your office describing lateral knee pain, especially when running downhill, that goes away at rest. He can hear an occasional pop when he is running. On examination, he is tender to palpation over the lateral femoral condyle, and has pain when hopping with a flexed knee. What is the likely diagnosis?
Iliotibial band(ITB) syndrome
Name the physical examination test used in the evaluation of ITB syndrome described below.
With the patient lying down and knee flexed to 90°, apply pressure to ITB over lateral femoral condyle while extending the knee.
Noble compression test; pain at 30° is a positive test.
Name the physical examination test used in the evaluation of ITB syndrome described below.
Patient lies on unaffected side with knee and hip flexed. Flex the affected knee to 90° and abduct and hyperextend hip while stabilizing the pelvis. Lower the affected leg as far as possible
Ober test; positive if leg remains abducted indicating tight IT band
What is the treatment of ITB syndrome?
- Physical therapy to improve hamstring and ITB flexibility
- nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
- ice
- modifications to activity
What are some risk factors for ITB tightness?
- Repetitive flexion and extension of the knee
- long-distance running or cycling
- genu varum
- excessive foot pronation
- internal tibial rotation
Tissue injury commonly associaed with a painful swelling in calf and history of bump on back of knee
Ruptured Baker cyst (popliteal cyst)
Tissue injury commonly associated with Pain on repeated kneeling, with palpable area of swelling between patella and tibial tuberosity, often seen in tilers, roofers who work without kneepads
Prepatellar bursitis (Housemaid knee)
What is the name for diffuse knee pain associated with abnormal tracking of the patella through normal ROM, often seen in running, basketball, and soccer?
Patellofemoral dysfunction (PFD)
What is the treatment for Patellofemoral dysfunction?
- Rest
- correct the quadriceps imbalance by strengthening the vastus medialis oblique (VMO)
What traction apophysitis of the tibial tubercle is associated with trauma to an unclosed ossification system, and occurs in 9-15-year-old boys > girls?
Osgood-Schlatter disease