Ophthalmology \ Uveitis and Keratitis Flashcards
What is the most likely diagnosis in a patient with ocular pain, photophobia, ciliary flush (ring of redness around the iris) and local foreign body sensation?
- Uveitis (Uvea = iris, ciliary body and choroids)
What systemic inflammatory illnesses are associated with uveitis?
- ankylosing spondylitis
- Reiter syndrome
- psoriatic arthritis
- inflammatory bowel disease
- sarcoidosis
- Behcet disease
- juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
- multiple sclerosis
- Kawasaki disease
- systemic vasculitides
What are the most common pathogens which cause uveitis in a noncompromised host?
- Toxoplasma gondii
- Bartonella henselae (cat scratch disease)
- Treponema palladium(syphilis).
- West Nile virus.
What are the most common infectious causes of uveitis in an immunocompromised patient?
- cytomegalovirus(CMV)
- tuberculosis.
What complications can be seen with untreated untreated uveitis?
- glucoma and cataracts
- Refer to ophthalmology if uveitis is suspected
what is keratitis?
inflammation of the cornea
How does the presentation of keratitis overlap with and differ from uveitis?
- like uveitis, keratitis can cause red eye and photophobia.
- Unlike uveitis, keratitis can cause foreign body sensation, a corneal opacity on exam, and exhibit flourescein uptake
Wearing contacts overnight can increase the risk of developing keratitis. True or False?