General Medicine & Family Medicine

This class was created by Brainscape user Sam Sal. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (150)

Head and Neck Anatomy
Media 1,
Classes of skull bones 2,
Classification of fracture of the...
11  cards
Media 1,
Media 2,
Deltoid muscle origin insertion a...
15  cards
Cardiology_Chest Pain
What conditions can cause cardiov...,
What conditions can cause musculo...,
What conditions can cause musculo...
9  cards
What is normal blood pressure bp ...,
What is stage 1 htn 2,
What is stage 2 htn 3
60  cards
Cardiology_Lipid Lowering
When hypercholesterolemia is iden...,
The primary target of cholesterol...,
List chd risk factors 3
33  cards
Cardiology\ Coronary Artery Disease
Describe the initial pathogenesis...,
How is angina pectoris diagnosed 2,
Chest pain relief with nitroglyce...
60  cards
Cardiology_Heart Failure
What is heart failure 1,
What are the two types of heart f...,
Describe systolic dysfunction 3
35  cards
Cardiology\ Aortic Dissection
What is the pathophysiology of ao...,
What are the risk factors for aor...,
What trauma classically can cause...
9  cards
Cardiology_Valvular Disease
What is a normal aortic valve area 1,
What is the aortic valve area in ...,
List the three most common causes...
8  cards
Cardiology\ Valvular Disease
Besides mitral regurgitation what...,
What is a normal aortic valve area 2,
What is the aortic valve area in ...
10  cards
List the three types of cardiomyo...,
Describe dcm 2,
List some conditions that can lea...
12  cards
Cardiology\ Palpitations
What are palpitations 1,
Causes of palpitations 2,
What are psychiatric causes of pa...
9  cards
Cardiology\ Atrial Fibrillation
Types of af 1,
Define paroxysmal af 2,
Define persistent af 3
17  cards
Cardiology_Paediatric Cardiology
What is the main concern if an in...,
What causes sound of a murmur 2,
Name five innocent murmurs of chi...
19  cards
Cardiology\ Echocardiography
On an electrocardiography ecg wha...,
On an electrocardiography ecg wha...,
On an electrocardiography ecg wha...
37  cards
Respiratory & Sleep Medicine\ Airway Infections
What is bronchiolitis 1,
In what patient population is bro...,
What is the most common etiology ...
32  cards
Respiratory & Sleep Medicine\ Pneumonitis
What is pneumonitis 1,
What is pneumonia 2,
What are some common symptoms of ...
42  cards
Respiratory & Sleep Medicine _ Chronic Lung Disease
What are pulmonary function tests 1,
What is the most widely used comp...,
What is forced expiratory volume ...
17  cards
Respiratory & Sleep Medicine\ Asthma
What is the most common chronic l...,
What is asthma 2,
Does asthma worsen over time 3
40  cards
Respiratory & Sleep Medicine\ COPD
What is copd 1,
What is the strongest risk factor...,
Does copd worsen over time 3
46  cards
Respiratory & Sleep Medicine\ Pneumothorax
What is a primary pneumothorax 1,
What is the pathophysiology of a ...,
What are risk factors for primary...
8  cards
Respiratory & Sleep Medicine\ Lung Cancer
What is the leading cause of canc...,
What is the most prominent risk f...,
Which types of lung cancer are ty...
16  cards
Respiratory & Sleep Medicine_ Insomnia and Sleep Disorders
What is the definition of insomnia 1,
What are three criteria for diagn...,
What groups of people have higher...
43  cards
ENT_Nasal Cogestion
What is the most common cause of ...,
What is the most common cause of ...,
Causes of rhinitis 3
64  cards
ENT \ Sore Throat
What is pharyngitis 1,
What are some noninfectious cause...,
What is the most common infectiou...
33  cards
ENT \ Earache
What is acute otitis media aom 1,
How is aom thought to develop 2,
Name the causes of eustachian tub...
34  cards
ENT \ Nose Bleeds
What is the most common cause of ...,
What are some other causes of epi...,
What accompanying symptoms would ...
11  cards
ENT \ Tinnitus
What is tinnitus 1,
What is the difference between ob...,
What are some common causes of ti...
10  cards
ENT \ Hoarseness
What is hoarseness 1,
What mucosal lesions can cause ho...,
What are causes of chronic laryng...
8  cards
General Surgery/GIT \ Esophageal causes of chest pain
What percentage of patients with ...,
How should patients with noncardi...,
Blank 3
3  cards
General Surgery/GIT _ Abdominal Pain
Ddx for ruq pain 1,
Epigastric pain ddx 2,
Rlq pain ddx 3
30  cards
What is the mechanism for type i ...,
What is the mechanism for type ii...,
What are the main differences bet...
55  cards
Diabetes_Oral Hypoglycemics
Sulfonylureas and metformin can e...,
Sulfonylureas and metformin can e...,
After 3 years of monotherapy what...
15  cards
Endocrinology_Thyroid disease_Hypothyroidism
Clinical manifestation of hypothy...,
Clinical manifestation of hypothy...,
Clinical manifestation of hypothy...
26  cards
Endocrinology_Hyperthyroidism and thyrotoxicosis
What is thyrotoxicosis 1,
What causes thyrotoxicosis 2,
Dermatologic manifestation of thy...
45  cards
Renal & Urology_Chronic Kidney Disease
The kidneys are responsible for 1,
Renal function as measured by the...,
What is chronic kidney disease ckd 3
26  cards
Orthopaedics & Rheumatology_ Osteoporosis
What percentage of postmenopausal...,
What are the risk factors for fra...,
What is the preferred diagnostic ...
26  cards
Ophthalmology_Red Eye and Eye Pain and Conjuctivitis
What is the most common cause of ...,
Causes of red eye 2,
History of a red eye 3
34  cards
Ophthalmology \ Uveitis and Keratitis
What is the most likely diagnosis...,
What systemic inflammatory illnes...,
What are the most common pathogen...
9  cards
Ophthalmology \ Corneal Abrasion
What are the common mechanisms of...,
What signs and symptoms are seen ...,
In the case of suspected corneal ...
6  cards
Ophthalmology \ Glaucoma
What disease process is described...,
What are the risk factors for ope...,
What are two medications used to ...
7  cards
Ophthalmology \ Eyelid Disorders
What are common eyelid disorders ...,
What is a stye 2,
What do patients typically compla...
13  cards
Ophthalmology \ Orbital Cellulitis
What is orbital cellulitis 1,
What are the symptoms associated ...,
What are the signs of orbital cel...
11  cards
Mental Health_ ADHD
What percentage of the population...,
Adhd symptoms can be grouped into...,
Describe the following adhd sympt...
22  cards
Mental Health_Depression
What age group has the highest in...,
What age group is twice as likely...,
What diseases can present with de...
29  cards
Mental health_ Anxiety Disorders
What is the lifetime prevalence o...,
A patient who describes himself a...,
What is the treatment for gad 3
18  cards
What is the most common cause of ...,
What is a transient ischemic atta...,
What are common signs of in sympt...
19  cards
90 of headaches fall under which ...,
What signs and symptoms suggest t...,
Secondary headaches symptoms 3
14  cards
What patient populations are most...,
What are the types of migraines 2,
Most common migraine 3
14  cards
Neurology\Cluster Headaches
How common are cluster headaches 1,
What are the international headac...,
Why are they called cluster heada...
10  cards
Neurology\Tension Headaches
What are the international headac...,
What factors can trigger tension ...,
What abortive medications can be ...
4  cards
Neurology\Drug Rebound Headaches
When should you consider the diag...,
Which medications can cause rebou...,
What is the management for drug r...
4  cards
Neuorlogy\ Intracranial Hemorrhage
What are the four major types of ...,
What causes an epidural hematoma 2,
What percent of epidural hematoma...
11  cards
Causes of bacterial meningitis ac...,
Causes of bacterial meningitis ac...,
Causes of bacterial meningitis ac...
16  cards
Neurology_Dizziness and Syncope
What is dizziness 1,
What are the common causes of diz...,
What is vertigo 3
18  cards
Neurology\ Benign Paroxysma Positional Vertigo
What movement tend to trigger ver...,
What causes the bppv c 2,
Patients with bppv commonly repor...
11  cards
Neurology\ Presyncope/Syncope
What is syncope 1,
What term is used to describe the...,
The evaluation of syncope presync...
16  cards
Orthopaedics & Rheumatology _ Synovitis and Tenosyvitis
What is synovitis 1,
What is tenosynovitis 2,
What are the kanavel signs for te...
7  cards
Orthopaedics & Rheumatology_ Degenerative Joint Disease
What is the most common joint dis...,
Describe the pathogenesis of oa 2,
What are the most common joints i...
25  cards
Orthopaedics & Rheumatology\ Rheumatoid Arthritis
What is the pathogenesis of rheum...,
Ra typically affects what gender ...,
What is the typical presentation ...
28  cards
Orthopaedics & Rheumatology\ Gout
What is the pathogenesis of gout 1,
What is the relationship between ...,
Will all patients with hyperurice...
25  cards
Orthopaedics & Rheumatology \ Myalgias and Arthralgias
A 40 year old woman presents to y...,
Criteria for the diagnosis of fms 2,
How do you test the trigger point...
14  cards
Orthopaedics & Rheumatology \ Lupus
What is the pathogenesis of syste...,
What organ systems are most commo...,
Which patient population does sle...
23  cards
Orthopaedics & Rheumatology \ Sprains and Strains
What is the difference between a ...,
What is the typical history repor...,
What is the typical history in a ...
8  cards
Orthopaedics & Rheumatology \ Fractures and Dislocations
What symptoms are suggestive of a...,
If a person has a laceration of t...,
Fracture perpendicular to the sha...
35  cards
Orthopaedics & Rheumatology / Lowerleg, Foot, And Ankle Injuries
What is the most common type of a...,
What additional injury do you nee...,
Improper use of crutches can resu...
25  cards
Orthopaedics & Rheumatology/ Knee Injuries
What are the indications for an x...,
What are the key musculoskeletal ...,
What is the differential diagnosi...
22  cards
Orthopaedics & Rheumatology / Hip And Groin Injuries
Soft tissue injuries commonly ass...,
Soft tissue injury commonly assoc...,
What is the most common site for ...
19  cards
Orthopaedics & Rheumatology/ Back Injuries
In patients under the age of 50 w...,
Differentials of lower backpain 2,
Mechanism and anatomy of ankylosi...
27  cards
Orthopaedics & Rheumatology/ Shoulder Injuries
Injury associated wtih football p...,
Injury associated with an older p...,
An injury associated with a weigh...
15  cards
Orthopaedics & Rheumatology/ Elbow, Hand And Wrist Injuries
Soft tissue injury associated wit...,
Soft tissue injury associated wit...,
Soft tissue injury associated wit...
37  cards
Sports & Occupational Medicine _ Sports and Work Injuries
What is the continuum of exertion...,
What factors increase the risk fo...,
The symptoms of weakness sweating...
13  cards
Sports & Occupational Medicine \ Head Injuries
Poor coordination decreased atten...,
Athletes with a concussion may co...,
The initial assessment of a sport...
10  cards
Gynaecology_Breast Mass
On breast exam which positions ar...,
What can be observed while visual...,
During the breast exam when shoul...
27  cards
Gynaecology/ Breast Pain
What percentage of women with bre...,
What are the features of cyclical...,
What hormones have been associate...
9  cards
Gynaecology/ Nipple Discharge
What are the types of nipple disc...,
What are the typical characterist...,
What are the most common causes o...
7  cards
What is the most common cause of ...,
Percentage of women of reproducti...,
Diagnostic criteria for pcos 3
6  cards
Women's Health / Cervicitis
What are the infectious causes of...,
What signs and symptoms are sugge...,
How does cervicitis appear on spe...
10  cards
Women's Health/ Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
What is the definition of pelvic ...,
How does cervicitis lead to pid 2,
What are the most common organism...
13  cards
Women's Health/ Vaginitis
What is vaginitis 1,
What are some typical symptoms of...,
What are noninfectious causes of ...
31  cards
Women's Health / Vaginal Bleeding and Dysmenorrhea
In a normal ovulatory cycle cycle...,
In a normal ovulatory cycle mense...,
In a normal ovulatory cycle blood...
36  cards
Women's Health/ Uterine Leiomyomas
What are uterine leiomyomas fibro...,
What are the three types of uteri...,
Why is the incidence of fibroids ...
14  cards
Women's Health/ Endometriosis
What is endometriosis 1,
At what age does endometriosis ty...,
Why is endometriosis rare in prem...
23  cards
Women's Health / Endometrial Cancer
What are the risk factors for end...,
What are examples of exogenous es...,
What are examples of endogenous e...
11  cards
General Surgery_Neck Masses
What is the greatest concern when...,
What factors increase the likelih...,
What is the most common site of n...
25  cards
General Surgery/GIT / Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
What is gastroesophageal reflux d...,
What is physiologic reflux 2,
What is reflux esophagitis 3
20  cards
General Surgery/GIT / Peptic Ulcer Disease
What are the two major etiologies...,
What symptoms do patients with pu...,
Pain that is relieved by food int...
16  cards
General Surgery/GIT / Gallbladder Disease
Calcium gallstones are the most c...,
What are the risk factors for gal...,
What is biliary colic 3
24  cards
General Surgery/GIT _ Diarrhoea
What is encopresis 1,
Common cause of diarrhoea in infa...,
Rotavirus mechanism of transmissi...
41  cards
General Surgery/GIT / Inflammatory Bowel Disease
What two diseases are classified ...,
What layer s of the colon wall ar...,
What layer s of the colon wall ar...
28  cards
General Surgery/GIT / Blood in Stool
What are the common causes of low...,
What diagnosis should you suspect...,
What is the hallmark radiographic...
39  cards
General Surgery/GIT / Diverticular Disease
What are diverticula 1,
What is the difference between di...,
What is the prevalence of diverti...
21  cards
General Surgery/GIT / Colorectal Cancer
In the united states what is the ...,
What are risk factors for crc 2,
In most cases of crc there is a p...
28  cards
General Surgery/GIT / Inguinal Hernia
What is the lifetime risk of deve...,
How do indirect inguinal hernias ...,
On which side do indirect hernias...
10  cards
Men's Health_ Erectile Dysfunction
Male sexual dysfunction can be gr...,
Defination of ed 2,
What is the prevalence of ed 3
14  cards
Renal & Urology / Scrotal pain and swelling, Testicular Torsion
What conditions can cause scrotal...,
What conditions can cause scrotal...,
What is the bell clapper deformity 3
11  cards
Renal & Urology/ Testicular Cancer
Testicular cancer represents what...,
What are the two tumor cell types...,
Cryptorchidism increases the risk...
7  cards
Renal & Urology/ Torsion of Appendix Tests or Appendix Epididymis
What is the appendix testis 1,
What is the appendix epididymis 2,
Which patients are typically affe...
6  cards
Renal & Urology/ Epididymitis
What are the signs and symptoms o...,
What are the causative organisms ...,
What are the causative organisms ...
9  cards
Renal & Urology/ Hydrocele
What is a hydrocele 1,
How are communicating hydroceles ...,
What conditions can cause seconda...
7  cards
Renal & Urology/ Varicocele
What are varicoceles 1,
On which side are varicoceles typ...,
What percentage of males with var...
7  cards
Renal & Urology / Cyoceles and Other Pelvic Floor Abnormalities
What is a cystocele 1,
What are the urinary symptoms of ...,
What causes a cystocele 3
14  cards
Renal & Urology _ Dysuria
What is the definition of dysuria 1,
What is the differential diagnosi...,
What is the differential diagnosi...
6  cards
Renal & Urology / Urethritis In Men
What are the signs and symptoms o...,
Which pathogens can cause urethri...,
What is the most common cause of ...
11  cards
Renal & Urology _ UTIs
Lower utis include infections of ...,
What are some the common risk fac...,
How is the diagnosis of uti estab...
20  cards
Renal & Urology /Pyelonephritis
What is pyelonephritis 1,
What percentage of women with dys...,
What signs and symptoms are sugge...
11  cards
Renal & Urology/ Prostatitis
What are the different types of p...,
What are signs and symptoms of ac...,
How do you diagnose acute bacteri...
8  cards
Renal & Urology /Urodynamic Testing
What is urodynamic testing 1,
What quantitative measurements do...,
What urinary symptoms does urodyn...
3  cards
Renal & Urology / Incontinence
What is urinary incontinence 1,
What are the types of urinary inc...,
What is stress incontinence 3
15  cards
Renal & Urology / Urinary Retention
What is urinary retention 1,
What is a postvoid residual pvr a...,
A measurement of how many millili...
9  cards
Renal & Urology / Prostate Cancer
What cancer is the most common ca...,
What are the risk factors for cap 2,
How does cap present 3
14  cards
Renal & Urology / Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
What is benign prostatic hyperpla...,
What area of the prostate does bp...,
Is bph always detectable on exam 3
18  cards
Haematology\ Venous Thromboembolism
What are the three factors typica...,
What is homans sign 2,
What physical examination finding...
30  cards
Public Health & Preventive Health_Preventive Exam Screening
In general what factors influence...,
How are recommendations regarding...,
Colorectal cancer screening 3
19  cards
Public Health & Preventive Health_Epidemiology
How are patients in case control ...,
What primary measures 2,
What are secondary prevention mea...
15  cards
Public Health & Preventive Health_ Disease and Exposure
What is relative risk 1,
How do you calculate relative risk 2,
When is relative risk used 3
25  cards
Public Health & Preventive_Vaccine in Adults and Childrem
What are examples of live vaccines 1,
What is the major risk of oral po...,
Which populations should avoid li...
37  cards
Public Health & Preventive_Infective Endocarditis (IE) Prophylaxis
What is the theoretical basis for...,
Patients at highest risk of infec...,
Which patients should receive pro...
6  cards
Infectious Disease/ HSV
What are the signs and symptoms o...,
What is the mean duration of lesi...,
What is the mean duration of lesi...
17  cards
Family Planning/ Contraception#
How does progesterone work as a c...,
How does estrogen work as a contr...,
How many weeks postpartum should ...
56  cards
Family Planning/ Infertility#
What is infertility 1,
What percentage of couples experi...,
What is the monthly probability o...
11  cards
Dermatology/ Acne and Rosacea
Acne is characterized by inflamma...,
Who gets acne 2,
What are the primary causes of ac...
24  cards
Dermatology/ Superficial Fungal Infections
How can superficial fungal infect...,
What is a dermatophyte 2,
What three genera of fungi are co...
30  cards
Dermatology/ Toenail Removal
What is an ingrown toenail 1,
What are signs and symptoms of an...,
What are risk factors for ingrown...
14  cards
Dermatology/ Urticaria
How do urticarial lesions hives t...,
What is the hallmark of urticaria...,
What is the time course of acute ...
11  cards
Dermatology/ Dermatitis and Eczema
What is the clinical significance...,
In atopic dermatitis a rash appea...,
Presentaion of eczema in infants 3
24  cards
Dermatology/ Psoriasis
Describe the most common primary ...,
Describe the primary components i...,
What are the five different types...
10  cards
Dermatology/ Herpes Zoster
Herpes zoster or shingles is a re...,
What does herpes zoster look like 2,
Where does herpes zoster most com...
11  cards
Dermatology/ Bacterial Skin Infections
What is cellulitis 1,
What organisms most commonly caus...,
What part of the body is most com...
16  cards
Dermatology/ Hair Loss
What is the most common cause of ...,
What are the approved treatment o...,
Can you use finasteride in women ...
11  cards
Dermatology/ Pigmentary Disorders
Acquired skin depigmentation char...,
What is the approach to managemen...,
What is the differential diagnosi...
7  cards
Dermatology/ Warts
What virus is associated with cut...,
What is the characteristic appear...,
What is the pathognomonic finding...
7  cards
Dermatology/ Skin Cancer
In the evaluation of a suspicious...,
What does the sun protection fact...,
How should people protect their s...
32  cards
Dermatology/ Rashes and Exanthems
What is an exanthem 1,
What are the six classic infectio...,
Infectious agent of erythema infe...
16  cards
Dermatology/ Skin Wounds
Prior to skin closure what preven...,
Are prophylactic antibiotics indi...,
What are the different properties...
17  cards
Haematology / Abnormal Red Cell Count and Bleeding
What is anemia 1,
What labs are included in the ini...,
What are the typical signs and sy...
82  cards
Haematology/ Abnormal White Cell Counts
What is leukocytosis 1,
What are the causes of leukocytos...,
Patients with infections can alwa...
39  cards
Haematology/ Abnormal Platelet Counts and Abnormal Bleeding
What is the term for abnormally i...,
What are the two main types of th...,
What are the major complications ...
24  cards
Chemical Pathology/ Abnormal Liver Function Tests
What are the most common causes o...,
Name some physical signs that may...,
What liver function test is most ...
53  cards
Chemical Pathology/ Abnormal Electrolytes
What is hyperkalemia 1,
What factors place chronic kidney...,
What type of renal tubular acidos...
55  cards
Chemical Pathology/ Abnormal Urinalysis Results
What component of a urinalysis he...,
When patients develop the followi...,
Urinary ph generally reflects the...
35  cards
Women's Health/ Abnormal Pap Smear Results
What type of infection is the big...,
What are some other factors that ...,
Which hpv serotypes cause 70 of c...
22  cards
Infectious Diseases | Microbiology / Positive Tuberculin Skin Test
What infectious agent causes tube...,
How is tb transmitted 2,
In general someone with untreated...
29  cards
Cardiology/ Cardiovascular Examination
In order to obtain an accurate bl...,
In the office setting bp measurem...,
When auscultating for korotkoff s...
37  cards
Neurology/ Neurologic Exam
What are the components of a comp...,
What information can be used to d...,
What terms can be used to describ...
42  cards
Neurology/ Infantile Reflexes
Describe the moro reflex 1,
When does the moro reflex typical...,
What is the palmar grasp reflex 3
6  cards
Paediatrics/ Newborn and Infants
What is a term infant 1,
What is a term premature 2,
What is a term postterm 3
66  cards
Paediatrics/Infant Feeding
When should breast feeding begin 1,
What are the intrinsic benefits o...,
What additional benefits of breas...
35  cards
Paediatrics/ Jaundice and Hyperbilirubinemia
What is jaundice 1,
Where on the body can you first n...,
Jaundice appears as a physical si...
20  cards
#Paediatrics/ Growth and Development
What three parameters should you ...,
What are the most common causes o...,
Increased incidence of obesity ha...
47  cards

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General Medicine & Family Medicine

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