Dermatology/ Skin Wounds Flashcards
Prior to skin closure, what preventative measures should you take against tissue infection?
- wound irrigation, foreign body removal, and debridement of necrotic material
Are prophylactic antibiotics indicated for a clean, nonbite wound after suturing?(6)
No. Antibiotics are used only if the wound is excessively contaminated, is in the mouth, caused by an animal or human bite, or the patient has vascular insufficiency or immunocompromise.
What are the different properties of suture material that you should consider when selecting one for wound closure?(4)
- Monofilamentous (Prolene or Ethilon) or multifilamentous (silk)
- tensile strength (higher number = thinner suture and less strength)
- memory (high memory = stiff, harder to tie, such as prolene)
- absorbable versus nonabsorbable
Describe the properties of the most common nonabsorbable sutures.
Nylon (4)
Describe the properties of the most common nonabsorbable sutures.
Prolene (4)
Describe the properties of the most common nonabsorbable sutures.
Silk (4)
What theoretical advantage do monofilament sutures have over multifilament?
Multifilament sutures can facilitate bacteria between strands and increase infection rates.
What are examples of absorbable sutures (sutures that lose their tensile strength within 60 days)?
- Vicryl, monocryl, dexon, PDS, maxon
What is the most common suturing technique for an uncomplicated wound?
Simple, interrupted sutures with nonabsorbable suture
After how many days should you remove sutures in the in the Eyelids/Neck?
3 days
After how many days should you remove sutures in the in the Face?
5 days
After how many days should you remove sutures in the in the Scalp?
7-10 days
After how many days should you remove sutures in the in the Extremities?
7-10 days
What are contraindications to the use of tissue adhesive for wound closure?
Complex laceration pattern, dirty wound, wound tension, wound length or depth >10 cm
What instructions should you give a patient after using tissue adhesive to close a wound?
- do not use antibiotic ointment over wound (leads to premature breakdown)
- return for wound check in 2 days
- do not pull at adhesive as it starts to wear off
What is the wound closure method of choice for superficial skin flaps in the elderly?
Wound tape
What wound closure method is suggested for scalp lacerations and lacerations over hair-bearing areas?