Ophthalmology \ Glaucoma Flashcards
What disease process is described as progressive tunneling visual field loss, usually associated with an increase in intraocular pressure that compress the optic nerve over time?
- open angle glaucoma.
What are the risk factors for opening glaucoma?
- Elevated intraocular pressure
- family history
- advanced age
- African-American ethnicity
- myopia.
What are two medications used to treat open-angle glaucoma decrease the production of aqueous humor?
- Alpha-adrenergic agonist
- beta-adrenergic blockers
- carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
- cholinergic agonists
What glaucoma medications used to treat open-angle glucoma increase the outflow of aqueous humour?
- alpha-adrenergic agonists
- miotics
- epinephrine compounds
- prostaglandins.
An elderly lady complains of an abruptly, painful, red eye with decreased vision and halos around lights as well as nausea and vomiting. Examination shows the intense redness around the cornea with corneal haze and a fixed unreactive pupil. What is the diagnosis?
acute-angle closure glaucoma.
How do you treat acute angle closure glaucoma, until the ophthalmologist is reached?
- an antiemetic
- two 250 mg oral tablets of Acetazolamide and topical agents to decrease intraocular pressure
- topical agents
- adrenergic agonists
- beta-adrenergic blockers
- carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
- cholinergic agonists
- topical agents