#Paediatrics/ Growth and Development Flashcards
What three parameters should you plot on a growth chart at each well-child visit? 2 years Why is it important to plot these values over time?
- Weight and length
- Height until adulthood
- Head circumference the first 2 years
The overall pattern of growth (ie, trajectory of the curve) is more important than the raw values.
What are the most common causes of obesity in children?
Overeating and inactivity
Increased incidence of obesity has led to an increased incidence of what other diseases among children?
- Type 2 diabetes mellitus
- hypertension
- hyperlipidemia
A BMI at what percentile defines a child as being overweight?
Overweight –> 85th-95th (age-specific)
Obese –> Greater than 95th (age-specific)
What is failure to thrive (FTT)?
- Inappropriately low weight (<3rd-5th percentile for the patient’s age)
- growth curve that crosses two major percentiles
- loss of weight
What accounts for 60%-80% of FTT?
Nonorganic and psychosocial causes (eg, poverty, neglect, mother with postpartum depression)
What are the organic causes of FTT?
- Any medical condition that can cause inadequate caloric intake, absorption, or utilization (eg, gastroesophageal reflux disease [GERD], cystic fibrosis, food allergies, metabolic storage diseases)
- increased metabolic need (eg, congenital heart disease, chronic infection)
What is the treatment of FTT?
- Frequent meals
- increasing high-calorie solid food intake with additional supplementation if necessary
- treatment of underlying medical condition
What are the benefits of assessing a child’s physical, social, and cognitive development?
Delays are relatively easy to detect and give important information about a child’s health
What is the Denver Developmental Screening Test?
A brief developmental assessment tool to screen 0-6 year olds
When assessing the development of a baby born prematurely, up until what age do you adjust his/her chronological age?
2 years
A nine-month-old baby who was born 3 months prematurely should be able to perform at what developmental level?
A 6-month-old
Approximately , at what age should a/n infant/child have the following gross motor skills?
While prone, lifts the head to 90°
3-4 months
Approximately , at what age should a/n infant/child have the following gross motor skills?
Rolls front to back
4 months
Approximately , at what age should a/n infant/child have the following gross motor skills?
Sits up with back unsupported
6 months
Approximately , at what age should a/n infant/child have the following gross motor skills?
Crawls, cruises, and pulls to a stand
9 months
Approximately , at what age should a/n infant/child have the following gross motor skills?
Takes first steps
12 months
Approximately , at what age should a/n infant/child have the following gross motor skills?
Walks up the stairs supported by a wall or railing
18 mthns
Approximately , at what age should a/n infant/child have the following gross motor skills?
Runs well
2 years
Approximately , at what age should a/n infant/child have the following gross motor skills?
Rides a tricycle
3 years
Approximately , at what age should a/n infant/child have the following fine motor skills?
Purposefully grasps an object
4-5 months
Approximately , at what age should a/n infant/child have the following fine motor skills?
Pincer grasp
9 months
Approximately , at what age should a/n infant/child have the following fine motor skills?
Copies a line
2 years
Approximately , at what age should a/n infant/child have the following fine motor skills?
Copies a circle
3 years