Reactor Protection System(IPX) Flashcards
What is the purpose of the Reactor Protection System?
Ensure the reactor core and primary system are prevented from exceeding their safety limits during normal operation and design bases anticipated operational occurrences, and to assist the Engineered Safeguards Actuation System in mitigating the consequences of an accident.
What features of the Reactor Protection System allow it to be reliable during all conditions?
- Diversification - several different methods are used to monitor the same parameter or indicate the same plant condition.
- Redundancy - multiple instrumentation channels are used to monitor the same parameter.
- Independence - each channel of measurement and each train of protection is physically and electrically independent.
- Failsafe - the system is designed to supply a trip signal upon failure. All bistables will supply an initiation single upon loss of power to the circuit or bistable.
- Isolation from Control Circuits - the protective system and control systems circuits are isolated from each other with isolation amplifiers.
What type of logic is used by the Reactor Protection System?
2 out of 4 logic
What is the purpose of the Reactor Trip System?
- Prevent core damage from an anticipated transient
- Limit core damage from infrequent faults
- Preserve the integrity of the Reactor Coolant System pressure boundary during limiting fault conditions
What is the purpose of the Solid State Protection System(SSPS)?
The SSPS combines input signals into required logic and generates Reactor Trip and Safeguard Signals as required.
What type of signals does the Solid State Protection System generate?
- Automatic reactor trips
- Safeguards actuations
A. Safety Injection
B. Phase A
C. Phase B
D. Main Steam Isolation
E. Feedwater isolation - Annunciators, status lights, computer inputs, and a means for semi-automatic testing of logic circuits
What is the purpose of the Reactor Trip Breakers?
The Reactor Trip Breakers interrupt power to the Rod Drive MG Sets, thus causing a reactor trip, based on input from the Solid State Protection System.
What is the basic design/sequence of the Reactor Trip Breakers?
- There are two Reactor Trip Breakers in series so only one breaker is required to open for power to be interrupted to the Rod Drive MG Sets.
- One Reactor Trip Bypass Breaker is in parallel with each Reactor Trip breaker.
What is the purpose of the Rector Trip Bypass breakers?
- When racked in, and closed, the Bypass Breakers will allow the Reactor Trip Breaker that it’s in parallel with to be opened without a reactor trip. This arrangement allows testing of the Reactor Protection System and Reactor Trip Breaker operation without having to shutdown.
What is the purpose of the Trip Plate(RED) located inside the Reactor Trip Breaker cubicle?
Trip Plate(RED) - this plate is used to ensure that the breaker is tripped prior to engaging the breaker racking tool. This plate must be depressed to allow opening the Racking Shutter.
What is the purpose of the Racking Shutter located inside the Reactor Trip Breaker cubicle?
The Racking Shutter covers the area where the racking tool is inserted. To lower this plated you must depress the trip plate and then pull down on this plate.
What other components/indications are located inside the Reactor Trip Breaker cubicle?
- Springs Charged/Discharged indicator window
- Push-to-Close pushbutton
- Manual Charging Lever for manual charging of springs
- Test-Connect-Disconnect position indicator
How many trip coils does each Reactor Trip and Bypass Breaker have, and what are they?
- Each Reactor Trip and Bypass Breaker have two trip coils.
- The two trip coils are:
A. Undervoltage Coil
B. Shunt Trip Coil
How do the Undervoltage Coils in the Reactor Trip and Bypass Breakers work?
- The Undervoltage Coil de-energizes to trip the breaker.
2. The UV Coil is energized from the SSPS and holds the UV trip plunger out against spring force.
How do the Shunt Trip Coils in the Reactor Trip and Bypass Breakers work?
The Shunt Trip Coil is de-energized when the breakers are closed. When energized, the ST Coil will move the trip plunger causing the breakers to open.
Where are the signals for the Undervoltage and Shunt Trip Coils generated?
The output of the logic bay for the Solid State Protection System determines which UV or ST Coil will receive a trip signal. Either the UV Coil or the ST Coil are sufficient to generate a RX tip.
What is the affect on the Reactor Protection System with a Bypass Breaker racked to the “CONN” position?
A Bypass Breaker racked into the “CONN” position, and closed, will generate a General Warning for that train. Two General Warnings will cause a reactor trip.
What is the affect on the Reactor Protection System with both Bypass Breakers racked to the “CONN” position?
If both Bypass Breakers are racked into the “CONN” position, and closed, two General Warnings will be generated causing all four breakers to trip open leading to a reactor trip.
What is the affect of placing a train of the Solid State Protection System in “TEST”?
A train of SSPS in “TEST” will generate a General Warning. Therefore if a train of SSPS is in “TEST” and the other train has a Bypass Breaker racked into “CONN”, and closed, a reactor trip will be generated.
What breakers receive a trip signal from SSPS Train A?
- The UV and ST Coil for Reactor Trip Breaker A
2. The UV Coil only for Bypass Breaker B
What breakers receive a trip signal from SSPS Train B?
- The UV and ST Coil for Reactor Trip Breaker B
2. The UV Coil only for Bypass Breaker A
What is the normal configuration of the Reactor Trip and Bypass Breakers?
- Reactor Trip Breakers are normally closed
2. The Bypass Breakers are normally racked out to the disconnect position
How are the Reactor Trip and Bypass Breakers manually actuated?
There are two Manual Trip Switches located on MC1. Either switch taken to TRIP will cause a reactor trip.
How physically do the Manual Trip Switches cause the Reactor Trip and Bypass Breakers to open?
The Manual Trip Switches caused the Shunt Trip Coils to energize in the train Trip Breaker and Bypass Breaker.
What additional signal is generated by taking the Manual Trip Switches to trip?
- Taking the Manual Trip Switches to TRIP not only energizes the Shunt Trip Coils in that train’s breakers, but it also generates an automatic reactor trip signal for that train.
- The SSPS train signal will cause:
A. Reactor Trip Breaker UV Coil for that train de-energizes
B. Reactor Trip Breaker Shunt Trip Coil for that train energizes
C. Bypass Breaker UV Coil for the opposite train de-energizes
How is operation of the Manual Trip Switches similar to a Safety Injection?
The Manual Trip Switches are similar to the Manual Safety Injection Pushbuttons in that they both energize the Shunt Trip Coils.
What will cause the Reactor Trip Breaker’s UV Coil to de-energize?
Any reactor trip signal in the corresponding train.
What will cause the Reactor Trip Breaker’s Shunt Trip Coil to energize?
- The Shunt Trip Coils energize for any reactor trip signal in the corresponding train.
- The Shunt Trip Coils energize by any manual trip or manual Safety Injection actuation in the corresponding train.
What will cause the Bypass Reactor Trip Breaker’s UV Coil to de-energize?
Any reactor trip signal in the opposite train.
What will cause the Reactor Trip Bypass Breaker’s Shunt Trip Coil to energize?
Shunt Trip Coils are energized in Reactor Trip Bypass Breakers only by a manual trip in the corresponding train or Manual Safety Injection.
What action is taken when racking in Reactor Trip Breakers to prevent a Feedwater isolation?
The Control Room holds the CF Isolation reset buttons when racking in the Reactor Trip Breakers to prevent an undesired CF isolation.
What are the Safety Injection setpoints?
- Low Pressurizer Pressure - 1845psig
- High Containment Pressure - 1.2psig
- Manual
What are all of the Reactor Trips?
- Manual
- General Warning Reactor Trip
- Source Range NI Flux High
- Intermediate Range NI Flux High
- Power Range NI Flux High
- Power Range NI Flux Low
- Power Range Neutron Flux - High Positive Rate
- Pressurizer Pressure High
- Pressurizer Pressure Low
- Pressurizer Water Level High
- Overtemperature delta T
- Overpower delta T
- Under Voltage NCPs
- Under Frequency NCPs
- Steam Generator Water Low-Low
- Reactor Coolant Flow Low, Single Loop
- Reactor Coolant Flow Low, Two Loops
- Safety Injection
- Turbine Trip