Feedwater System(CF) Flashcards
What is the purpose of the Feedwater System?
The Feedwater System takes condensate from the Condensate System(CM), heats it to improve efficiency and delivers it a the proper flow, temperature, and pressure to the steam generators to maintain the required steam generator water level.
What is the system designator for the Feedwater System?
How many High Pressure Feedwater Heaters are there, and what is their capacity?
- There are two trains of HP Feedwater Heaters, each train containing one ‘A’ and ‘B’ Heater.
- Each heater train is 50% capacity
What is the capacity of the High Pressure Feedwater Heater Bypass Valve?
The bypass valve is 50% capacity
What is used to heat Feedwater in the ‘B’ Heater?
- Extraction Steam
- ‘A’ Heater Drains
- Drains from the MSR 1st Stage Reheat Drain Tank
What is the temperature increase across the ‘B’ Heaters?
Approximately 36F
What is used to heat Feedwater in the ‘A’ Heater?
- Extraction Steam
2. Drains from the MSR 2nd Stage Reheat Drain Tank
What is the temperature increase across the ‘A’ Heaters?
Approximately 37F
What is the final Feedwater temperature upon leaving the ‘A’ Heaters?
Approximately 440F
What is the purpose of the High Pressure Cleanup Valve, CF-26, and where does the flow path end?
- The High Pressure Cleanup Valve, CF-26, is used to cleanup main feedwater and condensate prior to feeding the S/Gs during startup.
- The HP Cleanup Valve directs water from the outlet of the HP Feedwater Heaters to the Upper Surge Tank Dome. The valve actually taps off of the HP Feedwater Heater bypass line.
What is the interlock between the High Pressure Cleanup Valve, CF-26, and the Low Pressure Cleanup Valve, CM-123, and why?
- The two valves cannot be closed at the same time.
2. This ensures that there is always a recirculation path available.
What is the interlock between the High Pressure Cleanup Valve, CF-26, and the Main Feedwater Pumps?
The High Pressure Cleanup Valve, CF-26, cannot be opened unless:
1. Feedwater Pump ‘A’ suction and discharge valves are open OR Feedwater Pump ‘B’ suction and discharge valves are open.
2. Both Feedwater Pump Turbines’ Control Valves are closed.
These interlocks prevent over pressurization of the condensate piping downstream of CF-26, and to have a cleanup flowpath established before CF-26 is opened
How are the High Pressure Feedwater Heaters removed from service, as a train or individually?
They are isolated using a combined switch for both heaters in a train.
What is the purpose of the Feedwater Equalization Line?
The Feedwater Equalization Line provides a head for distribution of CF flow an tempering flow to the steam generators. There are four Feedwater lines for, one for each steam generator, and one tap for tempering flow to all four steam generators.
What is the purpose of the Steam Generator Feedwater Bypass Control Valve?
The S/G Feedwater Bypass Control Valve is used to control feed flow at low power conditions up to 15% rated flow.
What type of valve is the Steam Generator Feedwater Bypass Control Valve, and how does it fail?
- The bypass valve is pneumatically operated.
2. The bypass valve will fail closed on a loss of Instrument Air(VI)
How many solenoids have to lose power to cause a closure of the S/G Feedwater Bypass Control Valve?
There are two solenoids in series located in the single supply air line. If one solenoid loses power the valve will fail closed.
What will cause the S/G Feedwater Bypass Control Valve to automatically close?
The S/G Feedwater Bypass Control Valve will auto close on:
- CF Isolation Signal
- Associated Doghouse Hi-Hi Level
- Transfer of ASP to Local
What is the purpose of the Steam Generator Feedwater Control Valves?
The Steam Generator Feedwater Control Valves control feed flow when total feed flow is greater than or equal to 15% up to 100%.
What type of valve is the Steam Generator Feedwater Control Valve, and how does it fail?
- The Steam Generator Feedwater Control Valves are pneumatically operated.
- The Steam Generator Feedwater Control Valves fail closed on a loss of Instrument Air(VI).
What are the automatic isolation signals for the Steam Generator Feedwater Control Valves?
The S/G Feedwater Control Valves will auto close on:
- CF Isolation Signal
- Associated Doghouse Hi-Hi Level
- Transfer of ASP to Local
How many solenoids have to lose power to cause a closure of the S/G Feedwater Control Valve?
Two parallel lines air lines consisting of two solenoid valves in series supply the S/G Feedwater Control Valves therefore it would take a loss of power to at least two solenoid valves to close the valve.
What is the purpose of the Feedwater Containment Isolation Valves?
- Isolate feed flow to the CF nozzles during low flow normal operations.
- Isolate feed flow to a faulted steam generator.
What type of valves are the Feedwater Containment Isolation Valves?
The Feedwater Containment Isolation Valves are electro-hydraulic/pneumatic operated gate valves.
What would be an indication would indicated a possible hydraulic leak associated with the Feedwater Containment Isolation Valves?
The OAC monitors the hydraulic pump motor starts to provide an alarm if the motor starts more than one time in six hours which would indicate a potential hydraulic leak.
What will cause an automatic isolation of the Feedwater Containment Isolation Valves?
The Feedwater Containment Isolation Valves will auto close on:
- CF Isolation Signal
- Associated Doghouse Hi-Hi Level
- Transfer of ASP to Local
What is the purpose of the Feedwater Isolation Check Valves?
The Feedwater Isolation Check Valves are on Unit 2 only, and prevent a rapid blowdown of the steam generator should a feed-line break occur between the valve and the containment isolation valve.
What is the purpose of the Flow Restricting Orifice?
The Flow Restricting Orifice(Unit 2 only):
- Used to limit main feedwater nozzle flow rate at high loads by diverting a portion of flow through the Auxiliary Feedwater Nozzles.
- Provides the necessary pressure differential to attain the desired bypass line flowrate.
- Sized so that 86% of rated feedwater flow will be delivered to the main feedwater nozzle, and 14% will be delivered to the auxiliary feedwater nozzle at 100% load.
What does using the Flow Restricting Orifice prevent?
The Flow Restricting Orifice will prevent high velocity flow damage to the Steam Generator Preheater section.
What is the purpose of the Steam Generators, and how many are there?
- The Steam Generators remove heat energy from the reactor coolant.
- There are four Steam Generators per unit.
What is the purpose of “Tempering Flow”?
Tempering Flow maintains water temperature in the nozzles and the connected piping at approximately feedwater temperature thereby reducing thermal stresses induced in the nozzle when main feedwater flow is transferred to the auxiliary nozzles.
What is “Reverse Purge” flow and what is it’s purpose?
- Reverse Purge flow is accomplished by allowing feedwater to flow, at a low controlled rate, from the CF nozzle through the containment isolation bypass valves to the condenser.
- Reverse Purge serves the following functions:
A. Prevention of water hammer in the steam generator preheater(Unit 2 only)
B. Prevention of thermal shock to the feedwater manifold and the manifold welds(Unit 2 only)
C. Prevention of a low temperature brittle fracture of the feedwater containment penetrations.
D. Prevention of water hammer in steam generator gooseneck(Unit 1 only)
What is the purpose of the Auxiliary Feedwater Nozzle Tempering Control Valve, CF-100?
Isolates tempering flow to all 4 steam generators when not required or on a feedwater leak in the Doghouse.
What will cause an automatic closure of the Auxiliary Feedwater Nozzle Tempering Control Valve, CF-100?
Hi-Hi Level in any Doghouse
What is the purpose of the Auxiliary Feedwater Nozzle Tempering Manual Throttle Valve, CF-105?
The Auxiliary Feedwater Nozzle Tempering Manual Throttle Valve, CF-105, is used to setup the desired tempering flow rate approximately 80-135gpm.
What is the purpose of the Auxiliary Feedwater Nozzle Tempering Control Bypass Valve, CF-156?
The Auxiliary Feedwater Nozzle Tempering Control Bypass Valve, CF-156, is used to pressurize the tempering lines during “Hot Restart”.
What is the purpose of the Main Feedline Purge to Main Condenser Valve, CM-839?
The Main Feedline Purge to Main Condenser Valve, CM-839, provides isolation when the reverse purge flowpath through the Main CF nozzle is no longer required.
What is the purpose of the Auxiliary Feedwater Nozzle Tempering Isolation Valves(CA-185, 186, 187, and 188)?
The Auxiliary Feedwater Nozzle Tempering Isolation Valves isolate the tempering line in the event of a feedwater line break.
How does a loss of solenoid power affect the Auxiliary Feedwater Nozzle Tempering Isolation Valves?
The valves will fail closed on a loss of solenoid power.
What will cause an automatic closure of the Auxiliary Feedwater Nozzle Tempering Isolation Valves?
- CF Isolation
- Associate Doghouse Hi-Hi Level
- Transfer to Standby Shutdown Facility
- CA Auto Start
- CAPT Panel to LOCAL
What is the purpose of the Main Feedwater Containment Isolation Bypass Valves(CF-87, 88, 89, 90)?
The Main Feedwater Containment Isolation Bypass Valves provide an isolation for the CF Nozzle Reverse Purge flowpath.
What will cause an automatic closure of the Main Feedwater Containment Isolation Bypass Valves(CF-87, 88, 89, 90)?
- CF Isolation
- Associated Doghouse Hi-Hi Level
- Transfer to Standby Shutdown Facility
- CA Auto Start
- Aux Shutdown Panel to LOCAL
What is the purpose of the Steam Generator Feedwater Bypass to Auxiliary Feedwater Nozzle Valves(CA-149, 150, 151, and 152)?
- The Steam Generator Feedwater Bypass to Auxiliary Feedwater Nozzle Valves provide a flow path when power is less than 15% for feedwater to enter the steam generators through the auxiliary feedwater nozzles.
- These valves are closed when flow is greater than 15%
What will cause an automatic closure of the Steam Generator Feedwater Bypass to Auxiliary Feedwater Nozzle Valves(CA-149, 150, 151, and 152)?
- CF Isolation
- Associated Doghouse Hi-Hi Level
- Aux Shutdown Panel to LOCAL
What is the difference between the Unit 1 and Unit 2 Steam Generator Feedwater Bypass to Auxiliary Feedwater Nozzle Valves(CA-149, 150, 151, and 152)?
On Unit 2 these valves are left open to provide the “split flow” flowpath to the CA nozzles.
What is the flow path through both nozzles for the Steam Generators in both Units when power flow is less than 15%?
- Feedwater flow is through the Auxiliary Feedwater Nozzles for both units at less than 15% flow.
- Flow through the Main Feedwater Nozzles is Reverse Purge flow through the Containment Isolation Bypass valve to the condenser.
What is the flow path through both Steam Generator Nozzles in Unit 1 when flow is greater than 15%?
Unit 1:
- Feedwater flow is through the Main Feedwater Nozzles.
- Tempering Flow is through the Auxiliary Feedwater Nozzles.
What is the flow path through both Steam Generator Nozzles in Unit 2 when flow is between 15% and 35%?
Unit 2:
- Feedwater flow is through the Main Feedwater Nozzles.
- Tempering flow is through the Auxiliary Feedwater Nozzles.
- The Flow Restricting Orifice does not provide flow through the CA Nozzles until approximately 40% flow.
What is the flow path through both Steam Generator Nozzles in Unit 2 when flow is greater than 35%?
Unit 2:
- At 35% flow the CA Nozzle Tempering Control Valve, CF-100, is closed.
- Split flow will begin at approximately 40% flow
- At 100% flow the flows are split 86% to the CF Nozzles, and 14% to the CA Nozzles.