Operating Procedures Flashcards
What are the Adherence Principles for Procedure Use?
1) Where there is a procedure that covers a specific activity, the approved procedure shall be used.
2) Understand the purpose, scope, and intent of the procedure.
3) Review the procedure before use to identify adherence issues. Resolve the issues prior to performing the task.
4) Follow the procedure in order unless specific direction is given to deviate.
5) If the procedure cannot be used as written place work in a safe condition and resolve the issue.
6) Activities plant configuration activities not covered by a technical procedure:
A. Qualified plant personnel are required to take appropriate actions to place the plant in a safe condition, Independent of procedures.
B. Configuration control is maintained by admin procedure, clearance, WO, etc until the condition is restored.
7) Departure from Tech Specs is accomplished using 10CFR50.54(x). This departure is made by an SRO.
What are the General Use Principles for Procedure Use?
1) Paper working copies of procedures shall be printed single-sided.
2) Perform steps in order unless otherwise allowed by procedure.
3) Numbered or lettered steps are performed in sequence.
4) Bulleted or unnumbered steps can be performed in any order.
5) Tables with valve verifications may be performed in any order.
6) Data sheets and attachments that need to be filled out prior to performing a procedure may be performed in any order.
7) Procedures may contain specific direction allowing flexibility with administrative requirements e.g. peacekeeping.
8) Prerequisites, initial conditions, and P&Ls can be performed in any order but must be done before starting the procedure.
9) The user understands notes, cautions, and warnings before proceeding.
10) At least one person performing a task shall be qualified or under oversight of a qualified individual.
11) After suspension verify the prerequisites and initial conditions before starting.
12) If necessary to correct handwritten information use one line through the incorrect information, then initial and date at the beginning or end.
What is “branching” in regards to procedure use?
Branching is used to transition to another procedure without returning to the current procedure. The standard term for branching is “GO TO”
What is “referencing” in regards to procedure use?
Referencing is used to perform actions in another procedure and then return to the original procedure to complete the task. Typically the terms used are: “REFER TO” , “IN ACCORDANCE WITH”, “PER” etc.
What two forms of identification are contained in an equipment label?
1) Equipment ID number
2) Equipment description
What form of equipment identifier must be a “hard match” when compared with the procedure?
The Equipment Identification Number must be a “hard match”.
What form of equipment identifier can be a “soft match”?
The Equipment Description can be a “soft match” when compared to the procedure.
What action is taken if a “hard match” is not obtained when identifying a piece of equipment?
1) Stop the procedure and notify the supervisor.
2) Positively ID the piece of equipment with the supervisor using plant drawings, device numbers, node numbers, walkdown, etc
3) Prior to starting, workers must concurrently verify the equipment ID, and verify on the correct unit.
When is a procedure required?
Using a chart from AD-DC-ALL-0203, if a yes is the answer to any of the questions than you require a procedure.
1) Does the activity affect safety related SSCs?
2) Could the activity affect reactivity?
3) Is there a potential for a radioactive release?
4) Is the activity part of a regulatory commitment?
5) Is there a potential for unit transient or impact to generation?
What is a procedure “change”?
A change is a manual alteration to a procedure that does not rely upon, or update, the current Electronic Document Management System(EDMS) revision of the procedure.
What is a “Technical Change”?
A technical change is a manual alteration via Temporary Change, Manual Change, or Restricted Change that otherwise meets the definition of a Technical Revision.
What is the definition of qualified individual?
A qualified individual is an individual who is documented as qualified per the qualifications database to perform the respective task at the time of performance.
When is an Independent Verification Required?
Independent Verification is used when there will be no immediate consequences if a mistake is made.
1) Use IV for all Safety-Related SSCs during the following:
A. System alignments
B. Placement and removal of clearance tags
C. Installation and removal of temporary modifications
D. Calculations used to determine operability or functionality
2) Other examples:
A. Reactivity balance calculations
B. Radwaste release calculations
C. Boric acid mixture when mixture could affect reactivity
D. Alignment of systems that could cause a radioactive release.
What is the Plant Manager/Engineering Manager responsibility(s) in regards to procedures?
1) Overall responsibility for implementation and effectiveness of procedure and work instruction use and adherence policies.
2) Overall responsibility to provide procedures and work instructions of sufficient quality to accomplish the intended tasks.
What is the Supervisor responsibility(s) in regards to procedures?
1) Ensure that pre-job briefs are performed prior to performing procedures and work instructions.
2) Review and approve non-conditional NA steps and out of sequence steps in technical procedures and work instructions.
3) Review and approve completed technical procedures.
What is the responsibility of personnel performing procedures?
1) Verification of qualifications before performing tasks.
2) Follow administrative guidelines for procedure use and adherence.
3) Know the procedure requirements before starting the job.
4) Perform all required actions contained in the procedure.
5) Understand the impact on the plant and personnel before performing each step of a procedure.
6) Verifying the expected response.
7) Stop the activity if unsure or expected results were not obtained.
8) Placekeeping
9) Request changes/revisions as necessary.
10) Obtain supervisor approval for NAs of non-conditional steps, or steps out of sequence.
What is a Working Copy?
A working copy is a hard copy, eWP copy, or ePP copy of the current revision of a controlled document obtained from EDMS or from an existing paper control copy that is used to perform work.
What is a Control Copy?
A control copy is a hard copy of the procedure which has been created from a copy of the issued procedure in EDMS or from an existing paper control copy AND is maintained in a satellite file location. Control copies are MAINTAINED CURRENT such that verification is not required prior to use.
How often do you verify the latest revision for a Technical Procedure while work is in progress?
For technical procedures, verify the latest revision of procedure within 24 hours of starting work and at least every 14 days while working.
What actions are taken prior to procedure use?
1) Review the procedure or work instruction for applicability and adequacy.
2) Identify the level of use.
3) Identify the sections of the procedure to be performed.
4) Determine if the procedure or work instruction can be performed per plant conditions.
5) Review the precautions and limitations.
6) Review eSOMS to determine if any clearances will interfere with the procedure.
7) Annotate the sections to be performed.
8) Steps that are known to be not applicable can be marked as such prior to starting the procedure.
What are the requirements for having the procedure when using a Continuous Use Procedure?
1) The lead person shall have a complete copy of the procedure and/or attachment(s) being performed.
2) The performers shall have a copy of the applicable page(s) in their possession at any location a step is performed.
What are the requirements for having the procedure when using a Reference Use Procedure?
1) The lead person shall have a complete copy of the procedure section(s), attachment(s), or work instruction being performed.
2) The performer shall have a copy of applicable pages/sections open at any location where a step is to be performed.