125VDC and 240/120VAC Auxiliary Control Power System(EPK/EPF) Flashcards
What is the purpose of the 125VDC and 240/120VAC Auxiliary Control Power System(EPK/EPF)?
The purpose of the 125VDC and 240/120VAC Auxiliary Control Power System is to supply control power to non-safety related equipment and the Operator Aid Computer.
What is the system designator for the 125VDC Auxiliary Control Power System?
What is the system designator for the 240/120VAC Auxiliary Control Power System?
What are the major system components of the 125VDC Auxiliary Control Power System?
- Two 125VDC Batteries
- Two Normal Battery Chargers
- One Standby Battery Charger
- Two 125VDC Distribution Centers
What are the designators for the 125VDC Batteries?
What are the designators for the Normal Battery Chargers?
What is the designator for the Standby Battery Charger?
What are the designators for the 125VDC Distribution Centers?
What is the purpose of the 125VDC Battery Chargers?
The Battery Chargers provide the normal power to the 125VDC Distribution Centers(CDA and CDB).
Where are the 125VDC Battery Chargers powered from?
The Normal Battery Chargers are powered from Blackout Load Centers:
- CCA is powered from LXI
- CCB is powered from LXH
The Standby Battery Chargers is powered from LXC
What are the local indications and controls on the Battery Chargers?
- Output Volts
- Output Amps
- FLOAT and EQUALIZE pushbuttons
What is the precaution associated with aligning a battery charger to a bus with no battery aligned?
A battery charger is not aligned to any bus unless a battery is connected. The battery chargers lack sufficient voltage stability to serve as the sole power source to a DC system.
What is the purpose of the 125VDC Batteries?
- The 125VDC Batteries provide backup power for the CDA and CDB Distribution Panels.
- They will automatically assume load on a loss of AC power or a loss of a battery charger.
- The batteries are normally maintained on a FLOAT charge.
What is the capacity of the 125VDC Batteries?
The Auxiliary Control Power Batteries are capable of carrying their associated loads for at least 2 hours.
Which Battery Charger is aligned for an Equalizing Charge?
The Standby Battery charger will be aligned to a battery requiring an Equalizing Charge.
When does “Cell Reversal” occur?
80-85% of normal battery voltage
Can “Cell Reversal” be corrected?
What affect can “Cell Reversal” have on equipment?
- Damage to the remaining cells of a battery bank.
2. Damage to equipment being supplied by the battery.