Diesel Generator Building Ventilation System(VD) Flashcards
What is the purpose of the Diesel Generator Building Ventilation System?
The Diesel Generator Building Ventilation system is designed to maintain the temperature of the D/G room within the minimum and maximum limits for equipment operation and personnel access for inspection, testing, and maintenance.
What is the system designator for the Diesel Generator Building Ventilation System?
What is the purpose of the Diesel Generator Building Ventilation Normal Ventilation Fan?
The Normal Ventilation Fan runs continuously when the D/G is in standby to maintain room temperature between 60F and 110F.
Where is the Diesel Generator Ventilation Normal Ventilation Fan controlled from?
The Normal Ventilation Fan is started via a local pushbutton on the Ventilation Control Panel located just outside the D/G room.
Manually restarted after the D/G is shutdown
What will cause a trip of the Normal Ventilation Fan?
The Normal Ventilation Fan will trip on:
- Diesel Start
- CO2 Fire Protection Actuation
- Emergency Ventilation Fan Start(one or both)
What is the purpose of the Diesel Generator Building Emergency Ventilation Fans?
The Emergency Ventilation Fans maintain the D/G room between 60F and 120F when the D/G is in operation.
How many Emergency Ventilation Fans are there and what is their capacity?
- There are 2 Emergency Ventilation Fans for each D/G.
2. Each fan is 50% capacity, and develops 58,500 CFM.
What is the power supply for the Normal Ventilation Fan?
Non-essential 600VAC MCC MXZ
What is the power supply for the Emergency Ventilation Fans?
What is the affect of having the Emergency Ventilation Fan control switch in the AUTO position at the Ventilation Control Panel?
AUTO - Emergency Ventilation Fan will automatically start when the D/G starts.
What is the affect of having the Emergency Ventilation Fan control switch in the TEST position at the Ventilation Control Panel?
TEST - A diesel start to the fan circuit is simulated starting the fan.
What is the affect on the Emergency Ventilation Fans with the Bypass Fire Protection Switch in BYPASS?
The Emergency Ventilation Fans will automatically start if the D/G start, and the fans will continue to run if running even with a CO2 initiation signal.
What will cause an Emergency Ventilation Fan to automatically start?
- Diesel Start(manual or automatic)
- Local Control Switch in TEST
- Local Control Switch in PURGE
What will cause an Emergency Ventilation Fan to trip?
- Diesel Shutdown
2. CO2 Fire Protection Actuation unless D/G Sequencer signal is present.
What is the purpose of the Normal Ventilation Outside Air Damper, and how is it controlled?
The normal outside air damper supplies outside air during periods when the D/G is in standby, and the outside air damper has been welded open.
What is the purpose of the Emergency Ventilation Outside Air Dampers?
The emergency outside air dampers supply outside air during D/G operation.
How are the Emergency Ventilation Outside Air Dampers controlled?
- The emergency outside air dampers open and close with associated emergency fan starts and stops.
- The outside air dampers are controlled by proportioning temperature controllers that modulated the damper to control room temperature.
- The outside air damper can be manually controlled when operating in the PURGE mode.
What is the purpose of the Emergency Ventilation Return Air Dampers?
The Return Air Dampers exhaust air back to the outside air plenum for recirculation to help maintain room temperature.
How are the Return Air Dampers controlled?
The same proportioning temperature controllers that control the outside air damper position control the return air dampers. The outside air damper and the return air damper work in conjunction to control room temperature.
What is the standby alignment for the Return Air Damper?
The return air damper is in the failed(open) position when the D/G is in standby.
What is the purpose of the Pressure Operated Backdraft Dampers?
The Pressure Operated Backdraft Dampers open to exhaust air from the D/G room to the outside atmosphere. The Pressure Operated Backdraft Dampers operate during normal and emergency operations.
What is the design of the Pressure Operated Backdraft Dampers?
Each backdraft damper is actually made up of 4 relief dampers.
What is the purpose of the Diesel Generator Battery Enclosure Cooling Units?
- The Diesel Generator Battery Enclosure Cooling Units are self-contained cooling units that maintain the battery enclosures at an optimum temperature of 77F to prolong battery life.
- Reduces the buildup of Hydrogen and other gases.
Are the Diesel Generator Battery Enclosure Cooling Units required for emergency operation?
What is the precaution associated with the Diesel Generator Building Ventilation System and the Battery Enclosure Cooling Units?
- A D/G ventilation fan should remain in operation to prevent accumulation of Hydrogen gas in the Diesel Building.
- Engineering has recommended that the fans NOT remain off for a period of greater than 7 days.
What is the system configuration in Standby?
- The Normal Ventilation Fan is MANUALLY started and maintains room temperature 60-110F.
- D/G Battery Enclosures in are in operation.
- Pressure Operated Backdraft Dampers operate to exhaust room air to the atmosphere.
What is the system configuration on a Diesel Generator Start?
- The 2 Emergency Ventilation Fans start, and the Normal Ventilation Fan is tripped.
- The Emergency Outside and Return Dampers modulate to control room temperature at approximately 85F.
- Pressure Operated Backdraft Dampers operate to exhaust room air to the atmosphere.
What is the system configuration in Test?
- Selecting TEST on the Auto/Test switch starts the associated Emergency Ventilation Fan(s), and the Normal Ventilation Fan is tripped.
- The Emergency Outside and Return Dampers modulate to control room temperature at approximately 85F.
- Pressure Operated Backdraft Dampers operate to exhaust room air to the atmosphere.
What is the system configuration on a CO2 Fire System Actuation?
- Normal and Emergency Fans will receive trip signal.
- Emergency Fans continue to run if the D/G automatically started and the D/G Sequencer is not RESET.
- Emergency Outside and Return Dampers will close.
What is the system configuration in CO2 Purge?
- To restart the ventilation fans one of the following must be performed:
A. Fire Protection Bypass Switch in Bypass
B. CO2 System Reset - On the local panel the Damper Minimum Position Control selector switch is selected to ON and the Diesel Engine Room Purge Control Start pushbutton is depressed.
- Both Emergency Fans will start and the Emergency Damper position is controlled locally.
- Dampers are position manually to maximize purge flow.