Main Power Distribution System(EPA) Flashcards
What is the purpose of the Main Power Distribution System(EPA)?
Supply electric power to each unit’s auxiliaries for normal operation and outages, and to each unit’s protection and engineered safety features systems during abnormal and accident conditions.
Supplies power to the Switchyard which is part of Duke’s electrical transmission network for supplying electricity to customers.
What are the major system components of the Onsite Power System?
- Main Step-Up Transformers(22KV/230KV)
- Auxiliary Transformers
- Main Generator
- Emergency Diesel Generators
- Onsite Batteries
- DC Power System
Describe the basic layout of the Switchyard?
- The Switchyard is divided into two electrical buses called “Red” and “Yellow”, located on opposite sides of the Switchyard. The “Yellow” bus is closest to the plant.
- The Switchyard contains the Power Circuit Breakers(PCBs) which are normally shut and are aligned in a “breaker-and-a-half” connection scheme. This provides more reliability and flexibility.
Who controls access to the Switchyard?
Access into the Switchyard for work related activities or operational activities requires permission from the Transmission Control Center and the Work Control Center SRO.
How many PCBs are in the Switchyard and how are they classified?
There are a total of 24 PCBs in the Switchyard classified as either:
1. Switchyard PCBs
- Switchyard Unit Tie PCBs
Where can the Switchyard PCBs be operated from?
- Switchyard Relay House
- Remotely from the TCC
- Locally at the breaker
Which PCBs are the Switchyard Unit Tie PCBs, and where can they be operated from?
Unit 1 1B Transformer - 14 and 15
Unit 1 1A Transformer - 17 and 18
Unit 2 2A Transformer - 20 and 21
Unit 2 2B Transformer - 23 and 24
These PCBs are normally operated from the Control Room, but can be operated from the Switchyard Relay House or locally at the breaker.
How physically are the Switchyard PCBs opened and closed?
- Opened with spring pressure.
2. Closed with compressed air.
Describe the design of the PCBs?
- The PCBs are filled with sodium hexafluoride(SF6) gas.
- The PCBs have a high pressure side and a low pressure side. The high pressure side provides SF6 for arc blasting/quenching.
- During a PCB trip the HP gas moves as its quenching the arc to the LP side through a blast valve.
- A portion of the gas on the LP side is pumped back to the HP side following breaker operation.
- The LP side provides for breaker insulation.
What is the purpose of the PCB Governor Switch?
The Governor is a temperature compensated pressure control switch that maintains constant SF6 gas density.
What is the purpose of the HP Gas System “Low Pressure Cutout” for the PCBs?
A temperature compensate pressure switch locks out the PCB from closing, and will trip the PCB if closed, if there is insufficient HP gas for an opening operation(for arc suppression).
What is the purpose of the “Low Pressure Cutout” for the PCBs?
The low pressure cutout will prevent the compressor in the HP system from maintaining pressure in case of a leak so that all SF6 isn’t lost.
What is the purpose of the Manually Operated Disconnects?
The Manually Operated Disconnects are used to manually isolate the PCBs in the Switchyard.
What is the time sensitive precaution associated with the Manually Operated Disconnects?
When the PCBs are opened, the PCB Grading Capacitors are subjected to full line voltage which will degrade the capacitors over time. Therefore when a PCB is opened for more than an hour, the manual disconnects should be opened.
To avoid damaging the Manual Disconnects when should they never be operated?
The Manual Disconnects should never be operated when the PCBs are closed. Disconnects are not normally designed to open under load.
What is the purpose of the Bus Line Motor Operated Disconnects?
The Bus Line Motor Operated Disconnects are located on the Main Transformers and the Switchyard to allow isolating the unit feeders(supply to the 22KV/6.9KV transformers).
Where can the MODs be operated from?
The MODs can be controlled from:
- Control Room
- Switchyard Relay House
- Locally
What are the interlocks associated with operation of the MODs?
- The MODs are interlocked to prevent operation if either one of the Unit Tie PCBs are closed.
- The MODs are interlocked to prevent closing when the Bus Line Ground Disconnects are closed, and vice versa.
What is the purpose of the Bus Line Ground Disconnects?
Each unit is provided with a Bus Line Ground Disconnect to ground the bus line when the unit is separated from the grid.
What is the interlock associated with the Bus Line Ground Disconnect?
Each Bus Line Ground Disconnect is interlocked with the associated unit MOD, such that both cannot be closed at the same time.
What are the design characteristics of the Main Transformers?
Each unit has two 230KV/22KV step up/step down transformers, each 50% capacity. They are each designed for 750MVA each.
How are the Main Transformers cooled?
Main Transformer cooling is provided by forced oil and forced air.
What makes up a Main Transformer Cooling Group/Bank, and how many are there?
A Main Transformer Cooling Group is comprised of:
- One oil pump
- Four fans
There are:
- 9 Cooling Groups
- 2 Cooling Banks
How many isolation valves are there for each Main Transformer Cooling Group?
There are two normally open isolation valves
What are the power supplies to the Main Transformer Cooling Banks?
The “A” Bank:
- Normal power - LXC
- Backup power - LXD
The “B” Bank:
- Normal power - LXD
- Backup power - LXC
How many Main Transformer Cooling Groups are allowed to be removed from service while online?
A maximum of three Main Transformer Cooling Groups may be removed from service without the need to reduce Main Generator output.
What is the purpose of the Main Transformer Cooling Group Power Supply Mechanical Interlock?
The interlock prevents having both the normal and backup supply breakers closed at the same time.
What type of valve is used for isolating the Main Transformer Cooling Groups from the Main Transformer?
A flapper type valve is used, and is held in place using a retaining bolt.
What is the purpose of the Main Transformer Oil Reservoir Surge Tanks, where are they located, and how many are there?
- The Oil Reservoir Surge Tanks allow for expansion and contraction of the oil in the transformer due to changes in temperature.
- There are two Oil Reservoir Surge Tanks located above the Main Transformer Casing.
How do the Main Transformer Oil Reservoir Surge Tanks prevent contact between the oil and air, and why is this important?
- The Oil Reservoir Surge Tanks have an oil-resistant diaphragm that prevents the contact between the oil and air.
- Air entrained in oil can cause corrosion, increased moisture, and lessening of the insulating properties of the oil.
What are the purpose of the Main Transformer Desiccant Dryers, and what are the indications/actions?
- The topside of the Oil Reservoir Surge Tanks are vented to atmosphere through a desiccant dryer mounted on the side of the Main Transformer casing. The desiccant dryers allow the tank to breathe without allowing moisture to enter the Main Transformer case.
- The desiccant color indicates moisture saturation. Healthy desiccant dryers should show a deep blue color in both site glasses. As the desiccant becomes more water laden, the color progresses from blue, to light blue, to pink, and eventually will turn white.
- When the desiccant turns pink a Work Request should be generated. When the desiccant turns white service is required.
How do we monitor Main Transformer oil level, and what interlocks are associated with oil level?
- There are three Oil Level Indicators, each with two level switches(SW1 and SW2). Switch 2 actuates a Liquid Level Relay.
- If 2 out of 3 Low Liquid Level switches actuate, that will result in a Transformer Zone Lockout.
Where are local gauge indications for Main Transformer oil level?
The local gauge indication for oil level is a LOW and HIGH mark, level should in between.
Where should oil level indication be for the 230KV Bushings?
The oil level should be the same between bushings, and between the 1 and 4 O’clock position.