125VDC/120VAC Vital Instrumentation and Control Power System(EPL/EPG) Flashcards
What is the purpose of the 125VDC / 120VAC Vital Instrumentation and Control Power System?
The 125VDC and 120VAC Vital Instrumentation and Control Power System provides a source of reliable and continuous power for SAFETY RELATED control and instrumentation required for the following conditions:
- Startup, normal operation, and shutdown of each unit.
- Blackout or Loss of Offsite Power(LOOP)
- Design Basis Event(DBE)
- Blackout or LOOP concurrent with DBEs
What is the system designator for the 125VDC Vital Instrumentation and Control Power System?
What is the system designator for the 120VAC Vital Instrumentation and Control Power System?
What are the major system components fo the 125VDC Vital Instrumentation and Control Power System?
The 125VDC Vital Instrumentation and Control Power System consists of:
1. Four independent and physically separated channels.
2. Each channel contains:
A. Battery
B. Battery Charger
C. 125VDC Distribution Center
D. 125VDC Panelboard
3. A Spare Battery Charger
4. Distribution Centers EDE/EDF have a backup 125VDC source through auctioneering diodes.
What are the designators for the 125VDC Vital Batteries?
- Channel 1 - EBA
- Channel 2 - EBB
- Channel 3 - EBC
- Channel 4 - EBD
What Channels of 125VDC Vital I&C Power makeup Train A and Train B?
- Train A - Channel 1 and 3
2. Train B - Channel 2 and 4
What are the designators for the 125VDC Vital Battery Chargers?
- Channel 1 - ECA
- Channel 2 - ECB
- Channel 3 - ECC
- Channel 4 - ECD
What are the designators for the 125VDC Vital Distribution Centers?
- Channel 1 - EDA
- Channel 2 - EDB
- Channel 3 - EDC
- Channel 4 - EDD
What are the designators for the 125VDC Vital Panelboards?
- Channel 1 - EPA
- Channel 2 - EPB
- Channel 3 - EPC
- Channel 4 - EPD
What is unique about 125VDC Vital Distribution Centers EDE and EDF?
To assure a high availability of power and to protect against loss of DC power due to a fire in the Control Complex, the loads that are required for plant shutdown are located on 125VDC buses supplied with two sources of power through auctioneering diodes.
What are the two sources of power to 125VDC Distribution Centers EDE and EDF?
- 125VDC Diesel Control Panel A
- 125VDC Diesel Control Panel B
What are the major components of the 120VAC Vital Instrumentation and Control Power System?
The 120VAC Vital Instrumentation and Control Power System consists of:
- Four independent and physically separated 120VAC Panelboards.
- Four independent 125VDC - 120VAC Static Inverters
- Four Manual Bypass Switches
- Two Swing Static Inverters
What are the designators for the 120VAC Static Inverters?
- Channel A - EIA
- Channel B - EIB
- Channel C - EIC
- Channel D - EID
- Channel A or C - EIE
- Channel B or D - EIF
What are the designators for the 120VAC Manual Bypass Switches?
- Channel A - EMA
- Channel B - EMB
- Channel C - EMC
- Channel D - EMD
What are the designators for the 120VAC Panelboards?
- Channel A - ERPA
- Channel B - ERPB
- Channel C - ERPC
- Channel D - ERPD
What is the purpose of the 125VDC Vital Battery Chargers?
- Serve as the normal power supply to the bus.
- Rectify 600VAC to 125VDC
- Can carry its own load plus the DC & AC Panelboards of a train related channel.
- Can charge the associated battery within 8 hours following a 1 hour discharge while supplying it normal loads.