Radiology II Flashcards
What is the most popular imaging modality in the US?
*this is on the verge of changing
If the pt is bumped during imaging, what results?
Big wave - motion artifact
What is one difference between Cone Beam CT (CBCT) and pano?
CBCT has NO magnification
Pano has magnification
What has more radiation dose, Panoramic or FMX?
*how much is the dose?
175 microsievers
FMX with Round Collimation and Film has 175 microsievers.
How much with Rectangular Collimation and Digital or F speed film?
1/5 the Radiation
What are the advantages to a Pano? (3)
What is the drawback?
one shot overview, less radiation, easy to take
less detail
Pano’s are fast and convenient but won’t show what?
Interproximal caries
PSP is how many steps?
Digital is how many steps?
2 step process
PSP goes into processing machine that uses what?
Laser beam
In Direct Digital imaging (the CMOS or CCD sensors), what fluoresces when exposed to x-rays and forms visible light radiographic image?
*this is on the active side of the sensor
Scintillator screen
What is on the active side of a metal oxide semi-conductor sensor?
What couples the scintillator screen (fluorescing) to the CMOS chip to reduce image noise?
Fiberoptic face plate
What is a Matrix of Individual Blocks?
What technology uses this?
Voxels (volume elements)
CT (computed tomographic scanning)
Voxels (volume elements) are made up of square images of matrix called ______
In either CBCT or a Pano, you need to put the pt where?
In the Focal Layer
What is the universal way to store/transfer images in medicine?
A Pano is made with what shape of beam?
Vertical, narrow beam
A Pano rotates around what?
Focal plane/Focal trough
Describe the center of Rotation in a Pano:
moves continuously as tube/receptor rotate around pt
The closer an anatomic structure is positioned to the center of the trough, the more clearly it is imaged on resulting radiograph
Film, PSP, Digital Receptors - which are similar?
Film and PSP similar
Digital receptor black box solid state
If the mandible is positioned Anterior of the bite block, what happens to the image?
If Posterior?
Rotate a pts head toward the Right, which side is minified, which is magnified?
Right side minified *rotated further away
Left side magnified
Excessive downward chin tip will produce what in a Pano?
Excessive upward chin tip will produce what in a Pano?
Too much “smile”
If a pts head is rotated in a Pano, which side is Minified?
Side in direction of rotation
What are the 6 standard Maxillofacial Projections?
Posteroanterior (PA)
Lateral Skull
Occipitomental (Waters)
Reverse - Towne
Lateral Oblique
Name 3 structures for which the Occipitomental (Waters) Projection is indicated?
Nasal cavity
Coronoid process
Occipotomental (Waters) Projection elevates the canthomeatal line ____ degrees
What projection is indicated for condylar neck and posterior wall of the maxillary sinus?
(also get in submentovertex)
Reverse-Towne projection
*head down, open jaw
What projection travels is taken vertically through the head?
Submentovertex projection
What projection is good for abnormal premolar/molar region and inferior border of the mandible?
Lateral Oblique (body projection)