Dental Anatomy IV- Quiz III Flashcards
Lingual cusps are more pointed than Facial cusps in the Maxillary 1st Molar
Describe the mesiofacial cusp ridges of the Maxillary 1st Molar
Describe the distofacial cusp ridges of the Maxillary 1st Molar
90 degree angle
Which facial cusp in the maxillary 1st molar is more angulated?
Distofacial cusp
*90 degrees
The Maxillary 1st Molar doesn’t have a Lingual Groove
*Occlusocervical Facial lingual groove
Describe the Occlusocervical Facial Groove of Max 1M
Delineates Mesiofacial and Distofacial
Slightly angulated toward distal
Which Root Surface has a 4 mm Root Trunk on a Max1M?
Name 3 features on the facial side/surface of the Max1M
Depression (at facial groove terminus)
Cervical Ridge (mesial 2/3)
Vertical facial ridges extending from cusps
Where is the Facial Depression in relation to the Cervical Ridge in the Max1M
Occlusal and Parallel to
*remember, starts at Lingual groove terminus (cervical limit of)
Where do the Vertical Facial ridges extending from the cusp tips in the Max1M terminate?
Cervical 1/3
Where is the Cervical Ridge of the Max1M?
Mesial 2/3
Describe the Lingual Cusp of the Max1M
Mesiolingual cusp - 60%
Distolingual cusp - 40%
Describe the lingual groove of the Max1M
Begins as Distal Oblique and slants cervically and diagonally until middle
Then, parallel to long axis
The mesiofacial and mesiodistal triangular ridges of the Max1M compare to the premolars in what way?
Not as inclined
What lines up vertically with the long axis of the mesial surface of the Max1M?
How does it get there?
Mesial Marginal Ridge Groove
Crosses Mesial Marginal Ridge
How many roots are visible from the Mesial view of the Max1M?
Which root is wider?
*Mesiofacial wider
The root trunk of the mesial view of the Max1M is shorter than the facial view (4mm).
From what view is the trifurcation concavity evident in the Max1M?
Describe the Mesiofacial Root of the Max1M
3 things
Extends facially in middle 1/3
Tapers lingually to blunt tip (apex)
Apex right under Mesiofacial cusp
What other surface can be seen from the Distal view of the Max1M?
Why does the Maxillary 1st Molar narrow distally?
Cervical Ridges flatten distally
Name the cusp sizes from larges to smallest on the Maxillary 1st Molar
Mesiolingual Mesiofacial Distolingual Distofacial 5th
What are the 2 major fossae of the Max1M?
What separates the Central and Distal fossae of the Max1M?
Oblique Ridge
Describe the Facial Groove of the Max2M
What facial cusp is wider in the Max2M
Mesiofacial wider than Distofacial
Describe the Cervical Line in the Max2M
Apical dip midway
*otherwise straight
From the lingual aspect of the Max2M, what angle is important?
Mesiocuspal Ridge to the Mesial Outline (which is relatively straight)
115 degrees
What is the mesiodistal width of the Distolingual cusp in the Max2M
Name the cusps that can be seen from the Mesial view of the Max2M
What cusp isn’t seen?
Distolingual NOT seen
How many roots can be seen from the Mesial view of the Max2M?
of 3
Describe the Facial and Lingual crown outlines from the Mesial Aspect of the Max2M
Describe the Mesial Marginal Ridge of the Max2M
2 points
No groove
Where are the Acute angles of the occlusal view of the Max2M?
Mesiofacial and Distolingual Line Angles
Which line angles of the Max2M are obtuse?
Distofacial and Mesiolingual
Where is the mesiofacial cusp?
Distolingual cusp?
Most facially and mesially placed cusp
Most lingually and distally places cusp
*More than others because of rhomboid
How many cusps are on the Max2M?
4 well-developed
What cusp of the Max2M is most mesial?
Which is most distal?
What cusp of the Max2M is most Facial?
Most LIngual?
What 2 Ridges of the Max2M meet closer to the Central Pit than in the Max1M?
Triangular Ridge of the Distofacial Cusp
Distal Cuspal Ridge of the Mesiolingual Cusp
What is the Root to Crown ratio of the Max3M?
List the cusp sizes from largest to smallest in the Max3M
What are the 3 major pits of the Max3M?
Mesial Triangular
Distal Triangular
What is lacking in the Max3M that would normally delineate Mesiolingual from the Distolingual cusps?
Lingual Groove