Denture Napoleon Dynamite Part II Flashcards
Premature, deflective contacts between artificial teeth cause what?
Movement of the teeth
What 2 types of guidance are definitely NOT part of a denture?
Instead of Anterior or Canine guidance, what are we looking for in a denture?
Balanced Occlusion
Balance Occlusion is both _______ (side to side) and ________
A goal of complete denture occlusion is to limit trauma to the supporting structures
Bilateral Balanced Denture Occlusion: simultaneous contact of upper/lower teeth in _____
*smooth bilateral gliding to ANY eccentric position w/in…
developed to lessen/limit tipping or ______ or denture bases in relation to supporting structures
Centric Relation
normal range Mn function
3 functions of Record Bases:
Support Wax Rim
Facilitate Mx/Mn relation records
Provide a BASE for Try-In
Mx occlusal Wax Rim ___mm
Mn occlusal Wax Rim ___mm
How much tooth should be showing on the Maxillary try-in?
1-2 mm
*protruding below lip
2 Planes that must be lined up to the Occlusal Plane:
Inter-Pupillary Line
Camper’s Line
The Camper’s Line, aka…
Ala-Tragus line
Once the Wax Rims are in, what 3 markings need to be made on it?
Smile Line
Canine Line
Measure the distance between the canines to determine what?
The size of the teeth
In order to establish a balanced occlusion we must transfer Mx/Mn relationship to the _____
Do this using a…
The facebow orients what 2 features?
Terminal Hinge Axis
The facebow provides the same relative opening axis on the articulator as the mandible has to the TMJ
Blind orientation, Without a Facebow, on articulator may result in what type of error?
Lateral Jaw Movement
Facebow record gives us Mx to Terminal Hinge Axis, and what else?
Mn to TMJ opening axis on articulator
Mn rotates in the Saggital Plane via?
Transverse Horizontal Axis
The true Hinge Axis is easy to determine
*esp in edentulous
Estimated Hinge Axis location:
Must be how close to the actual hinge axis?
What serves as the Arbitrary Location?
Arbitrary hinge axis
6 mm
Ear-bows (Ext. Auditory Meatus)
4 Reasons to Use a Facebow:
Cusped teeth
Balanced Occlusion in eccentric positions
VOD might change
Cusp to Fossa/Cusp to Marginal Ridge
If cusp to fossa or cusp to marginal ridge is required, what to do?
Use Facebow
2 Examples of Arbitrary Facebows:
Whip Mix
The Denar Slidematic Facebow needs a 3rd point of reference ____mm from the Incisal Edge using a Reference Plane Locator
43 mm
Denar Slidematic Facebow - slide shaft of bitefork through the ___ Clamp
Position the Anterior Pointer to the ___ Point of Reference
Whip Mix Facebow measurements: ___ mm higher/lower than Ext. Auditory Meatus
Naison rest ____mm above main bow
___ in the anterior
2 mm
22 mm
24 mm
Prior to mounting the Cast on the Articulator, the centric latch must be ______ and the Bennet side-shift set at ______
Vertical Dimension of Rest
*aka Physiologic rest position
How do we get patients in VDR?
m m m
emma emma emma
Vertical Dimension of Occlusion
VDR VDO difference =
Freeway Space
The Freeway space, aka…
Interocclusal Rest Space
The distance between the occluding surfaces of the Mx and Mn teeth when the Mn is in its physiologic rest position
Interocclusal Rest Space (Freeway Space)
VDR and VDO points of reference are usually where?
Chin and Nose
Facial measurements, Tactile Sense, Phonetics (emma), and facial expression are all ways to determine Physiologic Rest Position
The Free Way Space (interocclusal rest space) is usually what dimension?
VDR - Free Way Space =
What defines the Closest Speaking Space?
How much space is between the Incisal Edges?
when ‘ss’ words can be pronounced
*incisal edges 1-2 mm apart
Inadequate Interocclusal Rest Space:
excessive matl on Mn
*you need more rest space, take matl off Mn
Clicking teeth, facial distortion (tense/strained), difficulty closing lips, difficulty Swallowing, soreness under denture, increased ridge resorption
Inadequate Interocclusal Rest Space
*Excessive VDO
Reduced interarch distance, Potential damage to TMJ, Tongue space limited, Facial Distortion, Muscles lose tonicity, Angular Chelitis:
Excessive Interocclusal Rest Space
*Inadequate VDO
If Excessive Interocclusal Rest Space,
add more to the Mn
VDR is a ______
CR is a _____
Centric Relation is Mx/Mn relationship in which condyles articulate with the ________ portion of disks in the most _______ position against the slopes of the Articular Eminences
Centric Relation is ______ of tooth contact and is a __________ position
The occlusion of opposing teeth when the mandible is in CR
Centric Occlusion
In a Complete Denture ___ = ____ = _____
Centric Relation is a dental/occlusal relationship
*position of the Mn only
How do you record CR with proper VDO?
mark wax rims and do a bit reg
Facebow mounts the ___
CR mounts the ____
Mx incisors contact the wet-dry line to make what sounds?
F and V
Why is it important to have the front of the Incisors 5-7 mm in Ant to the Incisive Papilla?
*at wet-dry line for F and V sounds
If lips aren’t supported by the teeth, what sounds suffer?
Sound produced by Mx CI interface with wet/dry line:
Sound made by contact btwn tip of tongue and palate at Rugae:
P and B
F and V
S and SH
When mounting teeth in wax, the cervical portion should incline what direction?
Slightly Lingual
When mounting Mx LI in Wax Rim, the long axis is tilted what direction?
The cervical portion is inclined…
Incisal Edge raised ___mm from occlusal rim
Wax Rim: the cervical 1/3 of the Labial portion of the Canine should incline what direction?
Buccally (for prominence)
Mn Anterior tooth overlap:
*if using anatomic posteriors
1 mm vertical
1 mm horizontal
Use 1 mm vertical and 1 mm horizontal overlap for Mn anteriors only if…
using Anatomic Posteriors
Mn - perpendicular to occlusal plane
slightly inclined distally
slightly distal
Mn centrals
Mn laterals
Mn canines
Mn centrals, laterals, and canines should all line up with the occlusal plane
Anterior teeth Primary selected for…
Posterior teeth Primarily selected for…
Masticatory requirements