A community of persons more or less
numerous, permanently occupying a
definite portion of territory, having a
government of their own to which the great body of inhabitants render obedience, and enjoying freedom from external control.
the first and most important element of a state.
mass of population living within the state.
fixed portion of the surface of the earth land and water inhabited by the people of the state.
includes not only the land over which the jurisdiction of the state extends, but also the rivers and lakes therein, a certain area of the sea which abuts upon its coasts and the air space above it.
agency through which the will of the state is formulated, expressed and carried out.
The machinery of the state
The regulator and instrumentality of the state for authorities that obeyed by its people.
The implementer of state policies for the welfare of the people.
the supreme power of the state to
command and enforce obedience to its willfrom people within its jurisdiction.
Free from external control.
- Police Power.
- Power of Eminent Domain.
- Power of Taxation
the power of the state to enact laws and regulations in promoting the general welfare of the people and the common good in relation to the basic human rights of a person.
o Example : Statues; laws and ordinances
power of the state to take private property for public use upon payment of a just compensation.
power of the state to impose and collect taxes for public purposes
The__ imposes taxation to attain its
purpose and objectives.
__ is life blood of the government
– is the belief that God gave Kings the right to rule.
Divine Right Theory
it maintains that states must have been created through force, by some great warriors who imposed
their will upon the weak.
Necessity or Force Theor
the government is a
figurative father in which the government’s role and justification is by way of being a method of caring for and ensuring good conduct by the people within its area of
Paternalistic Theory
the agreement
among individuals by which society
becomes organized and invested with the right to secure mutual protection and welfare.
Individuals waived their liberty or rights for protection.
Social Contract Theory
- Protect and regulate the sustainable
natural resources of the land - Foreign Relations
- Develop business strengths and potentials
- Determine and enforce civil laws of
property and conduct - Implement and regulate fair and
responsible business practices - Provide public goods and services for thewell-being of the community as a whole
a form of government in which
the sovereignty or power resides in one person or ruler.
the ruler exercises
absolute sovereign powers. He is the chief executive, the legislator and the judge at the same time.
absolute monarchy
the ruler rules in accordance or
must guide by the body of rules and
customs which are generally embodied in a written constitution.
Constitutional Monarchy or Limited
a form of the
government in which the supreme power resides only to a few persons; whose privileges arises from birth, wealth, superior, wisdom or priestly functions.
Aristocracy and Oligarch
It can also be called as government by elite of the society.
Aristocracy and Oligarch
refers to the communal
ownership of all property
government acquired by force
and used from the legally constituted
power and authority.
De Facto
it is a government by right, lawful
and legitimate, with the general support of the people and its recognition of
De Jure
the power is centralized in
the hands of a single individual and exercise power and authority characterized by the
development and its political ideology.
can also be considered as a semi-
democratic system and a touch of
communism wherein they control the big companies for the welfare and interest of their economic activities.
the government is
centralized, conferring to the legislature all the power and authority of the State.
The __ is only titular in function; members of the Cabinet are also members of the legislature and the ruling political
party in power.
Chief Executive
a way of governance that recognizes some civil rights of the people.
Authoritarian System
a way of governance in which people have no rights. Their civil rights extended to them only as a promise.
Totalitarian System
a form of government in which
the ruling power belongs to the majority party. It is the government of the people, for the people and by the people. A country that has a government which has been elected by the people of the land.
It is a system in which everyone is equal before law and has the
right to vote, make decision etc.
the people govern themselves
directly and not indirectly through choses representatives.
the people select or choose
somebody to represent the interests of another, the chosen representative derives all the powers, directly or indirectly from thenmajority of the people and is administered by person holding their offices during pleasures,
for limited period of time, or during good behavior.
simply implements or
enforces the law
executive branch
modify or abolish the
legislative branch
generally interprets the law and
settle cases.
judicial branch
From __ to __, the Philippines was administered by the king of Spain through the viceroyalty of __ or ___
1565 to 1821
Nueva Espana or Mexico.
governing body of all colonies of Spain called the ___ was located.
Real y Supremo Consejo de las Indias (Royal and Supreme Council
of the Indies)
Real y Supremo Consejo de las Indias - This council was established by ___ to assist the Spanish king in managing the affairs of the colonies abroad.
Charles V of Spain
Real y Supremo Consejo de las Indias By May __, this council was replaced by another governing body for the Indiesby —
the Ministerio de Ultramar or the Ministry of Colonies
governor general was
appointed by the King of Spain and as the latter’s representative in the colony, he was also called as
vice-royal patron
Commander-in-chief of the armed forces in the colony
Chief justice/president of the Royal Audiencia
(Supreme Court)
Vice-royal patron or king’s representative with
power to:
a. recommend priests as parish priests and to intervene
in religious controversies.
b. declare war or peace with neighboring countries in the
c. appoint to and receive ambassadors from these
The __ or __ was the unit of local government during the Spanish period.
pueblo or town
Municipal Official was
headed by a local official called ____
popularly called ___
gobernadorcillo (little governor), capitan (his wife was called capitana).
Municipal Official capitan was assisted by four lieutenants:
- teniente mayor (chief lieutenant),
- teniente de policia (lieutenant of police),
- teniente de sementeras (lieutenant of the fields),
- teniente de ganados (lieutenant of the cattle)
the pueblo was
divided into barangays, each consisting of about __
King Philip II of Spain conferred upon
barangay head the title of __ to “show them good treatment and entrust them, in our name, with the government of the Indians, of whom they were formerly the lords”
cabezas de barangay
The barangay (from the word “___” or ‘boat) was retained as the basic political unit during the Spanish period.
Cabeza de barangay was headed by a
cabeza de barangay (___) To qualify, he must have a _____
and ___
his wife cabizana
good moral character and owned properties.
the ___ was responsible for the peace and order of his jurisdiction and for the recruitment of polistas or workers for communal public
cabeza de barangay
In lieu of these duties, the cabeza de barangay enjoyed some privileges which included non- payment of tax, and if he has served for __ , he was exempted from forced labor
25 years
____as defined by our present 1987 Constitution is the power to enact, amend, or abolish the law.
Legislative power
the sources of laws for
the Philippines came from different lawmaking bodies, councils and individuals outside and inside
the archipelago:
- The Spanish King
- The Spanish Cotes
- The Council of the Indies
- The Governor General
- The Royal Audiencia
The __ and __ during this era had even made the separation of religious and secular
functions difficult to identify
Union of Church and State
- Council of the Indies as an Appellate Court
- The Governor General as the Chief Justice
- The Royal Audiencia as the Supreme Court
- Provincial Governor as the Regional Judge
- The Gobernadorcillo as the Municipal Judge
This definition is a correct assessment
why politics matters but does not directly address the nature of politics
“who gets what, when and how”
(Lasswell 1950)
politics can be understood in terms of the dynamics of power in society.
politics is a groups and organizations in society compete to control resources for their own ends and
politics in general sense,
politics in Individuals,
“the activities in which people,
groups, and organizations engage in order to control, allocate, and use resources; politics also
include the values and ideas underlying those
Kerkvliet (1995) defined politics
views politics in terms
of power relations and defines it as “the constrained use of social power”.
Goodin (2009)
And the study of politics, whether by academics or practical politicians, might be characterized in turn, as—the __of those constraints and the techniques for the use
of social power within those constraints (Goodin
& Klingemann
study of the nature and source
the term “politics” is often
understood as “___”,engaging in the formation and promotion of
political parties and actively campaigning for candidates during elections to gain control of
political positions in a given body politic.
partisan politic
is therefore associated with power and authority in society.
is also used by power players or elite groups to utilize government resources for their own personal
and corporate interests.
is a legitimate form of power
usually understand power as the ability to impose one’s will on others despite resistance.
____ , for
instance, defines power as “the ability of an actor to sway the actions of another actor or actors, even against resistance”
Frances Fox Piven (2008)
The classical definition of power comes from the German sociologist of ____
who defines power as an “opportunity existing within a social relationship which permits one to carry
out one’s own will, even against resistance
Max Weber
refers to
the position of the person in the economic ladder of society–upper, middle or lower class–as shown
in his/her amount of wealth and income.
refers to one’s life chances or
position in the market as indicated by one’s credentials, level of education and prestige earned
in society.
Social class
Social Status
is founded on the personal traits and gifts of the leader.
Charismatic leaders in history include Jesus Christ,
Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, etc.
Charismatic authority
is one that is based on some sort of tradition handed down from the past.
It is a kind of authority in which the legitimacy of
the authority figure is based on custom.
This type of authority is that which the traditional rights of a powerful and dominant individual or group are accepted, or at least not challenged, by
the subordinate individuals.
Traditional authority
is the most common feature in modern and contemporary society. This authority is based on a
set of rules, and the belief in the legitimacy of the process of rule creation and enforcement.
is the most common feature in modern and contemporary society. This authority is based on a
set of rules, and the belief in the legitimacy of the process of rule creation and enforcement.
Rational-legal authority
characterizes Philippine politics as “anarchy of families” in which very wealthy families compete
with one another to control the resources of the
McCoy (1994)
is said to be concentrated on a few elite families.
Power distribution in Philippine society
Its argument, in brief, is that Philippine politics revolves around interpersonal relationships—
especially familial and patron-client ones—and factions composed of personal alliances.
The relationship between a rich haciendero or
landowner and the poor landless tenant is a
classic example of this relationship.
Patron-Client Relationship or Clientelism.
is the patron who provides medicines, credit, burial expenses, food and other assistance while the client is usually a landless
The politics of utang-na-loob (____) often operates under this relationship of clientelism.
became apparent in the 1950s-1960s, fell on hard times during the Marcos years when his machine was the only
game in the country, but have been resuscitated since the mid-1980s.
Political Machine
approach says we must also understand the role of violence, coercion, intimidation, monetary inducements, and the
considerable autonomy elites have to
manipulate formal democratic procedures to
their liking.
politics of “guns, goons and
gold” is associated with this type of democracy.
“elite democracy”
One underside of the close family ties of Filipinos in the Philippines is
is a political phenomenon in which the politically influenced families feel that other members have the right to
public office just because one of its family members or close relatives are elected in public office.
In patriomonalism, If the father is a senator, the wife aspires to be a __
or the son a ___
treats public office like a private ownership where politicians can transmit to their heirs their political positions.
is a product of extreme familism
or strong family ties which exclude nonrelatives or kin to access public position or office in the
political structure.
Political science
comes from two Greek words: polis for
____ , and scire, which means,__
“to know”
The French philosopher ___ coined the term in the 16th century. And another French philosopher __ (1689-1755) first
formally defined it a century after when he categorized the functions of government into legislation, execution, interpretation and adjudication of laws
Jean Bodin
defines Political Science as “the study of governments, public policies and political processes, systems, and political behavior”
The American Political Science Association
defines “Political Science” as “the study of power, authority and governance in human affairs”.
The Political Science Department of the University of Victoria
use a
variety of methods to attack questions related to political institutions and behavior.
Political scientists
Sociology comes from two Latin words: socius which means ___ and logos which means ____ . Literally, it means____
“study of partners”
is the study of social behavior, relation and processes.
sociology as a social science
It studies group-related behavior and tries to understand how societal forces such as culture, social class, status and institutions affect
individual behavior.
also studies the
social behavior, social structure and social relations in society using scientific methods
usually study preliterate or primitive and non-state societies of exotic tribes while sociologists, as mentioned, focus on modern and contemporary state societies.
also study politics, power,
authority and government primarily in non- state societies. They classify the political organizations of
societies into as band, tribe, chiefdom and state.
studies the production, distribution
and consumption of goods in society.
is the subject matter of politics.
studies inner forces within the individual that shape his/her behavior. It studies the ‘how’ the mind and mental processes and
personality affect individual behavior.
as an academic discipline is often defined as a systematic study of the past. The study of the
past is important.
According to__ (1970),
history is a study of human achievement.
E. H. Carr
History is significant to the political scientists as “___”
history is past politics and politics present history
studies how locations affect human
behavior or vice-versa.
Human geography
The French political scientist ___ pioneered the use of maps to explain regional political variations, a
technique of today’s electoral studies
Andre Siegfried
is “the science of law;
What jurisprudence lacks can be supplied by the empirical or descriptive approach of the social
sciences, particularly by the subfield of sociology called
sociology of law.
__ , the fundamental law of the land, for instance, acknowledges that state
laws must be consistent with the laws of God.
1987 Philippine Constitution
is actually the human
law or the laws created by men or women, with the exception in the Catholic Church where legality in the
Code of Canon Law is generally equated with morality
basis of legality
that body of rules and principles in
accordance with which the powers of
sovereignty are regularly exercised”
also called a charter in
the sense it is the framework of the type of government the people want to establish.
The constitution is popularly known as the fundamental law of the land and the basis of government. It is established by the people, in their original sovereign capacity, to promote their own happiness, and
permanently to secure their rights,
is to prescribe the permanent framework of a system pf governemnt, to assign to the several depatments their respective powers and duties,
and to establishe certain first fixed principles on which government is founded.
purpose of the Constitution
as the term denotes, is one has definite written form at a particular time, usually written by a
group of lawmakers tasked to frame the constitution such
as the case of a constitutional convention.
is one whose precepts are embodied in one document or set of documents.
A written Constitution
⮚ This type of constitution is not entirely unwritten as the name denotes. Unwritten constitution simply means that some parts of it are written and others are unwritten or
handed down from one generation to another through customs and traditions.
⮚ This constitution is usually a product of political
is an enacted constitution,
formally truck off at a definite time and place following a
conscious or deliberate effort taken by a constituent body
or ruler.
convetional constitution
A commulative constitution, by constrast, is a result of
political evolution, not inaugurated at any spciic time but
changing by accretion rather than by any systematic
commulative constitution,
is one that can be amended only by a formal and usually difficult process.
rigid constitution
is one that can be changed by an ordinary legislation.
flexible constitution
is also part of the law of the land.
is a type of law enacted or created by a lawmaking body like the Philippine Congress
⮚ there is revision if the change is substantial which requires a revamp or rewriting of the whole instrument. Changing the form of government, for instance, from presidential to parliamentary form is substantial and thus can be considered a revision
by revision.
The process to change the constitution begins with a proposal from a legislative body like our Philippine Congress or directly by the people to amend or revise it
The Proposals
❖ done by the direct approval by the people, i.e., by registered voters,
of the amendment or revision of the constitution.
The Ratification
There are three (3) methods with which a proposal can be
made for change, contained in the 1987 Philippine
- By a Constitutional Convention (ConCon) called for the
purpose; - By Congress, as a Constituent Assembly (ConAss), upon a vote
of three-fourths of all its members, voting separately; - By the people directly, through initiative upon petition of the
required number of voters.
__ and ___ were tasked to write a constitution. They decided to adopt the Constitution
framed in Jimaguayu, Cuba.
Isabelo Artacho and Felix Ferrer
its preamble reiterated the objective of the Revolution which was the separation of the Philippine from the Spanish monarchy and their formation into an independent state with its own government.
⮚The government that was formed was a Supreme
Council composed of:
1.The President
2.Vice President
3.Secretary of Interior
4.Secretary of Foreign Relations
5.Secretary of War
6.Secretary of the Treasury
⮚The council had sweeping powers of government which
included the power to
1.Issued orders and other laws for the security of the
2.To impose and collect taxes,
3.To raise an army,
4.To ratify treaties, and
5.To convene an Assembly of Representatives
- The official language was Tagalog.
- It was superseded by laws and decrees made by Emilio
The Congress was originally conceived by presidential adviser ___ to be an advisory body to the President. But another group led by ___ decided to create a constitution to form a government that would be recognized by the foreign power of which the body apporved.
Apolinario Mabini
Pedro Paterno
⮚The Committee on the Constitution received three drafts of a proposed constitution from:
1.Pedro Paterno
2.Apolinario Mabini
3.Felipe Calderon
It was the Calderon proposal was eventually reported to Congress on October 8, 1898.
November 29, 1898 the Constitution was approved by Congress and was immediately transmitted to
Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo
January 21, 1899, President Aguinaldo
promulgated the Constitution.
It was a Republican Constitution. (the first in Asia)
is a form of indirect democracy where the representatives are elected,
and the rules are set down in a written constitution.
constitutional republic
It is often simply called a “__”. The head of state and other representatives are elected but they
do not have uncontrolled power.
Composition of the Revolutionary Convention who framed the Constitution (most are elected while some were appointed by Gen. Aguinaldo):
a.40 lawyers
b.16 physicians
c.5 pharmacists
d.2 engineers
e.1 priest
– sovereign power was vested
in the people.
Democratic republic
It called for a presidential form of government with the
president elected for a term of four years by a majority
of the Assembly convened as a constituent assembly.1.Management of social services
3.Creation of an Army
4.Monetary system
malolos constitution
⮚The Features
❑It had formed a government that included the
1.Management of social services
3.Creation of an Army
4.Monetary system
5. Diplomatic activities
6. Government publication – to spread to the foreign
nations the ideals of the new republic and to ask for
support for its recognition