LRA-225 Final Review Flashcards
how many cranial bones are in the skull?
how many facial bones are in the skull?
what are the 8 cranial bones?
- frontal
- right parietal
- left parietal
- occipital
- right temporal
- left temporal
- sphenoid
- ethmoid -
what cranial bones make up calvarium or skullcap of the skull?
- frontal
- right parietal
- left parietal
- occipital
what cranial bones make up the floor of the skull?
- right temporal
- left temporal
- sphenoid
- ethmoid
define glabella
smooth, raised prominence between the eyebrows just above the bridge of the nose
define the SOG
- supraorbital groove
- the slight depression above each eyebrow
define SOM
- supraorbital margin
- superior rim of each orbit
define supraorbital notch
- foramen
- a small hole or opening within the SOM slightly medial to its midpoint
define the frontal tuberosity
large, rounded prominence in the frontal bone
what separates each orbital plate in the frontal bone?
ethmoid notch
what cranial bones does the frontal bone articulate with?
- right parietal
- left parietal
- sphenoid
- ethmoid
what forms the lateral walls of the cranium and part of the roof?
parietal bones
what is the widest portion of the skull?
parietal tubercles/eminence
what cranial bones does the parietal bone articulate with?
- frontal
- occipital
- temporal
- sphenoid
- opposite parietal bone
what is the name of the bump or protuberance at the inferoposterior portion of the skull?
- External occipital protuberance
- inion
what is the large opening at the base of the occipital bone through which the spinal cord passes as it leaves the brain?
foramen magnum
what is the meaning of foramen magnum?
great hole
what articulates with the depression of the first cervical vertebrae/atlas?
condylar portions/occipital condyles
what is the name of the joint that articulates the condylar portions/occipital condyles with C1 atlas?
atlantooccipital joints
what cranial bones does the occipital bone articulate with?
- 2 parietals
- 2 temporals
- sphenoid
- atlas/C1
what cranial bone houses the delicate organs of hearing and balance?
temporal bone
what is the name of the arch on the temporal bone that creates the cheek?
zygomatic process
what is created when the zygomatic process and the temporal process meet?
zygomatic arch
what are the three portions of the temporal bone?
- squamous portion
- mastoid portion
- petrous portion
what is the thickest and most dense portion of the skull (located in the temporal bone)?
petrous portion/pyramid shaped
what is the function of the internal acoustic meatus?
transmit the nerves of hearing and equilibrium
what cranial bones does the temporal bone articulate with?
- parietal
- occipital
- sphenoid
where is the sella turcica located?
sphenoid bone
where is the pituitary gland housed?
sphenoid bone
what are the 3 foramen that are located in the sphenoid bone?
- foramen rotundum
- foramen ovale
- foramen spinosum
what is the function of the superior orbital fissure?
provide additional communication with the orbits for numerous cranial nerves and blood vessels
what cranial bones does the sphenod articulate with?
- frontal
- 2 temporals
- 2 parietals
- ethmoid
- occipital
the cribriform plate is part of which cranial bone?
what is the upper horizontal portion of the ethmoid bone?
cribriform plate
what cranial bones does the ethmoid bone articulate with?
- frontal
- sphenoid
what forms the bony nasal septum?
- ethmoid and vomer
what are the names of the articulations/joints of the cranium?
what is the classification of sutures?
fibrous joints/synarthrodial
what suture separates the two parietal bones in the midline?
sagittal suture
what suture separates the frontal bone from the two parietal bones?
coronal suture
what suture separates the two parietal bones from the occipital bone?
lambdoidal suture
what suture separates the two parietal bones with the two temporal bones?
squamous suture
list the points/asterions of the cranium?
- bregma
- 2 pterions
- 2 asterions
- lambda
define fontanels
regions where sutures join and are slower in their ossification
how many fontanels does a child have?
what is another name for the bregma and lambda before they form into asterions?
- soft spots
- anterior (bregma) and posterior (lambda) fontanels
which fontanel is the largest?
anterior fontanel
the anterior fontanel becomes the
the posterior fontanel becomes the
the right sphenoid fontanel becomes the
right pterion
the left sphenoid fontanel becomes the
left pterion
the right mastoid fontanel becomes the
right asterion
the left mastoid fontanel becomes the
left asterion
define sutural/wormian bones
certain small/irregular bones
where are sutural wormian bones found?
lambdoidal suture
what are the three divisions of the ear?
- external ear
- middle ear
- internal ear
what are the structures of the external ear?
- auricle/pinna
- tragus
- mastoid process/tip
- styloid process
what structure of the ear covers the opening of the EAM?
define the middle ear?
irregular shaped/air containing cavity
what are the structures of the middle ear?
- tympanic membrane
- auditory ossicles
- tympanic cavity
what structure does the tympanic cavity communicate with?
eustachian tube/auditory tube
define eustachian tube
passageway between the middle ear and the nasopharynx
what is the function of the eustachian tube?
equalize the pressure within the middle ear to the outside atmospheric air pressure